SKU: ST.Y296
ISBN 9790220223525.
Nature and landscape have been the dominant themes of much of Rhian Samuel's vocal music of the last ten years, projected chiefly through the poetry of Anne Stevenson, and in her most recent song-settings, the writings of the Pakistan-born Texas-based poet Zulfikar Ghose. His poem 'Conspiracy of the Clouds' describes how, the clouds having chosen to become invisible, 'Even the astronauts on the space shuttle / looked down on a cloudless America' as hurricanes ravage Louisiana and storms engulf Nebraska. An intriguing conceit in the tradition of magic realism, the text is presented as a scena lasting around 16 minutes, with interpolations from 'Haze' by the nineteenth-century New England transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau. Thus modern fable and romantic nature-description are juxtaposed, and their interaction becomes the source of musical contrasts too. Thoreau's words are assigned predominantly to the vocalist's highest register, those of Ghose to her lower tessitura; and the suggestive and dramatic accompaniment builds tension steadily to the final ironic response of an incredulous American public: not one of awe and wonder, but the question 'Why weren't we told about it?
SKU: PR.114414250
UPC: 680160607846.
Lowell Liebermann's 4th String Quartet was commissioned by the Canandaigua Lake Chamber Music Festival and the Wood Library, Canandaigua, NY, for the Orion Quartet in celebration of their 20th Anniversary. The quartet was premiered by the Orions at the Canandaigua Lake Chamber Music Festival in Rochester, NY on February 9th, 2008. To quote the writer Mark Greenberg: It's a remarkable piece. The mood is elegiacal and meditative, the melodic lines sinuous and searching, the harmonies rich and astonishingly beautiful. Liebermann works within the traditions of Western tonality, but that is a mansion with many rooms. Liebermann inhabits all of them as his expressive purposes require, and he doesn't mind knocking down a wall to create new harmonic spaces. The Fourth Quartet doesn't exactly fit the neoromantic niche into which Liebermann is sometimes placed. Much of the music, especially near the beginning, is a highly advanced and fluid chromatic expressionism with modernist tendencies. Sometimes this roiling cloudscape breaks open to allow a patch of near-classical harmony and almost-resolution. Near the midpoint the clouds lift in leaping modulations. Several chordal passages recall Russian Orthodox chant. Suddenly, when you've begun to think the somber, deliberate pace has gone on a bit too long, Liebermann introduces a kind of hobbled, stilted jazz idiom. The piece dies in pensive quiet.
SKU: BT.DHP-1196090-070
ISBN 9789043157674. English-German-French-Dutch.
Cinema has always aimed to do one thing above all else: arouse emotions. Yet however exciting, entertaining or fascinating a story might be, its full impact is really only felt with the help of the right music. While most original soundtracks demand a large orchestra, a much smaller ensemble is sufficient: Anthony Gröger has taken ten of the all-time most beautiful film scores and created stunning arrangements for string quartet. In keeping with the Pops for String Quartet series, this volume also includes an optional third violin part in case a viola is not available. This is an indispensable collection for any occasion!Van oudsher is de film bovenal bedoeld geweest om emotie op te roepen. Maar hoe spannend, vermakelijk of boeiend een verhaal ook is, pas met de ondersteuning van de juiste muziek komt het volledig tot zijn recht. Hoewel de meeste originele soundtracks een orkest met een grote bezetting vereisen, voldoet in dit geval een kleiner ensemble. Anthony Gröger heeft tien van de mooiste filmmuziektitels verzameld en er prachtige arrangementen voor strijkkwartet van gemaakt. Net als bij de andere uitgaven in de serie Pops for String Quartet bevat ook deze bundel een optionele derde vioolpartij, voor het geval er geen altviool beschikbaar is. Een fraaie collectie met nummers voordiverse gelegenheden! Seit jeher möchte Kino vor allem eines: Emotionen wecken. Doch wie spannend, lustig, interessant eine Story auch immer sein mag erst mit Hilfe der passenden Filmmusik kann sie ihre volle Wirkung entfalten. Während die meisten Soundtracks im Original ein groß besetztes Orchester erfordern, genügt hier bereits eine viel kleinere Besetzung: Anthony Gröger hat sich zehn der schönsten Filmmusik-Titel aller Zeiten vorgenommen und wirkungsvoll für Streichquartett bearbeitet. Eine unverzichtbare Sammlung für Anlässe jeder Art, bei denen ein Streichquartett gefragt ist. Wie in der Serie Pops for String Quartet üblich, enthält das Set auch eine optionale dritteViolinstimme für den Fall, dass keine Bratsche zur Verfügung steht. Le cinéma a toujours cherché, par-dessus tout, éveiller des émotions. Cependant, aussi passionnante, émouvante ou envo tante que soit une histoire, son impact n’est ressenti pleinement que si elle est accompagnée d’une musique appropriée. Bien que la plupart des bandes sonores exigent un grand orchestre, un ensemble beaucoup plus modeste suffit. Anthony Gröger a pris dix des plus belles musiques de films de tous les temps et produit de splendides arrangements pour quatuor cordes. Comme les autres volumes de la série Pops for String Quartet, le présent ouvrage comprend une troisième partie facultative pour violon au cas où un alto ne serait pas disponible. Voiciune collection indispensable pour toutes les occasions !
SKU: BT.DHP-1115200-070
ISBN 9789043140980. 12 X 9 inches.
A seasonal selection of Christmas pop classics for string quartet.De Haske's best-selling Pops for String Quartet series offers excellent arrangements for intermediate string quartets who want to bring some classic pop to their performances. Een eenvoudig speelbare medley in popstijl voor strijkkwartetten. De medley bestaat uit de titels When a Child Is Born, Jingle Bells, Winter Wonderland en Sleigh Ride.Onder de naam Pops for String Quartet heeftde Haske een nieuwe serie ontwikkeld voor strijkkwartetten die zich eens buiten het klassieke pad willen begeven. Een collectie van uitstekende arrangementen in gemiddelde moeilijkheidsgraad!Unter dem Titel Pops for String Quartet hat De Haske eine Notenreihe ins Leben gerufen, die Streichquartette, die sich einmal abseits der ausgetretenen klassischen Pfade bewegen wollen, mit ausgezeichneten Arrangements im leichten bis mittleren Schwierigkeitsgrad versorgt.Ein leicht spielbares Medley für Streichquartette, die zu Weihnachten mit einem flotten, poppigen Titel überraschen und überzeugen wollen. La collection Pops for String Quartet des Éditions De Haske présente des arrangements originaux de pièces stupéfiantes, sans jamais dépasser un degré de difficulté élémentaire. Laissez-vous surprendre par ces quatuors d'un genre nouveau ! Un semplice medley di canzoni natalizie per quartetto d'archi.Pops for String Quartet: una collana per tutti i violinisti desiderosi di suonare qualcosa di diverso dal repertorio classico.
SKU: HL.284555
UPC: 888680912901. 9x12 inches.
Composers note:I never imagined I would write a string quartet. Then I heard the JACK Quartet, and I understood how I might be able to make the medium my own. The result was The Wind in High Places - a twenty-minute work composed entirely on natural harmonics and open strings.Over the next few years, two more quartets followed. The second quartet, untouched, is a further exploration of the aeolian sound world of the first. Then, in Canticles of the Sky, the musicians finally touch the fingerboards of their instruments.And now comes Everything That Rises.This fourth quartet is more expansive, both in time and in space. It grows out of Sila: The Breath of the World - a performance-length choral/orchestral work composed on a rising series of sixteen harmonic clouds.Everything That Rises traverses this same territory, but in a much more melodic way.Each musician is a soloist, playing throughout. They surround the audience. Time floats.Over the course of an hour, the lines spin out - always rising - in acoustically perfect intervals that grow progressively smaller as they spiral upward... until the music dissolves into the soft noise of the bows, sighing.
SKU: BR.PB-5708
ISBN 9790004216453. 6.5 x 9 inches.
When his musical triad op. 192 was created in the winter of 1873/74, Raff was one of Germany's most successful composers and the central artistic authority in the Hessian spa, royal residence and imperial city of Wiesbaden. With op. 192, Raff cultivated his reputation as an erudite composer who was a master of contrapuntal forms. By the time the string quartets were composed, he had already established himself as one of the most prolific and versatile suite composers of the 19th century, as is evident here in the various suite conceptions: Opus 192 No. 1 (in C minor), as Suite in the ancient style, has with Baroque labels stylized dance movements follow one another. Die schone Mullerin [The Fair Maid of the Mill] op. 192 No. 2 (in D major), on the other hand, interprets the suite as a sequence of chapters in a musical narrative and thus becomes probably the first tone poem in string quartet scoring. In the third quartet (in C major), of which Raff the artist was proudest, other genre designations mix in among the dance movements, and with its free succession of different movement types, not usual for a sonata, it preserves structural openness. In collaboration with the Joachim-Raff-Archiv Lachen (CH)Some eighteen years elapsed between Raff's first counted String Quartet op. 77 and his Quartets Nos. 6-8 op. 192, combined as one work. As such, Raff parted with the weighty single opus in quartet composition - without, however, sacrificing musical quality.
SKU: HL.4492994
ISBN 9781705186466. UPC: 196288119203. 9.0x12.0 inches.
Elvis Costello was inspired to create this song sequence for string quartet and voice after discovering that a Veronese academic had been replying to letters addressed to â??Juliet Capulet.â? The delicate and personal nature of the correspondence inspired a wonderful and poignant set of songs, written, arranged and originally performed by Elvis Costello and the Brodsky Quartet. Released in 1993, the album was met with critical acclaim for its creative mix of rock and classical style influences and intelligent sense of melody. Hal Leonard is proud to publish this 30th Anniversary Edition of the work, edited by Brodsky Quartet members Jacqueline Thomas and Paul Cassidy.
SKU: HL.4492993
ISBN 9781705186459. UPC: 196288119197. 9.0x12.0 inches.
SKU: BT.DHP-1196088-070
ISBN 9789043158572. English-German-French-Dutch.
No matter the occasion, string quartets are always in demand. Music for Celebrations features eight works by composers ranging from Marc-Antoine Charpentier to Charles Gounod which rank among the most popular wedding classics, with many of the pieces also well suited for other occasions. The arranger Anthony Gröger has succeeded in transforming the works, some of which originally had extensive instrumentation, into compelling string quartet arrangements that are also easy to play while preserving much of the familiar character of the originals. The third violin part, which can replace the viola part if no violist is available, is an added bonus.Er is altijd vraag naar strijkkwartetten voor diverse feestelijke gelegenheden. Music for Celebrations bevat acht werken van verschillende bekende componisten, van Marc-Antoine Charpentier tot Charles Gounod, die behoren tot de meest geliefde klassiekers voor bruiloften, maar veelal eveneens geschikt zijn voor andere gelegenheden. Arrangeur Anthony Gröger is erin geslaagd de stukken waarvan sommige oorspronkelijk voor een omvangrijke instrumentatie zijn geschreven te transformeren tot overtuigende, goed speelbare muziek voor strijkkwartetbezetting, waarin het vertrouwde klankbeeld grotendeels behouden is gebleven. Een handig extraatje is de toegevoegde derdevioolpartij, die de altvioolpartij kan vervangen als er geen altviolist beschikbaar is. Bei festlichen Anlässen diverser Art sind Streichquartette immer wieder gefragt. In Music for Celebrations sind acht Kompositionen von Marc-Antoine Charpentier bis Charles Gounod versammelt, die besonders auf Hochzeitsfeiern zu den beliebtesten Klassikern zählen, wobei viele der Stücke sich auch für andere Gelegenheiten bestens eignen. Dem Arrangeur Anthony Gröger ist es gelungen, die teilweise umfangreich besetzten Originalwerke in überzeugende, gut spielbare Streichquartettsätze zu verwandeln und dabei viel vom vertrauten Klangbild zu bewahren. Ein Bonbon ist die zusätzlich beiliegende dritte Violinstimme, die anstelle der Bratschenstimme genutzt werdenkann, falls kein Bratschist zur Verfügung steht. Souvent demandés, les quatuors cordes se prêtent toutes sortes d’occasions festives. Music for Celebrations rassemble huit œuvres de compositeurs allant de Marc-Antoine Charpentier Charles Gounod. Ces pièces comptent parmi les classiques les plus populaires lors des mariages, mais un grand nombre d’entre elles sont aussi parfaitement adaptées d'autres occasions. L'arrangeur Anthony Gröger est parvenu transformer les œuvres originales, parfois dotées d’une instrumentation étendue, en quatuors cordes convaincants et faciles jouer, tout en conservant en grande partie leur identité sonore familière. La troisième partie de violon constitue une friandisesupplémentaire. Elle peut être utilisée la place de la partie d'alto si aucun altiste n'est disponible.