Amy Potter
Amy Potter (1955 - )
États-Unis États-Unis
À propos de l'artiste
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Amy was born and raised in Portsmouth, Ohio, and studied piano from ages 8 to 13. After years of travel and travail, she returned to her hometown area and received Christ as her Savior. She is married, and her husband Woody helps record her piano instrumental mp3s in a small home studio. She has played accompaniment for choirs and special music and is now one of the pianists at Victory Baptis ... (lire la suite)

Sonata a Quattro, Op. WoO 4



Informations par Amy Potter
New website for Potter Music Ministry

Ecrit le 2020-08-31 par Amy Potter
Coming soon! The Potter Pages will be a new webpage format where you can download many PDF arrangements. Please visit https://woodyandamypotter.word
The Potter Pages