ISBN 979-0-004-17407-4. 9 x 12 in inches.
Taegliches Einblasen - Fitness-Training - Angewandte Praxis Karl Biehlig's Kompendium der Horntechnik (Compendium of Horn Technique) contains practice material in compact form from which every horn player can put together his daily practice and warm-up quota. The collection is built up systematically and alternates deliberately between pure exercises and excerpts from particularly important and difficult horn passages from the orchestral repertoire up to the music of the 20th century. Axel: Celan Birkenkotter and Mallarme in: ders. Still Songs: Music In and Around the Poetry of Paul Celan Farnham: Ashgate 2012 S. 106-121
Neue Vokalsolisten Stuttgart Ensemble Varianti Ltg. Manfred Schreier
CD Koch/Schwann 3-5037-4