Sonata No. 2 for Flute & Harpsichord
Sonata No. 2 for Flute & Harpsichord
BWV 1031
Johann Sebastian Bach
Flute & Clavecin

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VoirPDF : Sonata No. 2 (BWV 1031) for Flûte & Harpsichord (13 pages - 324.26 Ko)5 908x
VoirPDF : JS Bach -- Sonata 2 (BWV 1031) for Flûte & Clavecin (Flûte Part) (164.81 Ko)
VoirPDF : JS Bach -- Sonata 2 (BWV 1031) for Flûte & Clavecin (Clavecin Part) (233.6 Ko)
MP3 : Audio principal (233.6 Ko)672x 3 790x
Sonata No. 2 for Flute & Harpsichord
MP3 (7.35 Mo) : (par Magatagan, Michael)507x 908x
Sonata No. 2 for Flute & Harpsichord
MP3 (7.35 Mo) : (par Magatagan, Michael)310x 586x
Vidéo :
Johann Sebastian Bach
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685 - 1750)

Flute & Clavecin

Partition centrale Sonate Flute en Mib majeur (21 partitions)


Johann Sebastian Bach
Droit d'auteur Public Domain
Ajoutée par magataganm, 31 Jui 2012
Johan Sebastian Bach, composer, violinist and keyboard virtuoso, was born on March 21, 1685 in Eisenach, Germany and died on July 28, 1750 in Leipzig, Germany.

Today, he is probably the most famous composer of the Baroque Period in music (1600-1750) and definitely represents the culmination of Baroque style. One of the main differences between Baroque style and that of the Classical Period (1750-1825) which followed, was the use of counterpoint - literally note (i.e., ?point?) against ...
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Commentaires (1)

Johann Sebastian Bach
Evelyn Evelyn Ho
Publié le 11 Sep 2024 à 20:58 par cv41
tres bien