This brand-new series is intended as a guide to the keyboard music of the 16th to 19th centuries for pupils of the piano and the harpsichord, as well as of other early keyboard instruments. Each volume contains pieces by well-known and lesser-known composers from one country or region. The main purpose of the series is to extend the repertoire and stylistic knowledge of both pianists and harpsichordists while also presenting fine pieces and typical genres based on original sources. Our edition retains the performance indications of the composers' manuscripts and contemporary editions. Each volume includes:- suggestions for stylistically appropriate performance bothon the piano and on period instruments- suggested elaborated versions of some pieces and excerpts- a fold-out list of ornamentation signs and the composers' own tables of ornamentation signs- biographies of the composers and the sources of the pieces- translations of foreign-language performance indications. The two volumes devoted to French keyboard music includes close to 50 showy and relatively easy works - preludes, dances, suites, rondeaux, and character pieces - from the early 16th until the late 18th century (ordered chronologically).This publication is printed on high-quality, age-resistant paper that is produced in an environmentally-friendly, climate-neutral manner using renewable raw materials. Cette toute nouvelle collection est un guide de la musique pour clavier du XVIe au XIXe siècle adressé aux élèves de piano et clavecin, ainsi que d'autres instruments clavier anciens. Chaque volume rassemble des œuvres de compositeurs célèbres et moins célèbres dans un pays ou une région (préludes, danses, suites, rondeaux et pièces de caractère), ainsi que des suggestions de jeu, des versions élaborées suggérées et extraits, une liste dépliante des signes d'ornement et les tables des compositeurs, des biographies des compositeurs et les sources des œuvres. Cette publication a été imprimée sur du papier de qualité, résistant au vieillissement, et produit dans le respectde l'environnement et du climat partir de matières premières renouvelables. Una nuova collana ideata per offrire una guida alla scoperta della musica per pianoforte e clavicembalo dal sedicesimo al diciannovesimo secolo. Ogni volume include brani di compositori di una specifica nazione o area geografica. L'intento è amplicare la conoscenza e il repertorio di ogni musicista. Inoltre in ogni edizione sono riportati fedelmente i suggerimenti per l'interpretazione e le indicazioni presenti sui manoscritti originali. I due volumi dedicati alla musica francese includono circa 50 brani significativi - preludi, danze, suites, rondò e altri - che risalgono all'inizio del sedicesimo secolo fino alla fine del diciottesimo secolo, rigorosamente inordine cronologico.
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