| Bam Trek3028sc - New Trekking Double Sib/la Black Carbon
DIMENSIONS INTÉRIEURES : *Clarinette Sib : - Corps du haut: 22 cm - Corps du bas: 25,5 cm...(+) DIMENSIONS INTÉRIEURES : *Clarinette Sib : - Corps du haut: 22 cm - Corps du bas: 25,5 cm - Pavillon: 10 cm *Clarinette La : - Corps du haut: 24 cm - Corps du bas: 28 cm - Pavillon: 10,5 cmDIMENSIONS EXTÉRIEURES : - 42x30x17 cmCARACTÉRISTIQUES INTÉRIEURE : - Calage intérieur en mousse de polyuréthane haute densité injectée protégeant l'instrument des chocs thermiques.- Emplacement pour 4 barilsCARACTÉRISTIQUES EXTÉRIEURE : - Poignée latérale- 2 bretelles sac à dos escamotables.- Grande poche extérieure extensible pour partitions.- Fermeture éclair.- Tissu extérieur Bam Ballistic, résistant à l'eau, l'abrasion et la déchirure.POIDS : 2 kgCOULEUR : Noir Carbone(Moulé sur des clarinettes Buffet Crampon RC) |
| Bam Trek3028sa - New Trekking Double Sib/la Aluminium
DIMENSIONS INTÉRIEURES : *Clarinette Sib : - Corps du haut: 22 cm - Corps du bas: 25,5 cm...(+) DIMENSIONS INTÉRIEURES : *Clarinette Sib : - Corps du haut: 22 cm - Corps du bas: 25,5 cm - Pavillon: 10 cm *Clarinette La : - Corps du haut: 24 cm - Corps du bas: 28 cm - Pavillon: 10,5 cmDIMENSIONS EXTÉRIEURES : - 42x30x17 cmCARACTÉRISTIQUES INTÉRIEURE : - Calage intérieur en mousse de polyuréthane haute densité injectée protégeant l'instrument des chocs thermiques.- Emplacement pour 4 barilsCARACTÉRISTIQUES EXTÉRIEURE : - Poignée latérale- 2 bretelles sac à dos escamotables.- Grande poche extérieure extensible pour partitions.- Fermeture éclair.- Tissu extérieur Bam Ballistic, résistant à l'eau, l'abrasion et la déchirure.POIDS : 2 kgCOULEUR : ALUMINIUM(Moulé sur des clarinettes Buffet Crampon RC) |
| Bam Trek3027sc - New Trekking Black Carbon (1 commentaires)
Etui sac à dos avec poche de rangement.Toujours à la pointe de l'innovation, Bam utilise...(+) Etui sac à dos avec poche de rangement.Toujours à la pointe de l'innovation, Bam utilise des matériaux de haute technologie afin d'offrir au musicien, le meilleur confort.Ses principaux atouts : Legèreté, facilité de manipulation, protection optimale de votre instrument. - POIDS : 1,4 kgDIMENSIONS INTÉRIEURES : - Corps du haut: 22 cm - Corps du bas: 25,5 cm - Pavillon: 10 cmDIMENSIONS EXTÉRIEURES : 35x25x18 cmCARACTÉRISTIQUES INTÉRIEURE : - Calage intérieur en mousse de polyuréthane haute densité injectée protégeant l'instrument des chocs thermiques.- Emplacement pour 2 barilsCARACTÉRISTIQUES EXTÉRIEURE : - Poignée latérale- 2 bretelles sac à dos escamotables.- Grande poche extérieure extensible pour partitions.- Fermeture éclair.- Tissu extérieur Bam Ballistic, résistant à l'eau, l'abrasion et la déchirure.COULEUR : Black carbon(Moulé sur une clarinette Buffet Crampon RC.) |
| Bam Trek3027ssc - New Trekking Silver Carbon (1 commentaires)
Etui sac à dos avec poche de rangement.Toujours à la pointe de l'innovation, Bam utilise...(+) Etui sac à dos avec poche de rangement.Toujours à la pointe de l'innovation, Bam utilise des matériaux de haute technologie afin d'offrir au musicien, le meilleur confort.Ses principaux atouts : Legèreté, facilité de manipulation, protection optimale de votre instrument. - POIDS : 1,4 kgDIMENSIONS INTÉRIEURES : - Corps du haut: 22 cm - Corps du bas: 25,5 cm - Pavillon: 10 cmDIMENSIONS EXTÉRIEURES : 35x25x18 cmCARACTÉRISTIQUES INTÉRIEURE : - Calage intérieur en mousse de polyuréthane haute densité injectée protégeant l'instrument des chocs thermiques.- Emplacement pour 2 barilsCARACTÉRISTIQUES EXTÉRIEURE : - Poignée latérale- 2 bretelles sac à dos escamotables.- Grande poche extérieure extensible pour partitions.- Fermeture éclair.- Tissu extérieur Bam Ballistic, résistant à l'eau, l'abrasion et la déchirure.COULEUR : Silver carbon(Moulé sur une clarinette Buffet Crampon RC.) |
| Bam Etui 2 Clarinettes Sib/la New Trekking Argent Carbone (1 commentaires)
ETUI 2 CLARINETTES SIB/LA NEW TREKKINGConçu pour l'Extrême.Moulé sur des clarinettes Bu...(+) ETUI 2 CLARINETTES SIB/LA NEW TREKKINGConçu pour l'Extrême.Moulé sur des clarinettes Buffet Crampon RC.POIDS : 2 kgDIMENSIONS INTÉRIEURES : Clarinette Sib:Corps du haut: 22 cmCorps du bas: 25,5 cmPavillon: 10 cmClarinette La:Corps du haut: 24 cmCorps du bas: 28 cmPavillon: 10,5 cmDIMENSIONS EXTÉRIEURES : 42x30x17 cmCARACTÉRISTIQUES INTÉRIEURE : Calage intérieur en mousse de polyuréthane haute densité injectée protégeant l'instrument des chocs thermiquesEmplacement pour 4 barilsCARACTÉRISTIQUES EXTÉRIEURE : Poignée latérale2 bretelles sac à dos escamotablesGrande poche extérieure extensible pour partitionsFermeture éclairTissu extérieur Bam Ballistic, résistant à l'eau, l'abrasion et la déchirure |
| Buffet Crampon R13 Green Line
checkPrêt à jouerInstrument réglé par un luthier.C’est en 1825 qu’un luthier FranÃ...(+) checkPrêt à jouerInstrument réglé par un luthier.C’est en 1825 qu’un luthier Français, Denis Buffet-Auger, installe son atelier en plein cÅ“ur de Paris. Il se fait connaître très vite dans le monde musical en fabriquant d’excellentes clarinettes à 13 clés. À cette époque, la fabrication des clarinettes est entièrement manuelle et requiert une expérience et une dextérité exceptionnelles.C’est en 1825 qu’un luthier Français, Denis Buffet-Auger, installe son atelier en plein cÅ“ur de Paris. Il se fait connaître très vite dans le monde musical en fabriquant d’excellentes clarinettes à 13 clés. À cette époque, la fabrication des clarinettes est entièrement manuelle et requiert une expérience et une dextérité exceptionnelles. En 1830, Jean-Louis Buffet, fils de Denis, reprend l’affaire. Il épouse Zoé Crampon en 1836 et crée la célèbre marque BUFFET CRAMPON. Le logo dans sa forme actuelle apparaît en 1844. Son oncle Louis-Auguste Buffet fait la connaissance du clarinettiste Hyacinthe Klosé, musicien virtuose et professeur au Conservatoire de Paris. Les deux hommes, le technicien et l’artiste, vont travailler ensemble et adaptent à la clarinette le principe des anneaux mobiles que l’Allemand Theobald Boehm avait imaginé pour la flûte. Exposé en 1839 et breveté en 1843 pour la clarinette et le hautbois, ce nouveau système connaît un rapide succès. Pour faire face à la demande, la facture BUFFET CRAMPON installe ses ateliers en 1850 à Mantes-la-Ville (Yvelines). La gamme s’étend aussi aux hautbois et aux bassons. Dès 1866, BUFFET CRAMPON fabrique ses premiers saxophones, 20 ans après l’invention du Belge Adolphe Sax. De nombreux prix sont attribués à BUFFET CRAMPON pour la qualité de ses instruments et tout particulièrement en 1889 lors de l’Exposition Universelle de Paris au pied de la Tour Eiffel. BUFFET CRAMPON devient le fournisseur exclusif et officiel du Conservatoire de Paris, des Concerts Lamoureux, du célébrissime Orchestre de Toscanini à New York, tandis que les solistes de l’Opéra de Paris ou de l’Opéra Comique lui donnent la préférence. En 1918, BUFFET CRAMPON bénéficie de l’extension du marché américain et conforte sa place de leader dans le monde de la clarinette professionnelle. En 1921, un jeune apprenti, Robert Carrée, est engagé dans la société. Talentueux acousticien, il créera les clarinettes R13 en 1950 et RC en 1975, qui par la suite donneront naissance aux modèles Festival et Prestige. Les ateliers se modernisent au fil du temps et adoptent une technologie plus moderne, sans s’éloigner de la qualité de finition d’origine. En 1981, BUFFET CRAMPON est racheté par le célèbre groupe d’éditions musicales Boosey & Hawkes de Londres, dont l’origine remonte à 1760. L’innovation est toujours au cÅ“ur de la manufacture. Ainsi naît en 1994 une nouvelle gamme appelée Green Line. Ce matériau révolutionnaire, constitué de 95% de poudre d’ébène et 5% de fibres de carbone, supprime le risque de fente tout en présentant des qualités acoustiques identiques à celles du bois. Aujourd’hui, la gamme Green LinE (Dalbergia Melanoxylon composite) est mondialement reconnue par les plus grands professionnels de la clarinette et du hautbois. En 2003, Boosey & Hawkes se sépare du fleuron de la manufacture française des instruments à vent au profit de The Music Group et c’est en 2005 que BUFFET CRAMPON retrouve son indépendance sur l’initiative de son Président Paul Baronnat, acteur engagé dans l’accompagnement des artistes et la sauvegarde de la marque. BUFFET CRAMPON acquiert en 2006 deux célèbres marques de cuivres : Antoine Courtois Paris et Besson. Depuis sa création, BUFFET CRAMPON se place au premier rang des fabricants de clarinettes, grâce à un savoir-faire inégalé et une capacité d'innovation permanente, qui profitent également aux autres instruments de la marque tels que les hautbois, bassons et saxophones. La tradition et un esprit d’entreprise fort sont depuis 1825 plus que jamais au cÅ“ur de la dynamique BUFFET CRAMPON. |
| Bam 3027sbm
Etui sac à dos avec de multiples poches de rangement.Toujours à la pointe de l'innovatio...(+) Etui sac à dos avec de multiples poches de rangement.Toujours à la pointe de l'innovation, Bam utilise des matériaux de haute technologie afin d'offrir au musicien, le meilleur confort.Ses principaux atouts : Legèreté, facilité de manipulation, protection optimale de votre instrument. |
| Silverstein : Titanium Metal S #02
Pour bec de saxophone en métal- Taille: Metal Small (#02)- Combine le son libre d'un enro...(+) Pour bec de saxophone en métal- Taille: Metal Small (#02)- Combine le son libre d'un enroulement par cordon avec la manipulation facile d'une ligature en cuir- 6 boucles de cordon noir/blanc- Nouveau système pivotant breveté pour un meilleur ajustement- Extrémités du cordon angulaires pour éviter la déformation et l'effilochage- Patins en caoutchouc anti-rayures- 50% plus légère - n'ajoute pas de volume au bec- Offre une réponse sonore rapide, une grande flexibilité tonale, de couleurs et de contrôle- Couvre-bec OmniCap II, patins en caoutchouc de rechange, mode d'emploi avec carte de garantie (10 ans) incl.- Fabriquée à la main aux USA- Berg Larsen: Ténor- Guardala: Ténor (King, MBII, Studio)- Jody Jazz: Alto (DV, DV NY)- Lebayle: Alto (Jazz Chamber)- Yanagisawa: Alto |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 2.5 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 2.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 2.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2.0; 10-pack; The longer neck of the Organic Reserve Classic reeds for Bb clarinet offers more flexibility in tone color and volume; The straight corners facilitate response, while the thicker tip provides strength; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 3.5 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 3.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 3.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3.5 3-pack; The longer neck of the Organic Reserve Classic reeds for Bb clarinet offers more flexibility in tone color and volume; The straight corners facilitate response, while the thicker tip provides strength; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 2.0 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 2.0 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 2.0 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2.0; 3-pack; The longer neck of the Organic Reserve Classic reeds for Bb clarinet offers more flexibility in tone color and volume; The straight corners facilitate response, while the thicker tip provides strength; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 3.0 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 3.0 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Cl. CLAR 3.0 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2.0; 3-pack; The longer neck of the Organic Reserve Classic reeds for Bb clarinet offers more flexibility in tone color and volume; The straight corners facilitate response, while the thicker tip provides strength; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Evo CLAR 2.5 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Evo CLAR 2.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Evo CLAR 2.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2.5; 3-pack; The Organic Reserve Evolution model is made from the thickest blank in the Reserve series; round sound; strong back for better projection; thicker tip for clearer articulation; more tonal warmth and flexibility; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. CLAR 3.5 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. CLAR 3.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3.5; ...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. CLAR 3.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3.5; 3-pack; The Organic Reserve reeds for Bb clarinet have a shorter cutout that produces an even tone in all registers; The rounded tip corners provide additional tonal warmth, while the extremely thin tip itself is very responsive; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.5+ 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.5+ 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength ...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.5+ 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3.5+; 3-pack; The Organic Reserve Evolution model is made from the thickest blank in the Reserve series; round sound; strong back for better projection; thicker tip for clearer articulation; more tonal warmth and flexibility; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.5 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3.5; 3-pack; The Organic Reserve Evolution model is made from the thickest blank in the Reserve series; round sound; strong back for better projection; thicker tip for clearer articulation; more tonal warmth and flexibility; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. CLAR 2.0 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. CLAR 2.0 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2.0; ...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. CLAR 2.0 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2.0; 3-pack; The Organic Reserve reeds for Bb clarinet have a shorter cutout that produces an even tone in all registers; The rounded tip corners provide additional tonal warmth, while the extremely thin tip itself is very responsive; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.0 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.0 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Evo CLAR 3.0 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 3.0; 3-pack; The Organic Reserve Evolution model is made from the thickest blank in the Reserve series; round sound; strong back for better projection; thicker tip for clearer articulation; more tonal warmth and flexibility; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. Eb CLAR 2.5 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Eb CLAR 2.5 3P; reeds for Eb clarinet; French Cut; Strengt...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. Eb CLAR 2.5 3P; reeds for Eb clarinet; French Cut; Strength 2.5; 3-pack; The Organic Reserve reeds for Eb clarinet produce a focused and clear sound that is suitable for any performance; Shorter cut-out that produces a consistent tone in all registers; The rounded tip corners provide additional tonal warmth, while the extremely thin tip itself is very responsive; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |
| DAddario Woodwinds : Organic Res. CLAR 2.5 3P
DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. CLAR 2.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2.5; ...(+) DAddario Woodwinds Organic Res. CLAR 2.5 3P; Bb Clarinet Reeds; French Cut; Strength 2.5; 3-pack; The Organic Reserve reeds for Bb clarinet have a shorter cutout that produces an even tone in all registers; The rounded tip corners provide additional tonal warmth, while the extremely thin tip itself is very responsive; DAddario Woodwinds has developed the first precise digital system for measuring and cutting the incredibly complex geometric patterns that allow simple reeds to be produced in a whole new quality; Reserve reeds are held to very strict tolerances, so they reliably deliver the same quality time after time; Ideal for advanced students and professional musicians looking for a clear, consistent sound; DAddario Woodwinds Organic reeds are the first certified organic reeds on the market: giving players peace of mind that they are doing what's best for your health and the environment; Next-generation digital technologies ensure that every DAddario Woodwinds Organic reed is the same strength as any other; All DAddario Woodwinds reeds are engineered in the USA and made from naturally grown cane |