SATB choir SKU: ST.EM24
Composed by George Kirbye. Edited by Edmund H Fellowes. Library Volumes. Edited Edmund Fellowes. Revised Thurston Dart and Philip Brett. Paperback. Madrigals. Choral collection. Stainer & Bell Ltd. #EM24. Published by Stainer & Bell Ltd. (ST.EM24). ISBN 9790220209888.
Ah, cruel, hateful fortune (SSA(orT)A(orT)T(orB)B)
Ah, sweet, alas, when first I saw (SSATB)
Alas, what hope of speeding (SST(orA)B)
Bright Phoebus greets most clearly (SSAT (or A) T (or A) B)
Farewell, my love (SSAT)
If pity reign with beauty (SSATB)
I love, alas, yet am I not beloved (SSAA (or T) TB)
Lo, here my heart I leave (SSTB)
Mourn now, my soul (SSATB)
Must I part, O my jewel? (SSAATB)
O heavens, what shall I do? (SSATB)
See what a maze of error (SSATB)
She that my plaints (SSAT (or A) B)
Sleep now, my Muse (SSAATB)
Sleep now, my Muse (SSAT)
Sorrow consumes me (SSATB)
Sound out, my voice (SSATB)
Sweet love, 0 cease thy flying (SSA (or T) TB)
That Muse which sung (SSATB)
Up then, Melpomene (SSAT (or A) T (or B) B)
What can I do, my dearest? (SSAB)
What, shall I part thus? (SSAT (or A) B)
Why should I love? (SSATB)
Why wail we thus? (SSAT (or A) TB)
With Angel's face and brightness (SSAT (or A) T (or A) B)
Woe am I, my heart dies (SSAB).