PIANOHässler, Johann Wilhelm
Allegro, Capriccio
Hässler, Johann Wilhelm - Allegro, Capriccio
50 Pieces for Beginners op. 38, no. 8,9
Piano seul

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Vidéo :
Compositeur :
Johann Wilhelm Hässler
Hässler, Johann Wilhelm (1747 - 1822)
Instrumentation :

Piano seul

Genre :


Tonalité :Do majeur
Arrangeur :
Editeur :
Johann Wilhelm Hässler
Heidtmann, Klaus (1952 - )
Date :1782
Droit d'auteur :Public Domain
Ajoutée par kheidtmann, 21 Fév 2018

There are 2 editions of this alternate Allegro by the composer:
1. Clavier- und Singstücke verschiedener Art, p. 44, 1782
2. 50 Pieces for Beginners op. 38, no. 8 (C major) and no. 9 (C minor), 1815
This later collection of 50 pieces progresses around the circle of fifths through all the keys, starting with C major and A minor and working through the sharps and then the flats to end with F major and D minor.

Capriccio is not an original title by the composer, but an arbitrary invention of later editors.

For easier reading the note values were doubled.

Allegro 1 and 2, Capriccio:
ABRSM Grade 3 (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music)

Allegro 1:
AMEB Grade 1 (Australian Music Examinations Board)
TCL Grade 2 (Trinity College London, 2021-2023)
Source / Web :First Edition, Erfurt 1782, p. 44:
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