The Naive Nerd and Joke the Killer additional info
Ecrit le 2011-12-18 par Matej Patek I'd just like to say
hello and thanks for your
interest! I haven't added
some important information
about my pieces before so I
have to make it right now.
The Naive Nerd is a simple,
silly, naive and brutally
optimistic tune that
shouldn't be taken
seriously. I intend it to be
an encore at the end of
concert to lighten the
atmosphere. There is none
insane quick playing, but
every mistake is therefore
more obvious.
Joke the Killer is a little
more difficult stuff. The
first part (exposition) should
be funny, sharp and tight to
the notes. The slow part is
serious, the humour is not
quite forgotten, but should be
really cantabile and not
rushed. In the last part
everyone is allowed to
improvise a little bit -
primarily the bass clarinet.
Just enjoy the fun!
Also thanks to Leonard
Anderson for nice recordings!
Both of them have some
"additives" that are
really in the spirit of what
those pieces are and they are
almost exactly IT. For others
- try to search IT in your
way, I believe every one of
you is an excellent joker -
let's see what happens
Merry Christmas!