SKU: AP.1-ADV7674
ISBN 9783892217350. UPC: 805095076745. English.
This suite was inspired most notably by the saxophone quartets of Phil Woods and was written in a conscious attempt to wed certain stylistic elements of classical and jazz music. The players are not asked to improvise, but the piece does feature sections that sound spontaneous and freely created. The piece is difficult, but no more so than other quartets, like Glazunov and Desenclos, that are standard repertoire for this instrumentation. Talented high school and all college groups will find success working on this piece. The first movement, subtitled Danse Macabre, is ominous, dark, sometimes bluesy, and is propelled along by the use of intricate counterpoint and an improvised sounding solo section for the tenor saxophone.
SKU: AP.1-ADV7445
ISBN 9783892215998. UPC: 805095074451. English.
Subtitled Full Fathom Five, this modern excursion is not technically difficult and features improvised solos for all instruments. It demands strong interpretation skills in the contemporary idiom. Long pauses throughout serve as pivotal points of reflection for players and listeners alike. Arranged for saxophone quartet (AATBar).
ISBN 9790708085959.
Quartet - Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone. This is a complete arrangement of Verdi's only surviving piece of chamber music, the string quartet in E minor. In four movements this represents a serious challenge for expert players, using the full range of all instruments is used. The four movements explore a wide range of keys and tempi, and use many varied textures and styles from some intricate counterpoint to more lyrical melodies reminiscent of the operas. A chance for sax players to get to know a lesser known gem.
SKU: BT.DHP-1135506-070
ISBN 9789043144810. 9x12 inches.
Instrumentation 1 - Conductor 1 - Alto Saxophone 1 1 - Alto Saxophone 2 1 - Tenor Saxophone 1 - Baritone Saxophone Additional Part 1 - Soprano Saxophone substitute for Alto Saxophone 1 Bohemian Rhapsody was een wereldwijde hit voor Queen in 1975/1976, en de heruitgave in 1991 werd ook een groot hitsucces. Het wordt algemeen beschouwd als één van de succesrijkste popnummers aller tijden. Met pop-, opera-, klassieke rapsodie-en rockelementen, is dit nummer een hele uitdaging voor klarinetensemble en saxofoonkwartet! Diesen Popsong der Gruppe QUEEN kennt eigentlich jeder - er zählt zu den wohl erfolgreichsten Hits aller Zeiten. Abwechslungsreich und voller Überraschungen springt die Melodie zwischen verschiedenen Stilen hin- und her. Ein Crossover mit vielenHerausforderung für alle Mitglieder des Ensembles. Lors de sa sortie dans les bacs, Bohemian Rhapsody, immense succès du groupe Queen, bouleversait les conventions : une chanson sans refrain, une ballade, des passages de hard rock, des traits d´opéra... Un concentré de bonheur musical pourEnsemble vent ! Instrumentation : Quatuor de Saxophones : Saxophone Soprano (ad Libitum) / Saxophone Alto / Saxophone Ténor / Saxophone Baryton .Bohemian Rhapsody, celebre per la sua struttura musicale con un´introduzione a cappella, un segmento in stile ballata che termina con un assolo di chitarra, un passaggio d´opera e una sezione rock, conobbe un enorme successo per il suoapproccio totalmente innovativo. L´ immenso successo della band Queen è un vero concentrato di piacere musicale! Strumentazione: Quartetto di sassofoni: Sassofono soprano (ad lib.) / Sassofono contralto / Sassofono tenore / Sassofono baritono.
SKU: AP.1-ADV7689
ISBN 9783892218500. UPC: 805095076899. English.
Subtitled A Little Suite for Four, the first movement features a unison melody written in B minor. In the second movement, a leitmotiv with variations and the use of repeated jazz phrases is presented; all four instruments take turns in assuming primary and supporting roles. The third movement is a ballad-like theme featuring soprano and baritone sax sharing a pleasant conversation. The fourth movement goes on a joyful melodic ride passing through all the saxophones parts, one after the other.
SKU: AP.1-ADV7614
UPC: 805095076141. English.
What is probably Albéniz' most famous piece, Tango Andaluz, has been transcribed for many different instrument combinations. In this unique arrangement, from the repertoire of the Berlin Saxophone Quartet, all four saxophones get a chance to shine.
SKU: AP.1-ADV7621
UPC: 805095076219. English.
Writing these arrangements, Frank Reinshagen has created little masterpieces, which broaden the rhythmical and harmonic context of the original tunes in an interesting manner without detracting from their archaic and melancholic character. These original tunes are---in a direct or wider sense---of Celtic origin, in other words, they have been borrowed from the Irish, Scottish and Gaelic musical tradition. These through-composed arrangements are rather easy to perform from the rhythmical and technical point of view. Yet, they are quite demanding in respect of the key they are written in, their intonation and, especially, their interpretation. Their different instrumentations are fully compatible with each other and, due to their overall structure, they are also suitable to be played with multi-scored parts. Annotation on Aignish on the Machair. The arrangement of Aignish on the Machair illustrates, above all, the melancholic character inherent in the harmonies of the original tune. A short rubato passage is followed by several variations over the flowing melody in 3/4- time. The short triplet passages embedded in these variations are quite demanding from the technical point of view; considering the key they are written in, however, these passages are not too difficult to play.
SKU: AP.1-ADV7425
ISBN 9783892215790. UPC: 805095074253. English. Traditional.
Patapan is a French carol attributed to Bernard de la Monnoye who lived from 1641--1728. The title refers to the beating of a drum, and the lyrics also mention other instruments (pipes, fife, and flute). As with many Christmas tunes, Patapan reflects the joyous union of Christmas music with dance, as the lyrics express, when you play your fife and drum, how can anyone be glum? The melody is complimented in this arrangement by the use of a lyrical folk song also used by Tchaikovsky in his 1812 Overture. This arrangement for saxophone quartet, rather than favoring a soprano solo with accompaniment, strives to include all of the players by distributing the melodic material. In addition, all dynamics and articulations should be taken as suggestions only, as performers are encouraged to make their own interpretations. Arranged for saxophone quartet (SATBar).
SKU: AP.1-ADV7675
UPC: 805095076752. English.
This suite was inspired most notably by the saxophone quartets of Phil Woods and was written in a conscious attempt to wed certain stylistic elements of classical and jazz music. The players are not asked to improvise, but the piece does feature sections that sound spontaneous and freely created. The piece is difficult, but no more so than other quartets, like Glazunov and Desenclos, that are standard repertoire for this instrumentation. Talented high school and all college groups will find success working on this piece. Soft Shadows of the Night features the alto saxophone in a quasi Bolero setting. The piece conveys a feeling of a big city in the tranquil pre-dawn hours---hence the title. Arranged for saxophone quartet (SATBar).
SKU: AP.1-ADV7622
UPC: 805095076226. English. Traditional.
Writing these arrangements, Frank Reinshagen has created little masterpieces, which broaden the rhythmical and harmonic context of the original tunes in an interesting manner without detracting from their archaic and melancholic character. These original tunes have been borrowed from the Irish, Scottish, and Gaelic musical tradition. These through-composed arrangements are rather easy to perform from the rhythmical and technical point of view, yet they are quite demanding in respect of the key they are written in, their intonation and, especially, their interpretation. Their different instrumentations are fully compatible with each other and, due to their overall structure, they are also suitable to be played with multi-scored parts. The interpretation of 'S mo lamh air a stiuir---the song of a helmsman living on the Isle of Skye---should be interpreted with the musicians paying careful attention to its dynamics and phrasing, which reflect the up-and-down motion of the stormy Artic Ocean. For this arrangement the key D minor---which is one whole tone lower than the original---has been chosen to make sure that the piece is playable, especially for a clarinet quartet.
SKU: BT.DHP-1175796-070
ISBN 9789043152433. English-German-French-Dutch.
Pascal Proust has many years of experience as a musician and music teacher. His works include several hundred compositions for the most diverse range of instrumentations. He wrote 14 Intermediate Saxophone Quartets for saxophone players who have around 4-5 years of experience. It is important that these players have paid special attention to an easy-to-follow and attractive musical style. These quartets are ideal performance and competition works for young saxophone ensembles.De componist Pascal Proust kan bogen op een jarenlange ervaring als muzikant en muziekdocent. Zijn oeuvre omvat honderden composities voor de meest diverse instrumentaties. Hij schreef 14 Intermediate Saxophone Quartets voor saxofonisten die ongeveer vier tot vijf jaar les hebben gehad, waarbij hij speciaal aandacht heeft besteed aan een makkelijk te volgen, aantrekkelijke muziekstijl. Daardoor zijn deze kwartetten ideale voordrachts- of wedstrijdwerken voor jonge saxofoonensembles.Der Komponist Pascal Proust kann aus seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Musiker und Musikpädagoge schöpfen; sein Oeuvre umfasst mehrere hundert Kompositionen für verschiedenste Besetzungen. Er schrieb 14 Intermediate Saxophone Quartets für Saxophonisten mit ungefähr 4 5 Jahren Unterrichtserfahrung und legte besonderes Augenmerk auf einen leicht verständlichen, attraktiven musikalischen Stil. Dadurch eignen sich diese Quartette ideal als Vortrags- und Wettbewerbsstücke für junge Saxophonensembles.Le compositeur Pascal Proust puise volonté dans son immense expérience de musicien et professeur de musique ; son catalogue dâ??oeuvres englobe plusieurs centaines de compositions pour divers instruments. Il a écrit 14 Intermediate Saxophone Quartets pour saxophonistes ayant environ 4 5 années de pratique, dans un style musical accessible et coloré. De ce fait, ces quatuors sont des pièces idéales pour tout examen ou audition de jeunes ensembles de saxophones.
SKU: BR.KM-2234
World premiere: Rottenburg am Neckar, February 1, 1987
ISBN 9790004501382. 9 x 12 inches.
Ein kurzweiliges, kontrastreiches Opus, angeregt durch das Rascher-Quartett, dem es auch gewidmet ist; keine experimentelle, aber instrumentengerechte, neue Musik, auf die Spiel- und Ausdrucksmoglichkeiten sowie auf den spezifischen Klang eines technisch und musikalisch anspruchsvollen Saxophon-Ensembles bezogen (Sopran - Alt- Tenor - Bariton)Funf suitenformig locker aneinander gereihte Satze (Funf ,,Blatter) werden durch ein dodekaphonisches Leitmotiv verknupft, das zu Anfang eines jeden Satzes erklingt.Im Circulo ostinato bestimmt diese Figur entscheidend den Verlauf des Stuckes; zu Beginn des Finales verdichtet sie sich zum vierstimmigen Kanon. Ostinate und rhythmische Formeln pragen den Charakter des ganzen Werkes.Allegro ruzzone (Ubermut)Ein knappes lebhaftes Eingangsstuck; auf dem Hohepunkt erscheint, wie ein Atemholen, ein melodisch-ausdrucksvoller Gedanke, der sich imitatorisch im Kreise dreht, ehe eine kurze Stretta in schnellem Tempo zum Pianissimoschluss fuhrt.Circulo ostinato (Kreisende Wiederholung) (Andante con moto)Der Mittelteil des Satzes entwickelt sich aus gestauten Tonwiederholungen und den melodischen Flosklen des Urthemas in immer neuen Anlaufen zu grosser Steigerung. Am Anfang und Ende steht ein mehrstimmiger Kanon, der um eine abwarts gerichtete chromatische Tonfolge kreist.Ballo estatico (,,Entfesselter Tanz) (Allegro molto)In diesem Satz dominieren rhythmisch tanzerische und aggressive Elemente; drei verschiedene Episoden entfalten sich uber ostinaten Bassbewegungen, die letzte gerat zur ,,freien Variation uber Debussys (,,Golliwoggs cake walk aus den ,,Children's Corner).Sogno solitario (Einsamer Traum) (Andante)Der ,,langsame Satz des Quartetts wachst aus rezitativischem Beginn, uber einen ausdrucksvollen Mittelteil (mit engraumiger Melodik) bis zu einer ausgedehnten Trillerflache und dichten, abwarts sturzenden chromatischen Figuren (Quintolen), kehrt uber einen ruhigen Abschnitt (in tiefer Lage) zum Rezitativ zuruck, klingt verhalten aus.Fugato scherzando (Allegro molto)Ein virtuos humorvolles Finale, nach dem einleitenden vierstimmigen ,,Kreisel-Kanon des Leitmotivs entwickelt sich aus einem skurrilen Thema eine rhythmisch vertrackte Fuge, unterbrochen von einem trioahnlichen Intermezzo und wirkungsvoll turbulent zum befreienden Schluss gesteigert.(Jurg Baur)Bibliography:Gudelhofer, Matthias: Jurg Baur. Die spate Kammermusik, Koln: Dohr 2002.World premiere: Rottenburg am Neckar, February 1, 1987.
SKU: AP.1-ADV7676
ISBN 9783892217374. UPC: 805095076769. English.
This suite was inspired most notably by the saxophone quartets of Phil Woods and was written in a conscious attempt to wed certain stylistic elements of classical and jazz music. The players are not asked to improvise, but the piece does feature sections that sound spontaneous and freely created. The piece is difficult, but no more so than other quartets, like Glazunov and Desenclos, that are standard repertoire for this instrumentation. Talented high school and all college groups will find success working on this piece. Trance Dance, is a rhythmically grooving 12/8 feel that features the tenor and baritone saxophones.
SKU: AP.1-ADV7623
UPC: 805095076233. English. Traditional.
Writing these arrangements, Frank Reinshagen has created little masterpieces, which broaden the rhythmical and harmonic context of the original tunes in an interesting manner without detracting from their archaic and melancholic character. These original tunes have been borrowed from the Irish, Scottish, and Gaelic musical tradition. These through-composed arrangements are rather easy to perform from the rhythmical and technical point of view. Yet, they are quite demanding in respect of the key they are written in, their intonation and, especially, their interpretation. Their different instrumentations are fully compatible with each other and, due to their overall structure, they are also suitable to be played with multi-scored parts. The original of The Sons of Liberty is of a more recent date and goes back to the time when the King of England forced the Irish farmers' sons to go to war in America against their own fellow countrymen who were striving for freedom there. The arrangement conveys the impression of a vigorous forward motion created by a recurring and changing riff. Although it is written in a somewhat more difficult key (E minor), it is not too exacting from the technical point of view.
SKU: AP.1-ADV7618
UPC: 805095076189. English.
The suite consists of a series of short sketch-like movements that employs the use of common saxophone connotative qualities. It is an outgrowth of the composer's impressions of the saxophone both as a musical instrument and as a quasi-pop icon.
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