Contenu: Auteurs Divers C. Tambling: AdagioA. Moore: A little jauntRinck: AndanteJ. Schmitt: Andante from SonatinaA. Moore: Andante tranquilloMurray: Andante tranquilloFranck: AndantinoM. Higgins: A prayer of peaceA. Moore: A prayer songN. Rawsthorne: AriaR. Lloyd: AriaJ. Marsh: AriettaN. Rawsthorne: AriosoA. Moore: A sad pieceA short recessionalC. Tambling: A tuba minuetC. Mawby: Calm reflectionS. Clark: CantabileMurray: CanzonaBoëllmann: Chant de MatinM. Higgins: Communion preludeG. Knott: Country minuetR. Lloyd: Cradle SongDiludiumP. Moore: Domine clamaviM. Higgins: ElegySchütt: Evening CalmE. Hill: Festal dayC. Mawby: Hail the dawnMacDowell: IdyllA. Moore: ImprovisationBoëllmann: InterludeHesse: InterludeN. Rawsthorne: InterludeGuilmant: InvocationCorrette: La FurstembergC. Mawby: LaudateR. Lloyd: Mallaby Deeley's marchJ. Patten: MeditationJ. Marsh: Meditation at EngelbergBöhm: MinuetHaydn: MinuetA. Moore: Morning LightNobilmenteS. Vann: Our Lady's morning songBoëllmann: PastoraleE. Hill: PastoraleGuilmant: PrayerA. Moore: Prayer to the TrinityFibich: PreludeLefébure Wély: PreludeMerkel: PreludeRinck: Prelude in BbFranck: Prelude in CNielsen: Prelude in CBruckner: Prelude in D minorBoëly Prelude in E MinorFranck: PrièreR. Bonighton: Procession to a jaunty tuneJ. Nixon: PromenadeB. Roe: ReflectionJ. Marsh: Rejoice greatlyE. Hill: SicilianoS. Wesley: Slow airA. Fletcher: Stately sortieGuilmant: StropheN. Warren: The vinesMacDowell: To a wild roseD. Terry: Trumpet tuneCroft: Voluntary