Song List:
Audivi vocem de caelo (Advent)
Derelinquit impius (Lent)
Hear the voice and prayer (Lent)
If ye love me (Pentecost and confirmation)
In ieiuino et fletu (Lent)
In manus tuas (Evening Prayer)
Laudate Dominum (General use)
Mihi autem nimis (General use)
O Lord, give thy Holy Spirit (Pentecost and confirmation)
O Lord, in thee is all my trust (Lent)
O Nata lux (Transfiguration of Our Lord)
O sacrum convivium (Corpus Christi; Holy Communion anthems; Maundy Thursday)
O salutaris hostia (Corpus Christi; Holy Communion anthems)
Purge me, O Lord (Lent)
Salvator Mundi (Good Friday)
Te lucis ante terminum (Evening Prayer)
Verily, I say unto you (Holy Communion anthems; Corpus Christi; Maundy Thursday)