Henry Schradieck
Henry Schradieck (1846 - 1918)
Allemagne Allemagne
Henry Schradieck(b.Hamburg, April 29, 1846) was one of the foremost violin teachers of his day. He wrote a series of etude books for the violin which are still in common use today.

He received his first violin lessons from his father, and made his first public appearance at the age of six. He studied under Leonard, in Brussels, where he gained first prize. Afterwards he went to Leipsic, where he became a pupil of David. In 1863 he became a soloist at the Reinthaler concerts at Bremen. The fol ... (lire la suite)
Source de l'extrait biographique : Wikipedia

Sonate pour Piano No.29, Hob. XVI:29


Voir aussi la section "Méthodes".

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