SKU: AP.41238
UPC: 038081483689. English.
In keeping with the efforts of developing a curriculum that fosters Comprehensive Musicianship, this string orchestra arrangement of three of the most popular Renaissance madrigals, will provide your students with a peak into this period of music history that is frequently overlooked. Now Is the Month of Maying, Sing We and Chant It, both by Thomas Morley, and Fair Phyllis, by John Farmer, are basic choral repertoire found in most high school and college full SATB and madrigal ensembles. The string ensemble may perform the arrangement alone with the added Renaissance style percussion. Or, better yet, why not enhance the performance by adding an SATB chorus thereby sharing the stage with your school's most advanced choral ensemble? (5:00) This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: AP.33682S
UPC: 038081380346. English.
This well-loved carol provides a wonderful introduction to music of the Renaissance and includes many opportunities to work on articulations. A great first full orchestra experience and perfect for any holiday concert!
SKU: AP.33647S
UPC: 038081376783. English.
A fantastic and accessible introduction to music written in the late Renaissance period! This lovely transcription of a work for vocal ensemble includes unison and part playing for young string orchestra.
SKU: AP.45834
UPC: 038081526454. English.
The keyboard music of English composer William Byrd (1543--1623) has long been regarded as some of the most representative works produced during the late Renaissance period. The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book, the quintessential source of music for this idiom of the time, is also the source of the three Byrd titles included in this suite: The Bells, John, and Sellinger's Round. The arrangements by Douglas E. Wagner are richly scored to flatter the sound of ensembles of any size. Care has been taken to eliminate technical obstacles for younger players, with musically interesting individual parts a strong consideration. (4:25).
SKU: AP.45834S
UPC: 038081526461. English.
SKU: AP.44798
UPC: 038081517292. English. Traditional.
One of several popular dances from time of the French Renaissance, jouissance refers to a dance in which the feet stay on the floor, as opposed to one with leaps or lifts. This setting by Deborah Baker Monday has a driving pulse with attractive modal harmonies in the friendly key of E natural minor. All instruments have melodic lines. This arrangement also provides a great opportunity for teaching double up-bows and two-note slurs followed by two separate notes. The added percussion part will make this piece a great selection for festival or your next concert! (1:45).
SKU: HL.14008415
UPC: 884088808242. 8.5x11.0x0.261 inches.
This work, written by Maxwell Davies in 1983 for chamber orchestra, was commissioned to celebrate the quartercentenary of Edinburgh University. The first performance was given by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra conducted by Edward Harper in October 1983. Duration c. 29mins. This work was thought through in outline following a visit to the ruined pre-Reformation church of Hoy in Orkney, on a fine Spring afternoon after Maxwell Davies had played the harmonium for the tiny congregation in its large bleak Victorian replacement. The old church was surrounded by the graves of centuries, the more recent ones with familiar names, largely of people who lived in houses now ruinous - crofters, fishermen, clerics, sea-captains. Next to it stood the chief farmhouse, the Bu, going back to Viking times. He thought of the lives and deaths encompassed there, expressed through hundreds of years of music in the church, and in the big barn of the farm. The plainsongs 'Dies Irae' and 'Victimae Paschali Laudes' are used throughout the work - the first concerning the Day of Judgement, from the Mass for the Dead, the second particular to Easter Sunday and the Resurrection. These are subject to constant transformation - the intervallic contour slowly changes from one into the other, and their notes are made to dance through Renaissance astrological 'magic square' patterns. The orchestra consists of double woodwind, two horns, two trumpets and strings.
ISBN 9790543576940.
Nave was commissioned by the Arturo Márquez Extraordinary Fellowship in Composition of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). It is inspired by the Stultifera Navis (or The Ship of Fools) and by the book Madness and Civilization by Michel Foucault, in which the author explains that during the Middle Ages until the Renaissance, in some European cities, the madmen and the sick were placed on ships and thrown out of society. Exiled, with no place or course, they wandered through the seas and rivers, embarked on a symbolic quest for reason.
SKU: SU.50027660
Parts available on rental.Copyright 1990. Published by: Seesaw Music.
SKU: AP.48078
ISBN 9781470656911. UPC: 038081557632. English.
This title features Alfred Music's String Orchestra FLEX options. That means that every part in this set is now transposed into every other part, so you can play this title with any combination of like- or mixed-string ensemble. After purchasing this set, decide what additional parts you need to meet the unique needs of your ensemble, then download and print them for free at of charge. Using the notes of the D major scale, Dizzy Digits by Richard Meyer was written to improve early readers' finger dexterity and note-reading skills. Your students are sure to rise to the challenge of this fun, perpetual-motion style selection that is great for concert or contest. Start slow and increase the tempo a bit each day and watch those digits start flying! A great motivator for year one and two string students! Correlated to String Explorer, Book 1, Unit 8. (2:00) This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: AP.48077
UPC: 038081556475. English.
A Beethoven Celebration by Andrew H. Dabczynski is an arrangement that offers beginning strings an opportunity to play some of the greatest themes Beethoven ever composed. The opening to Symphony No. 5, a theme from Symphony No. 3, and Ode to Joy from Symphony No. 9 are presented as a medley that will bring depth to any concert program and significant growth to students' musicality. Correlated to String Explorer, Book 1, Unit 10. (2:00) This title is available in MakeMusic Cloud.
SKU: HL.14018690
SKU: HL.49013764
ISBN 9790001023245. 9.0x12.0x0.208 inches.
The important teacher of composition and church composer wrote this effective Neo-classical work as a tribute to the Renaissance composer Ludwig Senfl.
SKU: HL.49001698
ISBN 9790001023252. 9.0x12.0x0.101 inches.
SKU: HL.49027055
ISBN 9790001023238.
SKU: BR.PB-5105-07
World premiere: Bremen, February 1, 1982
ISBN 9790004208557. 9 x 12 inches.
Gesualdo, Don Carlo, Furst von Venosa (1560-1613) gehort zu den eigenwilligsten italienischen Madrigal-Komponisten der Spatrenaissance. Seine ungewohnlich kuhne, selbst fur heutige Ohren modern klingende Harmonik, seine chromatischen Stimmfortschreitungen, seine ubersteigerte expressive Tonsprache regten mich schon vor Jahren zu einer grosseren Orgelkomposition an und inspirierten mich 1981 zu den >>Sinfonischen Metamorphosen<<. Dieses Werk ist eine vielgestaltige weitausgesponnene Fantasie. Sieben choralartige typische Klangbeispiele aus Gesualdos spaten funfstimmigen Madrigalen (4., 5. u. 6. Band) werden teils streng, teils frei zitiert und von Holz- oder Blechblasern intoniert. Diese Zitate gliedern, als formale und inhaltliche Schwer- und Ruhepunkte, den Verlauf des gesamten Werks. Jedes Zitat steht zu Beginn eines neuen Satzabschnitts; die darauffolgenden >>Metamorphosen<< entwickeln sich als rhapsodische kontrastreiche Charakterstucke. Im >>Preludio<< werden aus den vertonbaren Buchstaben vom Namen >>Gesualdo<< (G - E - Es - A - D) schwebende Klangflachen, rezitativische Gedanken und ein pragnantes rhythmisches Paukenthema gebildet. Diese ,,Grundelemente (Grundstrukturen) tauchen im Verlauf des Stucks immer wieder leitmotivisch auf. Im zweiten Abschnitt stehen sich lineare Streicher-Episoden und dichte Blaser-Klangballungen kontrastierend gegenuber. Der dritte Teil lauft als Passacaglia (Thema ist der Bass eines Gesualdo-Zitats) in mehreren Variationen ab. Im vierten Abschnitt dominiert lebhafte Streicherbewegung, kontrapunktiert von tiefen Blaser-Signalen. Der funfte Teil steigert sich- nach kantablem Beginn- zum ekstatischen Trauermarsch. Abschnitt sechs stellt sich als >>Rondello<< dar, mit um sich selbst kreisenden Klangfiguren (in verschiedenen Tongruppen (zwei, drei, funf). Im siebten und letzten Teil wird die verhalten-resignierende Stimmung des Anfangs beschworen, ehe eine knappe Stretta in den hymnischen Schluss mundet. In den Textender ausgewahlten Zitatstellen geht es meist um Todessehnsucht, Liebesqual und Verzweiflung. z. B. 1. und 2. Zitat: Moro lasso, al mio duolo (Ich sterbe, matt, an meiner Qual) (6. Buch) 3. Zitat: Gia piansi nel dolore; o dolorosa Sorte (Schon weinte ich in Schmerzen, oh schmerzliches Geschick) (6. Buch) 4. Zitat: Ahi gia mi discolero (Ach schon entfarbte ich mich) (Wehe, der Tod kommt) (4. Buch) 5. Zitat: Dolcissima mia vita (Mein allerliebstes Leben) (Dich zu lieben oder zu sterben) (5. Buch) 6. Zitat: lo moro (Ich sterbe) (5. Buch) Dem Werk liegen zwar eine Reihe von dodekaphonischen Strukturen zugrunde (die teilweise von Gesualdos Klangzitaten abgeleitet wurden), doch sind die einzelnen Abschnitte auf,,tonale Pfeiler (G - E - A - D) gegrundet; das Stuck beginnt in G und endet aufD, ist also ubergeordnet tonal konzipiert, - der Versuch einer Synthese moderner Ausdrucksmittel von Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Die >>Metamorphosen<< sind ein Stuck Bekenntnismusik - Bekenntnis zum Leben und Schaffen Gesualdos, eines Mannes, der vom Schicksal gezeichnet war, denn der Chronik Neapels bekannt war durch die Ermordung seiner ersten Frau und ihres Liebhabers. Dieser eminente Musiker war zugleich ein Mensch von ubertriebener Sensibilitat und wilder ekstatischer Heftigkeit: ,,Er wurde von einer Horde von Damonen heimgesucht, die ihm keine Ruhe gaben, heisst es in einem zeitgenossischen Bericht. Seine Kunst und sein Leben stand unter dem Gesetz der inneren Zerrissenheit, zwischen Auflehnung und Resignation (Verzweiflung und Hoffnung), zwischen Zartheit und Leidenschaft. Davon will meine Musik etwas aussagen. (Jurg Baur)CD:Sinfonieorchester des Westdeutschen Rundfunks, cond. Rudolf BarschaiCD Thorofon CTH 2270Bibliography:Abels, Robert: Studien zur Gesualdo-Rezeption durch Komponisten des 20. Jahrhunderts (= Studien zur Musik 20), Leiden u. a.: Wilhelm Fink 2017, pp. 277-345, 485-489.Wallerang, Lars: Die Orchesterwerke Jurg Baurs als Dialog zwischen Tradition und Moderne, Koln: Dohr 2003.
Supplements from Arnold Schering and Heinrich Spitta Reprint of the Edition 1885ff., 18 Vol., summarized in 13 Vol. - Clothbound
ISBN 9790004800669. 0 x 0 inches.
Hrsg. von Ph. Spitta, Supplemente von A. Schering und H. Spitta. Reprint der Ausgabe 1885ff. 18 Bde., zusammengefasst in 13 Bd. - Ganzleinen CD Coviello COV 60717 Bibliographie:Nonnenmann Rainer: ,,Des Wider-Spannstigen Fugung. Zur Musik von Cornelius Schwehr Saarbrucken: Pfau 2005 (= fragmen Heft 46)
Nonnenmann Rainer: ,,Des Wider-Spannstigen Fugung. Zur Musik von Cornelius Schwehr Saarbrucken: Pfau 2005 (= fragmen Heft 46)
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