Joplin, Scott: The Entertainer
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The Entertainer
The Entertainer
Scott Joplin

Trumpet or bugle, guitar and/or piano

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The Entertainer
MP3 (1.98 Mo) : (by Dewagtere, Bernard)6,683x 812x
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By james moore , at 00:00

I love scott jopplin and love to play this song on piano so now i'm going to play it on trumpet
By lycaon , at 00:00

Un autre incontournable de la musique américaine.
A vos lèvres (entraînées) pour une partie (tion) de plaisir !
By Kurtis Rief , at 00:00

Hey in the music why do you have an F natural twice when it should be an F just wondering please reply
By Kurtis Rief , at 00:00

Thank for this post i love ragtime and will be playing this song for my Fine Arts Festival at School
By Shawn , at 00:00

This is an awesome piece and fun to play with a little practice. thank you.