CHOIR - VOCALRavenscroft, Thomas
The Whole Booke of Psalmes
Ravenscroft, Thomas - The Whole Booke of Psalmes
Choral SATB
ViewPDF : Complete Book (146 pages - 12.35 Mo)
London: The Company of Stationers, 1621
ViewPDF : Complete Book (33.1 Mo)
London: The Company of Stationers, 1621
ViewPDF : Complete Book (25.63 Mo)
London: Thomas Harper for the Company of Stationers, 1633.
Composer :
Thomas Ravenscroft
Ravenscroft, Thomas (1582 - 1635)
Instrumentation :

Choral SATB

Style :


Arranger :
Lyricist :Bible
Langage :English
Copyright :Public Domain
Added by FS, 12 Feb 2016

170 pieces:
Ravenscroft: Come Holy Ghost (Veni Creator)
Palmer: Lord of Whom I do Depend (The Humble Sute of a Sinner)
Farmer: O Come and Let Us Now Rejoice (Venite exultemus - Psalm 95)
Ravenscroft: We Praise Thee God (Te Deum)
Ravenscroft: O All Ye Works of God the Lord (Song of the 3 Children)
Ravenscroft: The Onely Lord of Israel (Benedictus)
Farmer: My Soul does Magnify the Lord (Magnificat)
Ravenscroft: O Lord Because My Hearts Desire (Nunc dimittis)
Farmer: What Man Soever (Quicunque vult)
Parsons: O Lord Turne Not Away Thy Face (The Lamentation)
Farmer: Our Father Which in Heaven Art (The Lord's Prayer)
Farmer: Hark Israel (The X Commandements)
Ravenscroft: The Complaint of a Sinner
Morley: The Man is Blest (Psalm 1)
Ravenscroft: Why did the Gentiles Tumults Raise? (Psalm 2)
Ravenscroft: O Lord How are My Foes Increast (Psalm 3)
Ravenscroft: O God that art My Righteousness (Psalm 4)
John Milton Sr.: Incline Thine Ears unto My Words (Psalm 5)
Kirbye: Lord in Thy Wrath Reprove Me Not (Psalm 6)
Harrison: O Lord My God I put My Trust (Psalm 7)
Ravenscroft: O God Our Lord How Wonderful (Psalm 8)
Ravenscroft: With Heart and Mouth (Psalm 9)
Tomkins: What is the Cause (Psalm 10)
Ravenscroft: I Trust in God (Psalm 11)
Blankes: Help Lord for Good and Godly Men (Psalm 12)
Tomkins: How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me Lord (Psalm 13)
Morley: There is No God as Foolish Men (Psalm 14)
Ravenscroft: O Lord within thy tabernacle (Psalm 15)
Ravenscroft: Lord Keep Me, for I Trust in Thee (Psalm 16)
Ravenscroft: O Lord Give Ear to My Just Cause (Psalm 17)
Cobbold: O God My Strength and Fortitude (Psalm 18)
Ravenscroft: The Heavens and the Firmament (Psalm 19)
Cranford: In Trouble and Adversity (Psalm 20)
Bennet: O Lord how Joyful is the King (Psalm 21)
Ravenscroft: O God My God, Wherefor dost Thou Forsake Me (Psalm 22)
Ravenscroft: My Shepherd is the Living Lord (Psalm 23)
Allison: The Earth is All the Lords (Psalm 24)
Ward: I Lift My Heart to Thee (Psalm 25)
Ravenscroft: Lord be My Judge (Psalm 26)
John Milton Sr.: The Lord is Both My Health and Light (Psalm 27)
Ravenscroft: Thou art O Lord My Strength (Psalm 28)
Ravenscroft: Give to the Lord Ye Potentates (Psalm 29)
Ravenscroft: All Laud and Praise with Heart and Voice (Psalm 30)
Bennet: O Lord I put My Trust in Thee (Psalm 31)
Ravenscroft: The Man is Blest Whose Wickednesse (Psalm 32)
Ravenscroft: Yee Righteous in the Lord Reioyce (Psalm 33)
Ravenscroft: I Will Give Laud and Honour (Psalm 34)
Tomkins: Lord Plead My Cause against My Foes (Psalm 35)
Ravenscroft: The Wicked with His Works Unjust (Psalm 36)
Ravenscroft: Grudge Not to See the Wicked Men (Psalm 37)
Morley: Put Me Not to Rebuke O Lord (Psalm 38)
Stubbs: I Said I will Looke to My Wayes (Psalm 39)
Ravenscroft: I Waited Long and Sought the Lord (Psalm 40)
Blankes: The Man is Blest, that Carefull Is (Psalm 41)
Ravenscroft: Like as the Hart doth Breath and Bray (Psalm 42)
Ravenscroft: Judge and Revenge My Cause O Lord (Psalm 43)
Blankes: Our Eares Have Heard Our Fathers Tell (Psalm 44)
Ravenscroft: My Heart doth Take in Hand (Psalm 45)
Morley: The Lord is our defence and aid (Psalm 46)
Tomkins: Ye people all with one accord (Psalm 47)
Tomkins: Great is the Lord (Psalm 48)
Ravenscroft: All people harken and give ear (Psalm 49)
Blankes: The mighty God th'Eternall hat thus spoke (Psalm 50)
Peerson: The God of Gods, the Lord (Psalm 50 b)
Ravenscroft: O Lord, consider my distress (Psalm 51)
Cranford: Have mercy on me God (Psalm 51 b)
Ravenscroft: Why dost thou tyrant boast abroad (Psalm 52)
Ravenscroft: The foolish man (Psalm 53)
Ravenscroft: God save mee for thy holy name (Psalm 54)
John Milton Sr.: O God give ear (Psalm 55)
Harrison: Have mercy Lord on mee (Psalm 56)
Ravenscroft: Take pittie for thy promise sake (Psalm 57)
Farmer: Ye Rulers which are put in trust (Psalm 58)
Ravenscroft: Send ayde and save me (Psalm 59)
Blankes: O Lord thou didst us cleane forsake (Psalm 60)
Allison: Regard (O Lord) for I complaine (Psalm 61)
Ravenscroft: My soule to God shall give good heed (Psalm 62)
Ravenscroft: O God my God I watch betime (Psalm 63)
Ravenscroft: O Lord unto my voyce give eare (Psalm 64)
Ravenscroft: Thy praise alone (O Lord) doth raigne (Psalm 65)
John Milton Sr.: Yee men on earth in God reioyce (Psalm 66)
Ravenscroft: Have mercy on us Lord (Psalm 67)
Allison: Let God arise (Psalm 68)
Allison: Save me O God (Psalm 69)
Peerson: O God to me take heed (Psalm 70)
Ravenscroft: My Lord my God in all distresse image (Psalm 71)
Ravenscroft: Lord give thy judgements to the King (Psalm 72)
Ravenscroft: How ever it be (Psalm 73)
Ravenscroft: Why art thou Lord so long from us (Psalm 74)
Stubbs: Unto thee God will we give thanks (Psalm 75)
Ravenscroft: To all that now in lury dwell (Psalm 76)
Allison: With my voyce to God doe cry (Psalm 77)
Cavendish: Attend my people to my Law (Psalm 78)
Ravenscroft: O Lord the Gentiles doe inuade (Psalm 79)
Bennet: Thou heard that Israel dost keepe (Psalm 80)
Allison: Be light and glad in God reioyce (Psalm 81)
Allison: Amid the prease with men of might (Psalm 82)
Ravenscroft: Doe Not O God Refraine Thy Tongue (Psalm 83)
Ravenscroft: How Pleasant is Thy Dwelling Place (Psalm 84)
Ravenscroft: Thou hast been Mercifull Indeed (Psalm 85)
Ravenscroft: Lord Bow Thine Eare (Psalm 86)
Ravenscroft: That Citie shall Full Well Endure (Psalm 87)
Ravenscroft: Lord God of Health (Psalm 88)
Tomkins: To Sing the Mercies of the Lord (Psalm 89)
Ravenscroft: Thou Lord hast Beene our Sure Defence (Psalm 90)
Ravenscroft: Hee that within the secret place (Psalm 91)
Stubbs: It is a thing both good and meet (Psalm 92)
Ravenscroft: The Lord as king aloft doth raigne (Psalm 93)
Ravenscroft: O Lord thou dost reuenge all wrong (Psalm 94)
Ravenscroft: Come, let us lift up our voyce sound - Venite exultemus (Psalm 95)
Ravenscroft: Sing ye with praise unto the Lord (Psalm 96)
Tomkins: The Lord doth raigne whereat the earth (Psalm 97)
Ravenscroft: O Sing yee now unto the Lord (Psalm 98)
Stubbs: The Lord doth raigne (Psalm 99)
Dowland: All people that on earth do dwell (Psalm 100)
Stubbs: In God the Lord be glad and light (Psalm 100)
Ravenscroft: I mercy will and iudgement sing (Psalm 101)
John Milton Sr.: O Heare my prayer Lord (Psalm 102)
Edward Johnson: My soule give laud unto the Lord (Psalm 103)
Ravenscroft: My soule praise the Lord (Psalm 104)
Allison: Give prayses unto God the Lord (Psalm 105)
Ravenscroft: Praise ye the Lord (Psalm 106)
Ravenscroft: Give thanks unto the Lord our God (Psalm 107)
Ravenscroft: O God my heart prepared is (Psalm 108)
Ravenscroft: In speechless silence doe not hold (Psalm 109)
Ravenscroft: The Lord did say unto my Lord (Psalm 110)
Ravenscroft: With heart I doe accord (Psalm 111)
Kirbye: The man is blest that God doth feare (Psalm 112)
Ravenscroft: Ye children which doe serve the Lord (Psalm 113)
Blankes: When Israel by Gods addresse (Psalm 114)
Stubbs: Not unto Us Lord (Psalm 115)
Ravenscroft: I Love the Lord, because my voyce (Psalm 116)
Ravenscroft: O All ye nations of the world Psalm 117)
Stubbs: O Give ye thanks unto the Lord (Psalm 118)
Farnaby: Blessed are they that perfect are (Psalm 119)
Ravenscroft: In trouble and in thrall (Psalm 120)
Farnaby: I lift mine eyes to Sion hill (Psalm 121)
Farnaby: I did in heart reioyce (Psalm 122)
Ravenscroft: O Lord that heaven dost possesse (Psalm 123)
Ravenscroft: Now Israel may say (Psalm 124)
Farnaby: Such as in God the Lord doe trust (Psalm 125)
Allison: Those that doe put their confidence (Psalm 125b)
Johnson: When that the Lord againe his Sion had brought forth (Psalm 126)
Kirbye: Except the Lord the house doe make (Psalm 127)
Ravenscroft: Blessed art thou that fearest God (Psalm 128)
Bennet: Oft they, now Israel may say (Psalm 129)
Ravenscroft: Lord to thee I make my mone (Psalm 130)
Ravenscroft: O Lord I am not puft in minde (Psalm 131)
Ravenscroft: Remember Davids troubles Lord (Psalm 132)
Ravenscroft: O How happy a thing it is (Psalm 133)
Peerson: Behold and have regard (Psalm 134)
Allison: O praise the Lord, praise him (Psalm 135)
Kirbye: Praise ye the Lord, for he is good (Psalm 136)
Kirbye: O laud the Lord benigne (Psalm 136b)
Ravenscroft: When as we sate in Babylon (Psalm 137)
John Milton Sr.: Thee will I prayse with my whole heart (Psalm 138)
Allison: O Lord thou hast me tride and knowne (Psalm 139)
Ravenscroft: Lord save me from the evill man (Psalm 140)
Hooper: O Lord upon thee doe I call (Psalm 141)
Harrison: Before the Lord God with my voyce Psalm 142)
John Tomkins: Lord heare my prayer (Psalm 143)
Ravenscroft: Blest be the Lord (Psalm 144)
Hooper: Thee will I laud my God and King (Psalm 145)
Bennet: My soule praise thou the Lord alwayes (Psalm 146)
Ravenscroft: Praise ye the Lord image (Psalm 147)
Kirbye: Give laude unto the Lord (Psalm 148)
Stubbs: Sing ye unto the Lord our God (Psalm 149)
Ravenscroft: Yeeld unto God the mightie Lord (Psalm 150)
Tallis: Praise the Lord O Ye Gentils all - A Psalme before Morning Prayer
Ravenscroft: Behold now give heed - A Psalme before Evening Prayer
Ravenscroft: Attend my people and give ear - Audi Israel
Kirbye: Our Father which in heaven art - The Lord' s Prayer
Kirbye: All my beliefe and confidence - The Creed
John Milton Sr.: Come holy spirit the God of might - A Prayer to the holy Ghost
Ravenscroft: Give peace in these our dayes - Da pacem
Ravenscroft: O Lord in thee is all my trust - The Lamentation
Stubbs: The Lord be thanked for his gifts - A Thanksgiving
Ravenscroft: Preserve us Lord - A Prayer
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