"English translations by Henry G. Chapman and
- Russlan and Ludmilla. Ah, kindly
star = Du trauter Stern / Glinka
How sweet it is
when I'm with you = Wie süss ist's, kann
bei dir ich sein / Glinka
A life for the Czar.
Aria of Soussanine : The truth is suspected / Glinka
Heavenly clouds ; Ye dear, fleeting hours = Ihr
flüchtigen Stunden ; Only love! = Nur lieben! /
Be not so coy, my pretty maid =
Thu'nicht s...(+)
"English translations by Henry G. Chapman and
- Russlan and Ludmilla. Ah, kindly
star = Du trauter Stern / Glinka
How sweet it is
when I'm with you = Wie süss ist's, kann
bei dir ich sein / Glinka
A life for the Czar.
Aria of Soussanine : The truth is suspected / Glinka
Heavenly clouds ; Ye dear, fleeting hours = Ihr
flüchtigen Stunden ; Only love! = Nur lieben! /
Be not so coy, my pretty maid =
Thu'nicht so spröde, schönes Kind ; When
I see those little feet of thine = Seh'ich deine
kleinen Füsschen an ; Not with angels = Nicht mit
Engeln ; My heart all beauty takes from thee = Mein
Herz schmückt sich mit dir ; I feel thy breath
blow round me = Ich fühle deinem Odem ; Bend,
lovely bud = Neig', schöne Knospe /
Song of the dark forest = Chanson de
la fôret sombre ; Flowers of love = Fleurs
d'amore ; The sea-queen = La reine de la mer ; A
dissonance ; The sleeping princess ; Prince Igor.
Slowly the daylight departs / Borodine
Poet and
critic = Nachtigall and Kukuk / Cui
Peasant cradle-song ; The beetle = Le hanneton ;
Child's song = Chanson d'enfant ; By the
water ; Khovanstchina. Divination by water = La
divination par l'eau ; Death and the peasant = La
mort et le paysan ; Khovanstchina. Chante de Marthe ;
Cradle-song of the poor = La berceuse du pauvre ; Hopak
; Boris Godounow. The siege of Kazan ; Josua Navine.
Oriental chant : lamentation / Moussorgsky
come to me! = Viens près de moi / Balakirev
Springtime = Frühling ; At the ball = Inmitten
des Balles ; A legend ; Pique-Dame. Duet ; Evening = Le
soir ; The canary = Le canari / Tschaikovsky
Snégourotchka. Little snowflake's arietta ;
Hebrew love-song = Chanson hébraïque ; On
the Georgian hills ; Sur les collines de Géorgie
; Snégourotchka. Song of the shepherd Lehl ; A
southern night = Nuit méridionale ;
Snégourotchka. Air : sylvan roundelay /
The little fish's song =
Fischleins Lied / Arensky
The nereid / Glazunoff
Before my window ; Lilacs ; Morning ; How sweet
the place! ; O thou billowy harvest-field! /