SKU: HL.44012906
UPC: 840126916560. 10.75x14.0x0.035 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
A Bluegrass Overture was commissioned by Gabriel Wooley and funded by a grant from Leslie and Cathy Anderson for the Central Kentucky Concert Band to celebrate their 40th anniversary in 2016. This energetic overture opens with an introduction loosely based on 'bluegrass' chords before a slower, legato chorale appears in the clarinets and flutes. This is short-lived and soon a new mood is introduced, based on a repeated-note accompaniment. This leads to the main theme, heavily syncopated with bluesy inflections. A central section features a cantabile melody, which changes key frequently, before the main theme reappears, leading to a triumphal presentation of the earlierchorale melody. A Bluegrass Overture is geschreven voor de Central Kentucky Concert Band ter gelegenheid van hun veertigjarig bestaan in 2016. De opdracht komt van Gabriel Wooley en is gefinancierd door een gift van Leslie en Cathy Anderson. Deze energieke ouverture opent met bluegrass-akkoorden, waarna in de klarinetten en fluiten een langzamer, legato koraal naar voren komt. Het wordt al snel gevolgd door een nieuw sfeerbeeld, dat is gebaseerd op een begeleiding van herhaalde noten. Hier komt het hoofdthema uit voort, dat zwaar gesyncopeerd is en bluesachtige invloeden laat horen. In het middengedeelte klinkt een zangerige melodie met frequente modulaties, waarna hethoofdthema weer opduikt en ons meevoert naar een glorierijke presentatie van de eerder gespeelde koraalmelodie. A Bluegrass Overture wurde von Gabriel Wooley anlasslich des 40-jahrigen Jubilaums der Central Kentucky Concert Band im Jahre 2016 in Auftrag gegeben und von Leslie und Cathy Anderson finanziell unterstutzt. Diese energiegeladene Ouverture beginnt mit einer Einleitung mit lockeren Bluegrass-Akkorden, bevor ein langsamer Choral im Legato in den Klarinetten und Floten erklingt. Das ist jedoch nur von kurzer Dauer, denn schon bald wird durch eine Begleitung mit repetierten Noten eine neue Stimmung erzeugt. Dies fuhrt schliesslich zum Hauptthema mit deutlichen Synkopen und Blues-Modulationen. Die zentrale Passage zeichnet sich durch eine kantable Melodie aus, die haufigdie Tonart wechselt, bevor das Hauptthema wiederkehrt und zu einer triumphalen Prasentation der vorherigen Choralmelodie hinleitet. A Bluegrass Overture fut commande par Gabriel Wooley et finance par une bourse de Leslie et Cathy Anderson pour la celebration du 40e anniversaire du Central Kentucky Concert Band en 2016. Cette ouverture energique debute par une introduction basee vaguement sur les accords de bluegrass, puis un court choral plus lent et plus legato apparait chez les clarinettes et flutes. Bientot un changement d'atmosphere se produit, base sur un accompagnement de motifs de notes repetees. Ceci nous mene au theme principal, tres syncope, aux inflexions de blues. La section du milieu comprend une melodie lyrique qui change de tonalite frequemment, avant que le retour du theme principal nousmene a une presentation triomphale de la melodie de choral entendue plus tot. Questa ouverture energica si apre con una introduzione dal movimento ampio caratterizzata da accordi in stile bluegrass prima di un corale lento e legato affi dato ai clarinetti e ai flauti, di breve durata, e presto sostituito da una nuova atmosfera, scandita da un accompagnamento con note ribattute. Questo conduce a un tema principale, molto sincopato, con inflessioni blues. Una sezione centrale dalla melodia cantabile che cambia spesso tonalita anticipa la ricomparsa del tema principale, che conduce a sua volta a una trionfale riproposizione della melodia corale.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115077-010
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Pie Jesu is the famous aria for soprano and orchestra from Gabriel Fauréâ??s Requiem, opus 48. Fauré (1845- 1924) composed the work in 1887, two years after his fatherâ??s death and only a short time before his mother passed away. Fauréâ??s Pie Jesu is richly atmosphere and peaceful, and Robert van Beringen perfectly captures the essence of Fauréâ??s beautiful music in this arrangement for concert band. Pie Jesu is de beroemde aria voor sopraan en orkest uit het Requiem (opus 48) van Gabriel Fauré. Fauré (1845-1924) schreef dit werk in 1887, twee jaar na de dood van zijn vader en kort voor het overlijden van zijn moeder. Pie Jesuis overigens eerder sfeervol en vredig dan treurig te noemen. Robert van Beringen maakte er een geslaagde bewerking van.Pie Jesu ist die beru?hmte Arie fu?r Sopran und Orchester aus Gabriel Faurés Requiem, opus 48. Fauré (1845-1924) schrieb das Werk im Jahre 1887, zwei Jahre nach dem Tod des Vaters und kurz vor dem Tode der Mutter. Pie Jesu ist vielmehr ein stimmungsvolles, friedvolles denn trauriges Werk, das Robert van Beringen einfu?hlsam fu?r Blasorchester bearbeitete. Pie Jesu est le célèbre aria pour Soprano et orchestre cordes extrait du Requiem Op. 48 de Gabriel Fauré, quâ??il composa peu de temps après le décès de son père. Pie Jesu est empreint dâ??une atmosphère douce et paisible sans pour autant évoquer un sentiment de tristesse. Lâ??arrangement réalisé par Robert van Beringen capture lâ??essence même de cet aria, en reflétant toute lâ??émotion de la merveilleuse musique de Fauré, dans un écrin de quiétude et dâ??humilité pour orchestre dâ??harmonie.Pie Jesu è la famosa aria per soprano e orchestra dal Requiem opus 48 che Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) scrisse nel 1887 due anni dopo la morte del padre e poco prima della morte della madre. Pie Jesu è un brano struggente e pieno di atmosfera, arrangiato magistralmente per banda da Robert van Beringen.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115077-140
Pie Jesu is the famous aria for soprano and orchestra from Gabriel Fauré’s Requiem, opus 48. Fauré (1845- 1924) composed the work in 1887, two years after his father’s death and only a short time before his mother passed away. Fauré’s Pie Jesu is richly atmosphere and peaceful, and Robert van Beringen perfectly captures the essence of Fauré’s beautiful music in this arrangement for concert band. Pie Jesu is de beroemde aria voor sopraan en orkest uit het Requiem (opus 48) van Gabriel Fauré. Fauré (1845-1924) schreef dit werk in 1887, twee jaar na de dood van zijn vader en kort voor het overlijden van zijn moeder. Pie Jesuis overigens eerder sfeervol en vredig dan treurig te noemen. Robert van Beringen maakte er een geslaagde bewerking van.Pie Jesu ist die berühmte Arie für Sopran und Orchester aus Gabriel Faurés Requiem, opus 48. Fauré (1845-1924) schrieb das Werk im Jahre 1887, zwei Jahre nach dem Tod des Vaters und kurz vor dem Tode der Mutter. Pie Jesu ist vielmehr ein stimmungsvolles, friedvolles denn trauriges Werk, das Robert van Beringen einfühlsam für Blasorchester bearbeitete. Pie Jesu est le célèbre aria pour Soprano et orchestre cordes extrait du Requiem Op. 48 de Gabriel Fauré, qu’il composa peu de temps après le décès de son père. Pie Jesu est empreint d’une atmosphère douce et paisible sans pour autant évoquer un sentiment de tristesse. L’arrangement réalisé par Robert van Beringen capture l’essence même de cet aria, en reflétant toute l’émotion de la merveilleuse musique de Fauré, dans un écrin de quiétude et d’humilité pour orchestre d’harmonie.Pie Jesu è la famosa aria per soprano e orchestra dal Requiem opus 48 che Gabriel Fauré (1845-1924) scrisse nel 1887 due anni dopo la morte del padre e poco prima della morte della madre. Pie Jesu è un brano struggente e pieno di atmosfera, arrangiato magistralmente per banda da Robert van Beringen.
UPC: 084027053171.
Each day presents a variety of experiences. They can be magical, challenging, or surprising. Gabrielle Wojcikâ??s A Wish for Today is an optimistic march that tells a story of the day unfolding before us as more and more instruments join in the music making. It provides your developing band the opportunity to study, develop and perform several basic skills such as tone quality, intonation, small ensemble playing, balance and blend, as well as a variety of articulations and dynamics. Correlates with Tradition of Excellence Book 2, page 8.
About Tradition of Excellence: Excellence in Performance
Excellence in performance is a concert band repertoire series correlated with the Tradition of Excellence Comprehensive Band Method by Bruce Pearson and Ryan Nowlin. The compositions in the series correlate to a specific page in Tradition of Excellence Books 1, 2, or 3 and reinforce and expand on skills and concepts introduced in the method./Selections include exciting parts for every player, grade-appropriate cross-cueing, accessible ranges and rhythms, creative percussion writing, electric bass and rehearsal piano parts, and full conductor scores with rehearsal suggestions, program notes and composer biographies. In addition, the Grade 1 works provide an Advanced Snare Drum part for percussionists who have achieved a higher level of ability, playable simultaneously with the more basic Snare Drum part to facilitate differentiated learning.
UPC: 084027053164.
SKU: AP.36-50105073
ISBN 9781621561194. UPC: 659359520808. English.
There's never been another screamer quite like it! Fillmore's venerable warhorse has been given a thorough looking over by one of the foremost band conductors of our time. Drawing on his years of experience with the United States Air Force Band, Colonel Gabriel has meticulously edited this formidable march for the modern band. Rolling Thunder has long been an admired and often performed work in the symphonic band repertoire. Composed by (James) Henry Fillmore in 1916, this march was a favorite of conductor Merle Evans and the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus. The work is dedicated to Ed Hicker, who as far as the little documentation shows, was an actor and musician in the Cincinnati, Ohio area and who may have performed with Fillmore in the many pit orchestra engagements of his youth. Rolling Thunder is unique within the march oeuvre, in that its softest dynamic marking is forte! In later printings, Fillmore added the subtitle A Trombone Ace, perhaps a tip of the hat to his own instrument and that the trombones and other bass instruments are playing to the fore from beginning to end. Fillmore also indicates that the march should be played Furioso. So sit back, close your eyes and enjoy the exciting, death defying sounds of the circus as only Henry Fillmore (our Uncle Henry) can do.
These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months.
ISBN 9780825853548. UPC: 798408053543.
Bold, refreshing and different. Music by Larry Clark, one of the most performed band music composers and arrangers. Includes: Upon a New Horizon: I.) Into the Future, II.) Who Has Ever Touched the Sun? III.) Rondo in the Nick of Time, Clash & Roar, Pavane, Op. 50 – Gabriel Fauré, Quintus, The Tell-Tale Heart, Consensus, Confidence March, Out of the Winter, Digital Prisms, A More Perfect Union (The Legacy of James Madison), Monmouth March, Character, Conflict, Celebrity March, Air and Caprice, Dance of the Thunderbolts, Omega One and Crystal Moon.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084475-140
De Duitse zangeres Nena was in de jaren tachtig enorm populair, met name dankzij haar grootste internationale hit, 99 Luftballons. Naast dit nummer zijn in deze aantrekkelijke medley ook de songs Leuchtturm en Nurgeträumt verwerkt, evenals Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann (Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime), waarmee ze samen met de Britse popzangeres Kim Wilde (eveneens een vedette uit de jaren tachtig) een Europese comeback maakte in2003. De hits van Nena zijn nog steeds geliefd, ook bij de jongere generatie.Mit der großen Revival-Welle der Musik der 80er Jahre feierte auch eine gewisse Gabriele Susanne Kerner, besser bekannt als Nena, ein großes Comeback - mit dem Erfolg, dass nun alle alten“ Fans und die jüngere Generation ihre Lieder kennen und lieben. Grund genug für Peter Kleine Schaars, vier der größten Nena-Hits in diesem Medley für Blasorchester zu verarbeiten. Nena (Gabrielle Suzanne Kerner) est la figure emblématique de la new-wave allemande. En 1982, son premier titre Nur geträumt entre directement dans les meilleures ventes en Allemagne. Un an plus tard, elle se hisse au sommet des hit-parades avec les titres Leuchtturm et 99 Luftballons, qui deviendra un succès international. En 2002, elle réenregistre la version anglaise d’Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann avec la chanteuse britannique Kim Wilde ; un vrai succès ! Peter Kleine Schaars vous propose un medley pêchu qui rassemble ces quatre incontournables de l’icône pop de la scène allemande.
SKU: BT.DHP-1084475-010
ISBN 9780825870477. UPC: 798408070472.
One of the most beautiful and popular pieces by Gabriel Faure is meticulously arranged for the modern concert band by Larry Clark. It contains all of the lush harmonies and subtle features of Faure's music in a wonderful concert band setting.
SKU: HL.48023803
UPC: 888680626433. 9.0x12.0x0.12 inches. Gabriel Musella and Rick Rodriguez.
Composed as a follow-up to Gabriel Musella's popular Don Ricardo, this work in paso doble style is dedicated to and named for Don Hanna, legendary Texas music educator of 50 years. Exhibiting a brilliance of melodic lines and fiery orchestration, Don Hanna is a worthy addition to the repertoire in this classic Spanish style. Dur: 3:40.
SKU: HL.44002229
UPC: 073999340631. 6.75x10.5 inches.
De Italiaanse componist Ennio Morricone schreef in de afgelopen dertig jaar de muziek voor meer dan tweehonderd films, waaronder The Mission (1986). Roland Kernen koos een van de bekendste thema's uit deze film - Gabriel'sOboe - en bewerkte het tot een prachtig solowerk voor trompet en blaasorkest.Der italienische Komponist schreib in seiner erfolgreichen Karriere die Musik zu mehr als 200 Filmen, so auch zum Streifen The Mission. Aus dieser Filmmusik wahlte Roland Kernen das Stuck Gabriel's Oboe und bearbeitete es zu einem prachtigen Solowerk fur Flugelhorn und Brass Band. Ein romantisches Stuck als perfekter Ausklang eines lauen Sommerabends...
ISBN 9781491140611. UPC: 680160628674. 9 x 12 inches. Key: Eb major.
This is a stunningly beautiful ballad for young band by composer Gabriel Musella. It is the perfect vehicle to stretch the musicianship of your maturing ensemble. Mr. Musella draws from his years of experience teaching bands in Texas to provide us with a heartfelt piece that is a study in instrumental color and textures.
SKU: BT.DHP-1104721-010
Dieses lyrische Werk für Oboe und Blasorchester ist dem früheren ersten Oboisten der Scala in Mailand gewidmet - dem berühmten Augusto Loppi. Die Urauff ührung fand im italienischen Ort Monterosi statt - mit Jacob de Haan als Dirigent und Loppi als Solist. Der melodiöse Klang des Werkes erinnert an die großen italienischen Opernkomponisten, wie Verdi und Donizetti, aber auch an den Filmmusikkomponisten Morricone, unter dessen Leitung Loppi das berühmte Solo Gabriel’s Oboe aus The Mission spielte.Cette pièce lyrique est dédiée au grand Augusto Loppi, ex-hautbois solo de l’Orchestre de la Scala de Milan. La première a eu lieu Monterosi dans la région du Latium, en Italie, sous la direction de Jacob de Haan avec Augusto Loppi en soliste. L’idiome sonore de cette œuvre n’est pas sans nous rappeler l’écriture des maîtres de l’opéra italien tels que Verdi et Donizetti, mais aussi celle du compositeur de musiques de films, Ennio Morricone, sous la direction duquel Augusto Loppi a interprété le célèbre solo Gabriel’s Oboe extrait de la bande originale du film The Mission.
SKU: BT.DHP-1104721-140
SKU: BT.DHP-0940579-015
De Italiaanse componist Ennio Morricone schreef in de afgelopen dertig jaar de muziek voor meer dan tweehonderd films, waaronder The Mission (1986). Roland Kernen koos een van de bekendste thema's uit deze film - Gabriel’sOboe - en bewerkte het tot een prachtig solowerk voor trompet en blaasorkest.Der italienische Komponist schreib in seiner erfolgreichen Karriere die Musik zu mehr als 200 Filmen, so auch zum Streifen The Mission. Aus dieser Filmmusik wählte Roland Kernen das Stück Gabriel's Oboe und bearbeitete es zu einem prächtigen Solowerk für Flügelhorn und Blasorchester. Ein romantisches Stück als perfekter Ausklang eines lauen Sommerabends...
ISBN 9781491140413. UPC: 680160628476. 9 x 12 inches. Key: Bb major.
This exceptional new symphonic setting of four Bulgarian folk songs comes in a long line of wonderful rhapsodies based upon a collection of folk song material from one country or region. Composer Gabriel Musella weaves a delightful tapestry of colors, textures and time signatures to create a truly exciting musical presentation. We are proud to welcome the talents of Mr. Musella to the Carl Fischer team. Alert your contest and festival music committees about this piece, because it has the making of a festival standard.
SKU: BT.DHP-0940579-215
UPC: 084027039892.
A Tango at Twilight is written for the young band student. This dance introduces the tango style through characteristic Latin rhythms and articulations. The easy flowing melody provides a prime opportunity to teach cut time and chromatic scales. Preparatory exercises are provided on the back of each part that introduce students to the G minor scale and arpeggios, and the tango rhythm.
SKU: CN.S11211
A beautiful slow dance that captures the essence of beauty. The 'Pavane' pulls at the audience and causes a reaction of quiet reflection. Musicians will share the joy of playing this wonderful composition.The Pavane - an old stately dance of Italian or Spanish origin - can be traced back to the 16th century. French composer Gabriels Faure's Pavane, written in 1886 for orchestra for a series of concerts in Paris, exudes charm, gentility even; the music flows easily yet with a sure sense of direction. In 1919 the composer reused it in his one-act divertissement Masques and Bergamasques. Faure was much revered during his lifetime as a professor of composition at the Paris Conservatoire for many years together with his connection with church music as an organist. In concert performance the Pavane benefits from being allowed to unfold at its own unhurried pace and in its (mostly) own quiet way.
SKU: HL.44012905
A Bluegrass Overture was commissioned by Gabriel Wooley and funded by a grant from Leslie and Cathy Anderson for the Central Kentucky Concert Band to celebrate their 40th anniversary in 2016. This energetic overture opens with an introduction loosely based on bluegrass chords before a slower, legato chorale appears in the clarinets and flutes. This is short-lived and soon a new mood is introduced, based on a repeated-note accompaniment. This leads to the main theme, heavily syncopated with bluesy inflections. A central section features a cantabile melody, which changes key frequently, before the main theme reappears, leading to a triumphal presentation of the earlier chorale melody.
SKU: CL.CTS-7719-75
Written for accomplished soloist Brian Bowman, principal Euphonium in the US Air Force Band, as a commissioned work under conductor Col. Arnald Gabriel, this composition is for virtuoso soloist and concert band. It calls for expressive phrasing especially through the Lento and Andante sections. Smith incorporates mixed meters and his signature 7/8 bar to create a dance-like lift. A concert showpiece that contains a challenging cadenza for the soloist. Also provided is the cadenza as performed by Bowman. Solo is grade 6.
SKU: CL.012-4112-75
Originally written by Vaughan Williams as a vocal setting of a sonnet by Dante Gabriel Rossini, this beautiful art song makes a dramatic musical statement through it flowing melodic lines and creative harmonies. Ed Huckeby has transformed this classic into a magnificent work for concert band, with colorful scoring featuring the woodwind choir as well as vulnerable, yet very playable, melodic lines in the horns and trumpets. Silent Noon is destined to become a new standard in the portfolio of great bands around the world.
SKU: CL.012-4112-01
SKU: CL.CTS-7719-00
SKU: HL.4006109
ISBN 9781540061775. UPC: 888680960124.
Ennio Morricone is one of the most legendary film music composers of all time. Robert van Beringen has arranged three of Morricone'sbest-known themes - Once Upon a Time in the West, Gabriel's Oboe and Cinema Paradiso - Love Theme - in a 5-part flexible arrangement that enables any band to get acquainted with this incredible music.
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