| Solfeggi Parlati E
Cantati Appendice Al I
Corso (POZZOLI ETTORE) Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
Par POZZOLI ETTORE. Ettore Pozzoli (1873-1957) fu un grande didatta, uno dei mag...(+)
Par POZZOLI ETTORE. Ettore Pozzoli (1873-1957) fu un grande didatta, uno dei maggiori che l’Italia abbia avuto nel Novecento. Sono monumentali i suoi lavori sulla teoria e il solfeggio, il corso di studi di difficoltà graduata, l’educazione all’armonia e al contrappunto ai quali si affiancano infinite pagine di brani per la ricreazione pianistica Dodici bozzetti per pianoforte, Pagine minuscole, Impressioni, Riflessi del mare. Nonostante il trascorrere dei decenni e il succedersi di nuove tendenze, scuole, generi e modi esecutivi, molte raccolte e testi per l’insegnamento primario della musica che Pozzoli ideò e compose nei primi decenni del secoloscorso mantengono un’indiscussa validità./ Solfège/Formation Musicale / Oeuvres théoriques
18.50 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Solfeggi Parlati E
Cantati I Corso (POZZOLI
ETTORE) Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
Par POZZOLI ETTORE. Ettore Pozzoli (1873-1957) fu un grande didatta, uno dei mag...(+)
Par POZZOLI ETTORE. Ettore Pozzoli (1873-1957) fu un grande didatta, uno dei maggiori che l’Italia abbia avuto nel Novecento. Sono monumentali i suoi lavori sulla teoria e il solfeggio, il corso di studi di difficoltà graduata, l’educazione all’armonia e al contrappunto ai quali si affiancano infinite pagine di brani per la ricreazione pianistica Dodici bozzetti per pianoforte, Pagine minuscole, Impressioni, Riflessi del mare. Nonostante il trascorrere dei decenni e il succedersi di nuove tendenze, scuole, generi e modi esecutivi, molte raccolte e testi per l’insegnamento primario della musica che Pozzoli ideò e compose nei primi decenni del secoloscorso mantengono un’indiscussa validità./ Solfège/Formation Musicale / Oeuvres théoriques
18.50 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Libro Dei Compiti Per La
Scuola Di Teoria E
Solfeggio Fasc. I
(POZZOLI ETTORE) Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
Solfeggio - Fascicolo I. Par POZZOLI ETTORE. Italian/ Solfège/Formation Musical...(+)
Solfeggio - Fascicolo I. Par POZZOLI ETTORE. Italian/ Solfège/Formation Musicale / Oeuvres théoriques
17.40 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Jazz Theory Resources :
Vol.1 Music Theory [Textbook] Hal Leonard
(Jazz Book). Jazz Theory Resources is a jazz theory text in two volumes. Volume ...(+)
(Jazz Book). Jazz Theory Resources is a jazz theory text in two volumes. Volume I (00030458, $39.95) includes: review of basic theory, rhythm in jazz performance, basic tonal materials, triadic generalization, diatonic harmonic progressions and harmonic analysis, substitutions and turnarounds, common melodic outlines, and an overview of voicings. Volume II (00030459, $29.95) includes: modes and modal frameworks, quartal harmony, other scales and colors, extended tertian structures and triadic superimposition, pentatonic applications, coloring 'outside' the lines and beyond, analysis, and expanding harmonic vocabulary. Appendices on chord/scale relationships, elaborations of static harmony, endings, composing tips and theory applications are also included. / Tout Instrument
63.60 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Précis Des Regles
Du Contrepoint (KOECHLIN
CHARLES) Music Theory [Sheet music] Heugel
avec des exemples (Séries complètes) à 2, 3 et 4 parties. Par KOECHLIN CHARLE...(+)
avec des exemples (Séries complètes) à 2, 3 et 4 parties. Par KOECHLIN CHARLES. Precis Des Règles Du Contrepoint is a book written by Charles Koechlin in five chapters. Focusing on the counterpoint, this volume highlights all the rules related to it. It features both lessons and examples with comments, to help with understanding. The chapters are: I. Definition et Règles generales / Definition and general rules II. Contrepoint à deux parties / Counterpoint in two parts III. Contrepoint à trois parties / Counterpoint in three parts IV. Contrepoint à quatre parties / Counterpoint in four parts V. Appendice / Appendix & focus on Gregorian songs and tunes This theory book is definitely one of the most useful ones for any composition that includes counterpoints or for any composer who would like to use them in future works. Charles Koechlin (1867-1950) was a French composer, professor and writer. He composed numerous symphonies and symphonic poems, some instrument and orchestra, orchestral and chamber works as well as some songs./ Théorie / Théorie
67.20 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Berklee Teoria Musicale +
Cd Italiano Music Theory Volonte and Co
Arriva l'edizione italiana di uno straordinario metodo di Teoria Musicale della ...(+)
Arriva l'edizione italiana di uno straordinario metodo di Teoria Musicale della Berklee, scritto da Paul Schmeling, preside emerito del Dipartimento di Pianoforte al Berklee College of Music, grande pianista, interprete, improvvisatore e arrangiatore. La Teoria Musicale Berklee Volume 1 è un metodo essenziale per chiunque voglia suonare meglio, imparare a leggere, scrivere e comprendere gli elementi della musica, e inserirli nelle proprie composizioni e arrangiamenti. Il libro propone una serie di esercizi rigorosi e pratici, che aiutano a esplorare dall'interno il funzionamento della musica, presentando note, scale e ritmi, così come questi si presentano nel pop, nel jazz, nel blues. Un libro per comprendere i concetti fondamentali della teoria musicale, indispensabili per migliorare le proprie capacità di scrittura ed esecuzione musicale, attraverso esercizi scritti, esempi audio ed esercizi di ear training. / Opéra Théorique/Didactique
26.60 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Guida Teorico-Pratica Per
L Insegnamento Del
Dettato (POZZOLI ETTORE) Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
13.10 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Abromont - Abrege De La
Theorie De La Musique
Vol.1 Les Bases + Cd-rom Music Theory [Book + CD] Fayard
Acquérir aisément les connaissances nécessaires à la pratique de la musique,...(+)
Acquérir aisément les connaissances nécessaires à la pratique de la musique, écouter, lire et inventer de petites pièces musicales, s'exercer efficacement à travers des jeux stimulant la compréhension et la musicalité de chacun (les premiers adaptés aux enfants dès 6-7 ans), voici quelques-unes des potentialités de ce duo: livre + cédérom. Cette formule, jusqu'alors inédite, offre l'avantage d'ouvrir des voies d'accès multiples au praticien: étude traditionnelle à l'aide d'exemples tirés des oeuvres les plus significatives d'une part, découverte intuitive et ludique grâce aux outils du multimédia d'autre part. version PC uniquement La partie livre du volume 1 synthétise les premiers chapitres du Guide de la théorie de la musique, ouvrage déjà salué par l ensemble de la profession pour la richesse et la modernité de son contenu. Le cédérom, organisé en ateliers progressifs, propose quant à lui une pédagogie musicale interactive conçue pour guider l apprenti musicien comme le mélomane, tout au long de son parcours, de la découverte à la maîtrise des bases de la musique. APERÇU DES NOTIONS ET DES OUTILS VOLUME I / LES BASES (de l'initiation à l'interprétation) Écoute et reconnaissance des hauteurs .Visualiser l'aigu et le grave, les demi-tons et les altérations .Traduire le nom des notes en anglais et en allemand .Noter les sons sur une portée dans les sept clés Exécution et notation des rythmes .Découvrir progressivement l'échelle des valeurs .Sélectionner directement les figures de notes et silences .Visualiser les durées de façon intuitive .Comprendre les valeurs pointées, liées... Développement du sens de la mesure et du tempo .Utiliser un métronome .Tester les indications de mouvement (allegro, presto, adagio...) .Changer de mesure d'un simple clic .Entrer des triolets, des duolets... Découverte de la tonalité .Se familiariser avec les intervalles .Repérer l'emplacement des demi-tons sur une gamme .Changer de tonique, de mode ou d'armure .Voyager dans le cycle des quintes... Consultation de tableaux, schémas et lexiques .Indications de mouvement et de caractère .Notation des attaques, dynamiques et ornements .Schémas des chiffrages de mesure .Lexique multilingue du vocabulaire essentiel... Mise en pratique intuitive et musicale .Exercer son oreille .Jouer et sauvegarder ses propres phrases musicales .Saisir la musique à la souris ou avec un instrument MIDI Claude Abromont enseigne l'analyse musicale au Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris. Il est également co-auteur avec Eugène de Montalembert du Guide de la théorie de la musique paru dans la même collection.
14.85 EUR - Sold by Woodbrass Pre-shipment lead time: On order |
| Polifonia Nell'Arte
Moderna Vol.2: Appendice
Al Trattato (SANCTIS C) Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
Volume 2: Appendice Al Trattato. Par SANCTIS C.DE. Spiegata Secondo I Principi C...(+)
Volume 2: Appendice Al Trattato. Par SANCTIS C.DE. Spiegata Secondo I Principi Classici/ Autre FM / Oeuvres théoriques
23.20 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Polifonia Nell'Arte
Moderna Vol.3: Tratt. Di
Contr. E Fuga (SANCTIS C) Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
Volume 3: Trattato Di Contrappunto E Fuga. Par SANCTIS C.DE. Spiegata Secondo I ...(+)
Volume 3: Trattato Di Contrappunto E Fuga. Par SANCTIS C.DE. Spiegata Secondo I Principi Classici/ Autre FM / Oeuvres théoriques
34.80 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| All About Music Theory Music Theory [Book + CD] Hal Leonard
If you wish there was a fun and engaging way to help you understand the fundamen...(+)
If you wish there was a fun and engaging way to help you understand the fundamentals of music, then All About Music Theory is it.Whether it's learning to read music, understanding chords and scales, musical forms, or improvising and composing, this enjoyable guide will help you to finally start understanding the structure and design of music.This fun-filled, easy-to-use guide includes:Music notationScales and modesMelody harmonization and counterpointChord progressionsSong form and structureListen and learn with the CD that has 90 tracks, including over 50 popular songs such as Beauty and the Beast, Candle in the Wind, Imagine, In the Air Tonight, Killing Me Softly with His Song, Let It Be, Message in a Bottle and many more. / Formation Musicale
34.20 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Lettura E Scrittura
Music.1 I (KODALY ZOLTAN) Italiano Music Theory Carisch
:Libro Per L'Insegnante Vol 1. Par KODALY ZOLTAN. Classical / Pédagogie / Mét...(+)
:Libro Per L'Insegnante Vol 1. Par KODALY ZOLTAN. Classical / Pédagogie / Méthode / Opéra Théorique ou Didactique
41.20 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Corso Facile Di Solfeggio
Parte I Music Theory Ricordi 18.50 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Solfeggi Manosritti - 50 Music Theory Ricordi 25.00 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Solfeggi Cantati A 2
Voci, Facili E
Progressivi Per I
Conservatori E Gli
Istituti Magistrali
(POZZOLI ETTORE) Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
Par POZZOLI ETTORE. Italian/ Solfège/Formation Musicale / Oeuvres théoriques
16.30 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Bassi Melodie Temi Per Lo
Studio Della Composizione Music Theory Ricordi 20.60 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: In Stock |
| Temi Per I Corsi
Inferiori E Medi Di
Composizione (TOSATTI
VIERI) Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
Par TOSATTI VIERI. / Répertoire / Oeuvres théoriques
16.30 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Corso Teorico-Pratico Di
Armonia Ad Uso Delle
Scuole Complementari.
Parte I Music Theory Ricordi 29.00 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Write Songs From Scratch
(NORTON CHRISTOPHER) Music Theory [Sheet music + CD] - Beginner Boosey and Hawkes
Par NORTON CHRISTOPHER. Start with lyrics, tune, chords or rhythm - Write Songs ...(+)
Par NORTON CHRISTOPHER. Start with lyrics, tune, chords or rhythm - Write Songs from Scratch guides you through all aspects of songwriting. Using eight sample songs, the audio CD breaks the songs down and demonstrates how small changes can have a big impact. / Niveau : Débutant / Formation musicale / Méthode / Divers
24.20 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Trattato Teorico-Pratico
Di Lettura E Divisione
Musicale Parte I Music Theory Ricordi 23.20 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Sunto Di Teoria Musicale
I Corso (POZZOLI ETTORE) Italiano Music Theory [Sheet music] Ricordi
Par POZZOLI ETTORE. Italian/ Théorie / Oeuvres théoriques
11.61 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Teoria Della Musica Per I
Conservatori E Le Scuole
Di Musica Music Theory Ricordi 40.60 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Sunto Di Teoria Musicale
In Forma Dialogata I
Corso Music Theory Ricordi 11.61 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Tecnica
Per I Fiati Music Theory Ricordi 51.51 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |
| Solfeggi Cantati Con
Accompagnamento Di Pf. I
Corso Music Theory Ricordi 18.50 EUR - Sold by LMI-partitions (Seller in french langage) Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier |