SKU: BT.DHP-1115183-400
9x12 inches. English.
10 favourites from the Strauss dynasty arranged for instrumental solo with fully orchestrated backing tracks. Play along with your favourite Viennese classics and take your moment in the orchestral spotlight! Tien bekende titels van vader en zoon Strauss die je stijlgetrouw met de volledige orkestopnamen kunt meespelen!Zehn bekannte Titel von Johann Strauss (Vater und Sohn), die stilecht zu den vollständigen Orchesteraufnahmen auf der beiliegenden CD geübt und gespielt werden können. 10 thèmes brillants de la dynastie Strauss (père et fils) se distinguent dans cet album pour soliste. Sur le compact disc sont enregistrés les accompagnements en version orchestrale de chacune des pièces. Dieci titoli molti amati della Dinastia degli Strauss“ raccolti in questa pubblicazione dal titolo Play Vienna! Il CD incluso propone l‘accompagnamento di ogni brano inciso da un‘orchestra.
SKU: HL.48187075
UPC: 888680884185. 9x12 inches.
“Basic systems pour trompette (coll. Thierry Caens) vol. 6 : les chromatiques, les grands intervalles. Par Caens aux éditions Leduc. Méthode instrumentale pour Trompette&rdquo.
SKU: M7.AHW-1011
28 exercises focusing on finger reinforcement. Plus Trumpet Style and Development a Trumpet Lesson in the form of an Essay.
SKU: M7.AHW-222
Developing a good strong foundation is like building a house on solid rock. it is the most important aspect of mastering a brass instrument. One of the most important skills to pass on to young musicians, is to teach them the importance of technique and fundamentals. After years of teaching private lessons and clinics to young trumpeters, Eddie Jimenez has set out to write three trumpet method books that develop technique and fundamentals without forcing the student to go too high or too fast too soon. These three method books are designed as a precursor to all the great method books advanced players get to enjoy.
SKU: M7.AHW-221
SKU: M7.AHW-1015
A presentation of the fundamentals of trumpet playing - fingering, rhythmics, scales, keys, syncopation, phrasing - through the use of familiar melodies already a part of the student's memory.
SKU: HL.48187053
UPC: 888680883362. 9x12 inches.
Les Harmoniques naturelles.
SKU: M7.AHW-1005
From Irving Bush: 'This series of range and technique studies was written to assist the serious trumpet player to meet the demands and requirements placed upon him in this modern day and age. Results are attained through intelligent, consistent, and countless hours of practice. Spasmodic or erratic practice will only result in mediocre performance. Correct thinking and adequate practice are entirely dependent upon one another. The thinking period should precede the actual playing of the instrument. The proper approach is to think of how it is to be played and what elements are involved to play it successfully. Comments are made at the beginning of each series to serve as a reminder of proper procedures and playing techniques. Correct procedure is essential to good performance. The notes on the page are meaningless unless the performer knows how to perform them correctly.'.
SKU: HL.374359
ISBN 9781705150122. UPC: 196288016861. 9.0x12.0x0.1 inches.
A baker's dozen of hot hits are included in this collection perfect for new instrumentalists. It features online access to audio demonstration and backing tracks for download or streaming to help you hear how the song should sound then play along and sound like a pro! Songs include: Adore You (Harry Styles) • Bad Habits (Ed Sheeran) • Blinding Lights (The Weeknd) • drivers license (Olivia Rodrigo) • Kings and Queens (Ava Max) • Therefore I Am (Billie Eilish) • Willow (Taylor Swift) • and more.
SKU: BT.1385-06-400-S
ISBN 9789043125192. 9x12 inches. French.
Der Schatz an französischen Volksliedern ist endlos! Einfache Strophen, einfache Refrains, einfache Rhythmen - aus einfachen Zutaten ergeben sich unendlich viele Kombinationsmöglichkeiten. Diese 36 französischen Kinderlieder haben schon viele Generationen glücklich gemacht. Einige davon sind auch bei uns bekannt!Mit Klavierbegleitung auf CD. Des mots, quelques strophes, un refrain, une mélodie et un rythme simples. Si peu de choses, au fond, et pourtant, si diverses, toujours actuelles et jamais démodées ! Ainsi, les 36 chansons traditionnelles rassemblées dans ce recueil ont étéchantées par plusieurs générations d´enfants. Que du bonheur ! (Avec compact disc et accompagnement de piano).
SKU: M7.AHW-199
Scales and arpeggios are the essential musical building blocks for mastery of EVERY instrument. These scale exercises from the classic St. Jacome method, when practiced with focus and careful attention, will surely improve your trumpet playing.
SKU: M7.AHW-203
In Part I of this book we have analyzed some of Alex Sipiagins preferred practice routines as well as transcriptions of some of his exceptional improvisations and outlined a method to achieve this high level of playing step by step. Part II outlines some practice examples in all 12 Keys. The book is structured as follows: Part I: In Chapter I the fundamentals of scales, arpeggios, triads and other intervals are selectively outlined, along a short description of the materials. Chapter II contains transcribed motifs and alicks' from some of the greatest trumpet masters from the 20cl, century, Clifford Brown and Freddie Hubbard. Chapter III is following up to the transcribed materials with developments and modifications by Alex Sipiagin, which provides insights into the creative process he employs. Chapter IV contains an analysis of some powerful improvisations by Alex, displaying the materials from previous chapters in action. Part II: Contains all the exercises in all 12 keys.
SKU: HL.48187001
Caens Thierry Petites Etudes Sur Les Tonalites Trumpet Book.
SKU: BT.DHP-1165762-404
ISBN 9789043161992. German.
Hören, lesen and spielen, die Bläserschule von heute, zeichnet sich unter anderem durch Ergänzungshefte mit genau auf das eigentliche Schulwerk abgestimmter Spielliteratur aus. Zu den vorhandenen Heften mit Sololiteratursowie den Ausgaben für kleine Ensembles aus gleichen Instrumenten (Duobuch und Triobuch) gesellt sich nun Weihnachten, eine Sammlung von Liedern für die Festtage, die zu jeder Lektion des Schulwerks mindestensein passendes Lied enthält. Neben zahlreichen bekannten, schülergerecht ausgesuchten und arrangierten Liedern umfasst die Auswahl auch eineAnzahl eigens komponierter, sehr leichter Lieder passend zu den ersten Lektionen vonHören, lesen and spielen. Untermalt von den stimmungsvoll arrangierten Begleittracks, die im MP3-Format zum Download oder Streaming bereit liegen, wird so Anfängern auf der Trompete oder einem anderen B-Instrument selbst nachkurzer Unterrichtszeit die Möglichkeit für ein Vorspiel in weihnachtlicher Atmosphäre gegeben. Weihnachten kann kommen!
SKU: M7.VOGG-941
ISBN 9783802409417. German.
Um sich im Labyrinth der Behauptungen und Halbwahrheiten, zweifelhaften Anweisungen und Informationen über das Erlernen eines Blasinstrumentes besser zurechtzufinden, hat der Autor einen Ratgeber verfasst, der die verschiedenen Komponenten des Trompetenspiels in klaren und einfachen Abschnitten erläutert.Zu allen angesprochenen Punkten werden neben Kurzinformation und Problemschilderung auch Lösungsvorschläge angeboten, die im ganz konkreten Fall Hilfe leisten. Der Leser lernt komplexe Zusammenhänge besser zu verstehen und mit Problemen beim Üben in richtiger Weise umzugehen. Dabei umfasst die alphabetische Sortierung alle Aspekte, die beim Trompetenspielen von Bedeutung sind. Dieser Ratgeber verfolgt das Ziel, alle Lehrer und Schüler des Faches Trompete dabei zu unterstützen, die Teilstücke des großen Puzzles zu einem sinnvollen Ganzen zusammenzufügen!
SKU: M7.AHW-1048
High Notes, Low Notes, and All The Notes In-Between, by John J. Haynie, Music Department, North Texas State University. Inspired largely by Ernest S. Williams' Secret of Technique Preservation, this book contains textual material and studies on embouchure development, tone and the breathing process, fingering and tonguing, together with a series of tonality studies on each tone of the chromatic scale. Within each tone are studies on long tones, scales, trills, lip slurs, intervals, tonguing, chords. Widely used as study material in colleges, and considered an effective, systematic approach for preservation of technical abilities.
SKU: M7.AHW-1027
These methods are designed to deal with the trumpeter's greatest concern, endurance. In three parts: Part I covers position of mouthpiece, lip and facial muscles, soft playing, long tones, slurs; Part II - tonguing and articulation, striking/commencing the tone, two kinds of staccato; Part III - fingering and scale practice. Useful for players of all levels.
SKU: M7.AHW-1004
From the Preface 'Students, it seems, invariably do not understand the principles of warming up correctly nor practicing wisely. It is largely a case of 'Ve get too late schmart'. By this I mean that we spend an awful lot of energy playing rambunctiously and while this ebullient spirit is a good thing to have, we could direct it to better use. Instead of literally spraying the area with 10,000 notes, we should and could be ahead of the game by practicing a careful series of passages such as outlined by Thiecke.'.
SKU: M7.AHW-1053
In the introduction to 'Corners' Allan Colin writes: 'If you glance through these pages, do not be fooled by the diatonically simple configuration of notes. The challenge here lies in doing these exercises from top to bottom exactly as specified. The goal is to strengthen weak corner muscles which plague many trumpet players. In your effort to accomplish this it is imperative not to overdo it. As with any practice session where you are trying to straighten out a problem, the 'warm-up' and 'warm-down' exercises are essential The warm-up and warm-down exercises here are geared to prepare you for and relax you from this short but strenuous work-out.' This book is broken up into four sections, including articulations, corner 'close-ups', chromatics, and warm downs, each with an explanation of how to proceed to get the strongest embouchure possible.
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