Thomann : Classic Guitar 3/4

109.00€ - Ships from Germany
Ships in : delivery in 14-30 days

with Thomann
125.00€ - Ships from Germany
Ships in : delivery in 14-30 days

with Thomann
165.00€ - Ships from Germany
Ships in : delivery in 14-30 days

with Thomann
Description from Thomann

- Taille: 3/4
- Table en épicéa laminé
- Fond et éclisses en érable (teinte noyer)
- Manche en érable (teinte noyer)
- Touche en érable
- Diapason: 590 mm
- Largeur au sillet: 47 mm
- Mécaniques nickelées
- Couleur: Naturel
- Attaches sangle optionnelles non-fournies (N° d'article 213102)
- Conçue en Europe
Instrument : GUITAR
Department : Guitar : Classical Guitars
Sub-department : Classical Guitar 3/4

Brand : Thomann
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