NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 14 SELECT UPGMise à jour de KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 Collection, KOMP...(+) NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 14 SELECT UPGMise à jour de KOMPLETE AUDIO 6 Collection, KOMPLETE KONTROL A-SERIES Collection, MASCHINE MIKRO MK3 Collection, KOMPLETE CLASSICS Collection, KOMPLETE FUTURE CLASSICS Collection vers Komplete 14 SelectProduit en téléchargementLe code d\'activation du logiciel sera disponible sur votre facture après traitement de votre commande.LA BOÎTE À OUTILS CRÉATIVE INDISPENSABLETout ce dont tu as besoin pour nourrir ta créativité et apporter la touche finale à tes morceaux des sons inspirants et des synthés premium jusqu aux meilleurs effets, kits de batterie et bien plus encore. L\'édition Select inclut désormais l instrument Play Series SOUL SESSIONS et les dernières Expansions BACKYARD JAMS, NEO BOOGIE et MOTHER BOARD.NE MANQUE AUCUNE MISE À JOURAvec ses toutes nouvelles fonctions de recherche, de tri et de filtrage par style, Native Access 2 optimise ta façon de gérer tous tes logiciels de Native Instruments. Tu peux télécharger, activer et mettre tous tes outils de création musicale à jour en un clin d il, pour mieux te concentrer sur ta musique.TROUVE TON SON. RAPIDEMENTIl faut le reconnaître : Il n\'est pas facile de s\'y retrouver dans cet immense choix de sons. C\'est pourquoi KOMPLETE KONTROL fait partie intégrante de KOMPLETE 14 SELECT un plug-in très pratique qui te permet de parcourir facilement tous les instruments et effets. Et comme tous les presets peuvent être pré-écoutés, tu n\'as pas besoin d\'attendre qu\'ils soient chargés.Configuration requise- Version: 14- Type de livraison: E-mail- Validité de la licence: Illimitée- Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne- Activation simultanée: 3- Windows: A partir de 10 (64 bits)- Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 10.15- CPU min.: Intel Core, Apple Silicon- RAM min.: 4 GB- Disque dur min.: 40 GB- Connexion Internet pour installation et activationFormats pris en charge- Logiciel autonome- AAX Native 64 bits- AU 64 bits- VST2 64 bits- NKS | |
NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 14 STANDARD UPG K14 SELECTMise à jour de Komplete Select vers...(+) NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 14 STANDARD UPG K14 SELECTMise à jour de Komplete Select vers Komplete 14 StandardProduit en téléchargementLe code d\'activation du logiciel sera disponible sur votre facture après traitement de votre commande.UN TERRAIN DE JEU SONOREKOMPLETE 14 STANDARD réunit le meilleur de NI dans un puissant bundle incroyablement polyvalent : des synthés phares, des instruments samplés expressifs, des effets de qualité studio et des sons pour tous les styles musicaux. La collection comprend également les récents PLAYBOX, 40\'S VERY OWN DRUMS & KEYS et SESSION GUITARIST - ELECTRIC MINT, ainsi que des nouveautés signées iZotope, Plugin Alliance et Brainworx.PLATEFORMES POUR LE SAMPLING ET LA SYNTHÈSEKOMPLETE 14 comprend deux plates-formes qui te permettent de développer tes propres instruments, avec une totale liberté. Le sampling avancé de KONTAKT 7 est déjà à la base de nombreux instruments innovants de NI, ainsi que de centaines de développeurs tiers. REAKTOR 6 quant à lui couvre le domaine de la synthèse avec un environnement modulaire flexible pour concevoir des synthés, des effets et bien plus encore. Envie de simplicité Pas de problème ! Les deux plates-formes contiennent de nombreuses bibliothèques remplies d\'instruments samplés et de synthétiseurs, ainsi qu\'un énorme choix de presets pour te lancer sans attendre.15 SYNTHÉTISEURSDes modèles numériques de pointe aux émulations d instruments analogiques légendaires, KOMPLETE 14 STANDARD propose une puissante collection de synthés capables de produire n importe quel son en partant de zéro. Laisse-toi emporter par la chaleur vintage de SUPER 8, explore l univers modulaire de REAKTOR BLOCKS ou découvre les possibilités du synthé à tables d ondes de référence, MASSIVE X. KOMPLETE 14 STANDARD bénéficie également d une nouveauté, le bx_oberhausen de Brainworx une recréation d une icône polyphonique des années 1970.37 INSTRUMENTS SAMPLÉSAvec ses innombrables instruments multisamplés, la banque de KOMPLETE 14 est plus impressionnante que jamais : des outils qui révolutionnent ton workflow comme PLAYBOX, jusqu aux instruments taillés pour la composition comme PRIME BASS et ELECTRIC MINT. Explore les sons aquatiques typiques du producer de Drake dans 40 S VERY OWN KEYS et laisse libre cours à ta créativité avec les derniers instruments Play Series DEFT LINES, MELTED VIBES, GLAZE, et plus encore.9 OUTILS DE PERCUSSIONPuise dans les grooves vintage d ABBEY ROAD 60S DRUMMER, les couches de batterie de POLYPLEX ou plonge dans les basses techno de TRK-01. Le sampleur de batterie BATTERY 4 permet de programmer facilement des percussions électroniques pointues et des parties de batterie vivantes. Quant aux derniers instruments Play Series, parmi lesquels 40 S VERY OWN DRUMS et EMPIRE BREAKS, ils sont tes meilleurs alliés pour obtenir de puissants beats hip-hop.19 EFFETSDe l éclat des traitements de studio à la sorcellerie sonore la suite d effets de KOMPLETE 14 STANDARD inclut tout ce qu il te faut pour sculpter, transformer et peaufiner tes sons. À cela s\'ajoutent des nouveautés de la famille Soundwide : Ozone 10 Standard d iZotope pour le mastering audio, bx_crispytuner de Brainworx pour ajuster précisément les voix, et LO-FI-AF d Unfiltered Audio pour salir ton son. La dernière version de GUITAR RIG 6 PRO propose plus de modélisations d amplis et d effets que jamais, tandis qu avec RAUM, MOD PACK, CRUSH PACK, REPLIKA XT et les autres célèbres traitements de NI, tu peux exprimer ta créativité sans limite.38 EXPANSIONSLes Expansions sont des packs de samples, boucles, presets, one-shots, etc. consacrés à un style musical particulier. KOMPLETE 14 STANDARD en rassemble 38, tu trouveras donc rapidement les sons que tu souhaites - des beats analogiques détonants de MOTHER BOARD à l ambiance hip-hop futuriste de BACKYARD JAMS en passant par l énergie industrielle frénétique de BODY MECHANIK, et bien d autres encore. Les Expansions pour MASSIVE X contiennent chacune 150 presets produits par des designers sonores professionnels(les) qui ont exploité l architecture complexe du synthé et en ont extrait de véritables pépites sonores.Configuration requise- Version: 14- Type de livraison: E-mail- Validité de la licence: Illimitée- Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne- Activation simultanée: 3- Windows: A partir de 10 (64 bits)- Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 10.15- CPU min.: Intel Core, Apple Silicon- RAM min.: 4 GB- Disque dur min.: 260 GB- Connexion Internet pour installation et activationFormats pris en charge- Logiciel autonome- AAX Native 64 bits- AU 64 bits- VST2 64 bits- NKS | |
NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 14 SELECTLogiciel completProduit en téléchargementLe code d\...(+) NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 14 SELECTLogiciel completProduit en téléchargementLe code d\'activation du logiciel sera disponible sur votre facture après traitement de votre commande.LA BOÎTE À OUTILS CRÉATIVE INDISPENSABLETout ce dont tu as besoin pour nourrir ta créativité et apporter la touche finale à tes morceaux des sons inspirants et des synthés premium jusqu aux meilleurs effets, kits de batterie et bien plus encore. L\'édition Select inclut désormais l instrument Play Series SOUL SESSIONS et les dernières Expansions BACKYARD JAMS, NEO BOOGIE et MOTHER BOARD.NE MANQUE AUCUNE MISE À JOURAvec ses toutes nouvelles fonctions de recherche, de tri et de filtrage par style, Native Access 2 optimise ta façon de gérer tous tes logiciels de Native Instruments. Tu peux télécharger, activer et mettre tous tes outils de création musicale à jour en un clin d il, pour mieux te concentrer sur ta musique.TROUVE TON SON. RAPIDEMENTIl faut le reconnaître : Il n\'est pas facile de s\'y retrouver dans cet immense choix de sons. C\'est pourquoi KOMPLETE KONTROL fait partie intégrante de KOMPLETE 14 SELECT un plug-in très pratique qui te permet de parcourir facilement tous les instruments et effets. Et comme tous les presets peuvent être pré-écoutés, tu n\'as pas besoin d\'attendre qu\'ils soient chargés.Configuration requise- Version: 14- Type de livraison: E-mail- Validité de la licence: Illimitée- Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne- Activation simultanée: 3- Windows: A partir de 10 (64 bits)- Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 10.15- CPU min.: Intel Core, Apple Silicon- RAM min.: 4 GB- Disque dur min.: 40 GB- Connexion Internet pour installation et activationFormats pris en charge- Logiciel autonome- AAX Native 64 bits- AU 64 bits- VST2 64 bits- NKS | |
NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE UPG K14 SELECTMise à jour de Native Instruments K...(+) NATIVE INSTRUMENTS KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE UPG K14 SELECTMise à jour de Native Instruments Komplete Select 10-14 vers Komplete 14 UltimateProduit en téléchargementLe code d\'activation du logiciel sera disponible sur votre facture après traitement de votre commande.CRÉER SANS LIMITEKOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE regorge de possibilités : encore plus de synthés, d instruments samplés et d effets de qualité studio, mais aussi des nouveautés provenant de chez iZotope, Plugin Alliance et Brainworx. Avec les récents EAST ASIA, SEQUIS et PICKED NYLON, entre autres, ainsi qu une sélection d outils premium pour le son à l image et la composition orchestrale tels qu ASHLIGHT et PIANO COLORS, tu as tout ce qu il te faut pour donner vie à tes idées et les transformer en morceaux prêts à être diffusés.21 INSTRUMENTS ORCHESTRAUX ET POUR LE SON À L IMAGEKOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE propose une sélection d instruments polyvalents pour la musique orchestrale et le son à l image avec lesquels tu pourras produire des musiques pour le cinéma, la télévision et les jeux vidéos, ou apporter une touche acoustique à tes créations contemporaines. Profite des sonorités mythiques de STRADIVARI VIOLIN et d ACTION STRINGS 2, des textures cinématographiques obscures des voix de MYSTERIA, des timbres terrifiants de THRILL, des paysages sonores granulaires d ASHLIGHT, et de bien d autres choses encore.PLATEFORMES POUR LE SAMPLING ET LA SYNTHÈSEKOMPLETE 14 comprend deux plates-formes qui te permettent de développer tes propres instruments, avec une totale liberté. Le sampling avancé de KONTAKT 7 est déjà à la base de nombreux instruments innovants de NI, ainsi que de centaines de développeurs tiers. REAKTOR 6 quant à lui couvre le domaine de la synthèse avec un environnement modulaire flexible pour concevoir des synthés, des effets et bien plus encore. Envie de simplicité Pas de problème ! Les deux plates-formes contiennent de nombreuses bibliothèques remplies d\'instruments samplés et de synthétiseurs, ainsi qu\'un énorme choix de presets pour te lancer sans attendre.18 SYNTHÉTISEURSDes modèles numériques de pointe aux émulations d instruments analogiques légendaires, KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE propose une puissante collection de synthés capables de produire n importe quel son en partant de zéro. Laisse-toi emporter par la chaleur vintage de SUPER 8, explore l univers modulaire de REAKTOR BLOCKS ou goûte à la synthèse additive avec RAZOR. Outre notre synthé à table d ondes phare MASSIVE X, KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE comprend également le bx_oberhausen de Brainworx - une recréation d un synthé polyphonique iconique des années 1970.48 INSTRUMENTS SAMPLÉSAvec ses innombrables instruments multisamplés, la banque de KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE est plus impressionnante que jamais : des outils qui révolutionnent ton workflow comme PLAYBOX, jusqu aux instruments taillés pour la composition comme PRIME BASS, PICKED NYLON et ELECTRIC MINT. Découvre de nouvelles sonorités avec la SPOTLIGHT COLLECTION - EAST ASIA, joue des patterns acoustiques complexes avec SEQUIS, sample les sons aquatiques caractéristiques du producer de Drake dans 40 S VERY OWN KEYS et laisse libre cours à ta créativité avec les derniers instruments Play Series.15 OUTILS DE PERCUSSIONExpérimente la superposition de sons dans POLYPLEX et joue avec les basses techno de TRK-01. Le sampleur de batterie BATTERY 4, quant à lui, permet de programmer facilement des percussions électroniques pointues et des parties de batterie vivantes. Avec ABBEY ROAD DRUMMER, plonge dans six décennies de styles de batterie des années 1950 à nos jours. Quant aux derniers instruments Play Series, parmi lesquels 40 S VERY OWN DRUMS et EMPIRE BREAKS, ils sont tes meilleurs alliés pour obtenir de puissants beats hip-hop.31 EFFETSLa suite d effets de KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE inclut tout ce dont tu as besoin pour sculpter et traiter tes sons. À cela s\'ajoutent des nouveautés de la famille Soundwide : Ozone 10 Standard d iZotope pour le mastering audio, bx_crispytuner de Brainworx pour ajuster précisément les voix, et LO-FI-AF d Unfiltered Audio pour salir ton son, ainsi que les bx_console N et bx_limiter True Peak pour apporter la touche finale à tes morceaux. La dernière version de GUITAR RIG 6 PRO propose plus de modélisations d amplis et d effets que jamais, avec notamment RAUM, MOD PACK, CRUSH PACK, REPLIKA XT. Et d\'autres célèbres traitements de NI te permettent d\'exprimer ta créativité sans limite.65 EXPANSIONSLes Expansions sont des packs de samples, boucles, presets, one-shots, etc. consacrés à un style musical spécifique. KOMPLETE 14 ULTIMATE en rassemble pas moins de 62, tu trouveras donc rapidement les sons que tu souhaites. L\'éventail est immense : des basses dub de SYSTEM CLASH au hip-hop lo-fi de FADED REELS, en passant par les breaks jungle de RHYTHM SOURCE et les décennies de sons soul de SOUL SESSIONS. À cela s\'ajoutent les Expansions pour MASSIVE X, qui contiennent chacune 150 presets produits par des designers sonores professionnels(les) qui ont exploité l architecture complexe du synthé et en ont extrait de véritables pépites sonores.Configuration requise- Version: 14- Type de livraison: E-mail- Validité de la licence: Illimitée- Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne- Activation simultanée: 3- Windows: A partir de 10 (64 bits)- Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 10.15- CPU min.: Intel Core, Apple Silicon- RAM min.: 4 GB- Disque dur min.: 770 GB- Connexion Internet pour installation et activationFormats pris en charge- Logiciel autonome- AAX Native 64 bits- AU 64 bits- VST2 64 bits- NKS | |
Cette mise à niveau est exclusivement destinée aux utilisateurs(trices) de Komplete Sele...(+) Cette mise à niveau est exclusivement destinée aux utilisateurs(trices) de Komplete Select (fourni avec les claviers Komplete Kontrol S-Series, les claviers A-Series et les équipements matériels Maschine), Kontakt 1-8, la Symphony Series – Collection et la Symphony Essentials – Collection.Vous ne pouvez installer et activer cette version que si vous possédez un des produits requis, dont la liste figure ci-dessus! | |
Cette mise à niveau est exclusivement destinée aux utilisateurs(trices) de Komplete Sele...(+) Cette mise à niveau est exclusivement destinée aux utilisateurs(trices) de Komplete Select (fourni avec les claviers Komplete Kontrol S-Series, les claviers A-Series et les équipements matériels Maschine), Kontakt 1-8, la Symphony Series – Collection et la Symphony Essentials – Collection.Vous ne pouvez installer et activer cette version que si vous possédez un des produits requis, dont la liste figure ci-dessus! | |
iZotope : RX 11 Std UG RX St/Adv / PPS
iZotope RX 11 Standard Upgrade from RX Standard/Advance / Post Production Suite (ESD); Aud...(+) iZotope RX 11 Standard Upgrade from RX Standard/Advance / Post Production Suite (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; Upgrade from any previous version of RX Standard, RX Advanced, or RX Post Production Suite to RX 11; professional all-in-one package for audio restoration in music and post-production; Spectrogram Editor App allows for visualising and editing audio in mono and stereo left/right or mid/side view; RX 11 Dialogue Isolate now includes Dialogue De-Reverb as a realtime AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin for de-noising and de-reverbing dialogue or vocals, based on state-of-the art machine learning; RX 11 Streaming Preview module enables to hear how tracks sound on streaming platforms; RX 11 Loudness Optimize module analyzes for opportunities to improve integrated loudness and can automatically adjusts tracks for louder playback after normalization; RX 11 Music Rebalance with most modern neural network available, allows automatic creation of stems and subsequent changes in mix balance of vocal, drums, bass, and other instruments; RX 11 Repair Assistant for various audio sources automatically detects problems using machine learning and suggests a suitable treatment that can be customised by the user; Text Navigation uses automatic speech-to-text recognition for English-language audio files with a fuzzy search for specific words and allows selection and editing of speech recordings via text input; De-Hum with Static, Dynamic and Dynamic Adaptive modes removes electromagnetic interference or other complex sounds with variable frequency; direct clean-up in Logic Pro with ARA-based Spectral Editor without switching between DAW and RX; Loudness Control with various current loudness standards to adapt audio material to broadcast requirements, as well as numerical and history display for short term and momentary loudness; Restore Selection function allows edited selections to be restored from any previous step in the history list; Music Rebalance allows automatic creation of stems, identifies vocals, bass, drums and other instruments, and allows subsequent changes in mix balance as well as removal or isolation of stems; Batch Processing allows the use of a complete processing chain with Module Chain, displays the associated metadata and allows export to multiple audio formats; Composite View with up to 16 tracks for processing multitrack recordings and Instant Process for fast auto-corrections in the spectrogram; numerous other modules and functions such as Guitar De-noise, De-bleed, Spectral De-ess, Mouth De-click, Voice De-noise, Variable Time and Pitch, Normalise, Fades, Resample, Dither etc.; a total of 19 processing modules, 13 utilities and 18 plug-ins | |
iZotope : RX 11 Standard Crossgrade
iZotope RX 11 Standard Crossgrade (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; crossgrades from from...(+) iZotope RX 11 Standard Crossgrade (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; crossgrades from from any paid iZotope product to RX 11 Standard; professional all-in-one package for audio restoration in music and post-production; Spectrogram Editor App allows for visualising and editing audio in mono and stereo left/right or mid/side view; RX 11 Dialogue Isolate now includes Dialogue De-Reverb as a realtime AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin for de-noising and de-reverbing dialogue or vocals, based on state-of-the art machine learning; RX 11 Streaming Preview module enables to hear how tracks sound on streaming platforms; RX 11 Loudness Optimize module analyzes for opportunities to improve integrated loudness and can automatically adjusts tracks for louder playback after normalization; RX 11 Music Rebalance with most modern neural network available, allows automatic creation of stems and subsequent changes in mix balance of vocal, drums, bass, and other instruments; RX 11 Repair Assistant for various audio sources automatically detects problems using machine learning and suggests a suitable treatment that can be customised by the user; Text Navigation uses automatic speech-to-text recognition for English-language audio files with a fuzzy search for specific words and allows selection and editing of speech recordings via text input; De-Hum with Static, Dynamic and Dynamic Adaptive modes removes electromagnetic interference or other complex sounds with variable frequency; direct clean-up in Logic Pro with ARA-based Spectral Editor without switching between DAW and RX; Loudness Control with various current loudness standards to adapt audio material to broadcast requirements, as well as numerical and history display for short term and momentary loudness; Restore Selection function allows edited selections to be restored from any previous step in the history list; Music Rebalance allows automatic creation of stems, identifies vocals, bass, drums and other instruments, and allows subsequent changes in mix balance as well as removal or isolation of stems; Batch Processing allows the use of a complete processing chain with Module Chain, displays the associated metadata and allows export to multiple audio formats; Composite View with up to 16 tracks for processing multitrack recordings and Instant Process for fast auto-corrections in the spectrogram; numerous other modules and functions such as Guitar De-noise, De-bleed, Spectral De-ess, Mouth De-click, Voice De-noise, Variable Time and Pitch, Normalise, Fades, Resample, Dither etc.; a total of 19 processing modules, 13 utilities and 18 plug-ins | |
iZotope : RX 11 Standard
iZotope RX 11 Standard (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; professional all-in-one package ...(+) iZotope RX 11 Standard (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; professional all-in-one package for audio restoration in music and post-production; Spectrogram Editor App allows for visualising and editing audio in mono and stereo left/right or mid/side view; RX 11 Dialogue Isolate now includes Dialogue De-Reverb as a realtime AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin for de-noising and de-reverbing dialogue or vocals, based on state-of-the art machine learning; RX 11 Streaming Preview module enables to hear how tracks sound on streaming platforms; RX 11 Loudness Optimize module analyzes for opportunities to improve integrated loudness and can automatically adjusts tracks for louder playback after normalization; RX 11 Music Rebalance with most modern neural network available, allows automatic creation of stems and subsequent changes in mix balance of vocal, drums, bass, and other instruments; RX 11 Repair Assistant for various audio sources automatically detects problems using machine learning and suggests a suitable treatment that can be customised by the user; Text Navigation uses automatic speech-to-text recognition for English-language audio files with a fuzzy search for specific words and allows selection and editing of speech recordings via text input; De-Hum with Static, Dynamic and Dynamic Adaptive modes removes electromagnetic interference or other complex sounds with variable frequency; direct clean-up in Logic Pro with ARA-based Spectral Editor without switching between DAW and RX; Loudness Control with various current loudness standards to adapt audio material to broadcast requirements, as well as numerical and history display for short term and momentary loudness; Restore Selection function allows edited selections to be restored from any previous step in the history list; Music Rebalance allows automatic creation of stems, identifies vocals, bass, drums and other instruments, and allows subsequent changes in mix balance as well as removal or isolation of stems; Batch Processing allows the use of a complete processing chain with Module Chain, displays the associated metadata and allows export to multiple audio formats; Composite View with up to 16 tracks for processing multitrack recordings and Instant Process for fast auto-corrections in the spectrogram; numerous other modules and functions such as Guitar De-noise, De-bleed, Spectral De-ess, Mouth De-click, Voice De-noise, Variable Time and Pitch, Normalise, Fades, Resample, Dither etc.; a total of 19 processing modules, 13 utilities and 18 plug-ins | |
iZotope : RX 11 Adv UPG RX 1-10 Std
iZotope RX 11 Advanced Upgrade from RX 1-10 Standard (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; Up...(+) iZotope RX 11 Advanced Upgrade from RX 1-10 Standard (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; Upgrade from any previous version of RX Standard to RX 11 Advanced; comprehensive audio repair suite for professional restoration of audio recordings in all application areas; Spectrogram Editor App allows for visualising and editing audio in mono, stereo left/right or mid/side view, and supports multi-channel formats up to Dolby Atmos 7.1.2; RX 11 Dialogue Isolate now includes Dialogue De-Reverb as a realtime AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin for de-noising and de-reverbing dialogue or vocals, based on state-of-the art machine learning; Dialogue Isolate Advanced plugin and module also include multi-band processing and a new offline highest-quality mode; RX 11 Streaming Preview module enables to hear how tracks sound on streaming platforms; RX 11 Loudness Optimize module analyzes for opportunities to improve integrated loudness and can automatically adjusts tracks for louder playback after normalization; RX 11 Music Rebalance with most modern neural network available, allows automatic creation of stems and subsequent changes in mix balance of vocal, drums, bass, and other instruments; RX 11 Repair Assistant for various audio sources automatically detects problems using machine learning and suggests a suitable treatment that can be customised by the user; RX 11 Dialogue Contour offers editing of the character and expressivity of a voice to combine dialogue edits easier; De-Hum with Static, Dynamic and Dynamic Adaptive modes removes electromagnetic interference or other complex sounds with variable frequency; direct clean-up in Logic Pro with ARA-based Spectral Editor without switching between DAW and RX; numerous special tools such as Ambience Match, Spectral Recovery, De-rustle, De-wind, Wow & Flutter, EQ Match etc.; Loudness Control with various current loudness standards to adapt the audio material to broadcasting requirements, as well as numerical and history display for short-term and momentary loudness; Restore Selection function allows edited selections to be restored from any previous step in the history list; Batch Processing allows the use of a complete processing chain with Module Chain, displays the associated metadata and allows export to multiple audio formats; Composite View with up to 16 tracks for processing multitrack recordings and Instant Process for fast auto-corrections in the spectrogram; many other modules and functions such as Guitar De-noise, De-bleed, Spectral De-ess, Mouth De-click, Voice De-noise, Variable Time and Pitch, Normalise, Fades, Resample, Dither etc.; a total of 25 processing modules, 19 utilities and 20 plug-ins | |
iZotope : RX 11 Advanced
iZotope RX 11 Advanced (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; comprehensive audio repair suite...(+) iZotope RX 11 Advanced (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; comprehensive audio repair suite for professional restoration of audio recordings in all application areas; Spectrogram Editor App allows for visualising and editing audio in mono, stereo left/right or mid/side view, and supports multi-channel formats up to Dolby Atmos 7.1.2; RX 11 Dialogue Isolate now includes Dialogue De-Reverb as a realtime AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin for de-noising and de-reverbing dialogue or vocals, based on state-of-the art machine learning; Dialogue Isolate Advanced plugin and module also include multi-band processing and a new offline highest-quality mode; RX 11 Streaming Preview module enables to hear how tracks sound on streaming platforms; RX 11 Loudness Optimize module analyzes for opportunities to improve integrated loudness and can automatically adjusts tracks for louder playback after normalization; RX 11 Music Rebalance with most modern neural network available, allows automatic creation of stems and subsequent changes in mix balance of vocal, drums, bass, and other instruments; RX 11 Repair Assistant for various audio sources automatically detects problems using machine learning and suggests a suitable treatment that can be customised by the user; RX 11 Dialogue Contour offers editing of the character and expressivity of a voice to combine dialogue edits easier; De-Hum with Static, Dynamic and Dynamic Adaptive modes removes electromagnetic interference or other complex sounds with variable frequency; direct clean-up in Logic Pro with ARA-based Spectral Editor without switching between DAW and RX; numerous special tools such as Ambience Match, Spectral Recovery, De-rustle, De-wind, Wow & Flutter, EQ Match etc.; Loudness Control with various current loudness standards to adapt the audio material to broadcasting requirements, as well as numerical and history display for short-term and momentary loudness; Restore Selection function allows edited selections to be restored from any previous step in the history list; Batch Processing allows the use of a complete processing chain with Module Chain, displays the associated metadata and allows export to multiple audio formats; Composite View with up to 16 tracks for processing multitrack recordings and Instant Process for fast auto-corrections in the spectrogram; many other modules and functions such as Guitar De-noise, De-bleed, Spectral De-ess, Mouth De-click, Voice De-noise, Variable Time and Pitch, Normalise, Fades, Resample, Dither etc.; a total of 25 processing modules, 19 utilities and 20 plug-ins | |
iZotope : RX 11 Advanced Crossgrade
iZotope RX 11 Advanced Crossgrade (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; crossgrades from from...(+) iZotope RX 11 Advanced Crossgrade (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; crossgrades from from any paid iZotope product to RX 11 Advanced; comprehensive audio repair suite for professional restoration of audio recordings in all application areas; Spectrogram Editor App allows for visualising and editing audio in mono, stereo left/right or mid/side view, and supports multi-channel formats up to Dolby Atmos 7.1.2; RX 11 Dialogue Isolate now includes Dialogue De-Reverb as a realtime AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin for de-noising and de-reverbing dialogue or vocals, based on state-of-the art machine learning; Dialogue Isolate Advanced plugin and module also include multi-band processing and a new offline highest-quality mode; RX 11 Streaming Preview module enables to hear how tracks sound on streaming platforms; RX 11 Loudness Optimize module analyzes for opportunities to improve integrated loudness and can automatically adjusts tracks for louder playback after normalization; RX 11 Music Rebalance with most modern neural network available, allows automatic creation of stems and subsequent changes in mix balance of vocal, drums, bass, and other instruments; RX 11 Repair Assistant for various audio sources automatically detects problems using machine learning and suggests a suitable treatment that can be customised by the user; RX 11 Dialogue Contour offers editing of the character and expressivity of a voice to combine dialogue edits easier; De-Hum with Static, Dynamic and Dynamic Adaptive modes removes electromagnetic interference or other complex sounds with variable frequency; direct clean-up in Logic Pro with ARA-based Spectral Editor without switching between DAW and RX; numerous special tools such as Ambience Match, Spectral Recovery, De-rustle, De-wind, Wow & Flutter, EQ Match etc.; Loudness Control with various current loudness standards to adapt the audio material to broadcasting requirements, as well as numerical and history display for short-term and momentary loudness; Restore Selection function allows edited selections to be restored from any previous step in the history list; Batch Processing allows the use of a complete processing chain with Module Chain, displays the associated metadata and allows export to multiple audio formats; Composite View with up to 16 tracks for processing multitrack recordings and Instant Process for fast auto-corrections in the spectrogram; many other modules and functions such as Guitar De-noise, De-bleed, Spectral De-ess, Mouth De-click, Voice De-noise, Variable Time and Pitch, Normalise, Fades, Resample, Dither etc.; a total of 25 processing modules, 19 utilities and 20 plug-ins | |
iZotope : RX 11 Adv Upgrade RX Adv/PPS
iZotope RX 11 Advanced Upgrade from RX Advanced / Post Production Suite (ESD); Audio Resto...(+) iZotope RX 11 Advanced Upgrade from RX Advanced / Post Production Suite (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; Upgrade from any previous version of RX Advanced or Post Production Suite to RX 11 Advanced; comprehensive audio repair suite for professional restoration of audio recordings in all application areas; Spectrogram Editor App allows for visualising and editing audio in mono, stereo left/right or mid/side view, and supports multi-channel formats up to Dolby Atmos 7.1.2; RX 11 Dialogue Isolate now includes Dialogue De-Reverb as a realtime AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin for de-noising and de-reverbing dialogue or vocals, based on state-of-the art machine learning; Dialogue Isolate Advanced plugin and module also include multi-band processing and a new offline highest-quality mode; RX 11 Streaming Preview module enables to hear how tracks sound on streaming platforms; RX 11 Loudness Optimize module analyzes for opportunities to improve integrated loudness and can automatically adjusts tracks for louder playback after normalization; RX 11 Music Rebalance with most modern neural network available, allows automatic creation of stems and subsequent changes in mix balance of vocal, drums, bass, and other instruments; RX 11 Repair Assistant for various audio sources automatically detects problems using machine learning and suggests a suitable treatment that can be customised by the user; RX 11 Dialogue Contour offers editing of the character and expressivity of a voice to combine dialogue edits easier; De-Hum with Static, Dynamic and Dynamic Adaptive modes removes electromagnetic interference or other complex sounds with variable frequency; direct clean-up in Logic Pro with ARA-based Spectral Editor without switching between DAW and RX; numerous special tools such as Ambience Match, Spectral Recovery, De-rustle, De-wind, Wow & Flutter, EQ Match etc.; Loudness Control with various current loudness standards to adapt the audio material to broadcasting requirements, as well as numerical and history display for short-term and momentary loudness; Restore Selection function allows edited selections to be restored from any previous step in the history list; Batch Processing allows the use of a complete processing chain with Module Chain, displays the associated metadata and allows export to multiple audio formats; Composite View with up to 16 tracks for processing multitrack recordings and Instant Process for fast auto-corrections in the spectrogram; many other modules and functions such as Guitar De-noise, De-bleed, Spectral De-ess, Mouth De-click, Voice De-noise, Variable Time and Pitch, Normalise, Fades, Resample, Dither etc.; a total of 25 processing modules, 19 utilities and 20 plug-ins | |
iZotope : RX 11 Advanced EDU
iZotope RX 11 Advanced EDU (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; Educational version: require...(+) iZotope RX 11 Advanced EDU (ESD); Audio Restoration Software; Educational version: requires proof of eligibility; comprehensive audio repair suite for professional restoration of audio recordings in all application areas; Spectrogram Editor App allows for visualising and editing audio in mono, stereo left/right or mid/side view, and supports multi-channel formats up to Dolby Atmos 7.1.2; RX 11 Dialogue Isolate now includes Dialogue De-Reverb as a realtime AU, AAX, and VST3 plugin for de-noising and de-reverbing dialogue or vocals, based on state-of-the art machine learning; Dialogue Isolate Advanced plugin and module also include multi-band processing and a new offline highest-quality mode; RX 11 Streaming Preview module enables to hear how tracks sound on streaming platforms; RX 11 Loudness Optimize module analyzes for opportunities to improve integrated loudness and can automatically adjusts tracks for louder playback after normalization; RX 11 Music Rebalance with most modern neural network available, allows automatic creation of stems and subsequent changes in mix balance of vocal, drums, bass, and other instruments; RX 11 Repair Assistant for various audio sources automatically detects problems using machine learning and suggests a suitable treatment that can be customised by the user; RX 11 Dialogue Contour offers editing of the character and expressivity of a voice to combine dialogue edits easier; De-Hum with Static, Dynamic and Dynamic Adaptive modes removes electromagnetic interference or other complex sounds with variable frequency; direct clean-up in Logic Pro with ARA-based Spectral Editor without switching between DAW and RX; numerous special tools such as Ambience Match, Spectral Recovery, De-rustle, De-wind, Wow & Flutter, EQ Match etc.; Loudness Control with various current loudness standards to adapt the audio material to broadcasting requirements, as well as numerical and history display for short-term and momentary loudness; Restore Selection function allows edited selections to be restored from any previous step in the history list; Batch Processing allows the use of a complete processing chain with Module Chain, displays the associated metadata and allows export to multiple audio formats; Composite View with up to 16 tracks for processing multitrack recordings and Instant Process for fast auto-corrections in the spectrogram; many other modules and functions such as Guitar De-noise, De-bleed, Spectral De-ess, Mouth De-click, Voice De-noise, Variable Time and Pitch, Normalise, Fades, Resample, Dither etc.; a total of 25 processing modules, 19 utilities and 20 plug-ins | |
Steinberg : Wavelab Pro 12
Steinberg Wavelab Pro 12 (Box); audio editing and mastering software; professional softwar...(+) Steinberg Wavelab Pro 12 (Box); audio editing and mastering software; professional software for mastering and audio editing as well as content creation for podcasts, vlogs and social-media; ARA support to seamlessly integrate as audio editor inot compatible DAWs; Multi-Color waveforms allow to highlight spectral content of an audio file in different colors; easily transfer of any audio range, with or without effects to any other DAW using Drag & Drop; comprehensive loudness analysis and reporting for audio files and audio montages; Loudness matching allows for accurate A/B comparisons between mastered audio and reference sources; automatic transient markers help with visual guidance for snapping audio selections to transient and release points; startup wizard with an expanded session management area and a web display panel; streamlined audio montage management starts from a central folder; Null Test Track feature is a widely adopted audio measurement method for quality assurance; editing of mono, stereo or interleaved multi-channel files up to 22.2 surround and Ambisonics formats and 384 kHz sample rate; seamless integration of external editors; divide multichannel files into mono- or stereo cluster for fast import; unlimted number of audio tracks; Track Groups for multitrack or stems workflows; up to eight Track Lanes per audio track allowing for enhanced flexibility in stem and multitrack editing; parameter automation of VST3 effects with clip envelopes; SuperVision audioanalyzer with 9 slots for 27 different analyzer modules; Master section with up to 12 effect slots and MasterRig plugin suite with equalizer, dynamic eq, compressor, limiter, saturator, imager and M/S mode; many included effects and tools like SampleAlign, BlackValve Compressor, VoxComp Compressor, Raiser Limiter, EQ-P1A, EQ-M5 and many more; integration of external analogue effects with own level meters and controls; easy-to-use audio effects sections Clean and Enhance inside the Track Inspector for quick results; LIN Pro Dithering plugin developed by MAAT delivers high-quality bit reduction; EBU.compliant loudness metering and processing; edit and replace audio in video files; supports DDP images as well as several DVD and CD formats; direct exchange with Steinberg Cubase and Nuendo; Speaker Management System; supported languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese Attention: license only, no data carrier, download required | |
Steinberg : Wavelab Pro 12
Steinberg Wavelab Pro 12 (ESD); audio editing and mastering software; professional softwar...(+) Steinberg Wavelab Pro 12 (ESD); audio editing and mastering software; professional software for mastering and audio editing as well as content creation for podcasts, vlogs and social-media; ARA support to seamlessly integrate as audio editor inot compatible DAWs; Multi-Color waveforms allow to highlight spectral content of an audio file in different colors; easily transfer of any audio range, with or without effects to any other DAW using Drag & Drop; comprehensive loudness analysis and reporting for audio files and audio montages; Loudness matching allows for accurate A/B comparisons between mastered audio and reference sources; automatic transient markers help with visual guidance for snapping audio selections to transient and release points; startup wizard with an expanded session management area and a web display panel; streamlined audio montage management starts from a central folder; Null Test Track feature is a widely adopted audio measurement method for quality assurance; editing of mono, stereo or interleaved multi-channel files up to 22.2 surround and Ambisonics formats and 384 kHz sample rate; seamless integration of external editors; divide multichannel files into mono- or stereo cluster for fast import; unlimted number of audio tracks; Track Groups for multitrack or stems workflows; up to eight Track Lanes per audio track allowing for enhanced flexibility in stem and multitrack editing; parameter automation of VST3 effects with clip envelopes; SuperVision audioanalyzer with 9 slots for 27 different analyzer modules; Master section with up to 12 effect slots and MasterRig plugin suite with equalizer, dynamic eq, compressor, limiter, saturator, imager and M/S mode; many included effects and tools like SampleAlign, BlackValve Compressor, VoxComp Compressor, Raiser Limiter, EQ-P1A, EQ-M5 and many more; integration of external analogue effects with own level meters and controls; easy-to-use audio effects sections Clean and Enhance inside the Track Inspector for quick results; LIN Pro Dithering plugin developed by MAAT delivers high-quality bit reduction; EBU.compliant loudness metering and processing; edit and replace audio in video files; supports DDP images as well as several DVD and CD formats; direct exchange with Steinberg Cubase and Nuendo; Speaker Management System; supported languages: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Japanese | |
Universal Audio : Manley Voxbox Channel Strip
Universal Audio Manley Voxbox Channel Strip (ESD); channel strip plugin; meticulous emulat...(+) Universal Audio Manley Voxbox Channel Strip (ESD); channel strip plugin; meticulous emulation of the modern classic introduced in 1997 to perfectly process vocal recordings but also different types of instruments; combines a vactrol optical compressor, a tube preamp, a passive Pultec-style EQ as well as a De-Esser / Limiter; adds a smooth hi-fi texture to incoming signals; unusual placement of the programm dependent opto-compressor before the tube preamplifier; Class A valve preamp with controls for source, input level and gain, high pass filter and polarity; EQ section using a passive design featuring two peak bands and a dip band with overlapping frequency selections and keeps the top end sweet, and the lows defined, yet natural sounding, even with extreme settings; natural sounding and easy to use de-esser / limiter not only to to process vocals but also shrill electric guitars, or overly bright overheads and more; Unison support to seamlessly integrate the preamp section with the Universal Audio Apollo audio interfaces; numerous artist presets | |
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