Song List:
Sporting! Feasting! (Feste! Pane!)
Daughter, in thee my faltering steps
This rosary I offer (A te questo rosario)
Ah, with what joy (O grido di quest'anima)
O mighty monument! (O monumento!)
Ah! O heart! gone is thy gladness
Ho! he! ho!
Here are we in depths (Siam nel fondo)
Ah! Fisherman (Ah! Pescator)
Heaven! and ocean! (Cielo e mar!)
Ah, cloud not dearest (Deh! non tarbare)
Star of the mariner! (Stella del marinar)
Him I love as the light
While there the dancers
Yonder the nobles (La del patri zio)
Lovely as this, my lady
Alas, 'tis a fate (e troppo)
Our gay songs are ending
Yes suicide! (Suicidio!)
O rapture extatic! (Ebbrezza delirio!)
Thanks unto thee, angelic voice!
Down yonder, amid the dim