Harp - Easy/Beginner -
Arranged by Beth Kolle and
Laurie Riley. Folk, Celtic.
130 pages. Published by
Afghan Press Music for the
Harp This book is filled with short exercises and excellent descriptions and drawings. Even though this book assumes the reader is a beginner, it does not cover note-reading. However, it covers the basics of playing the double strung harp (two parallel rows of strings.) Exercises explain the unique sounds this instrument can produce. Focuses on placing, echoing, rolled chords, crossing over and under, scales, wandering thumb, and more.
Tunes are: All Through the Night, Rose Rose, Reflecting Moon, For Ruth, Nonesuch, Chanter?s Tune, Einini, Mairi?s Wedding, Si Beag Si Mor. All of these tunes have variations using methods unique to the double strung harp