SKU: HL.3744056
UPC: 073999440560. 6.75x10.5x0.607 inches.
Here's a fast-paced and powerful arrangement using the familiar themes from John Williams' â??Indiana Jonesâ? soundtrack. Includes Raiders March and Marion's Theme.
SKU: BT.DHP-1043758-020
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Singapore Rhapsody is an exciting work in two movements based on popular Malaysian folksongs. The songs that occur in the first movement are Rasa Sayang eh (a love song), Gelang Sipaku Gelang (a song about community spirit), Suriram (a song about a girl proclaiming her virtues) and Di-Tanjung Katong (a love song that takes place at the Cape Katong on the southeast coast of Singapore). The second movement features Lenggang Kangkung, which literally means “The swaying of the watercress,†Katang Lompat (a moralistic song about the symbolism of the frog) and finally Kenek kenek-lah Udang (a wedding song). Each movement of this enchanting work can be performed separately but acomplete performance will be the crowning moment of any concert. Dit tweedelige werk is gebaseerd op populaire Maleisische volksliedjes. De liedjes uit het eerste deel zijn Rasa Sayang eh (een liefdesliedje), Gelang Sipaku Gelang (een liedje over gemeenschapszin), Suriram (overeen meisje dat haar eeuwige vriendschap aanbiedt) en Di-Tanjung Katong (een liefdeslied dat zich afspeelt aan de zuidoostkust van Singapore). Deel twee bestaat uit Lenggang Kangkung (letterlijk ‘het zwaaien vande waterkers’), Katang Lompat (over de symboliek van de kikker) en Kenek kenek-lah Udang (een bruiloftslied). De twee delen van Singapore Rhapsody kunnen prima los van elkaar worden uitgevoerd.Jacob de Haans Komposition besteht aus zwei Sätzen, die auf malaysischen Volksliedern basieren: zwei Liebeslieder, ein Lied über die Freundschaft, zwei Lieder über die Natur sowie ein Hochzeitslied. Die beiden Sätze von Singapore Rhapsody sind nicht untrennbar miteinander verbunden; sie können daher auch problemlos getrennt voneinander aufgeführt werden. Bringen Sie mit dieser Rhapsodie etwas Exotik in Ihr nächstes Konzert! Singapour, la cité du Lion, est l’un des plus importants carrefours d’Asie. Singapour mélange habilement les cultures chinoises, malaises, indiennes et occidentales. La musique traditionnelle est l’image de la multiethnicité de cette ville-état. Les deux mouvements de cette composition s’inspirent de chants traditionnels malais. Le premier mouvement développe quatre chants traditionnels de caractère contrastant et contrasté. Le second mouvement est basé sur les chants Lenggang Kangkung (qui dépeint le gracieux mouvement du cresson de rizière), Katang Lompat (une chanson moraliste qui évoque le symbolisme de la grenouille) et un chant de mariage. Les deux mouvements de cetterhapsodie ne sont pas intimement liés. Il est donc possible de les interpréter séparément. Singapore, la citt del leone, è uno dei più importanti crocevia dell’Asia. Singapore mischia abilmente le culture provenienti dalla Cina, dalla Malesia, dall’India a quelle occidentali. La musica tradizionale è l’immagine delle molte etnie di questa citt -stato. I due movimenti di questa composizione si ispirano a canti tradizionali della Malesia. Il primo movimento sviluppa quattro canti tradizionali di carattere contrastante e contrastato. Il secondo movimento è basato sui canti Lenggang Kangkung e Katang Lompat, che, come d’abitudine in oriente, descrivono animali e l’ambiente in cui vivono legandoli a simbolismi, e un canto tradizionale in occasione di matrimoni. I duemovimenti di questa rapsodia non sono legati tra loro, rendendo possibile eseguirli separatamente.
SKU: BT.DHP-1043758-120
SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-020
The Golden Age is a programmatic composition in four movements. I Overture For the Netherlands, the seventeenth century was a period of great flourishing in the fields of economy, culture and politics; thus it is called the Golden Age. Overseas trade boomed, and the Dutch East India Company (known as the VOC by the Dutch) was founded and expanded to become a powerful -and, at the time - modern enterprise. II ¡Adiós españoles!(Farewell, Spaniards!) In 1567, the Spanish army invaded, led by the Duke of Alva. There was a fierce resistance against the Spanish tyranny; toward the end of the sixteenth century, the Dutch proclaimed theRepublic. However, the Spanish continued the war. Only with the Treaty of Münster in 1648 did the Dutch get their much sought-after independence. This was also the end of the Eighty Years’ War. III Rembrandt’s Night WatchThe field of culture, particularly literature, painting, sculpture, architecture, the art of printing, and cartography developed fast. It was in the Golden Age that the celebrated painter Rembrandt van Rijn created his famous Night Watch. IV The Admiral Overseas trade entailed the colonization of large areas in Asia, from where precious products that yielded lots of money were brought in. Surrounding countries were also involved in such practices. Colonizers poached on each other’s territories in the literal and figurative sense - in this context the Anglo-Dutch Sea Wars are legendary. The fourth movement starts with the English patriotic song Rule Britannia, after which the Dutch Admiral Michiel de Ruyter makes the English change their tune; one can even hear the roaring of cannons. When the smoke of battle has cleared, a small fragment of a Dutch song about Michiel de Ruyter appears, followed by a fitting closing. The Golden Age is een programmatische compositie in vier delen. Overtureverklankt de Gouden Eeuw, voor Nederland een periode van grote bloei. Dan volgt ¡Adiós españoles! over het einde van de Tachtigjarige Oorlog.Rembrandt’s Night Watch beschrijft de ontwikkeling op cultureel gebied: in de Gouden Eeuw schilderde Rembrandt van Rijn zijn beroemde Nachtwacht. Deel vier, The Admiral, begint met Rule Britannia,waarna de Nederlandse admiraal Michiel de Ruyter de Engelsen een toontje lager laat zingen, er is zelfs kanongebulder te horen. Dan klinkt een fragment van het Nederlandse liedje dat aan Michiel de Ruyter is gewijd, waarna een passendslot volgt.The Golden Age ist eine programmatische Komposition in vier Sätzen über das so genannte “Goldene Zeitalter“ in der Geschichte der Niederlande. In dieser Periode erlebte das Land eine Blütezeit des (Übersee-)Handels, der Kultur und Politik, es befreite sich von der spanischen Herrschaft, brachte Kunstwerke wie Rembrandt’s Nachtwache hervor und entwickelte sich zu einer Kolonialmacht. Die Aufmerksamkeit der Zuhörer ist bei Kees Schoonenbeeks spannender musikalischer Geschichtsstunde garantiert!Après une guerre qui dura 80 ans, l'Espagne reconnut finalement l'indépendance des Provinces-Unies néerlandaises, qui devinrent alors l’une des plus importantes puissances maritimes et économiques du XVIIe siècle. Cette période est connue sous le nom de Siècle d’or (The Golden Age) et correspond une phase de développement exceptionnel des Pays-Bas tant sur le plan colonial et militaire que sur le plan culturel, intellectuel et artistique. Dopo una guerra che durò 80 anni, la Spagna riconobbe l’indipendenza delle Province-Unite olandesi che divennero potenze marittime ed economiche del XVII secolo. Questo periodo è conosciuto con il nome di Secolo d’Oro (The Golden Age) e corrisponde ad una fase di sviluppo eccezionale dei Paesi Bassi sia sul piano coloniale e militare, sia sul piano culturale, intellettuale e artistico.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-120
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