Harrison Millard
Harrison Millard (1829 - 1895)

At age eight, Mil­lard was ad­mit­ted in­to a Bos­ton choir, and at 10 sang in the chor­us of the Han­del and Hay­dn so­ci­e­ty as an al­to. His voice changed to a te­nor, and on one oc­ca­sion, around age 15, dur­ing the ab­sence of the prin­ci­pal te­nor, he sang in the or­a­to­rio Sam­son. In 1851, he went to Eur­ope and spent three years stu­dy­ing un­der the best mas­ters in It­a­ly. He then spent some time in Lon­don, ap­pear­ing at var­i­ous mu­sic­al ... (lire la suite)
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia

Guitare (Hugo)