SKU: CF.B3479
ISBN 9781491163337. UPC: 680160922123.
SKU: PR.114419280
ISBN 9781491132357. UPC: 680160676125.
Inspired by Chinese tradition, this concerto-like dance suite includes: 1. Lion Dance, 2. YangKo, and 3. Muqam. Each movement draws from melodies and rhythms characteristic of various regions of China many centuries ago. CHINESE FOLK DANCE SUITE is available for violin with full orchestra, or as a recital work with piano.Supported by a major commissioning award from the Serge Koussevitzky Music Foundation in the Library of Congress, Chinese Folk Dance Suite is written for solo violin and orchestra; it was premiered by The Women’s Philharmonic with violin soloist Terrie Baune, conducted by Apo Hsu, on March 10, 2001, at Yerba Buena Center For the Arts Theater in San Francisco.Inspired by various Chinese traditional folk dances, the suite has three movements:I. Lion Dance. Traditionally, people dance with richly decorated hand-made lions, accompanied by percussion ensemble, to celebrate happy occasions and major festivals throughout the country. In this composition, I use Chinese drum and other percussion instruments in the background, to form a dynamic and rhythmic texture responding to the solo part, which imitates the tunes played on the suona (traditional Chinese trumpet). The pitch materials came from the traditional Guangdong tune “Dragon Boat Racing,†and the Chaozhou tune “Lion Playing Ball.â€II. YangKo. Originating in northern China, this is a major folk dance form in mass performance popularized in the country. In YangKo performance, people play rhythmic patterns on the drums hung around their waists while singing and dancing. In the second movement, I imagined a warm scene of YangKo dancing in distance. The solo violin plays a sweet and gracious melodic line while all members of the orchestra sing non-pitched syllables in different layers as the soft background, to imitate the percussion sound which produces the ever-going pulse.III. Muqam. This large-scale music and dance form, from the Uygur nationality in Xinjiang province, originated in the 15th century. My third movement use a 7/8 meter and the melodic style of Muqam music. The fiery dancing gesture culminates in the sustained climax section at the end of the work, after a colorful violin cadenza in both improvisational singing style and polyphonic writing with woven lines.
SKU: HL.48185463
UPC: 888680834968. 9.0x12.0x0.147 inches.
Famous pieces by G. F. Handel for Eb Alto Saxophone and Piano ? Vol. 2 is an anthology of four pieces arranged for Alto Saxophone and Piano by Marcel Mule. This second book features four sonatas, all composed initially by G. F. Handel and part of the collection ?Saxophone Classics? by Mule. - First sonata: Flute and Piano - Second sonata: Violin and Piano - Fourth sonata: Flute and Piano - Sixth sonata: Violin and Piano Each sonata should be played separately and their level of difficulty is quite challenging, which would match the abilities of upper intermediate / advanced players who have mastered their breathing. Marcel Mule (1901-2001) is one of the greatest French saxophonists, renowned worldwide for his work on the classical Saxophone repertoire. He was teaching his students how to obtain a good quality of sound and believed it was dependent on the embouchure, the emission, the mastery of vibrato and thus of breathing. He wrote different methods that focus on technique, articulation and tone productions such as 'Dix-huit Exercices ou Etudes', 'Exercices Journaliers d?apres Terschack' or '30 Grands Exercices ou Etudes d?apres Soussmann' (in two books), among others..
SKU: HL.978474
ISBN 9781638871361. UPC: 196288090922. 9.0x12.0x0.102 inches.
This one of a kind album pairs two of the most performed Ave Maria's for violin and piano, meticulously edited by Jascha Heifetz' protege, Endre Granat. The first of these is Schubert's melody, which was originally composed as a setting of a song from Walter Scott's popular narrative poem The Lady of the Lake, titled, “Ellen's Third Song” (Ellens dritter Gesang). The opening words and refrain of Ellen's song, namely “Ave Maria” (Latin for “Hail Mary”), may have led to the idea of adapting Schubert's melody as a setting for the full text of the traditional Roman Catholic prayer. The Latin version of the song is now so frequently used with Schubert's melody that it has led to the misconception that he originally wrote the melody as a setting for the “Ave Maria.” The second Ave Maria in this collection was created when Gounod famously improvised the melody over the background of J.S. Bach's Prelude No. 1 in C major, BWV 846, from The Well-Tempered Clavier. Gounod's beatiful improvisation was transcribed by his future father-in-law Pierre-Joseph-Guillaume Zimmermann, which was published with the Bach keyboard accompaniment in 1835 under the title “Méditation sur le Premier Prélude de Piano de S. Bach.” Alongside Schubert's version, the Bach/Gounod Ave Maria has become a fixture at funerals, wedding masses, and quinceañeras. Both works have been recorded hundreds of times during the twentieth century.
SKU: PR.414411630
ISBN 9781491114551. UPC: 680160089956. 9.5 x 13 inches.
EXCURSIONS is a one-movement work exploring two “characters.†A rhapsodic, descending passage is introduced by the cello, followed by a static, chorale-like phrase for the violin and cello. Their individual developments are separated by a slow, contrasting middle section. The composer has written: “This is analogous to situations in life: we stand by a crossroad, choosing one option and forfeiting the other. But in art, the realm of the imagination, we can perhaps afford to pursue more than one route to its ultimate destination… or can we? It is symbolic that in this work both roads eventually lead to the same place.â€.Excursions for violin, cello and piano, is a one-movement work of tripartite structure in which materials explored in the first of three large sections are brought back in the last section. The traditional statement-contrast-restatement form, which is readily suggested by such a description, is, however, not at all in the mold in which the work is cast. Rather, my aim was to subject the essential materials of the piece (two “characters†–the rhapsodic, descending passage played by the cello in the very opening and, later, a static, slow moving, chorale-like phrase for the violin and cello) to two entirely different developments separated by a slow, contrasting middle section. This is analogous to an exploration of the ramifications that two divergent choices made by the same person might lead to. In life, as we stand by a crossroad, choosing one option usually means having to forfeit the other. But in art, the realm of the imagination, we can perhaps afford to pursue more than one route to its ultimate destination…or can we? It is, I believe, symbolic that in this work both roads eventually lead to the same place: in composing Excursions, it seemed absolutely inescapable that at the end the slow, contrasting middle sections – both more resigned and peaceful than the battling spirits of the outer parts – should return briefly to end the work. The piano trio combination (once highly favored, but to this composer still as challenging today) is approached here as a collaborative effort of three equal soloists – partners. Of the available pairings, the two strings find themselves occasionally approached as a team pitted against the piano. The cello-piano combination is also not uncommon here, and there is an extended violin cadenza toward the end of the piece. The writing for the three instruments is closely and at times interlinked, but the players are all instructed to play from scores. Excursions was first performed at Brandeis University in 1982.
SKU: HL.49017964
ISBN 9790001152938. 9.25x12.0x0.325 inches. German.
Es war 1996, als mir Christoph Poppen, der damalige Leiter des Munchener Kammerorchesters, von einem kuriosen Konzert in Munsing (Ammerland) erzahlte: wahrend eines seiner Konzerte mit dem Orchester in der dortigen Kirche gab es, fur alle hor- und sichtbar, eines der grossten Unwetter, das die Region je gesehen hatte. Dabei schlug der Blitz ein in eine Art Wahrzeichen des Ortes, eine mehrere Jahrhunderte alte Linde. Unter den Zuhorern damals: die dort lebende Dichterin und Schriftstellerin Diana Kempff. Sie war unmittelbar erschuttert vom Tod der Linde und schrieb unter diesem Eindruck einige Gedichte. Christoph Poppen wiederum war - wie in vielen anderen Zusammenhangen auch - genialer Vermittler und stellte alsbald den Kontakt zu mir her. Die Idee: am Ort des Geschehens, in der Munsinger Kirche, solle ein Jahr spater die Urauffuhrung einer Art Requiem fur diesen Baum, der so vieles 'gesehen' hatte, erklingen. Im Rahmen der Holzhauser Musiktagen mit den Texten von Diana Kempff und meiner (noch zu schreibenden) Musik.Es gab bald eine wunderbare, sehr intensive Begegnung von Diana Kempff und mir, bei der sie etwas fur Schriftsteller nicht gerade Typisches tat: sie stellte mir frei, aus den vorliegenden Gedichten nach Belieben lediglich Teile, sogar nur Zeilenfragmente zu verwenden und auch die Reihenfolge nach meinen Bedurfnissen anzuordnen und zu gestalten. Sie begriff sofort (und wunschte!), dass durch die Musik ohnehin etwas Drittes, etwas ganz Anderes entstehen wurde. Die Tatsache, dass wir Monate spater eine sichtlich bewegte Diana Kempff auf die Buhne holen durfte, freute uns alle besonders. Ihre Lyrik ist Ausdruck einer offenkundig zutiefst gequalten Seele und kommt uns oft wunderlich-versponnen entgegen. Einer zerbrechlichen Zartheit steht eine bisweilen fast brutale Harte unversohnlich gegenuber. Das Schubert'sche 'Fremd bin ich eingezogen' gilt fur sie in besonderer Weise und aussert sich in ihren Versen in einer Nahe zu allem Fremden (trotz des gleichzeitigen manischen Umkreisens des Eigenen und der eigenen Erinnerung), Abseitigen und auch (bei aller gleichzeitigen Skepsis) Ubernaturlichen. Dieses geisterhaft-spukige Element versuchte ich durch meine Textauswahl und mit musikalischen Mitteln in diesen nun 'Sieben Abgesangen' zu verdeutlichen. Das erste Stuck ist eine karge Studie uber das Verrinnen der Zeit, das Nichts; das Zweite beschwort den Regen (den heilbringenden) herbei, der dann spater - wenngleich mit entsetzlicher Wirkung - auch kommt. Den dritten Abgesang habe ich 'Tanz der toten Seelen' betitelt; es ist ein Zwiefacher, der jedoch durch seine duster-halbseidene 'Wiener' Chromatik alles Liebenswurdig-Oberbayerische langst verloren hat. Das klanglich vielleicht avancierteste und dichteste Stuck ist der vierte Abgesang, der ganz aus der Perspektive der Linde selbst erzahlt wird. Der funfte Abgesang zu den Worten 'Und wenn der Tod so kommen mag' ist im Stile einer traurigen Volksweise bewusst schlicht gehalten. Wahrend der sechste Satz in seinem expressionistischen Gestus nicht ungefahrlich das Monodram streift, ist es schliesslich die Seele (die ausgehauchte, die weiterexistierende?), die wortlich den letzten Abgesang uber die Baume und die Seelen pragt. Diana Kempffs Gedichte, der Enthusiasmus Christoph Poppens, die phantastischen Urauffuhrungs-Interpreten, allen voran die Sangerin Juliane Banse, haben mich zur Komposition dieser 'Sieben Abgesange auf eine tote Linde' angeregt.Die 'Sieben Abgesange' sind nunmehr auch eine Erinnerung an die erst jungst verstorbene Diana Kempff. Jorg Widmann,im Juni 2008.
SKU: BT.AMP-351-400
ISBN 9789043138697. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Philip Sparke’s Super Solos is the third volume of a progressive series of solo books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Following on from the first two books in the series (Starter Solos and Skilful Solos) this collection generally contains longer pieces suitable for the developing young musicians. Specifically tailored for each instrument, Super Solos extends technical and musical demands, takes the player into new keys with larger instrumental ranges and adds new notes in a gradual and logical manner.The books provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method. Including play-along CD.Na Starter Solos en Skilful Solos sluit Philip Spark deze reeks met het nieuw verschenen boek Super Solos. De solos in deze boeken zijn qua mogelijkheden en moeilijkheidsgraad perfect toegesneden op het betreffende instrument.Bovendien vult het de vorige uitgaven in deze reeks gestructureerd aan, waardoor het de instrumentalist een zinvol en motiverend vervolg biedt. Elk boek bevat een cd met begeleiding. Het voordeel hiervan is dat jonge muzikanten de belangrijkeaspecten van het samenspel al vanaf het begin kunnen ervaren. Zo ontwikkelen ze essentiële vaardigheden, zoals het luisteren tijdens het spelen en het handhaven van een strak tempo.Nach STARTER SOLOS und SKILFUL SOLOS vollendete Philip Sparke seine Reihe Solobücher mit SUPER SOLOS. Die Soli in jedem Buch sind genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des jeweiligen Instruments zugeschnitten, im Schwierigkeitsgrad angepasstund schaffen somit einen Rahmen, in dem sich Instrumentalschüler neue Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge aneignen können. Dank der im Buch und auf CD enthaltenen Klavierbegleitung lernen sie außerdem wichtige Aspekte des Ensemblespiels.SUPER SOLOS für fortgeschrittene Schüler hält mitreißende Stücke parat, mit denen neue technische und musikalische Schwierigkeiten gemeistert und ein größerer Tonumfang sowie neue Tonarten gelernt werden können.
Inhalt: Little Overture - Berceuse - March of the Toy Soldiers - Air and Variations - Chicago Blues - Moto Perpetuo - Song of Farewell - Promenade - September Song - Scherzo Finale
Composed by Reynaldo Hahn, Romance in A major is a chamber piece for Violin and Piano, for upper-intermediate players. This melodious piece is written in one main movement and is perfect for a recital. Starting Très modéré withthe main theme, the piece later become quieter calme with some variations of this main theme. Really romantic, it is sometimes indicated which string to play and the Piano accompanies the Violin with some flawless arpeggiatedsemiquavers. Reynaldo Hahn was a naturalised French composer, conductor, theatre director and singer. Best known as a composer of songs, he also wrote many pieces and melodies for different instruments.
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