What is it about some musicians and performers who consistently achieve success Are they the bestperformers Did they have the best teachers Do they have the best professional contacts andconnections Is it just coincidence Of course not!Dr. Steve Zegree of Western Michigan University choral arranger and conductor of Western Michigan'sGold Company has developed this practical guide for performers students teachers and parents whichoffers fundamental philosophies and concepts that are essential to a person's growth and developmentand will contribute to a successful professional life in music. More than just the basics more than aprescribed curriculum and more thanjust getting in front of an audience to go through the motions ofwhat you did in rehearsal call it the Wow Factor there is something for everyone in this book!And as a special bonus Chapter 8 offers interviews with great performers from all facets of the music industry including: Simon Carrington Nick Lachey Ward Swingle Roger Emerson Mac Huff LizaMinnelli and many more!Topics include:Chapter 1: The Wow Factor: The FrameworkChapter 2: How to Practice and Rehearse for The Wow FactorChapter 3: How to Prepare a Wow AuditionChapter 4: Ifs Ands or Buts and Rules to Live ByChapter 5: Don't Go to Your Face: Putting the Polish on Your PerformanceChapter 6: How to Educate and EntertainChapter 7: How to Win on NBC's Clash of the ChoirsChapter 8: 'Wow' Perspectives: The InterviewsChapter 9: Coda