Acheter Thomann


Description from Thomann :

- Tuning: C Major
- Range (German): B1 - C3
- Range (International): B4 - C6
- The turtle soprano 7-hole is a small, high-pitched ocarina
- As a soprano pitch (pitch corresponding to G2), it sounds bright and clear in 2- and 3-pitched octaves
- Played in C major, it sounds like C major
- The animal shape makes it especially enticing for children
- Size: 12 cm
- Colour: Light blue
- Includes song book (campfire songs), sturdy box, and lanyard
- The book is written in the German language

Seller information :Thomann
Place :Allemagne
Shipping :Livraison Mondiale

Thomann : 7- Loch Ocarina G Turtle
Thomann : 7- Loch Ocarina G Turtle

- Forme de tortue
- En Do majeur
- Tessiture: Fa#2 - Sol3
- En céramique
ships n 24 hours

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Ocarina (Instrument) pour OCARINA