Steinberg : Cubase Elements 13 (3 commentaires)
Steinberg Cubase Elements 13 (Box); audio MIDI sequencer (DAW); classical software sequenc...(+) Steinberg Cubase Elements 13 (Box); audio MIDI sequencer (DAW); classical software sequencer and audio workstation for homerecording, small projects and introduction to the world of music production; support for up to 48 audio and 64 MIDI tracks as well as 24 instrument tracks, 16 group channels and 8 send and return channels; max. 24 physical inputs and outputs; up to 8 insert effects per channel as well as 16 VST instrument slots; audio engine with internal 64-bit floating point processing and up to 192 kHz sample rate; contains the virtual instruments Iconica Sketch with orchestral sounds, Sampler Track, Flux, HALion Sonic SE and Groove Agent SE with more than 1000 presets as well as 18 sample and loop packs from Beat Butcha & Sharooz among others; effect suite with 45 audio effects included; Channel Tab in project window allows to tweak mixer channel settings without leaving the arrangement window; Chord Pads make it easy to find creative chord progressions; Sampler Track enables extreme manipulation and powerful envelope creation thanks to Spectral Warp modes; Range tool available in Key Editor as well as the Drum Editor; advanced MIDI Remote integration; Audio to MIDI chord recognition with drag and drop support; sample accurate volume automation; MixConsole with integrated basic Channel Strip; real-time pitch shifting and time-stretching (playback only); numerous tools like Chord track, chord pads and sampler track; key, score and drum editor as well as basic functions for score layout and note printing; supported languages: Chinese, German, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Portoguese, Russian, Spanish; Attention: license only, no data carrier, download required - no installation medium included | |
Native Instruments : Kontrol S61 MK3 Kompl. 15 Ult.
Offre Bundle comprenant:
Native Instruments Kontrol S61 MK3
Native Instruments Komplete 15...(+) Offre Bundle comprenant:
Native Instruments Kontrol S61 MK3
Native Instruments Komplete 15 Ult. UPG S-Series
Configuration requise
Configuration requise: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S-Series MK3 enregistré
Version: 15
Type de livraison: Boîte sans support de données
Validité de la licence: Illimitée
Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne
Activation simultanée: 3
Windows: a partir de 10 (64-Bit)
Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 12
CPU min.: Apple Silicon, Intel Core
RAM min.: 4 GB
Disque dur min.: 850 GB
Configuration requise additionnelle: Connexion Internet pour installation et activation
Formats pris en charge
Logiciel autonome
AAX Native 64 bits
AU 64 bits
VST2 64 bits
NKS | |
Native Instruments : Kontrol S49 MK3 Kompl. 15 Ult.
Offre Bundle comprenant:
Native Instruments Kontrol S49 MK3
Native Instruments Komplete 15...(+) Offre Bundle comprenant:
Native Instruments Kontrol S49 MK3
Native Instruments Komplete 15 Ult. UPG S-Series
Configuration requise
Configuration requise: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S-Series MK3 enregistré
Version: 15
Type de livraison: Boîte sans support de données
Validité de la licence: Illimitée
Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne
Activation simultanée: 3
Windows: a partir de 10 (64-Bit)
Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 12
CPU min.: Apple Silicon, Intel Core
RAM min.: 4 GB
Disque dur min.: 850 GB
Configuration requise additionnelle: Connexion Internet pour installation et activation
Formats pris en charge
Logiciel autonome
AAX Native 64 bits
AU 64 bits
VST2 64 bits
NKS | |
Native Instruments : Kontrol S88 MK3 Kompl. 15 Ult.
Offre Bundle comprenant:
Native Instruments Kontrol S88 MK3
Native Instruments Komplete 15...(+) Offre Bundle comprenant:
Native Instruments Kontrol S88 MK3
Native Instruments Komplete 15 Ult. UPG S-Series
Configuration requise
Configuration requise: Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S-Series MK3 enregistré
Version: 15
Type de livraison: Boîte sans support de données
Validité de la licence: Illimitée
Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne
Activation simultanée: 3
Windows: a partir de 10 (64-Bit)
Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 12
CPU min.: Apple Silicon, Intel Core
RAM min.: 4 GB
Disque dur min.: 850 GB
Configuration requise additionnelle: Connexion Internet pour installation et activation
Formats pris en charge
Logiciel autonome
AAX Native 64 bits
AU 64 bits
VST2 64 bits
NKS | |
Native Instruments Maschine Mk3
La MASCHINE MK3 te permet de créer des beats, des mélodies et des harmonies en toute fac...(+) La MASCHINE MK3 te permet de créer des beats, des mélodies et des harmonies en toute facilité grâce à des Drum Synths puissants, des sons haut de gamme, un sampleur intégré et plus encore. Un logiciel de pointe associé à une interface matérielle intuitive pour un workflow d'une parfaite fluidité.JOUE COMME TU L'ENTENDSGrâce aux 16 pads ultra-réactifs de MASCHINE, le jeu est fun et intuitif. En mode Pad, joue des beats en finger drumming ou des sons feutrés sur les 16 pads ultra-réactifs. Passe en mode Keyboard et joue comme sur un clavier. En mode Step, programme des sons sur la grille et automatise le pitch, le volume, le LFO ou d'autres paramètres pas à pas pour obtenir des résultats incroyablement complexes et musicaux en un temps record.PARCOURE LES SONS SANS PERTURBER TON FLUX CRÉATIFGrâce au browser ultra-rapide de MASCHINE et son système basé sur les tags, tes idées prendront vie en moins de temps qu'il n'en faut pour le dire. Utilise les deux écrans couleur et l'encodeur-poussoir 4 directions de MASCHINE pour naviguer rapidement à travers tes projets, groups, sons, instruments, effets ou samples. Il ne te reste plus qu'à les charger, et à les jouer.SAMPLE, DÉCOUPE, JOUE... EN STUDIO ET PARTOUT AILLEURSAvec une interface audio 96 kHz/24 bits embarquée, MASCHINE rend le sampling simple et fluide : enregistre un extrait audio, découpe-le et sculpte-le. La surface alimentée par USB t'offre un contrôle total, tandis que les écrans haute résolution te permettent de découper des samples avec une précision extrême. Les beatmakers expérimentés apprécieront tout particulièrement les modes de sampling vintages.DONNE VIE À DE NOUVELLES IDÉESQue tu sois un pro ou débutant, MASCHINE t'aide à trouver de nouvelles idées en laissant libre cours à ta créativité. Génère automatiquement des mélodies et patterns de batterie de façon aléatoire grâce au moteur de variations. Crée des transitions captivantes en utilisant le morphing entre des snapshots de paramètres à l'aide du bouton Lock.DÉCOUVRE DES MANIÈRES UNIQUES DE JOUERLe Smart Strip te donne accès à de nouvelles méthodes de jeu et de performance. Utilise-le comme une molette de pitch pour moduler les sons. Donne une nouvelle dimension tactile aux effets Perform, comme le stutter, l'écho et le flanger. Ou joue des samples, des sons et des drums comme si tu grattais les cordes d'une guitare et découvre de nouvelles textures sonores.UN MONDE DE SONSMASCHINE est fourni avec une célèbre bibliothèque prête à l'emploi contenant 8 Go de samples haute qualité, de boucles découpées, de kits de batterie, d'instruments, de patterns et de projets. Il inclut également KOMPLETE 13 SELECT : 14 instruments premium tels que MASSIVE et MONARK ainsi que des effets, pour une palette sonore aussi vaste que ton imagination.LOGICIELS INCLUS (disponibles en téléchargement après l'enregistrement du matériel)Le logiciel MASCHINE fourni avec la Maschine MK3 inclut tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour créer et jouer des morceaux. Il comprend notamment 8 Go de sons haute qualité, de kits de batterie, d'instruments multi-samplés, de patterns, de projets et de boucles découpées, ainsi que des Drum Synths : 5 plug-ins de batterie paramétrables et automatisables, spécialement conçus pour MASCHINE. Le pack inclut également KOMPLETE 13 SELECT - Instruments et effets haut de gamme pour toutes les tâches de production :- MASSIVE : Synthétiseur analogique virtuel- MONARK : Monosynthé légendaire - THE GENTLEMAN : Piano droit classique - DRUMLAB : Percussions samplées- REAKTOR PRISM : Synthétiseur polyphonique - SCARBEE MARK 1 : Piano électrique - RETRO MACHINES : Plus de 20 synthés légendaires - VINTAGE ORGANS : Orgues classiques samplés - WEST AFRICA : Bibliothèque de percussions - SOLID BUS COMP : Compresseur puissant - REPLIKA : Delay de qualité professionnelleCARACTÉRISTIQUES - Système matériel/logiciel parfaitement intégré comprenant sampleur, arrangeur, mixer, effets et plus encore - Bibliothèque MASCHINE de 8 Go : samples, one-shots, boucles découpées, instruments samplés, presets, patterns, kits de batterie et morceaux - Inclut une bibliothèque KOMPLETE 13 SELECT de 25 Go – voir ci-contre pour plus de détails- 25 effets studio et créatifs de qualité pro dont filtre, égaliseur, delay, réverb et compresseur- 2 écrans RGB haute résolution assurant une précision optimale pour le découpage de samples, l'ajustement de sons, l'édition de notes, le mixage, la navigation et plus encore - 16 pads ultra-sensibles pour un finger-drumming à deux mains en toute facilité- Interface audio 96 kHz / 24 bits de qualité professionnelle dotée de 2 sorties ligne TRS 6,35 mm, 2 entrées ligne TRS 6,35 mm, une entrée micro dynamique 6,35 mm, une sortie casque stéréo, 1 entrée MIDI, 1 sortie MIDI, 1 prise pour pédale - Potentiomètres tactiles pour ajuster les paramètres - Smart Strip pour le strumming de notes, le pitch bending de sons, la performance avec des effets et plus encore- Encodeur-poussoir 4 directions pour naviguer, ajuster les niveaux et plus encore- Alimenté via USB 2.0 ou par le bloc d'alimentation secteur fourni - Intégration parfaite avec KOMPLETE - Fonctionnalités groovebox classiques dont 16 niveaux de vélocité, swing, liens entre les pads, fonction note repeat, step sequencer et émulation du son des sampleurs vintage MPC 60/SP 1200- Compatible avec toutes les principales stations audio numériques (y compris Ableton Live, Logic Pro et FL Studio) en tant que plug-in VST ou Audio Units avec prise en charge multi-core- Compatible MAC et WINDOWS- Dimensions : 321 x 301 x 41 mm - Poids 2.2 Kg | |
Steinberg : Dorico Elements 5 (1 commentaires)
Compose and arrange ensembles of any size and any number of movements and pieces of music ...(+) Compose and arrange ensembles of any size and any number of movements and pieces of music in one project- Live Stage view allows moving instruments on a virtual stage and automatically changes panorama and room sound settings- Intelligent and humane interpretation of notation for natural and lively reproduction of various articulations and playing techniques- MIDI trigger regions allow the playback of notes or chords over a selectable time range, which are not part of the score and trigger accompanying pattern-based instruments.- Includes Groove Agent SE with a special version of The Kit, a detailed acoustic drum set and over 400 MIDI patterns.- Scrub playback function for selectively listening through the score both forwards and backwards at any speed for easy checking of harmonies, finding mistakes, etc.- Parallel and automatically synchronised key editor in write mode for quick input and adjustment of MIDI data- Extensive, intelligent MIDI import for easy transfer of MIDI data from DAWs etc.- Polyphonic MIDI transcription with automatic assignment of voices- Variable insert mode with numerous options for extending existing compositions- Melodic and rhythmic transformations including slurs, dynamics, playing techniques etc.- Virtual keyboard, fingerboard and drum pads for note input- Automatic music notation and part layout- Integrated drum notation- Linked guitar tablature with any number of strings, irregular fingerboards and instrument-specific notation such as bends, slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs and more- Import and export of MusicXML and MIDI data for data exchange with DAWs and other notation programs- VST3 support allows integration of virtual instruments and effects- 1500 Sounds and 32 effect processors included | |
Steinberg : Dorico Elements 5 EDU
Compose and arrange ensembles of any size and any number of movements and pieces of music ...(+) Compose and arrange ensembles of any size and any number of movements and pieces of music in one project- Live Stage view allows moving instruments on a virtual stage and automatically changes panorama and room sound settings- Intelligent and humane interpretation of notation for natural and lively reproduction of various articulations and playing techniques- MIDI trigger regions allow the playback of notes or chords over a selectable time range, which are not part of the score and trigger accompanying pattern-based instruments.- Includes Groove Agent SE with a special version of The Kit, a detailed acoustic drum set and over 400 MIDI patterns.- Scrub playback function for selectively listening through the score both forwards and backwards at any speed for easy checking of harmonies, finding mistakes, etc.- Parallel and automatically synchronised key editor in write mode for quick input and adjustment of MIDI data- Extensive, intelligent MIDI import for easy transfer of MIDI data from DAWs etc.- Polyphonic MIDI transcription with automatic assignment of voices- Variable insert mode with numerous options for extending existing compositions- Melodic and rhythmic transformations including slurs, dynamics, playing techniques etc.- Virtual keyboard, fingerboard and drum pads for note input- Automatic music notation and part layout- Integrated drum notation- Linked guitar tablature with any number of strings, irregular fingerboards and instrument-specific notation such as bends, slides, hammer-ons, pull-offs and more- Import and export of MusicXML and MIDI data for data exchange with DAWs and other notation programs- VST3 support allows integration of virtual instruments and effects- 1500 Sounds and 32 effect processors included | |
Native Instruments : Komplete Collection 70th LTD
Native Instruments Komplete Collection 70th LTD Bundle (ESD); exclusive plugin bundle - 70...(+) Native Instruments Komplete Collection 70th LTD Bundle (ESD); exclusive plugin bundle - 70 years of Thomann; 7 decades of iconic sounds with 7 Native Instruments keys and synthesizers covering 70 years; 1950s - Vintage Organs: representing the 1950s and beyond with the most famous and legendary tonewheel and combo organs; including Samples recorded from Hammond® B-3, C-3, M-3, Vox Continental II and FARFISA® Compact; 1960s - Stacks: Keys from the golden era of Soul and RnB; over 150 presets of loose leads, off-kilter keys and organs, live bass, horns, strings, and vintage synths; 1970s - Monark: the legendary mono synthesizer that started it all; classic mono synth basses and fat leads along with organic sound and a streamlined user interface covering almost all styles; 1980s - Retro Machines Mk2: a collection of rare synthesizers delivering sounds from the New Wave era; consolidated user interface to control of 16 definitive analog synthesizers and keyboards; 1990s - Reaktor: the dawn of the software synthesizer; offers virtual modular synthesis, sampling and effects with almost countless modules for sound generation and processing; 2000s - Massive: a genre defining virtual analog wavetable synthesizer; comes along witha comprehensive library of 1300 presets; 2010s - Blocks Primes: the modular renaissance; over 50 preset Racks and 23 expressive Blocks modules for synthesis, sequencing, and FX | |
Bastl Instruments : Thyme+
Bastl Instruments Thyme+; Digital Tape Machine; stereo delay and sound processor; 9 adjust...(+) Bastl Instruments Thyme+; Digital Tape Machine; stereo delay and sound processor; 9 adjustable paramters, each with its indiviual modulation source (LFO, envelope follower, CV); up to 4 virtual tape heads (delay taps); feedback loop with highpass and lowpass filter; random function for all parameters; Freeze funktion for creating virtual tape loops; adjustable Tape Speed and selectable simulations of Lo-Fi Tape and Analog Tape; step sequencer with 32 steps; synchronisation of Tape Speed, delay time, modulation sources and sequencer via tap tempo, MIDI clock or analog clock input; analog input stage with up to +20dB gain; controls for wet/dry mix and output volume; memory locations for 64 presets and copy/paste function; mono/stereo inputs (x2 6.3mm jack); mono/stereo outputs (x2 6.3mm jack); MIDI in (3.5mm jack, type A); CV and clock inputs (3.5mm jack); dimensions (WxDxH): 215 x 115 x 45mm; weight: 700g; included: external power supply, MIDI adaptor, quick start guide | |
Native Instruments : Alicia's Electric Keys
Native Instruments Alicia’s Electric Keys (ESD); virtual e-piano; detailed sample instru...(+) Native Instruments Alicia’s Electric Keys (ESD); virtual e-piano; detailed sample instrument of Alicia Key's CP-70 electric grand piano; developed in collaboration with Galaxy Instruments, Alicia Keys and recording engineer Ann Mincielli; customizable sound controls like overtone, punch, resonance and more; including a wide range of preamps, cabinets and effects; for use in Native Instruments Kontakt or the free Kontakt Player | |
Native Instruments : Alicia Keys Bundle
Virtual Piano Bundle (Download)
Instrument bundle consists of Native Instruments ‘Alicia...(+) Virtual Piano Bundle (Download)
Instrument bundle consists of Native Instruments ‘Alicia's Keys’ and ‘Alicia's Electric Keys’
For use in Native Instruments Kontakt or the free Kontakt Player
Alica's Keys:
Detailed sample instrument from Alicia Keys' Yamaha C3 Neo Grand Piano
Recorded by Alicia Key's own playing in her own studio
Almost 3000 individual samples with 12 velocity layers per key
Integrated convolution reverb
Alicia's Electric Keys:
Detailed sample instrument from Alicia Keys' CP-70 electric piano
Developed in collaboration with Galaxy Instruments, Alicia Keys and sound engineer Ann Mincielli
Customisable tone controls such as overtone, punch, resonance and more
Includes a large selection of preamps, cabinets and effects
Configuration requise
Type de livraison: E-mail
Validité de la licence: Illimitée
Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne
Activation simultanée: 2
Windows: a partir de 10 (64-Bit)
Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 12
CPU min.: Apple Silicon, Intel Core
RAM min.: 4 GB
Configuration requise additionnelle: Connexion Internet pour installation et activation
Formats pris en charge
Logiciel autonome
AAX Native 64 bits
AU 64 bits
VST3 64 bits
NKS | |
Native Instruments : Monark
Native Instruments Massive (ESD); virtual analoger synthesizer; replica of a classic monop...(+) Native Instruments Massive (ESD); virtual analoger synthesizer; replica of a classic monophonic synthesiser; three oscillators; the filter is selectable between lowpass with 6 dB, 12 dB or 24 dB slope, as well as bandpass with 12 dB slope; noise generator with pink or white noise; can be used in Reaktor or in the free Reaktor Player from Native Instruments; over 380 presets | |
Native Instruments : Massive
Native Instruments Massive (ESD); virtual synthesizer; versatile wavetable synthesizer wit...(+) Native Instruments Massive (ESD); virtual synthesizer; versatile wavetable synthesizer with modular routing options; three oscillators with 85 wavetables and various playback options for wavetables; modulation oscillator for ring modulation, phase modulation and more; noise generator with numerous natural and synthesized sources; two multimode filters for sound shaping with several different characteristics; plenty of modulation sources that can be linked to various parameters including envelopes, LFOs, performer sequencers and step sequencer; simple routing via drag & drop; two insert effect slots and two master effect slots with different effect algorithms; more than 1300 presets | |
Melbourne Instruments : Delia
Melbourne Instruments Delia; Motorized Morphing Polyphonic Synthesizer; motorised control ...(+) Melbourne Instruments Delia; Motorized Morphing Polyphonic Synthesizer; motorised control knobs for all parameters allow editing, preset changes and morphing without jumping parameter-values; 6-voice polyphonic; 49-keys keyboard with with velocity and aftertouch; pitch- and modulation-wheels; bi-timbral (Split, Layer, Stack) and 12-note mode; 4 digital oscillators per voice; x2 analog modelling oscillators, x1 wavetable oscillator, x1 noise, feedback, ring modulation and external source; for each voice analog lowpass ladder filter (12dB/24dB), virtual analog highpass filter, filter link mode and 3-stage analog overdrive; 3 LFOs with variable waveshapes (sine, triangle, sawtooth, ramp, random); 3 ADSR envelope generators; modulation matrix with 20 sources and 40 destinations; stereo VCA; 2 stereo effects processors (reverb, delay, chorus); polyphonic step sequencer, arpeggiator and phrase looper; more than 400 preset sounds; stereo output (x2 6.3mm TRS jack); stereo headphones output (6.3mm jack); stereo input (x2 6.3mm TRS jack); inputs for sustain and expression pedals (x2 6.3mm TRS jack); MIDI In/Out/Thru (5-pin DIN); x2 USB-A host port and x1 USB-C port; dimensions (WxDxH): 810 x 320 x 140 mm; weight: 8.7 kg; included: external power supply (12V DC, 60W), Quick Start Guide | |
Native Instruments : Choir: Omnia Essentials
Virtual Choir (Download)
Intuitive 40-member choir with independent vocal sections for sop...(+) Virtual Choir (Download)
Intuitive 40-member choir with independent vocal sections for soprano, alto, tenor and bass
Allows you to quickly create detailed choral arrangements with a wide range of syllables using Polyphonic True Legato
Entry-level version with one microphone position and individual generation of syllables to complement many musical styles from film scores to electro tracks
Seamless note transitions and various articulations such as sustain, marcato and staccato enable realistic choral movements
The Syllabuilder engine with two transformation modes and several round robins per syllable ensures unique results by merging phonemes
For use in Native Instruments Kontakt or the free Kontakt Player
Configuration requise
Type de livraison: E-mail
Validité de la licence: Illimitée
Protection anti-copie: Activation en ligne
Activation simultanée: 2
Windows: a partir de 10 (64-Bit)
Mac OS (64 bits): A partir de 12
CPU min.: Apple Silicon, Intel Core
RAM min.: 4 GB
Disque dur min.: 16 GB
Configuration requise additionnelle: Connexion Internet pour installation et activation
Formats pris en charge
Logiciel autonome
AAX Native 64 bits
AU 64 bits
VST3 64 bits
NKS | |
Steinberg : Cubase Artist 13 Upgrade AI (1 commentaires)
Steinberg Cubase Artist 13 Upgrade from Cubase AI 12 / 13 (Box); Audio MIDI sequencer (DAW...(+) Steinberg Cubase Artist 13 Upgrade from Cubase AI 12 / 13 (Box); Audio MIDI sequencer (DAW); Caution - Upgrade version! Requires a registered license of Steinberg Cubase AI 12 / 13!; upgrades Steinberg Cubase AI 12 / 13 to Cubase Artist 13; classical software sequencer and audio workstation for advanced users, project studios and creative musicians with professional ambitions; unlimited number of audio channels and MIDI tracks as well as instrument tracks, 32 group channels, 8 send and 64 return channels; max. 32 physical inputs and outputs; up to 16 insert effects per channel as well as 32 VST instrument slots; audio engine with internal 64-bit floating point processing and up to 192 kHz sample rate; contains the virtual instruments Iconica Sketch with orchestral sounds, Sampler Track, Flux, HALion Sonic, Groove Agent SE, Retrologue, Padshop, Verve and Trip with more than 2600 presets as well as 18 sample and loop packs from Beat Butcha & Sharooz among others; effect suite with 65 audio effects like VocalChain, Vocoder and many more included; Channel Tab in project window allows to tweak mixer channel settings without leaving the arrangement window; Chord Pads make it easy to find creative chord progressions; Sampler Track enables extreme manipulation and powerful envelope creation thanks to Spectral Warp modes; Range tool available in Key Editor as well as the Drum Editor; advanced MIDI Remote integration; Audio to MIDI chord recognition with drag and drop support; sample accurate volume automation; phase-coherent multi-track AudioWarp feature allows to edit directly in the Project window; FX Modulator for animated multi effects; VariAudio with Scale Assistant simplifies pitch corrections; customizable MixConsole with own History and integrated Channel Strip; real-time pitch shifting and time-stretching; Comping feature and Audio Warp with quantization capabilities; numerous tools like Chord track, chord pads, tempo track and signature track, TrackVersions, Note Expressions and many more; key, score, list and drum editor as well as MPE support and basic functions for score layout and note printing; supported languages: Chinese, German, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Portoguese, Russian, Spanish; Attention: license only, no data carrier, download required - no installation medium included | |
NEO Instruments : Ventilator II (3 commentaires)
NEO Instruments Ventilator II; Effect-Unit to emulate a Leslie Model 122 Rotary-Speaker; i...(+) NEO Instruments Ventilator II; Effect-Unit to emulate a Leslie Model 122 Rotary-Speaker; independent Emulation of a Bass- and Treble-Rotor, Rotor-Speed and Acceleration adjustable; Drive-Section; variable virtual Microphones; real Bypass; Tempo- or Mix-Control via Expression-Pedal (Pedal not included); Switch for Fast-Speed, Slow-Speed, Balance, Accleration, Drive, Mode (Gtr1, Gtr2, Key), Mix/Distance-Lo, Mix/Distance-Hi; Input Level Hi/Low; Remote (Switch, Pedal Speed, Pedal Mix); Connections: 2x Line-In L/R 1/4" TR, 2x Line-Out L/R 1/4" TR;Power supply via 9 V DC power supply unit (not included, suitable power supply unit: art. 409939);Dimensions: 160 x 140 x 57 mm | |
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