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220 partitions trouvées

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Charley Sturges' Popular Songs and Dances. She's the Loveliest Girl I Ever Saw! (Song and Dance)
Charley Sturges' Popular Songs and Dances. She's the Loveliest Girl I Ever Saw! (Song and Dance) #Piano, Voix #Rollin Howard #Charley Sturges' Popular Songs #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.4510 Composed by Rollin Howard. Portraits, Courtship, Love. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins Uni...(+)

The Great Comic Songs. Dandy Pat. Song and Dance
The Great Comic Songs. Dandy Pat. Song and Dance #Piano, Voix #William Carleton #The Great Comic Songs. Dandy P #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.18252 Composed by William Carleton. Caricatures, Cartoons, Near East, Native dress, Kissing, Fighting, Prayer, Cats, Immigrant...(+)

Co-Ca-Che-Lunk. An American Student-Song
Co-Ca-Che-Lunk. An American Student-Song #Piano, Voix #Co-Ca-Che-Lunk. An American St #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.3361 Graduation ceremonies, Yale University, Nostalgia, Friendship, Universities & colleges. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 page...(+)

I'm Saddest When I Song, or, You think I Have a Mmerry Heart. Ballad
I'm Saddest When I Song, or, You think I Have a Mmerry Heart. Ballad #Piano, Voix #Henry Bishop #I'm Saddest When I Song, or, Y #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.10846 Composed by Henry Bishop. Musicians, Harps, Singing, Sadness. Lester S. Levy Collection. 3 pages. Published by Johns Hop...(+)

Sanford's Songs. Nove Lake
Sanford's Songs. Nove Lake #Piano, Voix #Stephen Glover #Sanford's Songs. Nove Lake #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.3277 Arranged by Stephen Glover. Portraits, Symbols, Nature, Minstrels, Time, Nostalgia. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. P...(+)

Songs in Harrigan's Local Drama, "Old Lavender.
Songs in Harrigan's Local Drama, "Old Lavender. #Piano, Voix #Dave Braham #Songs in Harrigan's Local Dram #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.20797 Composed by Dave Braham. Alcoholic beverages, Birds, Animals in human situations, Spouses. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 ...(+)

Serio Comic Songs
Serio Comic Songs #Piano, Voix #William Lingard #Serio Comic Songs #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.18230 Composed by William Lingard. Courtship & love, Friendship, Loss of consciousness, Deceit, Weddings. Lester S. Levy Colle...(+)

Favorite Scotch Songs
Favorite Scotch Songs #Piano, Voix #Mr #Franz Joseph Haydn #Favorite Scotch Songs #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.10956 Composed by Mr. Reeves. Arranged by Franz Joseph Haydn. Dialects, Families, Occupations, Poor persons, Marriage proposal...(+)

Sanford's Songs. One Gentle Word
Sanford's Songs. One Gentle Word #Piano, Voix #Stephen Glover #Sanford's Songs. One Gentle Wo #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.3296 Arranged by Stephen Glover. Portraits, Courtship, Love. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins Un...(+)

The Great Comic Songs. The Fellow That Looks Like Me
The Great Comic Songs. The Fellow That Looks Like Me #Piano, Voix #J #The Great Comic Songs. The Fel #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.18340 Composed by J. F. Poole. Humorous pictures, Caricatures, Cartoons, Middle East, Courtship & love, Campaigns & battles, N...(+)

The Celebrated Dutch Songs
The Celebrated Dutch Songs #Piano, Voix #Charles A #The Celebrated Dutch Songs #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.23628 Composed by Charles A. Reade. Caricatures, Cartoons, Bars, Bartenders, Cats, Beers, Tankards, Spouses, Depression, Sadne...(+)

Rum Tum Tiddle. Song
Rum Tum Tiddle. Song #Piano, Voix #Jean Schwartz #Rum Tum Tiddle. Song #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.8664 Composed by Jean Schwartz. Musicians, Women, Fame, Love. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 pages. Published by Johns Hopkins U...(+)

The Singer and the Song. An Imprint Stamped for Life on Memory's Page. Song & Chorus
The Singer and the Song. An Imprint Stamped for Life on Memory's Page. Song & Chorus #Piano, Voix #Will D #The Singer and the Song. An Im #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.5748 Composed by Will D. Cobb & Gus. Edwards. Portraits, Courtship, Weddings, Quarreling, Unrequited love, Time, Disgrace. Les...(+)

The Song They Sang at Santiago. Patriotic Song & Chorus
The Song They Sang at Santiago. Patriotic Song & Chorus #Piano, Voix #Theo #Theo #The Song They Sang at Santiago #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.21454 Composed by Theo. A. Metz. Soldiers, Singing, Patriotism, Spanish-American War, The Maine. Lester S. Levy Collection. 6 ...(+)

Descriptive Song. The Black Sheep Loves You Best of All, or, Better Than the Rest. Song & Chorus
Descriptive Song. The Black Sheep Loves You Best of All, or, Better Than the Rest. Song & Chorus #Piano, Voix #William F #Descriptive Song. The Black Sh #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.5180 Composed by William F. Gould. Portraits, Fathers & children, Aged persons, Wealth, Anger, Deception, Poor persons, Ethics...(+)

The Last Words of Washington. Song
The Last Words of Washington. Song #Piano, Voix #J #Composed by J #The Last Words of Washington. #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.13089 Composed by J.R. Thomas. Portraits, George Washington, Deathbeds, Last words, Patriotism. Lester S. Levy Collection. 4 p...(+)

The Fete of the Gondoliers. Song and Dance
The Fete of the Gondoliers. Song and Dance #Piano, Voix #Charles E #The Fete of the Gondoliers. So #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.14496 Arranged by Charles E. Pratt. Portraits, Emblems--lions, Boats, Courtship & love, Dancing, Ethnic stereotypes, Dialects....(+)

The Fair of our Own Native Land. A Song
The Fair of our Own Native Land. A Song #Piano, Voix #William J #The Fair of our Own Native Lan #Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries #SheetMusicPlus
Piano and voice - SKU: LV.13526 Composed by William J. Wetmore. Clothing & dress, Women, Interiors, Celebrations. Lester S. Levy Collection. 5 pages. Pu...(+)

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