SKU: BT.DHP-1053889-400
ISBN 9789043122610. 9x12 inches. Dutch.
In dit boek staan nieuw gecomponeerde muziekstukken die je kunt gebruiken voor je A-examen. Bekende componisten van blaasmuziek zijn hiervoor speciaal achter de componeertafel (eigenlijk de componeercomputer) gaan zitten en bedachtendit nieuwe repertoire: een uitgebreide keuze van geschikte muziek die je tijdens het A-examen en in de voorbereidingstijd daar naartoe kunt spelen. Natuurlijk kun je deze muziek ook spelen bij andere gelegenheden, bijvoorbeeldals je voorspeelt in de muziekschool, bij de muziekvereniging of tijdens een solistenconcours.Er zijn stukken mét en zonder pianobegeleiding. Je kunt jezelf dus solistisch presenteren, maar ook samen met een pianist. Voor je examenstudeer je minstens twee stukken in met begeleiding (samenspel) en twee zonder begeleiding. Misschien kun je bepaalde stukken of gedeelten ervan zelfs uit het hoofd spelen. Probeer het maar eens!Op de bijbehorende cd hoor je hoede muziek klinkt als die vertolkt wordt door een beroemde blazer. Goed voorbeeld doet goed volgen, maar verlies je eigen interpretatie daarbij niet uit het oog.Ook de pianobegeleidingen staan op de cd. Dat is handig als je docentgeen piano speelt. Maar helemaal ‘echt’ wordt het als je docent of een andere pianist de pianobegeleidingen speelt. Daarom hebben we ze in dit boek afgedrukt.Achter in het boek staan een aantal stukjes ‘prima vista melodie’. Daarmeekun je het ‘van blad lezen’ oefenen. Dat is belangrijk, want in je orkest krijg je ook steeds nieuwe muziekstukken en dan komt het ‘van blad lezen’ goed van pas.Wij wensen je veel speelplezier - en succes met de voorbereidingenen het A-examen zelf!
SKU: BT.DHP-1064171-400
ISBN 9789043124331. 9x12 inches. Dutch.
Nieuw repertoire, geschreven door bekende componisten van blaasmuziek: diverse stukken voor het B-examen en de weg ernaartoe. Dit boek valt op door de brede toepasbaarheid in de lespraktijk - vanwege de keuze uit repertoire met én zonder begeleiding, de bijgevoegde cd (met voorbeeld- en meespeelversies), de bijgeleverde pianobegeleiding en het materiaal ‘prima vista melodie’.
SKU: HL.44003400
ISBN 9789043106146. UPC: 073999965001. International (more than one language).
This innovative book allows trumpet players the chance to perform with a brass quartet without the need for other players! The remaining three parts are included on the CD together with complete performances to show you how it should be done. Includes works by Mozart, Verdi, Smetana and more. Bewerkingen van klassieke werken en originele composities voor solotrompet en koperensemble. Op de begeleidings-cd staat niet alleen van elk stuk een opname van een voltallig kwintet, maar ook een versie zonder de eerste trompetpartij.Inhoud: March of the Students' Legion (Van der Beek) * Vivat Mozart (Schoonenbeek) * March from Aida (Verdi) * Premier Essay Jazz (Waignein) e.a.Bearbeitungen klassischer Werke und originale Kompositionen fur Solo-Tromptete mit einem Blechblaserensemble. Auf der Begleit-CD ist nicht nur eine Aufnahme des vollstandigen Quintetts eingespielt, sondern auch ein Track ohne die 1. Trompetenstimme.
SKU: BT.BMI11050528-400
ISBN 9789043141673. 9x12 inches. International.
With this collection, you can enjoy highlights from the work of Belgian composer Bert Appermont. The pieces have been carefully selected by the composer himself, who has paid special attention to playability, and has looked for melodies that appeal to a large audience. The melodies have been arranged according to levels of difficulty and are suitable for use in music lessons or for concert performances. The pieces Innocence and Song of Hope have been provided with a second part, so that they can be performed as duets with accompaniment. The book comes with a CD containing a demo version as well as a play-long track for each piece. The piano accompaniments have beenprovided on the CD as printable PDFs! De hoogtepunten uit het werk van Bert Appermont, die vanwege de vertrouwd klinkende en mooie melodieën zeer geliefd zijn! De goed speelbare stukken werden voor deze uitgave door de uit België afkomstige componist geselecteerd. Zezijn op moeilijkheidsgraad gerangschikt en vormen een perfecte aanvulling op elke instrumentale methode. De cd bevat demo- en play-alongversies van alle stukken evenals printklare pdf-bestanden van de pianobegeleidingen.Die Höhepunkte aus dem Werk des belgischen Komponisten Bert Appermont, die die aufgrund ihrer vertraut wirkenden Klangsprache und der schönen melodischen Linien sehr beliebt sind! Die Stücke wurden vom Komponisten selbst ausgewählt, der gut spielbare Melodien wählte, die auch ein breites Publikum ansprechen. Sie wurden nach Schwierigkeitsgrad angeordnet und eignen sich ausgezeichnet für den Instrumentalunterricht. Zwei Stücke sind als Duette ausnotiert. Die CD enthält Demo- und Mitspielversionen aller Stücke sowie PDFs der Klavierbegleitungen zum Ausdrucken.Melodic Highlights vous permettra d‘apprécier les plus beaux thèmes des oeuvres de Bert Appermont, dont le style d‘écriture repose sur l‘emploi de lignes mélodiques captivantes et accessibles. Les pièces rassemblées dans ce recueil ont été sélectionnées par le compositeur lui-même, qui aura prêté une attention toute particulière leur degré de difficulté. Le CD joint comporte une version intégrale puis une version ‘accompagnement pour chacune des pièces, une solution fort idéale pour étudier chez soi, mais aussi pour jouer sous les feux de la rampe (la version papier des accompagnements de piano sont gravés sur le CD sous la forme de fichier PDF télécharger).Bert Appermont, compositore belga noto per la scrittura melodica, ha raccolto le sue opere migliori in questa collana per fiati. Si tratta di melodie facili da eseguire e apprezzate dal pubblico. Bert Appermont propone i brani, due dei quali da eseguire in duo (tutti perfetti anche per lo studio), in ordine crescente di difficolt . Il CD contiene una versione demo e una play-along, mentre gli accompagnamenti al piano sono scaricabili in formato PDF.
SKU: BR.DV-32027
ISBN 9790200425192. 9 x 12 inches.
Bicinia - unaccompanied duos - have been known to us from the fifteenth century onwards. So quite early on it was customary tu practise this type of musical exercise, which later, especially during the Romantic period, achieved great popularity as the duo or duett. Equal numbers of this sort of instrumental duo were composed for nearly all wind and string instruments. On the other hand, only a small amount of compositions for two trumpets have come down to us. In order to play any music which progresses beyond pure fanfare on a natural (valueless) trumpet, it is necessary to make use of the clarion register (the top third of the natural harmonic). And if such a melody is to be accompanied by a second part, only the few natural notes lying below it are left, or else this high register itself, which calls for great virtuosity on the part of the trumpeter. As well as this, we must remember the fact that trumpet-playing was only allowed for the trumpeters of a royal court, army, staff, or for the field-trumpeter of a prince, plus a few council, city, and church musicians, who were bound by strict guild and corporation rules. Thus in spite of the preference for its festive sound, the spread and handing down of trumpet music was almost reduced to nothing under these circumstances. As well as this, pride of place and profession rivalry and envy amongst musicians contributed in large part. In England the situation was somewhat freer. Here pretty little trumpet duos originated, including, amongst others, those written by Handel for his master-trumpeter Valentin Snow and the Royal Sergeant-trumpeters of the Shore family. An especially happy exception was the diocese of Olmiitz. Here there was a capable group of musicians of the chapel royal with the brilliantly talented group of trumpeters and the field-trumpeter Pavel Vajvanovsky, who also composed himself. These trumpeters in the service of his prince-bishop played many sacred and secular pieces, all for several instruments. It was for them also that Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber wrote the 12 double trumpet sonatas we present here. On the other hand, the representatives of the authorities in Germany ensured strict observation of all edicts and regulations. Even the celebrated Bach-trumpeter and towm-piper Gottfried Reiche was never allowed to be portrayed with a proper trumpet due to the priveleges of court and field trumpeters. In order to represent him as one of the greatest masters of his time and art, however, the painter placed an instrument similar to a corno-di-caccia in his hand, together with a sheet with a small piece for virtuoso clarion. When we try in spite of these difficulties and adverse circumstances to gather a collection of musically valuable and characteristic examples of popular pieces for two trumpets from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it is in the first, place in order to acquaint modern trumpeters with something of the wealth of music, which can also be well played on a modern trumpet with valves. The originally used trumpets correspond to modern ones in the keys of C and D, but this does not mean that many of the pieces cannot be transposed to a more comfortable register. On top of this, we have tried to give a picture of the baroque court and field trumpeter, as well as of the mysterious clarion trumpeter, with the help of musically popular material. The origin of most of the pieces used is no longer clearly discernable. In most cases we possess second- or third-hand copies which have been handed down, and show signs of frequent use. A few cases where modernization of the second part obviously did not take place until the invention of stops, have been re-shaped into their supposed original form. A series of further dynamic details were left, and marked as optional suggestions in brackets. Kurt Janetzkyz.T. mit Pauken und B.c.
ISBN 9790231014358.
SKU: CF.W2698
ISBN 9781491160305. UPC: 680160918881.
Soaring is a work commissioned by the G. Ray Bodley High School Bands under the direction of Terrance Caviness in Syracuse, New York. The work is dedicated to my dear friend David Bamonte, who is currently the Assistant Principal Trumpet of the Oregon Symphony in Portland, Oregon. David, Terry and I have been friends and colleagues for many years and were looking for a project to collaborate with each other. This work was originally written for Trumpet and Concert Band, but I quickly realized that it would work really well with a piano accompaniment as well. The result is the work you see here. As a trumpet player myself, I grew up studying the works of Arban, Clarke, Hindemith, Arutunian, Hummel, Haydn and the more modern sonatas by Kent Kennan and Halsey Stevens. This music is an homage to these great masters while keeping my original voice intact. At times, the piece is lush and lyrical while other moments showcase the power and majesty of the trumpet sound. The music is even a touch athletic while having a musical conversation with the piano. Enjoy the journey of discovering this exciting new work for you and your students. --Sean O'Loughlin.Soaring is a work commissioned by the G. Ray Bodley High School Bands under the direction of Terrance Caviness in Syracuse, New York. The work is dedicated to my dear friend David Bamonte, who is currently the Assistant Principal Trumpet of the Oregon Symphony in Portland, Oregon. David, Terry and I have been friends and colleagues for many years and were looking for a project to collaborate with each other. This work was originally written for Trumpet and Concert Band, but I quickly realized that it would work really well with a piano accompaniment as well. The result is the work you see here.As a trumpet player myself, I grew up studying the works of Arban, Clarke, Hindemith, Arutunian, Hummel, Haydn and the more modern sonatas by Kent Kennan and Halsey Stevens. This music is an homage to these great masters while keeping my original voice intact. At times, the piece is lush and lyrical while other moments showcase the power and majesty of the trumpet sound. The music is even a touch athletic while having a musical conversation with the piano.Enjoy the journey of discovering this exciting new work for you and your students.—Sean O'Loughlin.
SKU: BT.DHP-0991802-400
Turn your living room into a concert hall with these two exciting works by André Waignein and Kees Schoonenbeek. The CD provides a real concert band accompaniment as well as a full performance concert band version. Zwei vollständige Solokonzerte (Originalkompositionen) von André Waignein und Kees Schoonenbeek geben jedem Bläser die Möglichkeit, eigenständig mit einem ?richtigenâ?? Blasorchester zu konzertieren. Auf der Begleit-CD werden beide Konzerte zweimal komplett mit verschiedenen Soloinstrumenten vorgestellt, dann folgt die Orchesterbegleitung zum Mitspielen. Pubblicate nella collezione Home Concert, Rhapsody e Concerto contengono due opere originali (in ciascun libro) scritte in stile classico. Gli accompagnamenti sono stati affidati ad unâ??orchestra di fiati professionista.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125079-400
ISBN 9789043141321. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
J.S. Bach (1685-1750) wrote several solo unaccompanied works, such as the six suites for Cello, and many sonatas and partitas. Frits Damrow has worked on 22 such solo works to arrange them for trumpet solo and make Bach accessible to all trumpetplayers. The CD includes demonstrations by Fritz Damrow.J.S. Bach (1685-1750) schreef meerdere solowerken zonder begeleiding. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn zes suites voor cello en diverse partitas en sonates voor fluit en viool. Trompetvirtuoos Frits Damrow bewerkte tweeëntwintig van dezesolowerken voor trompet. Hij maakte daarmee de solomuziek van deze geniale componist toegankelijk voor alle trompettisten. Damrow zélf speelde de bijbehorende cd in.J.S. Bach (1685-1750) schrieb mehrere Solowerke ohne Begleitung, wie z. B. die sechs Suiten für Cello und diverse Partitas und Sonaten für Flöte und Violine. Frits Damrow bearbeitete 22 solcher Solostücke für Trompete und machte damit die Solomusikdieses genialen Komponisten allen Trompetern zugänglich. Auch die CD spielte der Meistertrompeter selbst ein.J. S. Bach (1685-1750) a composé un grand nombre dÅ?uvres pour instrument solo, comme par exemple les Six Suites pour Violoncelle seul, et autres pièces et sonates pour Violon ou Fl te Traversière. 22 dentre elles ont été arrangées par Fritz Damrow,rendant de véritables pépites musicales accessibles aux trompettistes. Sur le CD joint au recueil sont enregistrées toutes les pièces interprétées par Fritz Damrow lui-même.J. S. Bach scrisse molti testi per strumento solo senza accompagnamento, come per esempio le sei suite per violoncello e diverse Partite per violino. Frits Damrow ha arrangiato per tromba 22 soli, rendendo così accessibile ai trombettisti solistiquesta splendida musica. La traccia con la versione demo è eseguita dallo stesso Frits Damrow.
SKU: FG.55011-529-3
ISBN 9790550115293.
Venezuelan trumpet virtuoso Pacho Flores asked Tuomas Turriago to write a piece for their recital in Tampere (Finland) in April 2019. The composer tells: My half-Colombian soul fell in love with the Venezuelan merengue at once when it was introduced to me by Pacho, and it has been an important construction material in my music ever since. It was featured in my children's opera Prinsessa Papupata (2013-15) as well as in my Sonatas for Tuba and Piano (2010) and Alto Saxophone and Piano (2018), just to mention a few works. In Tanguerengue I decided to combine two of my favourite rhythms, tango and merengue. Hence the name Tanguerengue. This is one of my happiest compositions and gives an enormous amount of room for groovy rhythmical play and limitless trumpet virtuosity. The form is one typical of virtuoso works, a slow introduction followed by a fast movement. The career of the composer, pianist and conductor Tuomas Turriago (b. 1979) has been very versatile, the main motivator being a passion for music, regardless of instrument, style or genre. As a pianist, he has focused on chamber music, and has worked as a lecturer in collaborating piano at Tampere Music Academy since 2004. He has been soloist of various Finnish orchestras and has performed at numerous music festivals in Finland and all over Europe, the US, Colombia, Near East and Far East.
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