| The Folksong Fake Book - C Edition
Fake Book [Fake Book] Hal Leonard
For voice and C instrument. Format: fakebook. With vocal melody, lyrics and chor...(+)
For voice and C
instrument. Format:
fakebook. With vocal
melody, lyrics and chord
names. Folk. Series: Hal
Leonard Fake Books. 536
pages. 9.6x12 inches.
Published by Hal Leonard.
(10)$34.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Jumbo Easy Guitar Songbook Guitare notes et tablatures Guitare classique [Partition] - Facile Hal Leonard
Performed by Various. Easy Guitar (Simplified arrangements for guitar). With not...(+)
Performed by Various.
Easy Guitar (Simplified
arrangements for guitar).
With notes and tablature.
Size 9x12 inches. 400
pages. Published by Hal
$24.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Jumbo Songbook Orgue Hal Leonard
(E-Z Play Today #199). Composed by Various. For Organ, Piano/Keyboard, Electroni...(+)
(E-Z Play Today #199).
Composed by Various. For
Organ, Piano/Keyboard,
Electronic Keyboard. E-Z
Play Today. Softcover.
528 pages. Published by
Hal Leonard
$29.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Jumbo Easy Piano Songbook Piano Facile [Partition] - Facile Hal Leonard
200 Songs for All Occasions. Easy Piano Songbook (Easy arrangements for piano an...(+)
200 Songs for All
Occasions. Easy Piano
Songbook (Easy
arrangements for piano
and voice). Size 9x12
inches. 514 pages.
Published by Hal Leonard.
(1)$29.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| San Pedro de Alcântara Orchestre d'harmonie - Intermédiaire Molenaar Edition
Concert Band - Grade 5 SKU: ML.013780090 Composed by Valdemar Gomes. Full...(+)
Concert Band - Grade 5
SKU: ML.013780090
Composed by Valdemar
Gomes. Full set. Molenaar
Edition #013780090.
Published by Molenaar
Edition (ML.013780090).
The Spanish war
galleon with 64 cannons,
built in Cuba between
1770 and 1771 for an
English shipowner in the
service of the King of
Spain left Peru for Cadiz
in 1784 with a huge cargo
of copper, gold, silver
and other valuables on
board. There were also
more than 400 people on
board, including
passengers, crew and Inca
prisoners after a revolt.
The Atlantic crossing
went smoothly, passing
Portugal to take
advantage of favourable
winds. The shipwreck off
Peniche was the result of
human error, apparently
due to French maps with
dramatic errors in the
position of the islands
of Berlengas and
neighbouring islets. On 2
February 1786, the sea
was calm and the night
clear, but they hit the
rock formation Papoa and
the hull immediately
broke in two. The bottom
sank quickly, while the
deck remained afloat for
some time. 128 people
lost their lives,
including many Indians
who were trapped in the
basement. This shipwreck
is considered one of the
most important in
What the
composer wants to convey,
and what can be felt as
one listens, is first of
all the sound of power,
of hope, of the glory of
conquest, of the
splendour of wealth. This
is followed by the
perception of the
maritime environment, the
harmony with the softness
of the ocean, the gliding
of the hull in the foam
of the sea on sunny, blue
days. But along with this
tranquillity, you soon
hear a rhythmic chain
that makes you feel a
representation of the
hustle and bustle, of the
busy crew, of the hard
work of a sailor, of the
desperation of an exotic
people imprisoned in a
dark, damp cellar. A
distinct rhythm that
reminds us of the salero
of Andalusia, with its
Arab influences and its
people, the soothing of
the resignation of others
who are forced to submit.
Then we clearly hear a
crescendo that makes us
imagine the agony of the
collision that precedes
the shipwreck. The
breaking of the hull, the
water flooding
everything, the despair,
the clash of bodies on
the rocks, the tragedy to
come. Before the grand
finale, in which the
return of musical
softness reminds us that
the story is over. The
supremacy of nature over
human greed. The waves,
though gentle, sweep the
wreckage, the lives and
the treasures of the New
World to the bottom of
the sea.
Spaans oorlogsgaljoen met
64 kanonnen, gebouwd in
Cuba tussen 1770 en 1771
voor een Engelse reder in
dienst van de koning van
Spanje vertrok in 1784
vanuit Peru naar Cádiz
met een enorme lading
koper, goud, zilver en
andere kostbaarheden aan
boord. Er waren ook meer
dan 400 mensen aan boord,
waaronder passagiers,
bemanning en Inca
gevangenen na een
opstand. De oversteek van
de Atlantische Oceaan
verliep vlot, waarbij
Portugal werd gepasseerd
om te profiteren van
gunstige winden. De
schipbreuk bij Peniche
was het resultaat van een
menselijke fout,
blijkbaar te wijten aan
Franse kaarten met
dramatische fouten in de
positie van de eilanden
Berlengas en naburige
eilandjes. Op 2 februari
1786 was de zee kalm en
de nacht helder, maar ze
raakten de rotsformatie
Papoa en de romp brak
onmiddellijk in tweeën.
De bodem zonk snel,
terwijl het dek nog enige
tijd bleef drijven. 128
mensen verloren het
leven, waaronder veel
indianen die vastzaten in
de kelder. Dit
scheepswrak wordt
beschouwd als een van de
belangrijkste in de
de componist wil
overbrengen, en wat men
kan voelen als men
luistert, is allereerst
het geluid van macht, van
hoop, van de glorie van
verovering, van de pracht
van rijkdom. Dit wordt
gevolgd door de perceptie
van de maritieme
omgeving, de harmonie met
de zachtheid van de
oceaan, het glijden van
de romp in het schuim van
de zee op zonnige, blauwe
dagen. Maar samen met
deze rust hoor je al snel
een ritmische ketting die
je een voorstelling geeft
van de drukte, van de
drukke bemanning, van het
harde werk van een
zeeman, van de wanhoop
van een exotisch volk dat
gevangen zit in een
donkere, vochtige kelder.
Een duidelijk ritme dat
ons doet denken aan de
salero van Andalusië,
met zijn Arabische
invloeden en zijn mensen,
het sussen van de
berusting van anderen die
gedwongen worden zich te
onderwerpen. Dan horen we
duidelijk een crescendo
dat ons de lijdensweg
doet voorstellen van de
aanvaring die voorafgaat
aan de schipbreuk. Het
breken van de romp, het
water dat alles
overspoelt, de wanhoop,
het botsen van lichamen
op de rotsen, de tragedie
die komen gaat. Vóór de
grote finale, waarin de
terugkeer van de muzikale
zachtheid ons eraan
herinnert dat het verhaal
voorbij is. De overmacht
van de natuur over de
hebzucht van de mens. De
golven, hoewel zacht,
vegen het wrak, de levens
en de schatten van de
Nieuwe Wereld naar de
bodem van de
Le galion de
guerre espagnol de 64
canons, construit à Cuba
entre 1770 et 1771 pour
un armateur anglais au
service du roi d'Espagne,
a quitté le Pérou pour
Cadix en 1784 avec à son
bord une énorme
cargaison de cuivre,
d'or, d'argent et
d'autres objets de
valeur. Il y avait
également plus de 400
personnes à bord, dont
des passagers, des
membres d'équipage et
des prisonniers incas Ã
la suite d'une révolte.
La traversée de
l'Atlantique s'est
déroulée sans encombre,
en passant par le
Portugal pour profiter
des vents favorables. Le
naufrage au large de
Peniche est le résultat
d'une erreur humaine,
apparemment due à des
cartes françaises
comportant des erreurs
dramatiques dans la
position des îles de
Berlengas et des îlots
voisins. Le 2 février
1786, alors que la mer
est calme et la nuit
claire, le navire heurte
la formation rocheuse de
Papoa et la coque se
brise immédiatement en
deux. Le fond coule
rapidement, tandis que le
pont reste à flot
pendant un certain temps.
128 personnes ont perdu
la vie, dont de nombreux
Indiens qui étaient
coincés dans les
sous-sols. Ce naufrage
est considéré comme
l'un des plus importants
de l'histoire
Ce que
le compositeur veut
transmettre, et ce que
l'on ressent Ã
l'écoute, c'est d'abord
le son de la puissance,
de l'espoir, de la gloire
de la conquête, de la
splendeur de la richesse.
C'est ensuite la
perception de
l'environnement maritime,
l'harmonie avec la
douceur de l'océan, le
glissement de la coque
dans l'écume de la mer
par des journées bleues
et ensoleillées. Mais Ã
côté de cette
tranquillité, on entend
bientôt une chaîne
rythmique qui nous fait
ressentir une
représentation de
l'agitation, de
l'équipage affairé, du
dur labeur d'un marin, du
désespoir d'un peuple
exotique emprisonné dans
une cave sombre et
humide. Un rythme
distinct qui nous
rappelle le salero
d'Andalousie, avec ses
influences arabes et son
peuple, l'apaisement de
la résignation des
autres qui sont obligés
de se soumettre. Puis on
entend clairement un
crescendo qui nous fait
imaginer l'agonie de la
collision qui précède
le naufrage. La rupture
de la coque, l'eau qui
envahit tout, le
désespoir, le choc des
corps sur les rochers, la
tragédie à venir. Avant
le grand final, où le
retour de la douceur
musicale nous rappelle
que l'histoire est
terminée. La suprématie
de la nature sur la
cupidité humaine. Les
vagues, bien que douces,
emportent les épaves,
les vies et les trésors
du Nouveau Monde au fond
de la mer.
spanische Kriegsgaleone
mit 64 Kanonen, die
zwischen 1770 und 1771
auf Kuba für einen
englischen Reeder im
Dienste des spanischen
Königs gebaut wurde,
verließ Peru 1784 in
Richtung Cádiz mit einer
riesigen Ladung Kupfer,
Gold, Silber und anderen
Wertgegenständen an
Bord. An Bord befanden
sich auch mehr als 400
Menschen, darunter
Besatzungsmitglieder und
Inka-Gefangene nach einem
Aufstand. Die
verlief reibungslos,
wobei Portugal passiert
wurde, um die günstigen
Winde zu nutzen. Der
Schiffbruch vor Peniche
war das Ergebnis
menschlichen Versagens,
das offenbar auf
französische Karten
zurückzuführen war, die
in Bezug auf die Position
der Inseln Berlengas und
der benachbarten Eilande
dramatische Fehler
enthielten. Am 2. Februar
1786 stießen sie bei
ruhiger See und klarer
Nacht auf die
Felsformation Papoa und
der Rumpf brach sofort
entzwei. Der Boden sank
schnell, während das
Deck noch einige Zeit
über Wasser blieb. 128
Menschen kamen ums Leben,
darunter viele Indianer,
die im Keller
eingeschlossen waren.
Dieses Schiffswrack gilt
als eines der
der Komponist vermitteln
will und was man beim
Zuhören spürt, ist
zunächst der Klang der
Macht, der Hoffnung, des
Ruhms der Eroberung, des
Glanzes des Reichtums. Es
folgt die Wahrnehmung der
maritimen Umgebung, die
Harmonie mit der
Sanftheit des Meeres, das
Gleiten des
Schiffsrumpfes im Schaum
des Meeres an sonnigen,
blauen Tagen. Doch neben
dieser Ruhe hört man
bald eine rhythmische
Kette, die die Hektik,
die geschäftige
Mannschaft, die harte
Arbeit eines Seemanns,
die Verzweiflung eines
exotischen Volkes, das in
einem dunklen, feuchten
Keller gefangen ist,
wiedergibt. Ein
ausgeprägter Rhythmus,
der an den Salero
Andalusiens erinnert, mit
seinen arabischen
Einflüssen und seinen
Menschen, der die
Resignation der anderen
besänftigt, die
gezwungen sind, sich zu
fügen. Dann hören wir
deutlich ein Crescendo,
das uns die Qualen des
Zusammenstoßes, der dem
Schiffbruch vorausgeht,
erahnen lässt. Das
Zerbrechen des Rumpfes,
das Wasser, das alles
überflutet, die
Verzweiflung, das
Aufeinanderprallen der
Körper auf den Felsen,
die bevorstehende
Tragödie. Vor dem
großen Finale, in dem
die Rückkehr der
musikalischen Sanftheit
uns daran erinnert, dass
die Geschichte zu Ende
ist. Die Vorherrschaft
der Natur über die
menschliche Gier. Die
Wellen, so sanft sie auch
sein mögen, spülen die
Trümmer, das Leben und
die Schätze der Neuen
Welt auf den Grund des
Meeres. $209.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Neue Zupfgeigenhansl 121 Songs Guitare Schott
Voice and guitar SKU: HL.49015258 Das Liederbuch der jungen Szene....(+)
Voice and guitar SKU:
HL.49015258 Das
Liederbuch der jungen
Szene. Edited by
Bertold Marohl. This
edition: Plastic cover.
Paperback. Edition
Schott. Classical. Melody
Line (with Chords). 274
pages. Schott Music #ED
7120. Published by Schott
Music (HL.49015258).
ISBN 9783795720629.
4.75x7.25x0.59 inches.
German. Der neue
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allgemein bekannten
Zupfgeigenhansl und
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jungen Generation des
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Jahrhunderts eingehen:
Fahrt uber Lander und
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Folklore und Spirituals -
kritische alte und neue
Lieder zu unseren
Zeitproblemen - das Thema
Liebe - Balladeskes und
Heiteres. Das Buch bietet
Melodien, vollstandige
Texte, Akkorde fur
Gitarrebegleitung, Bilder
und Infos zu den Textern,
Komponisten und
Interpreten. $5.99 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Easy Blowin' Vol. II Vol. 2 Music Distribution Services
Harmonica, lyrics - easy SKU: M7.MGSL-200-02 Das Liederbuch für Mundh...(+)
Harmonica, lyrics - easy
M7.MGSL-200-02 Das
Liederbuch für
Mundharmonika. Edited
by Chris Kramer. Sheet
music with CD. Songbook.
MDS (Music Distribution
Services) #MGSL 200-02.
Published by MDS (Music
Distribution Services)
(M7.MGSL-200-02). ISBN
9783933950024. $27.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Saint Nick's Canon on the Housetop Orchestre à Cordes [Conducteur et Parties séparées] - Débutant FJH
Arranged by Carrie Lane Gruselle. Beginning String Orchestra. FJH Beginning Stri...(+)
Arranged by Carrie Lane
Gruselle. Beginning
String Orchestra. FJH
Beginning Strings. Score
for this title: ST6108S.
Extra part for this
title: ST6108P. String
Orchestra. Level: 1.
Score and Set of Parts.
Published by The FJH
Music Company Inc.
(1)$45.00 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Library Of Easy Piano Favorites Piano seul [Partition] - Facile Music Sales
By Amy Appleby. For Piano. Classical. Sheet Music. 240 pages. Published by Music...(+)
By Amy Appleby. For
Piano. Classical. Sheet
Music. 240 pages.
Published by Music Sales.
$32.99 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| The Golden Age Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur] - Facile De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-140 Composed by Kees ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie -
Grade 3 SKU:
Composed by Kees
Schoonenbeek. Inspiration
Series. Concert Piece.
Score Only. Composed
2006. 56 pages. De Haske
Publications #DHP
1064079-140. Published by
De Haske Publications
9x12 inches.
ch. The Golden
Age is a programmatic
composition in four
movements. I
Overture For the
Netherlands, the
seventeenth century was a
period of great
flourishing in the fields
of economy, culture and
politics; thus it is
called the Golden Age.
Overseas trade boomed,
and the Dutch East India
Company (known as the VOC
by the Dutch) was founded
and expanded to become a
powerful -and, at the
time - modern enterprise.
II ¡Adiós
l, Spaniards!) In 1567,
the Spanish army invaded,
led by the Duke of Alva.
There was a fierce
resistance against the
Spanish tyranny; toward
the end of the sixteenth
century, the Dutch
proclaimed theRepublic.
However, the Spanish
continued the war. Only
with the Treaty of
Münster in 1648 did
the Dutch get their much
independence. This was
also the end of the
Eighty Years’ War.
III Rembrandt’s
Night WatchThe field
of culture, particularly
literature, painting,
sculpture, architecture,
the art of printing, and
cartography developed
fast. It was in the
Golden Age that the
celebrated painter
Rembrandt van Rijn
created his famous Night
Watch. IV The
Admiral Overseas
trade entailed the
colonization of large
areas in Asia, from where
precious products that
yielded lots of money
were brought in.
Surrounding countries
were also involved in
such practices.
Colonizers poached on
each other’s
territories in the
literal and figurative
sense - in this context
the Anglo-Dutch Sea Wars
are legendary. The fourth
movement starts with the
English patriotic song
Rule Britannia, after
which the Dutch Admiral
Michiel de Ruyter makes
the English change their
tune; one can even hear
the roaring of cannons.
When the smoke of battle
has cleared, a small
fragment of a Dutch song
about Michiel de Ruyter
appears, followed by a
fitting closing.
The Golden
Age is een
compositie in vier delen.
de Gouden Eeuw, voor
Nederland een periode van
grote bloei. Dan volgt
españoles! over
het einde van de
„¢s Night Watch
beschrijft de
ontwikkeling op cultureel
gebied: in de Gouden Eeuw
schilderde Rembrandt van
Rijn zijn beroemde
Nachtwacht. Deel
vier, The Admiral,
begint met Rule
Britannia,waarna de
Nederlandse admiraal
Michiel de Ruyter de
Engelsen een toontje
lager laat zingen, er is
zelfs kanongebulder te
horen. Dan klinkt een
fragment van het
Nederlandse liedje dat
aan Michiel de Ruyter is
gewijd, waarna een
Golden Age ist eine
Komposition in vier
Sätzen über das so
genannte “Goldene
Zeitalter“ in der
Geschichte der
Niederlande. In dieser
Periode erlebte das Land
eine Blütezeit des
(Ãœbersee-)Handels, der
Kultur und Politik, es
befreite sich von der
spanischen Herrschaft,
brachte Kunstwerke wie
Nachtwache hervor
und entwickelte sich zu
einer Kolonialmacht. Die
Aufmerksamkeit der
Zuhörer ist bei Kees
Schoonenbeeks spannender
¨s une guerre qui dura 80
ans, l'Espagne reconnut
l'indépendance des
néerlandaises, qui
devinrent alors
l’une des plus
importantes puissances
maritimes et
économiques du XVIIe
siècle. Cette
période est connue
sous le nom de Siècle
d’or (The
Golden Age) et
correspond une phase de
exceptionnel des Pays-Bas
tant sur le plan colonial
et militaire que sur le
plan culturel,
intellectuel et
una guerra che durò 80
anni, la Spagna riconobbe
delle Province-Unite
olandesi che divennero
potenze marittime ed
economiche del XVII
secolo. Questo periodo
è conosciuto con il
nome di Secolo
d’Oro (The Golden
Age) e corrisponde ad una
fase di sviluppo
eccezionale dei Paesi
Bassi sia sul piano
coloniale e militare, sia
sul piano culturale,
intellettuale e
artistico. $36.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| The Golden Age Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur et Parties séparées] - Facile De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-010 Composed by Kees ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie -
Grade 3 SKU:
Composed by Kees
Schoonenbeek. Inspiration
Series. Concert Piece.
Set (Score & Parts).
Composed 2006. De Haske
Publications #DHP
1064079-010. Published by
De Haske Publications
9x12 inches.
ch. The Golden
Age is a programmatic
composition in four
movements. I
Overture For the
Netherlands, the
seventeenth century was a
period of great
flourishing in the fields
of economy, culture and
politics; thus it is
called the Golden Age.
Overseas trade boomed,
and the Dutch East India
Company (known as the VOC
by the Dutch) was founded
and expanded to become a
powerful -and, at the
time - modern enterprise.
II ¡Adiós
l, Spaniards!) In 1567,
the Spanish army invaded,
led by the Duke of Alva.
There was a fierce
resistance against the
Spanish tyranny; toward
the end of the sixteenth
century, the Dutch
proclaimed theRepublic.
However, the Spanish
continued the war. Only
with the Treaty of
Münster in 1648 did
the Dutch get their much
independence. This was
also the end of the
Eighty Years’ War.
III Rembrandt’s
Night WatchThe field
of culture, particularly
literature, painting,
sculpture, architecture,
the art of printing, and
cartography developed
fast. It was in the
Golden Age that the
celebrated painter
Rembrandt van Rijn
created his famous Night
Watch. IV The
Admiral Overseas
trade entailed the
colonization of large
areas in Asia, from where
precious products that
yielded lots of money
were brought in.
Surrounding countries
were also involved in
such practices.
Colonizers poached on
each other’s
territories in the
literal and figurative
sense - in this context
the Anglo-Dutch Sea Wars
are legendary. The fourth
movement starts with the
English patriotic song
Rule Britannia, after
which the Dutch Admiral
Michiel de Ruyter makes
the English change their
tune; one can even hear
the roaring of cannons.
When the smoke of battle
has cleared, a small
fragment of a Dutch song
about Michiel de Ruyter
appears, followed by a
fitting closing.
The Golden
Age is een
compositie in vier delen.
de Gouden Eeuw, voor
Nederland een periode van
grote bloei. Dan volgt
españoles! over
het einde van de
„¢s Night Watch
beschrijft de
ontwikkeling op cultureel
gebied: in de Gouden Eeuw
schilderde Rembrandt van
Rijn zijn beroemde
Nachtwacht. Deel
vier, The Admiral,
begint met Rule
Britannia,waarna de
Nederlandse admiraal
Michiel de Ruyter de
Engelsen een toontje
lager laat zingen, er is
zelfs kanongebulder te
horen. Dan klinkt een
fragment van het
Nederlandse liedje dat
aan Michiel de Ruyter is
gewijd, waarna een
Golden Age ist eine
Komposition in vier
Sätzen über das so
genannte “Goldene
Zeitalter“ in der
Geschichte der
Niederlande. In dieser
Periode erlebte das Land
eine Blütezeit des
(Ãœbersee-)Handels, der
Kultur und Politik, es
befreite sich von der
spanischen Herrschaft,
brachte Kunstwerke wie
Nachtwache hervor
und entwickelte sich zu
einer Kolonialmacht. Die
Aufmerksamkeit der
Zuhörer ist bei Kees
Schoonenbeeks spannender
¨s une guerre qui dura 80
ans, l'Espagne reconnut
l'indépendance des
néerlandaises, qui
devinrent alors
l’une des plus
importantes puissances
maritimes et
économiques du XVIIe
siècle. Cette
période est connue
sous le nom de Siècle
d’or (The
Golden Age) et
correspond une phase de
exceptionnel des Pays-Bas
tant sur le plan colonial
et militaire que sur le
plan culturel,
intellectuel et
una guerra che durò 80
anni, la Spagna riconobbe
delle Province-Unite
olandesi che divennero
potenze marittime ed
economiche del XVII
secolo. Questo periodo
è conosciuto con il
nome di Secolo
d’Oro (The Golden
Age) e corrisponde ad una
fase di sviluppo
eccezionale dei Paesi
Bassi sia sul piano
coloniale e militare, sia
sul piano culturale,
intellettuale e
artistico. $184.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Overture In D-minor Score And Parts Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur] - Intermédiaire De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: HL.44001680 Composed by George Fride...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie -
Grade 4 SKU:
HL.44001680 Composed
by George Frideric
Handel. Arranged by Frans
E. Hendrikx. De Haske
Concert Band. Opening
Pieces. Score Only.
Composed 1991. De Haske
Publications #910268.
Published by De Haske
(HL.44001680). UPC:
073999361414. 6.75x10.5
inches. Im April
2009 jahrt sich der
Todestag von Georg
Friedrich Handel zum 250.
Mal. Ein guter Grund,
seinen Werken in diesem
Jahr besondere
Aufmerksamkeit zu
schenken. Zum Beispiel
mit einem thematischen
Konzertprogramm, das mit
dieser Bearbeitung der
Ouverture in
d-Moll beginnen
De 1717 a
1720, Haendel est au
service du duc de Chandos
a Cannons. De cette
epoque datent les
magnifiques Chandos
Anthems (grands
motets pour choeur, voix
de solistes, orgue et
orchestre) qui refletent
merveilleusement la
capacite du compositeur a
creer des sonorites
magnifiques avec une
formation musicale
modeste. L'Ouverture
en Re mineur est
extraite du Chandos
Anthem ndeg 2 (HWV
247) In the Lord put I
my trust qui
constitue une des plus
belles pages de musique
religieuse du
compositeur. $147.00 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Overture in D-Minor Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur et Parties séparées] - Intermédiaire De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.DHP-0910268-010 Composed by Georg...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie -
Grade 4 SKU:
Composed by George
Frideric Handel. Arranged
by Frans E. Hendrikx. The
Great Classics. Opening
Pieces. Set (Score &
Parts). Composed 1991. De
Haske Publications #DHP
0910268-010. Published by
De Haske Publications
Im April 2009
jährt sich der
Todestag von Georg
Friedrich Händel zum
250. Mal. Ein guter
Grund, seinen Werken in
diesem Jahr besondere
Aufmerksamkeit zu
schenken. Zum Beispiel
mit einem thematischen
Konzertprogramm, das mit
dieser Bearbeitung der
Ouvertüre in
d-Moll beginnen
1717 1720, Haendel est au
service du duc de Chandos
Cannons. De cette
époque datent les
magnifiques Chandos
Anthems (grands
motets pour choeur, voix
de solistes, orgue et
orchestre) qui
merveilleusement la
capacité du
compositeur créer des
sonorités magnifiques
avec une formation
musicale modeste.
L’Ouverture en
Ré mineur est
extraite du Chandos
Anthem n° 2 (HWV
247) In the Lord put I
my trust qui
constitue une des plus
belles pages de musique
religieuse du
compositeur. $176.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Overture in D-Minor Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur] - Intermédiaire De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 4 SKU: BT.DHP-0910268-140 Composed by Georg...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie -
Grade 4 SKU:
Composed by George
Frideric Handel. Arranged
by Frans E. Hendrikx. The
Great Classics. Opening
Pieces. Score Only.
Composed 1991. De Haske
Publications #DHP
0910268-140. Published by
De Haske Publications
Im April 2009
jährt sich der
Todestag von Georg
Friedrich Händel zum
250. Mal. Ein guter
Grund, seinen Werken in
diesem Jahr besondere
Aufmerksamkeit zu
schenken. Zum Beispiel
mit einem thematischen
Konzertprogramm, das mit
dieser Bearbeitung der
Ouvertüre in
d-Moll beginnen
1717 1720, Haendel est au
service du duc de Chandos
Cannons. De cette
époque datent les
magnifiques Chandos
Anthems (grands
motets pour choeur, voix
de solistes, orgue et
orchestre) qui
merveilleusement la
capacité du
compositeur créer des
sonorités magnifiques
avec une formation
musicale modeste.
L’Ouverture en
Ré mineur est
extraite du Chandos
Anthem n° 2 (HWV
247) In the Lord put I
my trust qui
constitue une des plus
belles pages de musique
religieuse du
compositeur. $36.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Overture in D-Minor Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur et Parties séparées] - Intermédiaire De Haske Publications
Concert Band - Grade 4 SKU: BT.DHP-0910268-040 Composed by George Frideri...(+)
Concert Band - Grade 4
Composed by George
Frideric Handel. Arranged
by Frans E. Hendrikx. The
Great Classics. Opening
Pieces. Set (Score &
Parts). Composed 1991. De
Haske Publications #DHP
0910268-040. Published by
De Haske Publications
Im April 2009
jährt sich der
Todestag von Georg
Friedrich Händel zum
250. Mal. Ein guter
Grund, seinen Werken in
diesem Jahr besondere
Aufmerksamkeit zu
schenken. Zum Beispiel
mit einem thematischen
Konzertprogramm, das mit
dieser Bearbeitung der
Ouvertüre in
d-Moll beginnen
1717 1720, Haendel est au
service du duc de Chandos
Cannons. De cette
époque datent les
magnifiques Chandos
Anthems (grands
motets pour choeur, voix
de solistes, orgue et
orchestre) qui
merveilleusement la
capacité du
compositeur créer des
sonorités magnifiques
avec une formation
musicale modeste.
L’Ouverture en
Ré mineur est
extraite du Chandos
Anthem n° 2 (HWV
247) In the Lord put I
my trust qui
constitue une des plus
belles pages de musique
religieuse du
compositeur. $176.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Gettysburg Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur et Parties séparées] - Débutant FJH
By Brian Balmages. Arranged by Brian Balmages. For beginning concert band. FJH B...(+)
By Brian Balmages.
Arranged by Brian
Balmages. For beginning
concert band. FJH
Beginning Band. Full set
(score and parts). Score
only also available:
B1120S. Grade 1. Score
and set of parts.
Composed 2002. Published
by The FJH Music Company
$45.00 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| 1812 Overture, Op. 49 Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur et Parties séparées] LudwigMasters Publications
Concert Band; Orchestra 2+Picc.2+EH.2.2: 4.2+2.3.1: Timp.Perc(5-6): Str (9-8-7-6...(+)
Concert Band; Orchestra
Timp.Perc(5-6): Str
(9-8-7-6-5 in set): Banda
ad lib [
Perc(3-4)] SKU:
Arranged by Peter Ilyich
Tchaikovsky and ed./arr.
by Martin Schmeling. Full
Orchestra, Conductor
Score & Parts. Kalmus
Orchestra Library. Score
and Part(s).
Publications #36-A217602.
Published by
(AP.36-A217602). UPC:
English. Among the
most frequently performed
and well-known of P. I.
Tchaikovsky's (1840-1893)
works, The Year 1812,
Solemn Overture, Op. 49
(more commonly known as
the 1812 Overture) was
written in 1880 to
commemorate the 1812
defeat of Napoleon's
invading French army by
the Russians. Despite the
composer's lack of
enthusiasm about the
project at its inception,
claiming that he wrote it
without any warm and
loving feelings,
Tchaikovsky acknowledged
later that he did well in
its composition, saying I
absolutely do not know
whether my overture (The
Year 1812) is good or
bad, but I rather think
it is the former (pardon
my immodesty). It
premiered on August 20,
1882, in Moscow at the
Art & Industry
Exhibition, Ippolit
Altani conducting. Famous
for its use of cannons in
the Finale, the Finale
also calls for the
inclusion of a military
brass band, which is
labelled as open
instrumentation in the
original. This edition by
Martin Schmeling spells
out specific
instrumentation options
for the banda.
Timp.Perc(5-6): Str
(9-8-7-6-5 in set): Banda
ad lib [
These products
are currently being
prepared by a new
publisher. While many
items are ready and will
ship on time, some others
may see delays of several
months. $130.00 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| 1812 Overture, Op. 49 Orchestre d'harmonie [Set de Parties séparées] LudwigMasters Publications
Concert Band; Orchestra 2+Picc.2+EH.2.2: 4.2+2.3.1: Timp.Perc(5-6): Str (9-8-7-6...(+)
Concert Band; Orchestra
Timp.Perc(5-6): Str
(9-8-7-6-5 in set): Banda
ad lib [
Perc(3-4)] SKU:
Arranged by Peter Ilyich
Tchaikovsky and ed./arr.
by Martin Schmeling. Full
Orchestra, Banda. Kalmus
Orchestra Library.
Part(s). LudwigMasters
Publications #36-A217642.
Published by
(AP.36-A217642). ISBN
9798892700634. UPC:
English. Among the
most frequently performed
and well-known of P. I.
Tchaikovsky's (1840-1893)
works, The Year 1812,
Solemn Overture, Op. 49
(more commonly known as
the 1812 Overture) was
written in 1880 to
commemorate the 1812
defeat of Napoleon's
invading French army by
the Russians. Despite the
composer's lack of
enthusiasm about the
project at its inception,
claiming that he wrote it
without any warm and
loving feelings,
Tchaikovsky acknowledged
later that he did well in
its composition, saying I
absolutely do not know
whether my overture (The
Year 1812) is good or
bad, but I rather think
it is the former (pardon
my immodesty). It
premiered on August 20,
1882, in Moscow at the
Art & Industry
Exhibition, Ippolit
Altani conducting. Famous
for its use of cannons in
the Finale, the Finale
also calls for the
inclusion of a military
brass band, which is
labelled as open
instrumentation in the
original. This edition by
Martin Schmeling spells
out specific
instrumentation options
for the banda.
Timp.Perc(5-6): Str
(9-8-7-6-5 in set): Banda
ad lib [
These products
are currently being
prepared by a new
publisher. While many
items are ready and will
ship on time, some others
may see delays of several
months. $8.00 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| 1812 Overture, Op. 49 Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur] LudwigMasters Publications
Concert Band; Orchestra 2+Picc.2+EH.2.2: 4.2+2.3.1: Timp.Perc(5-6): Str (9-8-7-6...(+)
Concert Band; Orchestra
Timp.Perc(5-6): Str
(9-8-7-6-5 in set): Banda
ad lib [
Perc(3-4)] SKU:
Arranged by Peter Ilyich
Tchaikovsky and ed./arr.
by Martin Schmeling. Full
Orchestra, Conductor
Score. Kalmus Orchestra
Library. Score.
Publications #36-A217601.
Published by
(AP.36-A217601). ISBN
9798892700627. UPC:
English. Among the
most frequently performed
and well-known of P. I.
Tchaikovsky's (1840-1893)
works, The Year 1812,
Solemn Overture, Op. 49
(more commonly known as
the 1812 Overture) was
written in 1880 to
commemorate the 1812
defeat of Napoleon's
invading French army by
the Russians. Despite the
composer's lack of
enthusiasm about the
project at its inception,
claiming that he wrote it
without any warm and
loving feelings,
Tchaikovsky acknowledged
later that he did well in
its composition, saying I
absolutely do not know
whether my overture (The
Year 1812) is good or
bad, but I rather think
it is the former (pardon
my immodesty). It
premiered on August 20,
1882, in Moscow at the
Art & Industry
Exhibition, Ippolit
Altani conducting. Famous
for its use of cannons in
the Finale, the Finale
also calls for the
inclusion of a military
brass band, which is
labelled as open
instrumentation in the
original. This edition by
Martin Schmeling spells
out specific
instrumentation options
for the banda.
Timp.Perc(5-6): Str
(9-8-7-6-5 in set): Banda
ad lib [
These products
are currently being
prepared by a new
publisher. While many
items are ready and will
ship on time, some others
may see delays of several
months. $35.00 - Voir plus => Acheter | | |
| Classical Greats (Reader's Digest Piano Library) Piano seul [Partition + CD] Music Sales
42 best-loved classical pieces for solo piano. Composed by Various. Edited by He...(+)
42 best-loved classical
pieces for solo piano.
Composed by Various.
Edited by Heather Ramage.
Music Sales America.
Classical. Softcover with
CD. 136 pages. Music
Sales #AM990847.
Published by Music Sales
(1)$29.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| The Golden Age Fanfare [Conducteur et Parties séparées] - Facile De Haske Publications
Fanfare Band - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-020 Composed by Kees Schoonenb...(+)
Fanfare Band - Grade 3
Composed by Kees
Schoonenbeek. Inspiration
Series. Concert Piece.
Set (Score & Parts).
Composed 2006. De Haske
Publications #DHP
1064079-020. Published by
De Haske Publications
9x12 inches.
ch. The Golden
Age is a programmatic
composition in four
movements. I
Overture For the
Netherlands, the
seventeenth century was a
period of great
flourishing in the fields
of economy, culture and
politics; thus it is
called the Golden Age.
Overseas trade boomed,
and the Dutch East India
Company (known as the VOC
by the Dutch) was founded
and expanded to become a
powerful -and, at the
time - modern enterprise.
II ¡Adiós
l, Spaniards!) In 1567,
the Spanish army invaded,
led by the Duke of Alva.
There was a fierce
resistance against the
Spanish tyranny; toward
the end of the sixteenth
century, the Dutch
proclaimed theRepublic.
However, the Spanish
continued the war. Only
with the Treaty of
Münster in 1648 did
the Dutch get their much
independence. This was
also the end of the
Eighty Years’ War.
III Rembrandt’s
Night WatchThe field
of culture, particularly
literature, painting,
sculpture, architecture,
the art of printing, and
cartography developed
fast. It was in the
Golden Age that the
celebrated painter
Rembrandt van Rijn
created his famous Night
Watch. IV The
Admiral Overseas
trade entailed the
colonization of large
areas in Asia, from where
precious products that
yielded lots of money
were brought in.
Surrounding countries
were also involved in
such practices.
Colonizers poached on
each other’s
territories in the
literal and figurative
sense - in this context
the Anglo-Dutch Sea Wars
are legendary. The fourth
movement starts with the
English patriotic song
Rule Britannia, after
which the Dutch Admiral
Michiel de Ruyter makes
the English change their
tune; one can even hear
the roaring of cannons.
When the smoke of battle
has cleared, a small
fragment of a Dutch song
about Michiel de Ruyter
appears, followed by a
fitting closing.
The Golden
Age is een
compositie in vier delen.
de Gouden Eeuw, voor
Nederland een periode van
grote bloei. Dan volgt
españoles! over
het einde van de
„¢s Night Watch
beschrijft de
ontwikkeling op cultureel
gebied: in de Gouden Eeuw
schilderde Rembrandt van
Rijn zijn beroemde
Nachtwacht. Deel
vier, The Admiral,
begint met Rule
Britannia,waarna de
Nederlandse admiraal
Michiel de Ruyter de
Engelsen een toontje
lager laat zingen, er is
zelfs kanongebulder te
horen. Dan klinkt een
fragment van het
Nederlandse liedje dat
aan Michiel de Ruyter is
gewijd, waarna een
Golden Age ist eine
Komposition in vier
Sätzen über das so
genannte “Goldene
Zeitalter“ in der
Geschichte der
Niederlande. In dieser
Periode erlebte das Land
eine Blütezeit des
(Ãœbersee-)Handels, der
Kultur und Politik, es
befreite sich von der
spanischen Herrschaft,
brachte Kunstwerke wie
Nachtwache hervor
und entwickelte sich zu
einer Kolonialmacht. Die
Aufmerksamkeit der
Zuhörer ist bei Kees
Schoonenbeeks spannender
¨s une guerre qui dura 80
ans, l'Espagne reconnut
l'indépendance des
néerlandaises, qui
devinrent alors
l’une des plus
importantes puissances
maritimes et
économiques du XVIIe
siècle. Cette
période est connue
sous le nom de Siècle
d’or (The
Golden Age) et
correspond une phase de
exceptionnel des Pays-Bas
tant sur le plan colonial
et militaire que sur le
plan culturel,
intellectuel et
una guerra che durò 80
anni, la Spagna riconobbe
delle Province-Unite
olandesi che divennero
potenze marittime ed
economiche del XVII
secolo. Questo periodo
è conosciuto con il
nome di Secolo
d’Oro (The Golden
Age) e corrisponde ad una
fase di sviluppo
eccezionale dei Paesi
Bassi sia sul piano
coloniale e militare, sia
sul piano culturale,
intellettuale e
artistico. $184.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| The Golden Age Fanfare [Conducteur] - Facile De Haske Publications
Fanfare Band - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1064079-120 Composed by Kees Schoonenb...(+)
Fanfare Band - Grade 3
Composed by Kees
Schoonenbeek. Inspiration
Series. Concert Piece.
Score Only. Composed
2006. 56 pages. De Haske
Publications #DHP
1064079-120. Published by
De Haske Publications
9x12 inches.
ch. The Golden
Age is a programmatic
composition in four
movements. I
Overture For the
Netherlands, the
seventeenth century was a
period of great
flourishing in the fields
of economy, culture and
politics; thus it is
called the Golden Age.
Overseas trade boomed,
and the Dutch East India
Company (known as the VOC
by the Dutch) was founded
and expanded to become a
powerful -and, at the
time - modern enterprise.
II ¡Adiós
l, Spaniards!) In 1567,
the Spanish army invaded,
led by the Duke of Alva.
There was a fierce
resistance against the
Spanish tyranny; toward
the end of the sixteenth
century, the Dutch
proclaimed theRepublic.
However, the Spanish
continued the war. Only
with the Treaty of
Münster in 1648 did
the Dutch get their much
independence. This was
also the end of the
Eighty Years’ War.
III Rembrandt’s
Night WatchThe field
of culture, particularly
literature, painting,
sculpture, architecture,
the art of printing, and
cartography developed
fast. It was in the
Golden Age that the
celebrated painter
Rembrandt van Rijn
created his famous Night
Watch. IV The
Admiral Overseas
trade entailed the
colonization of large
areas in Asia, from where
precious products that
yielded lots of money
were brought in.
Surrounding countries
were also involved in
such practices.
Colonizers poached on
each other’s
territories in the
literal and figurative
sense - in this context
the Anglo-Dutch Sea Wars
are legendary. The fourth
movement starts with the
English patriotic song
Rule Britannia, after
which the Dutch Admiral
Michiel de Ruyter makes
the English change their
tune; one can even hear
the roaring of cannons.
When the smoke of battle
has cleared, a small
fragment of a Dutch song
about Michiel de Ruyter
appears, followed by a
fitting closing.
The Golden
Age is een
compositie in vier delen.
de Gouden Eeuw, voor
Nederland een periode van
grote bloei. Dan volgt
españoles! over
het einde van de
„¢s Night Watch
beschrijft de
ontwikkeling op cultureel
gebied: in de Gouden Eeuw
schilderde Rembrandt van
Rijn zijn beroemde
Nachtwacht. Deel
vier, The Admiral,
begint met Rule
Britannia,waarna de
Nederlandse admiraal
Michiel de Ruyter de
Engelsen een toontje
lager laat zingen, er is
zelfs kanongebulder te
horen. Dan klinkt een
fragment van het
Nederlandse liedje dat
aan Michiel de Ruyter is
gewijd, waarna een
Golden Age ist eine
Komposition in vier
Sätzen über das so
genannte “Goldene
Zeitalter“ in der
Geschichte der
Niederlande. In dieser
Periode erlebte das Land
eine Blütezeit des
(Ãœbersee-)Handels, der
Kultur und Politik, es
befreite sich von der
spanischen Herrschaft,
brachte Kunstwerke wie
Nachtwache hervor
und entwickelte sich zu
einer Kolonialmacht. Die
Aufmerksamkeit der
Zuhörer ist bei Kees
Schoonenbeeks spannender
¨s une guerre qui dura 80
ans, l'Espagne reconnut
l'indépendance des
néerlandaises, qui
devinrent alors
l’une des plus
importantes puissances
maritimes et
économiques du XVIIe
siècle. Cette
période est connue
sous le nom de Siècle
d’or (The
Golden Age) et
correspond une phase de
exceptionnel des Pays-Bas
tant sur le plan colonial
et militaire que sur le
plan culturel,
intellectuel et
una guerra che durò 80
anni, la Spagna riconobbe
delle Province-Unite
olandesi che divennero
potenze marittime ed
economiche del XVII
secolo. Questo periodo
è conosciuto con il
nome di Secolo
d’Oro (The Golden
Age) e corrisponde ad una
fase di sviluppo
eccezionale dei Paesi
Bassi sia sul piano
coloniale e militare, sia
sul piano culturale,
intellettuale e
artistico. $36.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Christmas Canon of Peace Chorale 2 parties Shawnee Press
Choral (2-Part) SKU: HL.35032425 Composed by Ruth Morris Gray. Shawnee Pr...(+)
Choral (2-Part) SKU:
HL.35032425 Composed
by Ruth Morris Gray.
Shawnee Press. Christmas,
Concert. Octavo. Duration
165 seconds. Published by
Shawnee Press
(HL.35032425). ISBN
9781540036803. UPC:
inches. Longfellow'
s text is set with
additional words and
music by Ruth Morris Gray
and the piano
accompaniment is based on
Pachelbel's Canon in D.
Together, it creates a
sweet choral singing ding
dong gently above the
verses with use of an
optional descant as well.
A mature and meaningful
selection for developing
choirs. $2.10 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| La Calunnia Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur et Parties séparées] - Intermédiaire Baton Music
(from the Opera Il Barbiere di Siviglia). By Giaocchino Rossini. Arranged by Mar...(+)
(from the Opera Il
Barbiere di Siviglia). By
Giaocchino Rossini.
Arranged by Marco
Tamanini. For Bass and
Concert Band. Grade 4.
Full score and set of
parts. Duration 4:30
$118.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Music W.O.R.K.S. Hal Leonard
Warmups, Ostinatos, Rounds and Kids Songs. By Cristi Cary Miller. (classroom ki...(+)
Warmups, Ostinatos,
Rounds and Kids Songs. By
Cristi Cary Miller.
(classroom kit).
Expressive Art (Choral).
112 pages. Published by
Hal Leonard.
$59.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| 1812 Overture Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur et Parties séparées] - Intermédiaire Alfred Publishing
By Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Arranged by Mark Williams. Music by Peter Ilych Tch...(+)
By Peter Ilyich
Tchaikovsky. Arranged by
Mark Williams. Music by
Peter Ilych Tchaikovsky /
arr. Mark Williams. For
Concert Band. Concert
Band. Growing Band
Series. Level: Level 3
(grade 3). Conductor
Score and Parts. 3 pages.
Published by Alfred
(1)$70.00 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| '1812' Orchestre d'harmonie [Conducteur] Baton Music
(Ouverture Solennelle). Composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tschaikowsky. Arranged by Chris...(+)
(Ouverture Solennelle).
Composed by Pyotr Ilyich
Tschaikowsky. Arranged by
Christiaan Janssen. For
Concert Band (Choir ad
lib.). Grade 6. Full
score. Duration 15:30.
Published by Baton Music
$61.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Louisiana Purchase Piano, Voix et Guitare - Intermédiaire Hal Leonard
By Irving Berlin. Piano/Vocal/Chords Vocal Selections (Arrangements for piano a...(+)
By Irving Berlin.
Piano/Vocal/Chords Vocal
Selections (Arrangements
for piano and voice with
guitar chords). Size 9x12
inches. 40 pages.
Published by Hal Leonard.
$10.95 - Voir plus => AcheterDélais: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
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