SKU: BT.DHP-1064039-010
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
This suite was written in the style of traditional Russian folk music, but does not use existing melodies or themes as its basis. The colourful and varied work contains a number of surprising turns, but also familiar sounds. After the introduction, a kind of Trepak follows ? a fairly quick dance with attractive themes. The second movement (Garovot) is predominantly slow and conveys some melancholy, although, during a more dynamic passage the passion flares up again. Finally, the Troika takes us along in a reindeer sleigh through a grand snowy landscape. This is a wonderful tribute to the music of Eastern Europe in the style of some of the great Russian masters.Net als Rikudim, Puszta en Balkanya, eveneens van de hand van Jan Van der Roost, is deze kleurige en gevarieerde suite geschreven in de stijl van traditionele Russische muziek, zonder dat bestaande melodieën of thema’sals basis hebben gediend. Tanczi bevat een paar verrassende wendingen, maar ook vertrouwde klanken. Na de inleiding volgt een soort Trepak: een tamelijk snelle dans met fraaie thema’s. Het tweede deel (Garovot) isoverwegend langzaam en ademt enige melancholie, al laait tijdens een dynamischer middengedeelte de passie weer op. De Troika neemt ons ten slotte mee in een rendierslee door een weids sneeuwlandschap. Een werk vol afwisseing!Wie seine Werke Rikudim, Puszta und Balkanya schrieb Jan Van der Roost diese Suite im Stil russischer Volksmusik, ohne dabei bestehende Melodien oder Themen zu verwenden. Melancholie, aber auch feuriges Temperament, Virtuosität neben sehr vertrauten Momenten und melodischer Ausdruck neben würzigen Rhythmen: Das alles steckt in der Seele russischer Musik. Diese klangfarben- und abwechslungsreiche Suite wartet mit einer Reihe überraschender Wendungen auf, enthält aber auch vertraute Klänge.Cette suite colorée et variée contient des cheminements surprenants dans un paysage sonore caractéristique de l’ me musicale russe. L’introduction est suivie d’une danse rapide qui s’apparente au Trepak ; les thèmes sont accrocheurs. Le second mouvement, Garovot, est lent dans l’ensemble et quelque peu mélancolique. Pourtant, la passion renaît dans un passage plus animé. Enfin, Troika nous emmène pour une promenade en traîneau tiré par des rennes travers un vaste paysage enneigé.Questa suite colorata e varia contiene cammini sorprendenti in un paesaggio sonoro caratteristico dell’anima musicale russa. L’introduzione è seguita da una danza veloce simile al Trepak; i temi sono combattivi. Il secondo movimento, Garovot, è lento e malinconico. Ma la passione rinasce in un passaggio più animato. Infine, Troika ci accompagna in una passeggiata su una slitta trainata da renne attraverso un paesaggio innevato.
SKU: BT.DHP-1196192-010
Right from the outset until the very end, the speed, energy and “drive†of the tuneful music is palpable. It’s abundantly clear why the title “Seatbelts Fastened!†was chosen: just like an airplane, this music takes off and neither tempo nor intensity are lost throughout the flight. Descending and ascending scales characterise the most important thematic material and the music explores a variety of different registers through Van der Roost utilising a great deal of different tonalities and metres. Please keep your seatbelts fastened and enjoy the flight!Van het allereerste begin tot het eind zijn de vaart, de energie en de ‘drive’ in dit welluidende werk zonneklaar. Het wordt zonder meer duidelijk waarom voor Seatbelts Fastened! is gekozen: net als een vliegtuig gaat de muziek van start en verliest ze gedurende de vlucht niet aan tempo of intensiteit. Het belangrijkste thematische materiaal wordt gekenmerkt door dalende en stijgende toonladders, waarmee de muziek verschillende registers verkent: hiervoor gebruikt Van der Roost diverse tonaliteiten en maatsoorten. Dus riemen vast en geniet van de vlucht!Von Anfang an bis zum Ende ist die Geschwindigkeit, Energie und der Antrieb“ des melodischen Werkes spürbar. Es wird deutlich, warum der Titel Seatbelts Fastened!†(Bitte anschnallen“) gewählt wurde: Wie bei einem Flugzeug hebt diese Musik ab, und während des Fluges gehen weder das Tempo noch die Intensität verloren. Absteigende und aufsteigende Tonleitern zeichnen das wichtigste thematische Material aus. Die Musik erkundet unterschiedliche Register, für die Jan Van der Roost verschiedene Ton- und Taktarten verwendet. Bitte schnallen Sie sich an und genießen Sie den Flug!Du début jusqu’ la fin, la rapidité, l’énergie et l’élan de cette musique mélodieuse sont palpables. On comprend clairement le choix de son titre : « Attachez vos ceintures ! » Tout comme un avion, la musique décolle et son vol ne perd jamais en vitesse ou en intensité. Le principal matériel thématique se distingue par des gammes descendantes et ascendantes, Van der Roost explorant différents registres par le biais d’une variété de tonalités et de métriques. Veuillez attacher vos ceintures, et bon voyage !
SKU: CL.012-4735-00
Firing On All Cylinders begins calmly enough, but soon gives way to a relentless, pulsating groove that will captivate your audiences and performers! Dynamic and percussive, Matt Conaway takes the listener on a rhythmic journey that builds in intensity to an explosive conclusion. Challenging, but well worth the effort. This should get your strongest consideration as an exciting concert closer!
SKU: BT.DHP-1094729-140
9x12 inches.
This work takes both its name and inspiration from a lighthouse “Sword Cape†that keeps watch near Japan’s naval base. The piece describes how, come rain or shine, the lighthouse bids a safe journey to departing ships, guides them during their travels and eventually welcomes them home again. The music evokes many musical images - grand ships sailing by, white-capped waves, the deep blue of the ocean and the light of ‘sword cape†as it silently guides ships over the mysterious waters.Dieses Werk wurde von einem Leuchtturm mit dem Namen Schwert-Kap“ inspiriert, der in der Nähe des Marinestützpunkts von Japan steht. Es beschreibt, wie die Schiffe bei jedem Wetter von diesem Leuchtturm verabschiedet, auf ihrem Weg geleitet und bei der Rückkehr willkommen geheißen werden. Dabei entstehen verschiedene musikalische Bilder vor dem inneren Auge des Zuhörers: das Vorbeiziehen eines Schiffes, weiße Wellen blauer See oder das Licht des Leuchtturm auf dem stillen Wasser bei Nebel.Light of the Sword è un brano commissionato a Sakai dalla Banda Militare delle Forze marittime di autodifesa giapponesi di stanza nel porto di Yokosuka nella baia di Tokio. L’origine del titolo ha due significati: da una parte si ispira al faro di Tsurugizaki (letteralmente “estremit della spadaâ€), la cui luce serve come punto di riferimento tra la terra ed il mare, e dall’altra alla luce emanata dalla spada che appartiene alla grande tradizione degli ufficiali di marina. Una marcia luminosa!
SKU: HL.50490458
ISBN 9790080146903. UPC: 884088561086. 9.0x12.0x0.158 inches. Istvan Bogar.
This splendidly instrumented work successfully combines 20th-century musical language with the antique elements deriving from its theme - for example, in the first movement we immediately find an ancient Greek asymmetrical rhythm. The second movement takes us on an adventurous journey to those astonishing geological wonders, the Meteoras; the third movement presents a picture of the Delphic dancers, in its title the fourth movement indicates the form used in it, which preserves the unity between the thousands-of-years-old building and its contrasting environment, echoing to the music of the bouzouki. In the suite the composer expertly exploits the possibilities of instrumentation offered by the wind orchestra, this extremely effective work can be a rewarding concert piece for any ensemble. (Recorded by Mirasound on CD 'Salute from Hungary' wwm 500.009 for World Wind Music label - ).picc, 3 fl1, 3 fl2, ob1, ob2, 2 cl1 Bb, 2 cl2 Bb, 2 cl3 Bb, cl b Bb, fg1, fg2, sax a Eb, sax t Bb, sax bar Eb - cor1, cor2, cor3, cor4, 2 flic1 Bb, 2 flic2 Bb, flic t Bb, euf, tr1 Bb, tr2 Bb, tr3 Bb, trb1, trb2, trb3, tb1, tb2 - cb - 3 timp, 6 perc (xyl, glsp, trgl, tamb mil, 3 bongos, gong/tamt, ptti, ptto sosp, gr c).
SKU: BT.DHP-1094729-010
SKU: CL.RWS-2035-01
Dragonrider takes the listener on a twisting, soaring journey astride a powerful fire-breathing dragon as it flies over mountaintop castles and the roaring sea. Inspired by the imagery of popular fantasy works such as those by J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin and J.K. Rowling, the piece is filled with exciting percussion and wind effects that still sit well within the range and reach of most concert and symphonic bands.
ISBN 9781491144022. UPC: 680160901524. 9 x 12 inches. Key: C minor.
Galactic Episode takes the performer and listener on a musical journey through time and space, both externally and internally. Jay Coles, pours his energy into a piece that will grab the attention of your students and never let it go.
SKU: BT.DHP-1043668-015
Studio-Pop consists of five movements. The firstmovement, entitled Marching on a String, is anenergetic rock march in a modern rhythm. Next,the charming Dreaming of Summer has beencomposed in three-four time - which is quiteunusual in modern pop music. The inspiration forthe third movement, Chicken-Charley was a youngman selling chicken legs from a stall. His supple,dancing movements can be recognised in the music.The fourth movement, Candlelight is a modern,attractive ballad. Finally, Discoteca takes us along ona night visit to a Spanish discotheque. The typicallySpanish chords and the stirring, high-spirited rhythmprovide an exuberant closing to Studio-Pop.Een temperamentvol werk in popstijl dat bestaat uit vijf verschillende delen. Een energieke rockmars in een modern ritme wordt gevolgd door een charmant deel in driekwartsmaat - in de moderne popmuziek is dat vrij uitzonderlijk. Daaropvolgt een stukje soepele dansmuziek. In een moderne, sfeervolle ballad zijn de samenklanken vervolgens spannend, maar ze lossen steeds weer op in een romantische stemming. Ten slotte zorgen typisch Spaanse akkoorden en een opzwependritme voor een uitbundige afsluiting.Ein temperamentvolles Werk in fünf Sätzen im Pop-Stil. Ein energiereicher Marsch in einem modernen Rhythmus wird gefolgt von einem charmanten Satz im - für Popmusik ungewöhnlichen - Dreivierteltakt. Der dritte Satz wurde inspiriert von einem Hähnchenverkäufer an der Riviera, wohingegen der vierte, eine moderne, romantische Ballade gut als Hintergrund zu einem lauschigen Abendessen dienen könnte. Abgeschlossen wird dieses unterhaltsame Werk von einem nächtlichen Besuch einer spanischen Diskothek. Einfache Musik, in der viel steckt!Studio-Pop est une pièce en cinq mouvements. 1. Marching on a String (“En marchant sur une cordeâ€), est une marche aux inflexions de rock qui affirme un rythme dynamique et moderne. 2. Dreaming of Summer (“Rêves d’étéâ€) est écrit dans un chiffrage de mesure assez inhabituel dans la musique pop, la mesure 3/4. 3. Chicken Charley, est inspiré d’un souvenir de vacances sur la Côte d’Azur où le compositeur a été impressionné par un jeune Antillais vendeur de grillades de cuisses de poulet. La souplesse de ses mouvements transparaît dans la musique fortement dansante. 4. Candlelight (“ la lueur d’une bougieâ€) est une ballade gracieuse etmoderne, qui pourrait servir de toile de fond un dîner charmant. Les harmonisations sont passionnantes, mais trouvent toujours leur résolution dans une atmosphère romantique. 5. Discoteca vous plonge dans la vie nocturne d’une discothèque espagnole. Les accords typiquement espagnols et le rythme exaltant créent un finale exubérant.
SKU: PR.11540223F
UPC: 680160633265. 9 x 12 inches.
Ewazen seemingly takes inspiration from an endless array of sights, environments, and events. It would be impossible for him to be exposed to the wonder of Angkor Wat and to not distill his impressions into music. In fact, he created four distinct impressions for wind ensemble. Performance notes are included, which help to describe the settings and the thoughts behind them.
ISBN 9780825892684. UPC: 798408092689. 9 x 12 inches. Key: Bb major.
This piece takes off right from the start. It contains some very pleasant contemporary sounds not usually found in pieces of this difficulty level, and students will be eager to play it again and again!
SKU: CL.RWS-1801-01
Home Of The Brave stems from a final sentence in the Star-Spangled Banner – that the United States’ flag would forever stand. John M. Pasternak takes a contemporary approach to the Star-Spangled Banner as the melody line is woven through various instruments as solo lines on top of new and intriguing harmonies. The work culminates with the traditional playing of O say does that Star-Spangled Banner and then fades into the distance.
SKU: BT.DHP-0971019-215
Harm Evers was inspired by the North Beach Parade, which annually takes place along the west coast of California when he wrote this fast march in 6/8 time. This march will be an absolute success! Pour composer cette marche divertissante écrite en 6/8, Harm Evers s’est inspiré de la célèbre parade qui se déroule chaque année North Beach sur la côte ouest dans l’État de Californie. North Beach Parade est une marche aux inflexions de swing.
SKU: BT.DHP-1074195-015
After the success of Dance Starters, a follow-up in the Flexible 4 Series was a must. Again, Peter Kleine Schaars composed four dances, in which he, by means of refreshing chords, uncomplicated rhythms and simple melody lines, takes youthful musicians to The Dance Club. There, they learn the cha-cha-cha, the rumba, disco dancing and an actual Oriental belly dance. Great fun for everyone. Na het succes van Dance Starters kon een vervolg hierop niet uitblijven. Opnieuw componeerde Peter Kleine Schaars een viertal dansen, waarin hij met frisse akkoorden, ongecompliceerde ritmes en eenvoudige melodielijnen de jeugdigemuzikanten meeneemt naar The Dance Club. Daar leren ze de chachacha, de rumba, discodansen en een heuse oosterse buikdans. De thema’s en begeleidingen zijn weer gelijkwaardig verdeeld over de vier stemmen, zodat aluw muzikanten een echte uitdaging vinden in het studeren en spelen van The Dance Club.In vier Tänzen führt Peter Kleine Schaars - mittels erfrischender Akkorde, unkomplizierter Rhythmen und einfacher Melodielinien - junge Musiker in den Dance Club. Dort lernen sie Cha-Cha-Cha, Rumba, Discotanzen und einen echten orientalischen Bauchtanz. Da die Themen und Begleitungen gleichmäßig auf alle vier Stimmen verteilt sind, teilen sich auch alle Spaß und Herausforderung! Après le succès de Dance Starters, la réalisation d’une nouvelle œuvre dans la collection Flexible 4 Series s’imposait comme une évidence. Voici The Dance Club (“Le club de danseâ€), une suite de quatre danses ( quatre voix) aux accords rafraîchissants, aux rythmes sans fioritures et aux mélodies simples. Vos jeunes musiciens interpréteront un cha-cha-cha, une rumba, un air disco et une danse du ventre orientale. Dansons !
SKU: CL.011-4746-00
Beyond the Shores of Avalon takes the listener on a musical journey to the island sanctuary hidden in the mist, said to be the resting place of King Arthur. According to legend, Avalon was a utopian paradise, home to many powerful enchantresses, including Arthur's sister Morgan le Fay. Beyond the Shores of Avalon is a wonderful work for teaching blend and dynamic balance within the ensemble, while also giving the low brass and woodwinds the opportunity to stand out with the melody. Enchanting music!
About C.L. Barnhouse Command Series
The Barnhouse Command Series includes works at grade levels 2, 2.5, and 3. This series is designed for middle school and junior high school bands, as well as high school bands of smaller instrumentation or limited experience. Command Series publications have a slightly larger instrumentation than the Rising Band Series, and are typically of larger scope, duration, and musical content.
SKU: CL.CTS-8009-00
Dramatic Prelude begins with a dramatic fanfare, which is followed by an easily accessible melody; a del segno takes you back to the dramatic fanfare and an ending as exciting as the beginning. This flexible arrangement allows ensembles to perform the work with as few as twelve musicians providing accessibility and flexibility for numerous instrumentation needs, while still allowing a full ensemble sound. *The posted recording is based on the full band scoring but aligns with the suggested preferences for either woodwinds/strings or brass suggested in the score.
SKU: BT.DHP-0900206-010
With the sound of trumpets and a long drum roll Dirk Brossé takes you to the splendour of the opening ceremony of a bullfight! The rhythm and the use of South American percussion instruments convey a festive atmosphere whilst broad lines and bright colours describe the solemn nature of this event. The imaginary bull is received with great acclaim with the full band playing. Two contrasting themes represent the heroic matador and the condemned bull. The audience cheers as the bull collapses and strong final chords round off the triumph of the matador. The final quiet notes give a feeling of melancholy reflecting the sad end of this story.Das sinfonische Gedicht El Golpe Fatal zeichnet in musikalisch ausdrucksstarken Bildern einen lateinamerikanischen Stierkampf, eine corrida de torros nach. Von der feierlichen Eröffnung der corrida, über den verhängnisvollen Schlag bis hin zur Ehrenrunde des siegreichen Matadors kann der Zuhörer den Verlauf dieses spannenden Zweikampfes verfolgen.El Gople Fatal, eine höchst anspruchsvolle Komposition, ist für jedes Orchester eine echte Herausforderung.
SKU: CN.R10121
Michael Brand takes the opening bars of Haydn's well known Symphony but gives the audience a few extra surprises along the way. The piece gives plenty of opportunities for comic interplay between Conductor, Tuba player, and Percussion in particular.
SKU: HL.4004275
UPC: 888680067120. 9.0x12.0x0.058 inches.
Inspired by an exhibition of historic Peruvian art, Kingdom of the Sun and Moon takes us on a mythical journey reflecting the ancient Inca Empire. This imaginary movie score uses modal melodies, exotic percussion and dramatic orchestration to create an epic music experience. In cinematic style, this work opens with a panoramic picture of the great Inca city of Machu Picchu and ends with a colorful procession towards the Temple of the Sun. Though written for young band, Kingdom of the Sun and Moon's effective scoring gives it the sophisticated sound and intensity of a much more advanced piece. Dur: 3:20.
SKU: CL.023-4827-01
Imagine that first winter snowfall, where magic turns the snowflakes into life! Using a lighthearted original theme mixed with a few familiar holiday tunes, Snowflake Dance takes your first-year band on a magical journey where snowflakes dance happily about. Bundle up and have fun with this delightful holiday music!
SKU: CL.CTS-8009-01
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