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Select Preludes and Voluntaries for the Violin
Divers - Select Preludes and Voluntaries for the Violin
Violon seul

VoirPDF : Partition (80 pages - 16.65 Mo)832x
Compositeur :
Instrumentation :

Violon seul

Genre :


Arrangeur :
Editeur : Walsh, John (1961 - )
Date :1705
Droit d'auteur :Public Domain
Titre alternatif :Select Preludes & Vollentaries for the Violin being Made and Contrived for the Improvement of the Hand with Variety of Compositions by all the Greatest Masters in Europe for that Instrument
Ajoutée par FS, 26 Mai 2013

Pieces by a several composers, including Corelli, Albinoni, Bononcini.
Source / Web :Internet archive
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