SKU: CA.4600800
ISBN 9790007222031.
SKU: HL.14004089
ISBN 9788759862742. German.
Full score for Niels Viggo Bentzon's lively piece, Sonate for Flute and Organ.
SKU: UT.HS-334
ISBN 9790215328525. 9 x 12 inches.
Bertram Luard-Selby (1853-1918): First SonataCharles Harford Lloyd (1849-1919): Sonata in D minorThe first sonata of Bertram Luard-Selby and the sonata of Charles Harford Lloyd are examples of works that demonstrate the transitional nature of the maturing English organ sonata. The portfolio approach towards compositions under one title, a sonata, that included sometimes significantly contrasting movements was common during the second half of the nineteenth century. It allowed composers to demonstrate their own compositional skill as well as highlight the tonal capabilities of the developing symphonic organ in England. The sonatas are playable on both small and large instruments and allow for creativity in registration. The technical difficulty varies between movements. As discussed in The Genesis and Development of an English Organ Sonata (2017), the English sonatas had an important pedagogical role jointly inherited from Mendelssohn’s very practical and popular approach to the instrument and the continued European legacy of the lesson-sonata tradition whereby in learning a piece you also learned the instrument and vice versa.
SKU: UT.HS-335
ISBN 9790215328532. 9 x 12 inches.
Walter Battison Haynes (1859-1900): Sonata in D minorHugh Blair (1864-1932): Short Sonata in G majorThe organ sonatas of Walter Battison Haynes and Hugh Blair demonstrate a notable peak in the development of the English organ sonata as a work that is musically cohesive. As discussed in The Genesis and Development of an English Organ Sonata (2017), the portfolio approach towards compositions under one title, a sonata, that included sometimes significantly contrasting movements of varying technical difficulty was common during the second half of the nineteenth century not least as a published example of the compositional skill of composers. Whereas these two sonatas join the tradition of works that could be convincingly played on both medium and large instruments and allow for creativity in registration they are also cohesive pieces that could serve in a concert programme. These works join the legacy of English organ sonatas that had an important pedagogical role jointly inherited from Mendelssohn’s very practical and popular approach to the instrument and the continued European legacy of the lesson-sonata tradition whereby in learning a piece you also learned the instrument and vice versa. They are both idiomatically written and musically rewarding pieces that are imbued with the undeniably English harmonic language of the era that was to remain popular for several decades to come.
SKU: HL.48184596
UPC: 888680906054. 9.0x12.0x0.233 inches.
“Part of the Organ collection by J. S. Bach, this 4th Volume Complete Organ Work - Six Sonatas in Trio form was composed in the 18th century. This volume is now translated in English and French and features the annotation of Marcel Dupré, a French organist, to help the performer get the most of the sheet music. This fourth book contains the six following pieces: - Sonata ? E flat major - Sonata ? C minor - Sonata ? D minor - Sonata ? E minor - Sonata ? C major - Sonata ? G major The preface of these Six Sonatas in Trio form is well written, with explanations of the comments and descriptions of the techniques to use for a good interpretation of this work. This volume can be used by intermediate players and above. â€.
SKU: BR.EB-32105
ISBN 9790004186732. 9 x 12 inches.
Ulrich Rasches erste Orgelsonate entstand im Mai und Juni des Jahres 2011. Es ist ein Zufall, dass die acht Buchstaben des Namens ,,Schadach vollstandig in Noten umsetzbar sind. Diese Tonfolge beherrscht alle drei Satze der Sonate: Das Prelude, als erster Satz, ist formal in Sonatenhauptsatzform gestaltet. Das Achttonmotiv leitet den Satz quasi leitmotivisch ein. Ein toccatenhafter Ubergang fuhrt zum zweiten Thema, das als Ruhepol bitonal daherkommt. Immer wieder wird die Toccata-Uberleitung eingeschoben und entwickelt sich beinahe zu einem dritten Thema, das den Satz virtuos abschliesst. Die Canzone ist ein ruhiger und entspannter Satz, der als Achttonmotiv in Form von funf Variationen verandert wird. Dem Satz wohnt eine durchaus schmerzliche Gefuhlswelt (doloroso) inne, wird dann jedoch lyrischer und endet in spharischer Verklarung. Dieser Satz erfahrt vielfaltige Stimmungen, die vom Organisten sehr farbenreich registriert werden sollten. Die abschliessende Toccata ist hochvirtuos und von feurigem Charakter. Ein sehr leidenschaftlicher Mittelteil gipfelt in einen hochdramatischen Exkurs. Es folgt erneut der erste Teil, der in eine Stretta-Coda mundet, und den Satz fulminant beschliesst.
SKU: SU.80101364
The composer writes: This three movement sonata da chiesa for organ strives to combine elements of traditionalism, expressionism, and Spanish nationalism in order to provide organists with a warm blooded, romantic expression of God's glory. It is meant to be suitable for both concert organists and church music programs. Instrumentation: Organ. Composed: 2014 Published by: Zimbel Press.
SKU: HL.49003542
ISBN 9790001034913. UPC: 884088095185. 9.0x12.0x0.185 inches.
Die acht Sonaten von Guilmant orientieren sich am klassischen Standard. Ursprunglich fur die Cavaille-Coll-Orgel gedacht, lassen sie sich jedoch ebenso gut auf ausserfranzosischen Orgeln ausfuhren. Zur Zeit Ihrer Entstehung waren Sie ein Novum fur die Orgel und ihre Literatur, die beide im 19. Jahrhundert an Bedeutung verloren hatten. Guilmants Kompositionen, reich an Melodik, Harmonik und vollendeter Satztechnik, spiegeln Klangmoglichkeiten und Farbenreichtum der ihm zur Verfugung stehenden Orgeln wider. Sein Einfallsreichtum und seine flussige Kompositionstechnik beeinflussten die Entwicklung der Orgelfuge in ahnlicher Weise, wie Mendelssohn dieses fur die Klavierfuge bewirkt hatte. Im Zeitraum des Vierteljahrhunderts, in dem Guilmant seine Orgelsonaten schuf, vollzogen sich im Bereich der instrumentalen Spieltechnik bedeutende Veranderungen. An Spieler und Instrument wurden nun grossere Anforderungen gestellt.
SKU: HL.49003539
ISBN 9790001034883. UPC: 841886026230. 9.0x12.0x0.122 inches.
SKU: HL.49003537
ISBN 9790001034869. UPC: 073999334975. 9.0x12.0x0.102 inches.
SKU: HL.49003538
ISBN 9790001034876. UPC: 073999336337. 9.0x12.0x0.088 inches.
SKU: HL.49003543
ISBN 9790001034920. UPC: 884088057725. 9.0x12.0x0.22 inches.
SKU: HL.49003541
ISBN 9790001034906. UPC: 073999351514. 9.0x12.0x0.115 inches.
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