SKU: HL.49011073
ISBN 9790001123853. UPC: 073999614947. 9.0x12.0x0.105 inches.
Ivan Muller was born in Reval, Russia (now Tallinin, Estonia) on December 3, 1786, and died in Buckeburg (Germany) in 1854. In 1808-09 he performed widely as a clarinet virtuoso in Berlin, Leipzig, Wien, Paris and many other places where he also presented the new 'clarinette omnitonique' in B flat which he had invented. That system of keys used in Germany to this day is based on Mullers invention. As a composer Muller was an exponent of the early Romantic style and wrote numerous concertos for his chosen instrument as well as this Serenade for Clarinet and Piano (or Harp or Guitar). The editor Dieter Klocker writes: ''These rather beautiful and accessible Romantic miniatures enjoyed great popularity in their day and I assume that even today they will meet with the approval of professional and amateur players alike.''.
SKU: BC.89834
SKU: HL.49032528
ISBN 9783795702656. 8.25x9.0x1.139 inches. German.
Der Rang Krzysztof Pendereckis im gegenwartigen Musikleben ist unbestritten. Wolfram Schwinger, eng befreundet mit dem Komponisten, lasst den Leser im ersten Teil des Buches auf sehr personliche Weise am Leben und Schaffen Pendereckis teilnehmen, fuhrt ihm den Alltag eines Kunstlers vor Augen, der aus der Beanspruchung durch Verpflichtungen in aller Welt Anregung und schopferische Kraft empfangt.Im zweiten Teil des Buches setzt sich der Autor ausfuhrlich mit den einzelnen Werken Pendereckis auseinander. Er vermittelt damit dem Fachmann interessante Einblicke in die Werkstatt des Komponisten und eroffnet dem interessierten Laien neue Zugange zu dessen Schaffen. Dabei werden die Verbindungen von Pendereckis Kompositionen zur musikgeschichtlichen Tradition ebenso deutlich wie seine Neuerungen hinsichtlich der Klangerzeugung und Kompositionstechnik.
SKU: BT.GOB-001209-010
The Blue Mountains are a breathtaking mountain and forest landscape in the New South Wales, Australia. This work came about above all inspired by Weeping Rock, an overhanging rock that gets its name from the waterfall that flows over it.The Blue Mountains bevinden zich in New South Wales in Australië. Ze vormen een adembenemend landschap van wouden en rotspartijen. Dit werk verklankt vooral de beroemde overhangende rots Weeping Rock, die met een onafgebroken stroom water lijkt tehuilen – vandaar de naam.Die Blue Mountains sind eine atemberaubende Wald- und Berglandschaft im australischen Bundesstaat New South Wales. Dieses Werk entstand vor allem unter dem Eindruck eines beruhmten uberhängenden Felsen namens Weeping Rock, der so von einem Wasserfallumspult ist, dass er zu weinen scheint.Les Montagnes Bleues, en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud (Australie), forment une chaîne montagneuse parsemée de lacs et de forêts. Cette pièce a été inspirée, avant tout, par Weeping Rock (rocher pleureur), un rocher en surplomb qui tire son nom de lacascade qui ruisselle dessus. Le Blue Mountains sono un paesaggio montano e forestale mozzafiato del New South Wales, in Australia. Il compositore si è lasciato ispirare soprattutto alla Weeping Rock, una roccia a strapiombo che prende il nome dalla cascata che vi scorre sopra.
SKU: HL.49046941
ISBN 9783795722005. UPC: 196288087304. 9.0x12.0x0.163 inches.
The Easy Concert Pieces series presents easy to intermediate pieces for trumpet with piano accompaniment. Pieces typical of their era and suitable for auditions, public performance, competitions or examinations are ordered according to level of difficulty in three volumes. These Easy Concert Pieces also provide appealing additional material for use in trumpet lessons. Each piece has been recorded, both in full and playback versions (piano accompaniment).The audio files can be downloaded with a voucher code (in the book). In addition to the enclosed part for trumpet in Bb, a part for trumpet in C (Schott ED 22555-01) is available for download at Volume 1 (ED 22555) contains very easy to easy pieces with a range up to written c'', with d'' appearing as a short top note in just afew pieces. Simple and memorable rhythms, readily playable note sequences and patterns of articulation that can be mastered quickly and easily make this book ideal for beginners. Volume 2 (ED 22556) contains easy to intermediate pieces with a range no higher than f''. Besides extending rhythmic scope and requiring a little more in terms of phrasing and articulation, these pieces will encourage further exploration of musical contrasts. Volume 3 (ED 22557) is of medium difficulty and intended for players with a well-developed embouchure who can play notes up to written g'', though this note only appears as a short top note. Flexible articulation and legato playing with a well-developed dynamic range are required for pieces that are longer than those in the preceding volumes.
SKU: SU.94010570
Instrumentation: High Voice & Piano Composed: 2016 Published by: Subito Music Publishing.
SKU: BC.17072
SKU: HL.14022986
ISBN 9788759866221. Danish.
SKU: BC.384443
SKU: HL.49046266
ISBN 9781540062512. UPC: 842819103196. 0.23 inches.
A contribution to make the classical period accessible to the trumpet: Of medium difficulty, Kristin Thielemann's arrangements of performance pieces and sonatas by James Hook (1746-1827) are ideal for tuition as well as for auditions and competitions. Several songs of Hook were arranged as instrumental pieces and serve as a good start into this repertoire. More advanced players may try thesonatas. Apart from the frequently played Sonata Op. 99/3, even lesser known sonatas might be interesting for the trumpet because oftheir well-chosen keys.
SKU: CA.1002619
ISBN 9790007189297.
Score and parts available separately - see item CA.1002600.
SKU: RU.10328S
SKU: CA.3501249
ISBN 9790007213039. Text language: Latin.
Mention the key words Johann Sebastian and Magnificat, and one thinks involuntarily of his well-known Magnificat in D major BWV 243 or in E flat major BWV 243a. However, during the time of his tenure as St. Thomas Kantor, several times Bach also referred back to older settings of the Magnificat text and arranged these for his own purposes. Thus, for the first time it can be documented that in its original version the double choir Magnificat in C major BWV Anh. 30 contained in Bach's music library, which was originally handed down anonymously, was composed by Pietro Torri. Torri was the Music Director at the Court of the Bavarian House of Wittelsbach. For performance purposes in Leipzig in ca. 1742 Bach retained the substance of the work but composed additional parts for a 3rd trumpet and timpani. For the first time ever this splendid work appears at Carus in a printed edition. Score and part available separately - see item CA.3501200.
SKU: HL.49015390
ISBN 9790001081726. 12.0x8.75x0.335 inches. German. Andreas Schuermann.
Ruth und Naoyuki Taneda beschaftigen sich seit vielen Jahren mit der Musikerziehung von Kindern ab drei Jahren. In dieser Schule zeigen sie auf, dass es moglich ist, bei Kleinkindern uber das Medium Farbe (farbige Noten) das absolute Gehor zu entwickeln, also jene Horfahigkeit, die bisher als angeborenes Privileg einiger weniger, besonders begnadeter Musiker galt. Die Autoren betrachten den Mythos absolutes Gehor ganz nuchtern und zeigen, welche Moglichkeiten er fur die Musikerziehung am Klavier bietet. Sie weisen damit einen neuen Weg fur den fruhinstrumentalen Unterricht.
SKU: GH.CVI-3648
Kokonaisvaltaisen aanenkayton tekniikka (Complete Vocal Technique, CVT) on uraauurtava innovatiivinen lahestymistapa lalunopetukseen, josta on apua kaikille ihmisaanesta kiinnostuneille, niin aloittelijoille kuin kokeneille ammattilaisillekin. Mnetelman tekniikoita voidaan kayttaa kaikissa laulutyyleissa.Kirja perustuu tuoreeseen ja jatkuvasti paivettyyn laulutekniikan tutkimukseen. CVT:ta suosittelevat laulajat, laulunopettajat, nayttelijat, puheterapeutit ja laakarit eri puolilla maailmaa. Cathrine Sadolin on maailman johtavia lauluaanen tutkijoita. Han on perehtynyt laulamisen eri tyyleihin 25 vuoden ajan ja itsekin ammattilaulajana kehittanyt innovatiivista lahestymistapaansa myos omien kokemustensa kautta. Han vierailee saannollisesti luennoitsijana aanenkayton kansainvalisissa konferensseissa. Han on erikoistunut laluaanen ongelmien ratkaisuun, vasyneen aanen kuntoutukseen ja laulutekniikan opetukseen kaikissa eri musiikin tyylilajeissa. Han on tyoskennellyt niin teattereissa, oopperoissa kuin levy-yhtioissakin aanikouluttajana ja tuottajana. Han on itse esiintynyt eri puolilla Eurooppaa klassisen, folk- ja rockmusiikin laulajana ja tehnyt useita levyva. Vuonna 2002 Cathrine perusti kolmivuotisen laulu- ja laulunopettajakurssin, joka on tarkoitettu jatkokoulutukseksi laulamisen ammattilaisille. Vuonna 2005 han perusti Koopenhaminaan Complete Vocal Institute (CVI) -oppilaitoksen. Nykyaan CVI:lla on haaraosastoja eri maissa, ja se on Euroopan suurin laulamisen ammattilaisten ja puoliammattilaisten koulutuslaitos.
SKU: BC.17073
SKU: BC.89833
SKU: BC.320824