ISBN 0739038915. Instructional and Workbook. 9x12 inches.
The Music Effect is an engaging, ready-to-use resource for teachers who want to lead children toward music literacy as well as lifelong enjoyment and participation in music. Designed for the kindergarten classroom, The Music Effect includes a wealth of energizing and imaginative multi-sensory activities, focusing on increasing students' musical knowledge, skill, and conceptual development. Throughout the book, students are provided opportunities for experiencing and discovering musical concepts through a wide variety of learning styles and approaches. The creative, sequential lesson activities range from easy to challenging and correlate with the National Standards for Music Education. Lessons include connections to speech, language arts, storytelling, visual arts, creative drama, dance, poetry, science, social studies, math, and nature. Reproducible copy masters enhance the lessons, making it easy to prepare and have students actively engaged in the lesson. Assessment is reinforced through simple and effective charts for measuring students' musical growth and progress. The accompanying CD contains recordings of all chants, songs and orchestral pieces included in the lessons and activities. With this excellent book, you will be seeing The Music Effect on your students in no time at all.