William Hine
William Hine (1687 - 1730)
Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
William Hine (1687–1730) was an English organist and composer.

Hine was born at Brightwell, Oxfordshire. He was a chorister of Magdalen College, Oxford in 1694, and a clerk in 1705. Coming to London, he studied music under Jeremiah Clarke, whose executive style he closely imitated. In 1711 or 1712 Hine became organist of Gloucester Cathedral, and shortly afterwards married Alicia, the daughter of Abraham Rudhall, the bellfounder. The dean and chapter of Gloucester showed their a ... (lire la suite)
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia

Symphonie No. 4 en Sib majeur, Opus 60