"The Cat" (from the "Animals Suite")
"The Cat" (from the "Animals Suite")
Op. 3, no. 1
Austin Ferguson

Wind ensemble

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 Austin Ferguson
Austin Ferguson (1993 - )

Wind ensemble



Date 2008
Copyright Copyright © Austin Ferguson
Added by the-next-tchaikovsky, 26 Jun 2009
A friend of mine that plays clarinet asked me to do a little piece for her; what evolved was a suite of four small ensembles I call, the "Animals Suite"
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By americancomposer1 , at 00:00

Very creative and colorful ensemble selection. A live recording would really make this piece. Also, a nice job preparing the paper score, it's very readable and professional looking
By jen , at 00:00

very nice songs my daughter is starting to sing
By Randy Rumfield , at 00:00

Way to go man. I am from East Texas too.I lived in pritchett and went to gladewater then Kilgore College and then SFA. Currently, I am on active duty in the Army stationed at Fort Polk. Its cool that I stumbled upon this page. Keep up the good work. Im sure the yearbook will be great if its not already.. :)
By elderoliveira27 , at 00:00

I loved your instrumentation! very good job!
continue with your studies!