ISBN 9781491157251. 6.875 x 10.5 inches. Key: D major, f major. English. Elizabeth Bishop.
Selected as a finalist in the 2017 Ithaca College Choral Composition Contest, "I Am in Need of Music" is, at its core, a lush and inspirational anthem to music. Not to be overlooked for the burgeoning mixed choir!.
In the fall of 2016, I completed my student teaching in Waseca, MN under the mentorship of Deb Yess. She asked me to write a piece to premiere with her auditioned choir that semester, and I immediately settled on this beautiful homage to music by Elizabeth Bishop. This student teaching experience validated the need for me to become a music educator. I am forever indebted to Deb for her passion and continuous support throughout my career. I was fortunate to have this piece selected as a finalist in the 2017 Ithaca College Choral Composition Contest, where this piece was given a heartfelt and energetic performance by the Ithaca High School Chorale under the direction of Kirsten Zaryski. At the core, this piece is simply an anthem to music. Take time to focus on the text with your choir, and allow Elizabeths stunning poetry to speak through your performance. I recommend speaking the text in rhythm to ensure proper text stress and phrasing. Much of the energy is driven from the piano accompaniment, so allow it to be present dynamically in the performance of course, not overpowering the choir. Work to establish clear dynamic contrast so the fortes may be lush and full, and the pianos intimate with soft intensity. |