Contenu: Auteurs Divers Badinerie Swerts, PietAlte Zauberkiste Doss, ThomasCapricious Schoonenbeek, KeesBagatelle Moren, BertrandAllegria Van der Roost, JanLa Foca Skud Ferran, FerrerDivertimiento Moren, BertrandTuba Rag Swerts, PietYou can count on it! Schoonenbeek, KeesSaudade Van der Roost, JanReturn Journey Sparke, PhilipTwo sides of the same coin Sparke, PhilipFast and Rhytmic Vizzutti, AllenEl Patricko Latino Ellerby, MartinGateway Client Vizzutti, AllenThree Miniatures Moren, BertrandEl Patricko de Cigarro Ellerby, Martin