| Sela : Harmony Handpan D Sabye 214
Gamme Sabye en Ré (440 Hz)- Notes: Ré3/Sol3, La3, Si3, Do#4, Ré4, Mi4, Fa#4, La4- En ac...(+) Gamme Sabye en Ré (440 Hz)- Notes: Ré3/Sol3, La3, Si3, Do#4, Ré4, Mi4, Fa#4, La4- En acier nitruré- Accordage professionnel- Finition: Gris foncé/pétrole foncé- Housse rembourrée avec sangles sac à dos incl.- Fabriqué à la main |
| Sela : Harmony Handpan D Sabye 213 (2 comments)
Accord : Ré Sabye (440 Hz)- Notes : Ré 3 / Sol 3, La 3, Si 3, Do# 4, Ré 4, Mi 4, Fa# 4,...(+) Accord : Ré Sabye (440 Hz)- Notes : Ré 3 / Sol 3, La 3, Si 3, Do# 4, Ré 4, Mi 4, Fa# 4, La 4- Matériau : acier inoxydable- Fait à la main- Ajusté par des professionnels- Couleur : doré- Livré avec sac rembourré avec fonction sac à dos |
| E SaByeD
21 inch. Nitrided Steel 9-Note E Major Scale Hand Pan. Isthmus Handpans. General Merchandi...(+) 21 inch. Nitrided Steel 9-Note E Major Scale Hand Pan. Isthmus Handpans. General Merchandise. Hal Leonard #ESABYED. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.292443).
Item Number: HL.292443
ISBN 1540049701. 24x25 inches.
The handmade E SaByeD is hand-hammered for the best quality. Notes are easily activated with the lightest touch, and it features a long sustain and beautiful blue/purple color. This hand pan uses an E Major based scale that is both sweet and compelling and holds many melodic possibilities. This scale is an all-time favorite for new and experienced players alike! The hand pan includes a care kit with microfiber cloth, seal1 sample and instructions. |
Handpan fait la main avec les notes D3, G3, A3, B3, C#4, D4, E4, F#4, A4, incluant une ho...(+) Handpan fait la main avec les notes D3, G3, A3, B3, C#4, D4, E4, F#4, A4, incluant une housse rembourre.Le handpan est la combinaison parfaite d'un instrument de percussion et mlodique. Il se compose de deux fines cuves en acier inoxydable assembles. Les moitis sont minutieusement marteles la main dans le cadre du processus de fabrication. Cela cre des creux et une petite bosse au milieu du corps. Ces surfaces forment les diffrents champs sonores. Entour d'un cercle de 8 tons, la note centrale se trouve au milieu du handpan. En jouant sur les champs, on obtient des sons brillants et prolongs.Le matriau de haute qualit, l'acier inoxydable rsistant la corrosion, confre au handpan sa brillance. De nombreux autres avantages vont de pair avec ce matriau polyvalent. Les intempries et le temps ne peuvent pas affecter le design lgant et futuriste du handpan. L'acier inoxydable rsiste l'eau, l'humidit et aux acides faibles. Le handpan peut donc tre emport partout. Il peut galement tre jou dans la nature sans dommages consquents. La surface en acier inoxydable permet au musicien d'utiliser l'instrument pendant de nombreuses annes sans provoquer de marques d'usure.Le handpan Sela Harmony est accord de manire professionnelle et parfaite. Il impressionne par sa qualit et sa sonorit au plus haut niveau. Le handpan possde une vibration de rsonance optimale pour toutes les notes. Il n'y a pas de sons mtalliques gnants pendant le jeu. Les notes sont brillantes et durables. La rverbration des diffrentes notes est renforce par l'acier inoxydable.Les sons uniques, doux, thrs et mystrieux de l'instrument attirent rapidement l'attention de l'auditeur. Le son apaisant les entrane dans un voyage spirituel. Le timbre fascinant du Sela Harmony Handpan est idal comme accompagnement musical d'activits spirituelles telles que le yoga ou la mditation. Les sons sont dj crs avec une rponse facile. Mme les plus petites nuances peuvent tre entendues en jouant. Le rsultat est une performance expressive et dtaille.Le Sela Harmony Handpan est idal pour les dbutants comme pour les musiciens professionnels. Ses neuf notes se situent sur une chelle commune. Le Sela Harmony Handpan permet de crer des motifs sonores fascinants malgr sa technique de jeu simple et intuitive. Le paysage sonore va du simple au complexe. Le joueur se voit offrir des possibilits inpuisables : Des rythmes plus complexes, des mlodies virtuoses, des accords captivants ou des mlodies deux voix peuvent tre combins de nombreuses faons.Une housse de haute qualit et rembourre est incluse dans la livraison. Grce sa bonne doublure, cette housse offre une protection optimale pendant le transport. En nylon indchirable, le sac peut tre port facilement la main grce aux deux poignes ou confortablement comme un sac dos grce aux bretelles rglables. Les petits accessoires, comme un mtronome, peuvent tre rangs dans le compartiment extrieur pratique.Accord : R Sabye (440 Hz)Notes : D3, G3, A3, B3, C#4, D4, E4, F#4, A4Matriau : Acier inoxydableCouleur : OrFabrication de haute qualitFait la mainAccord par des professionnelsPoids : 5,2 kgDiamtre : 57 cmSac rembourr inclusEAN : 4026929926388 |
Handpan fabriqu la main avec les notes D3, G3, A3, B3, C#4, D4, E4, F#4, A4, incluant une...(+) Handpan fabriqu la main avec les notes D3, G3, A3, B3, C#4, D4, E4, F#4, A4, incluant une housse rembourre.Le handpan est la combinaison parfaite d'un instrument de percussion et de melodique. Il se compose de deux cuves en acier. Ces cuves en mtal sont durcies (nitrures) par un procd spcial. C'est ce qui donne l'instrument sa structure. Dans le cadre de leur processus de fabrication, les moitis sont ensuite minutieusement marteles la main. Cela cre des creux et une petite bosse au milieu du corps. Ces surfaces deviennent les diffrents champs sonores. La note centrale se trouve au milieu et est entoure d'un cercle contenant huit autres notes.Le Sela Harmony Handpan est accord de manire professionnelle et parfaite. Il sduit par sa qualit et sa sonorit de haut niveau. Le handpan possde une vibration de rsonance optimale pour toutes les notes. Il n'y a pas de sons mtalliques gnants pendant le jeu. Les notes sont brillantes et longues.Les sons doux, thrs et mystrieux de l'instrument attirent rapidement l'attention de l'auditeur. Le son apaisant les entrane dans un voyage spirituel. Le timbre fascinant du Sela Harmony Handpan est idal comme accompagnement musical d'activits spirituelles telles que le yoga ou la mditation. Les sons sont dj crs avec une rponse facile. Mme les plus petites nuances peuvent tre entendues en jouant. Le rsultat est une performance expressive et dtaille.Le Sela Harmony Handpan est idal pour les dbutants comme pour les musiciens professionnels. Ses neuf notes se situent sur une chelle commune. Le Sela Harmony Handpan permet de crer des motifs sonores fascinants malgr sa technique de jeu simple et intuitive. Le paysage sonore va du simple au complexe. Le joueur se voit offrir des possibilits inpuisables : Des rythmes plus complexes, des mlodies virtuoses, des accords captivants ou des mlodies deux voix peuvent tre combins de nombreuses faons.Une housse de haute qualit et rembourre est incluse dans la livraison. Grce sa bonne doublure, cette housse offre une protection optimale pendant le transport. La housse en nylon indchirable peut tre porte facilement la main grce aux deux poignes ou confortablement comme un sac dos grce aux bretelles rglables. Les petits accessoires, comme un mtronome, peuvent tre rangs dans le compartiment extrieur pratique. Accord : R Sabye (440 Hz) Notes : D3, G3, A3, B3, C#4, D4, E4, F#4, A4 Matriau : acier, nitrur Fabrication de haute qualit Fait la main Couleur : Gris fonc/ Ptrole fonc Inclut un sac rembourr avec des sangles de sac dos Poids : 4,6 kg Diamtre : 57 cm EAN : 4026929926395 |
| Remo Nuskyn 7.15 Bongo Head - M9-0715-n5
Ces peaux Tucked Nuskyn sont conçues dans le même esprit que les peaux animales. Le film...(+) Ces peaux Tucked Nuskyn sont conçues dans le même esprit que les peaux animales. Le film synthétique est enroulé autour d'un cerclage en acier et garantie une durée de vie bien supérieur aux peaux d'origine.Résistantes au tensions élevées, les Tucked Nuskyn ne souffriront pas des multiples changements d'accordages (très tendues ou détendues), ni des différences de taux d'hygrométrie ou de températures.La sonorité et précise et tranchante, les harmoniques riches, la projection, sans égale.Bongo Drumhead, Nuskyn, M9 Type Tucked, N1(3000) Film,Compatible avec les modèles de bongos suivants : LP Latin Percussion : Galaxy Giovanni Series, Fiberglass, Galaxy, Accents Armando Peraza,Generation II, Raul Rekow, Legend Series JohnnyDandyRodriquez, Richie Garcia Accent, Eddie Montalvo AccentToca : Limited Edition,Custom Deluxe, Elite Pro, Eric Velez SignaturePearl : Bobby Allende Signature Fiberglass, Richie Flores Signature Oak , Elite.Meinl : Free Ride Series Wood.Tycoon: Master Series. |
| Remo Nuskyn 8.5 Bongo Head - M9-0850-n6 (1 comments)
Ces peaux Tucked Nuskyn sont conçues dans le même esprit que les peaux animales. Le film...(+) Ces peaux Tucked Nuskyn sont conçues dans le même esprit que les peaux animales. Le film synthétique est enroulé autour d'un cerclage en acier et garantie une durée de vie bien supérieur aux peaux d'origine.Résistantes au tensions élevées, les Tucked Nuskyn ne souffriront pas des multiples changements d'accordages (très tendues ou détendues), ni des différences de taux d'hygrométrie ou de températures.La sonorité et précise et tranchante, les harmoniques riches, la projection, sans égale.Bongo Drumhead, Nuskyn, M9 Type Tucked, N1(3000) Film,Compatible avec les modèles de bongos suivants : LP Latin Percussion : Galaxy Giovanni Series, Fiberglass, Galaxy, Accents Armando Peraza,Generation II, Raul Rekow, Legend Series JohnnyDandyRodriquez, Richie Garcia Accent, Eddie Montalvo AccentToca : Limited Edition,Custom Deluxe, Elite Pro, Eric Velez SignaturePearl : Bobby Allende Signature Fiberglass, Richie Flores Signature Oak , Elite.Meinl : Free Ride Series Wood.Tycoon: Master Series. |
| Schlagwerk : CH542M Day
6 Tubes made of anodised aluminium- Constant long lasting sound- Melodious harmonies- Tune...(+) 6 Tubes made of anodised aluminium- Constant long lasting sound- Melodious harmonies- Tuned according to Cousto- Precise tuning- Total length: 110 cm- Comforting sound- Tones that create emotional warmth, give strength and a feeling of security- The atmosphere is created by an extract from the harmonic series (A)- The brain then expands this by several tones: the low range in particular is perceived especially strongly by our subconscious. It stands for strong vitality and frees anyone trapped in the greyness of the daily grind |
| Schlagwerk : CH342M Day (1 comments)
5 Tubes made of anodised aluminium- Constant long-lasting sound- Melodious harmonies- Tuni...(+) 5 Tubes made of anodised aluminium- Constant long-lasting sound- Melodious harmonies- Tuning basis: day tone according to Cousto- Precise tuning- Total length: 80 cm- Sound of security, tones that create emotional warmth, give strength and a feeling of security.- The tuning is a section of the natural tone series (a) - it is supplemented by several tones by the brain: especially the low range is perceived particularly strongly by our subconscious, it stands for vital strength and frees everyone who is caught up in the grey daily grind. |
| Master Palette Series Quinto
11 inch.. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #MTCPL-110 CS. Published by Tycoo...(+) 11 inch.. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #MTCPL-110 CS. Published by Tycoon Percussion (HL.291321).
Item Number: HL.291321
17x17 inches.
The latest addition to Tycoon's famed Master Series is the new and exclusive Palette finish. Marrying the intricacies of hand-applied paint color by skilled artisans with our state-of-the-art high gloss polishing, the result is a completely original and stunning masterpiece. These drums are paired with chrome hardware to accentuate the beauty of its cascading color scheme. - Sold by SheetMusicPlusIn Stock Supplier (3-10 days)Similar Items |
| Cajon Brush Pair - Dark Finish
Accessory. Accessories. Hal Leonard #CB002. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.151266).
Item ...(+) Accessory. Accessories. Hal Leonard #CB002. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.151266).
Item Number: HL.151266
1.5x14.5 inches.
Created by percussionist Paul Jennings, Cajon Brush™ are brushes designed and built for the cajon. After extensive research and development, these brushes give the cajon a rich brushed sound while also allowing the player to achieve warm low tones.One-inch in diameter, the natural wood handles not only look great with your cajon, but also give you the right feel and ability to play with the best technique.
• Hardwood oak handles
• 1-inch diameter
• Optimum bristle density for both high and low tones
• Sliding O-ring on each brush to control the sound
• Premium bristle materials give the brushes a longer life
• Designed and built for the cajon
• Also works great with other drums and percussion |
| 29 Series Gig Box Cajon - Siam Oak Body and Front Plate
Model TKGBC-29 SO. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #TKGBC-29 SO. Published ...(+) Model TKGBC-29 SO. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #TKGBC-29 SO. Published by Tycoon Percussion (HL.267882).
Item Number: HL.267882
13x13.5 inches.
Features include:
Designed for the player who wants a portable, versatile instrument which doubles as a guitar amplifier
Just plug any electric guitar or ukulele into the cajon and play along
Available in two versions, an all Siam Oak model and another with Russian Birch body and White Zebrano front plate
Powered by a 9V battery, but can also be plugged into an electric outlet
Features snare wires adjustable using Allen Wrench (include). |
| 29 Series Gig Box Cajon - Siam Oak with Hand Painted Front Plate
Model TKWPC-29. Tycoon. Accessories. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #TKWPC-29. Pub...(+) Model TKWPC-29. Tycoon. Accessories. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #TKWPC-29. Published by Tycoon Percussion (HL.232720).
Item Number: HL.232720
14x22 inches.
Features include:
Designed for the player who wants a portable, versatile instrument which doubles as a guitar amplifier
Just plug any electric guitar or ukulele into the cajon and play along
Powered by a 9V battery, but can also be plugged into an electric outlet
Features snare wires adjustable using Allen Wrench (include). |
| Master Palette Series Conga
11-3/4 inch.. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #MTCPL-120 CS. Published by T...(+) 11-3/4 inch.. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #MTCPL-120 CS. Published by Tycoon Percussion (HL.291322).
Item Number: HL.291322
18.5x18.75 inches.
The latest addition to Tycoon's famed Master Series is the new and exclusive Palette finish. Marrying the intricacies of hand-applied paint color by skilled artisans with our state-of-the-art high gloss polishing, the result is a completely original and stunning masterpiece. These drums are paired with chrome hardware to accentuate the beauty of its cascading color scheme. - Sold by SheetMusicPlusIn Stock Supplier (3-10 days)Similar Items |
| 29 Series Gig Box Cajon - Russian Birch Body and White Zebrano Front Plate
Model TKGBC-29 WZ. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #TKGBC-29 WZ. Published ...(+) Model TKGBC-29 WZ. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #TKGBC-29 WZ. Published by Tycoon Percussion (HL.267881).
Item Number: HL.267881
13.5x13.5 inches.
Features include:
Designed for the player who wants a portable, versatile instrument which doubles as a guitar amplifier
Just plug any electric guitar or ukulele into the cajon and play along
Available in two versions, an all Siam Oak model and another with Russian Birch body and White Zebrano front plate
Powered by a 9V battery, but can also be plugged into an electric outlet
Features snare wires adjustable using Allen Wrench (include). |
| 15 inch. Celtic Burn Plain Bodhran
Waltons Irish Music Instrument. General Merchandise. Waltons Irish Music #RS2001. Publishe...(+) Waltons Irish Music Instrument. General Merchandise. Waltons Irish Music #RS2001. Published by Waltons Irish Music (HL.265068).
Item Number: HL.265068
ISBN 154002217X. 16.25x15.75 inches.
Walton's Music has been at the forefront of Irish music since the company was founded by Martin Walton in 1922.
Our music publications, bodhráns and tin whistles are renowned worldwide and will give many years of pleasure and satisfaction.
Waltons Classic range of standard bodhrans are handcrafted from the finest woods, with heads made from real goatskin. All bodhrans come with a carrying box and hardwood beater. Suitable for everyone from beginners to advanced players. |
| 4 inch. & 5 inch. Bongos
Wine Barrel Design. IQ Plus. General Merchandise. It is believed that the first bongo dru...(+) Wine Barrel Design. IQ Plus. General Merchandise. It is believed that the first bongo drums were used in Cuba during the late 19th century. They were used for the music styles called Changui amd Son. This music originated with equal influences from both the African and Spanish cultures that lived in Cuba during that time. It eventually evolved into today's Salsa.
Bongos are made of two differently-sized drums that are attached to one another. The larger one is called the “hembra” (meaning female in Spanish) and the smaller one is called the “macho” (meaning male). Tuned to varying pitches, the two are played together to create different tones and rhythms within a musical piece.
Children can enjoy playing the IQ Plus Bongos by clamping it between their legs, adjusting the macho to lean against one thigh, hembra angles down against the opposite calf, and start making music by striking the drums with the pads of their fingertips.
The bongos are one of the most popular instruments for beginner percussion players as it is one of the easiest to learn. Children will be able to enjoy creating different rhythms and sounds along with other percussion instruments as part of a band, or they can play individually as well!
•Constructed of environmentally friendly rubber wood
•Equipped with premium buffalo skin heads
•Durable and light weight, easy for children to hold and play. |
| Master Palette Series Tumba
12-1/2 inch.. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #MTCPL-130 CS. Published by T...(+) 12-1/2 inch.. Tycoon. General Merchandise. Tycoon Percussion #MTCPL-130 CS. Published by Tycoon Percussion (HL.291323).
Item Number: HL.291323
18.75x18.75 inches.
The latest addition to Tycoon's famed Master Series is the new and exclusive Palette finish. Marrying the intricacies of hand-applied paint color by skilled artisans with our state-of-the-art high gloss polishing, the result is a completely original and stunning masterpiece. These drums are paired with chrome hardware to accentuate the beauty of its cascading color scheme. - Sold by SheetMusicPlusIn Stock Supplier (3-10 days)Similar Items |