Song List:
Awake glad heart (Mark David Boden)
Winter (Gary Carpenter)
The winter's spring (Phillip Cashian)
There is no rose (Phillip Cooke)
This night (Gordon Crosse)
O magnum mysterium (Joseph Davies)
This time is born a child (Cheryl Frances-Hoad)
These carols (Michael Zev Gordon)
Nowell sing we both all and sum (Kenneth Hesketh)
Christmas bells (Bernard Hughes)
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day (Thomas Hyde)
Ex semine rosa (Rob Keeley)
Wrapt in the silence (Matthew King)
Quem pastores laudavere (Daniel Knaggs)
The pilgrim's carol (David Knotts)
En Bethlehem (Nikolas Labrinakos)
Laetentur caeli (Pawel Lukaszewski)
Angels (Cecilia McDowall)
Balulalow (Edward Nesbit)
Gaudete (Patrick Nunn)
Ave Maria (Deborah Pritchard)
Advent carol (Toby Young)