| Souvenirs Cello, Piano - Intermediate Salabert
Cello and Piano - intermediate SKU: BT.SLB-00595900 Extrait de la musi...(+)
Cello and Piano - intermediate SKU: BT.SLB-00595900 Extrait de la musique de scène pour « Le Voyageur sans bagages ». Composed by Francis Poulenc. Classical. Book and Part(s). Composed 2016. 5 pages. Editions Salabert #SLB 00595900. Published by Editions Salabert (BT.SLB-00595900). INSSTR inches. French. A previously unreleased piece by Francis Poulenc, published with permission from the Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris and Benoît Seringe, secretary of the Association des amis de Francis Poulenc [Association of the Friends ofFrancis Poulenc]. Le Voyageur sans bagage [The Traveller Without Luggage], which had been premiered in 1937 with music by Darius Milhaud, was reprised on 1 April 1944 at the Thé tre de la Michodière; Francis Poulenc was asked to compose new stage music. Theentire unpublished score lay undiscovered until Bérengère de l’Épine, a librarian at the Bibliothèque Historique de la Ville de Paris, announced the existence of a manuscript in the Association de la Régie Thé trale collection.Poulenc finalised the score between 19 and 21 March 1944. It contains nine songs, all written for a small instrumental ensemble including oboe, clarinet, cello and piano. However, at the end of the manuscript, the composer echoes the second song Lent [Slow] and creates another version for cello and piano; curiously, the original version of the song has not been erased in the manuscript. Poulenc seems to suggest that we consider the piece for cello and piano, that we have publishedhere, as a different piece of music. It was premiered on Wednesday 23 January 2013 by Marc Coppey, accompanied by Jean-François Heisser, in the organ auditorium of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et Danse de Paris (CNSMDP), during thesymposium for the fiftieth anniversary of Poulenc’s death.Given in a dramatic context, some elements allow us to get an idea of the character of the piece, which Benoît Seringe, Poulenc’s beneficiary, judiciously chose to name Souvenirs.The main character of Anouilh’s play, Gaston, is suffering from amnesia at the end of World War One. Several families try to claim him; they want him to be their missing relative. The Renaud family prove to be particularly stubborn, but Gaston doesnot recognize himself in the child and young man they depict: a ruthless and violent person. In Act 1 Scene 3, left alone for a moment, overwhelmed by the story of the “old Gaston†that is gradually coming to light, and outraged by the desire ofthose around him to appropriate him (to the detriment of the person he would like to be from now on), he whispers these words: “You all have proof, photographs that look like me, memories as clear as day… I’ve listened to you all and it’s slowlycausing a hybrid person to rise up in me; a person in which there is a piece of each of your sons and nothing of me.†Poulenc chose to place the second piece from his stage music score as these words are spoken.He borrowed part of the material, as he often did, from an earlier composition. In this particular case, the beginning is a recycled version of the “slow and melancholic†section from L’Histoire de Babar , composed between 1940 and 1945, andpremiered in 1946 (unless it is Babar that reuses the musical idea from Voyageur ).The eponymous elephant decides to leave in search of the great forest. He embraces the old lady, promises her he will return and reassures her that he will never forget her. Left alone, the old lady, feeling sad and pensive, wonders when she’ll seeher friend Babar again. The situation is similar to that in Voyageur sans bagage: solitude, sadness, a distressing and introspective time, fear of oblivion, the presence of memories…
Pièce inédite de Francis Poulenc, publiée avec l’autorisation de la Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris et de Benoît Seringe, secrétaire de l’Association des Amis de Francis Poulenc.Le 1er avril 1944, Le Voyageur sans bagage d’Anouilh, qui avait été créé en 1937 avec de la musique de Darius Milhaud, est repris au Thé tre de la Michodière. Francis Poulenc a été sollicité afin d’écrire une nouvelle musique de scène. On ignoraittout de cette partition inédite, jusqu’au jour où Bérengère de l’Épine, conservateur la Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris, nous signala l’existence d’un manuscrit dans le fonds de l’Association de la Régie thé trale.Poulenc mit au point sa partition entre le 19 et le 21 mars 1944. Elle comprend neuf numéros, tous écrits pour un petit effectif instrumental réunissant un hautbois, une clarinette, un violoncelle et un piano.Cependant, la fin de son manuscrit, le compositeur reprend le no 2 Lent et en donne une seconde version, pour violoncelle et piano. Curieusement, la version originale de ce numéro n’est pas biffée dans le manuscrit.Poulenc semble nous inviter considérer comme un morceau distinct cette pièce pour violoncelle et piano dont nous proposons ici l’édition. Elle a été créée par Marc Coppey, accompagné de Jean-François Heisser, lors du concert donné durant lecolloque organisé pour le cinquantenaire du décès de Poulenc, le mercredi 23 janvier 2013, salle d’orgue du Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris (CNSMDP).Quelques éléments sur le contexte dramatique permettront de se faire une idée du caractère du morceau, que Benoît Seringe, ayant droit Poulenc, a judicieusement choisi d’intituler Souvenirs.Le personnage principal de la pièce d’Anouilh, Gaston, a été retrouvé amnésique la fin de la Première Guerre Mondiale. Plusieurs familles le réclament. On veut voir en lui un parent disparu. Les Renaud se montrent particulièrement tenaces ; maisGaston ne parvient se reconnaître dans l’enfant et le jeune homme dont on lui trace le portrait : un être violent et sans scrupule. Au tableau 3 de l’acte I, resté seul un moment, écrasé par l’histoire de cet autre lui-même qu’il découvre peu peu, indigné par le désir des personnes qui l’entourent de le ramener elles au détriment de celui qu’il voudrait être désormais, il se murmure ces paroles : « Vous avez tous des preuves, des photographies ressemblantes, des souvenirs précis commedes crimes… je vous écoute tous et je sens surgir peu peu derrière moi un être hybride où il y a un peu de chacun de vos fils et rien de moi »…C’est sur ces mots que Poulenc a choisi de placer le no 2 de sa partition de musique de scène.Comme il le fait souvent, il emprunte une composition antérieure une part de son matériau. Dans ce cas précis, il réutilise pour le début du morceau la section « Lent et mélancolique » de l’Histoire de Babar, composée entre 1940 et 1945, créée en1946 ( moins que ce ne soit Babar qui réutilise l’idée musicale du Voyageur). Le héros-éléphant s’est décidé partir pour retrouver la grande forêt. Il a embrassé la vieille dame, lui a promis de revenir, l’a rassurée : jamais il ne l’oubliera.Restée seule, la vieille dame, triste et pensive, se demande quand elle reverra son ami Babar. La situation est similaire celle du Voyageur sans bagage : solitude, tristesse, instantde trouble et de retour sur soi, crainte de l’oubli, présence des souvenirs…. $11.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Cinq melodies populaires grecques : pour chant et piano ; [traduction francaise par M.-D. Calvocoressi ; English words by Nita Cox] Library Commerce
Composed by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). This edition: pamphlet. Vocal Song. Publi...(+)
Composed by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). This edition: pamphlet. Vocal Song. Published by Library Commerce (LC.39087012019925).
$6.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Kaddisch Violin and Piano LudwigMasters Publications
Violin and Piano SKU: AP.36-60710004 For Violin and Piano. Arrange...(+)
Violin and Piano SKU: AP.36-60710004 For Violin and Piano. Arranged by Maurice Ravel and ed./arr. Lucien Garban. Violin. Master String Series. Book. LudwigMasters Publications #36-60710004. Published by LudwigMasters Publications (AP.36-60710004). ISBN 9798888521946. UPC: 676737774257. English. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) originally wrote Deux Mélodies Hébraïques (Two Hebrew Songs) for voice and piano for soprano Alvina Alvi, who premiered the two songs in June of 1914. While both songs include French text, the first and more popular song, Kaddisch (Holy), is also in Aramaic, while the second song, L'énigme éternelle (The Eternal Riddle), is in Yiddish. Ravel orchestrated both for voice and orchestra in 1920, and many other transcriptions, particularly of Kaddisch, have followed over the years. This transcription by the French composer and arranger Lucien Garban put Kaddisch into the violin repertoire, where it finds regular performance. These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months. $4.99 - See more - Buy online | | |
| Élégie Guitar Classical guitar [Score] - Intermediate Doberman
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: DY.DO-1522 Composed by Francis Bebey. Arranged...(+)
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: DY.DO-1522 Composed by Francis Bebey. Arranged by Ingrid Riollot. Score. Les Editions Doberman-Yppan #DO 1522. Published by Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (DY.DO-1522). ISBN 9782897963026. Francis Bebey est né à Douala en juillet 1929, dans une grande famille où son père, pasteur, luttait pour nourrir ses enfants. Mais Francis a eu l'opportunité d'aller à l'école. Admirant son frère aîné, Marcel Eyidi Bebey, il s'est éduqué, s'est distingué, et a finalement reçu une bourse pour passer son baccalauréat en France. Nous approchions de la fin des années 1950 lorsqu'il est arrivé à La Rochelle. Plus que jamais, dans cette France où les Africains étaient regardés avec curiosité, condescendance ou dédain, Francis s'appuyait sur ses ressources intellectuelles. Travailleur assidu, il a obtenu son baccalauréat, puis s'est installé à Paris où il a commencé des études d'anglais à la Sorbonne. Un jour, il a su ce qui l'attirait vraiment : il voulait faire de la radio. Francis a appris son métier en France et aux �tats-Unis. Après avoir travaillé quelques années comme reporter, il a été embauché en 1961 en tant que fonctionnaire international au Département de l'information de l'UNESCO. Parallèlement, Francis a toujours été attiré par la création musicale. Son activité diurne très sérieuse ne l'empêchait pas de fréquenter les clubs de jazz le soir. � Paris, le jazz, la musique à la mode à cette époque, mais aussi la rumba et la salsa l'attiraient. Il collectionnait les disques et assistait à de nombreux concerts. Avec son complice Manu Dibango, Francis montait sur scène et jouait de la musique. Francis aimait la musique classique depuis son enfance. Il avait grandi en écoutant les cantates et les oratorios de Bach ou Handel que son père chantait au temple. Il s'est passionné pour la guitare, impressionné par les maîtres espagnols et sud-américains, et a décidé d'apprendre à jouer de l'instrument lui-même. Il a commencé à composer des pièces pour guitare, mêlant les diverses influences qui le traversaient avec la musique traditionnelle africaine qu'il portait en lui depuis son enfance. Son approche a captivé le directeur du Centre culturel américain (alors situé dans le quartier de Saint-Germain à Paris), qui lui a offert l'opportunité de se produire devant un public. Francis y a donné son premier récital de guitare (1963) devant un public hypnotisé. Son premier album solo est sorti peu de temps après. Progressivement, Francis est devenu reconnu comme musicien et compositeur. Plusieurs albums de l'ambassadeur africain de la guitare, comme le décrivait la presse, sont sortis. Il a également écrit des livres, au point que sa carrière artistique est devenue difficile à concilier avec sa carrière de fonctionnaire. En 1974, même s'il était devenu le directeur général chargé de la musique à l'UNESCO, il a fait le saut audacieux et a démissionné de cette prestigieuse institution pour se consacrer aux trois activités qui l'intéressaient : la musique, la littérature et le journalisme. Il a exploré le patrimoine musical traditionnel du continent africain, notamment à travers le piano à pouce sanza et la musique polyphonique des pygmées d'Afrique centrale, ou en chantant dans sa langue maternelle et en composant des chansons humoristiques en français ! Le succès a suivi. Francis Bebey a parcouru le monde : de la France au Brésil, du Cameroun à la Suède, de l'Allemagne aux Caraïbes, ou du Maroc au Japon... la liste des pays où il a été invité à se produire, à donner des conférences ou à rencontrer des lecteurs est très longue. En plus de la reconnaissance publique, il bénéficiait de la reconnaissance de ses collègues musiciens, tels que le guitariste John Williams ou le Vénézuélien Antonio Lauro, qui l'ont invité à faire partie du jury d'un concours de guitare classique à Caracas. Sa vie était le voyage d'un pionnier africain, un homme enraciné dans son patrimoine culturel et portant un message de partage et d'espoir pour le monde. Son originalité continue de résonner dans le monde entier depuis son décès à la fin du mois de mai 2001.
Francis Bebey was born in Douala in July 1929, into a large family where his father, a pastor, struggled to feed his children. But Francis had the opportunity to go to school. Admiring his elder brother, Marcel Eyidi Bebey, he educated himself, distinguished himself, and eventually received a scholarship to go and take his baccalaureate in France. We approached the end of the 1950s when he arrived in La Rochelle. More than ever, in this France where Africans were looked at with curiosity, condescension, or disdain, Francis relied on his intellectual resources. A diligent worker, he obtained his Baccalaureate, then moved to Paris where he started English studies at the Sorbonne. One day, he knew what truly attracted him: he wanted to do radio. Francis learned his craft in France and in the USA. After working for a few years as a reporter, he was hired in 1961 as an international civil servant in the UNESCO Information Department. In parallel, Francis had always been drawn to musical creation. His very serious daytime activity didnâ??t prevent him from frequenting jazz clubs in the evenings. In Paris, the Jazz, the trendy music of that time, but also rumba and salsa attracted him. He collected records and attended numerous concerts. With his accomplice Manu Dibango, Francis took the stage and played music. Francis liked classical music since his childhood. He grew up listening to the cantatas and oratorios of Bach or Handel that his father had sung in the temple. He became passionate about the guitar, impressed by the Spanish and South American masters, and decided to learn to strum the instrument himself. He started composing guitar pieces, blending the various influences that flow through him with the traditional African music he had carried within since childhood. His approach captivated the director of the American Cultural Center (then located in the Saint-Germain neighborhood of Paris), who offered him the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Francis gave his first guitar recital there (1963) in front of a mesmerized audience. His first solo album was released shortly thereafter. Gradually, Francis became recognized as a musician and composer. Several albums of the African guitar ambassador, as described by the press, were released. He also wrote books, to the point that his artistic career became challenging to reconcile with his career as a civil servant. In 1974, even though he had become the General Manager in charge of music at UNESCO, he took the bold leap and resigned from this prestigious institution to dedicated himself to the three activities that interested him: music, literature, and journalism. He explored the traditional musical heritage of the African continent, notably through the thumb piano sanza, and the polyphonic music of the Central African pygmies, or singing in his native language and composing humoristic songs in French! Success followed. Francis Bebey traveled the world: from France to Brazil, Cameroon to Sweden, Germany to the Carribean, or Morocco to Japan... the list of countries where he was invited to perform, gives lectures, or meets readers is very long. In addition to public recognition, he enjoyed the recognition of his fellow musicians, such as guitarist John Williams or Venezuelan Antonio Lauro, who invited him to be a part of the jury for a classical guitar competition in Caracas. His life was the journey of an African pioneer, a man rooted in his cultural heritage and carrying a message of sharing and hope for the world. His originality continues to vibrate around the world since his passing at the end of May 2001. $4.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| The 1960s – Super Easy Songbook Easy Piano - Easy Hal Leonard
Piano/Keyboard SKU: HL.1438381 Composed by Various. Super Easy Songbook. ...(+)
Piano/Keyboard SKU: HL.1438381 Composed by Various. Super Easy Songbook. Classic Rock, Pop, Standards. Softcover. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.1438381). ISBN 9798350123692. UPC: 196288204893. The '60s were a game-changing decade for tunes, kicking off with The Beatles leading the charge from across the pond with the soul-stirring beats of Motown. It was a time when music festivals like Woodstock weren't just about music; they were massive statements of peace, love, and rebellion against the status quo. Travel back in time with this new Super Easy sonbook featuring 46 simple arrangements of this decade's hits to start playing your favorite songs in no time! Each song is arranged with simple right-hand melody, letter names inside each note, basic left-hand chord diagrams, and no page turns. Songs include: Are You Lonesome Tonight? ⢠Bad Moon Rising ⢠Build Me Up, Buttercup ⢠California Dreamin' ⢠Downtown ⢠God Only Knows ⢠Happy Together ⢠I Got You Babe ⢠I Want to Hold Your Hand ⢠I'm a Believer ⢠Light My Fire ⢠Like a Rolling Stone ⢠Mrs. Robinson ⢠On a Clear Day (You Can Seee Forever) ⢠On Broadway ⢠(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction ⢠Somebody to Love ⢠Surfin' U.S.A ⢠Suspicious Minds ⢠Will You Love Me Tomorrow (Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow) ⢠and more! $16.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Fantasy Triptych Concert band [Score and Parts] G and M Brand Music Publishers
Concert band (Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, B...(+)
Concert band (Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, Bb Clarinet 2, Bb Clarinet 3, Eb Alto Clarinet, Bb Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1/2, Alto Saxophone 1/2, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bb Cornet 1, Bb Cornet 2/3, Bb Trumpet 1/2, Horn in F ) - grade 5.5 SKU: CN.R10193 Composed by Derek Bourgeois. Band Music. Score and parts. Duration 17:40. Published by G & M Brand Music Publishers (CN.R10193). With inspiration taken from composers Maurice Ravel, Arthur Benjamin and Charles Ives, Bourgeois take s a tongue-in-cheek approach to this challenging 3-movement work. While the work is infused with humor throughout, it still showcases his mastery of the wind band idiom.
In 1972, I wrote a Sonata for Two Pianos for two friends who were piano teachers at Wellington College. When in 1995 I was asked to write a work for wind band, I returned to this Sonata and have re-arranged and in the new version renamed it Fantasy Triptych. There are three movements: 1. Le Tombeau d'Arthur Benjamin Ravel wrote 'Le Tombeau de Couperin,' Arthur Benjamin wrote 'Le Tombeau de Ravel' and so the temptation to write 'Le Tombeau d'Arthur Benjamin' was overwhelming. At the end of the movement there is an oblique reference to Benjamin's own 'Jamaican Rumba' which accompanies a quote from an old Spanish folk song 'Loro, enciende el hervidor de agua.' 2. Mr. Bolt goes for a ride in his motor car, and Monsieur Ravel turns in his grave. The movement is dedicated to an old friend, Geoffrey Bolt, who adores the music of Ravel. but at the time of writing was learning to drive. He always described his vehicle as a motor car. To describe him as an impatient motorist would be a gross understatement. The refined suavity of Ravel's music was in complete contrast to these early manifestations of road rage, hence the central angry outburst. 3. The War March of the Ostriches The music of Charles Ives was fascinating me at the time of writing this movement and some of the influence has rubbed off in this rondo-like march. At the end there is a quote from the very beginning of the first movement. The title was inspired by the amusing antics of a group of ostriches during a visit to Bristol Zoo. $180.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Fantasy Triptych Concert band [Score] G and M Brand Music Publishers
Concert band (Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, B...(+)
Concert band (Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Bb Clarinet 1, Bb Clarinet 2, Bb Clarinet 3, Eb Alto Clarinet, Bb Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1/2, Alto Saxophone 1/2, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Bb Cornet 1, Bb Cornet 2/3, Bb Trumpet 1/2, Horn in F ) - grade 5.5 SKU: CN.S11193 Composed by Derek Bourgeois. Band Music. Score only. Duration 17:40. Published by G & M Brand Music Publishers (CN.S11193). With inspiration taken from composers Maurice Ravel, Arthur Benjamin and Charles Ives, Bourgeois take s a tongue-in-cheek approach to this challenging 3-movement work. While the work is infused with humor throughout, it still showcases his mastery of the wind band idiom.
In 1972, I wrote a Sonata for Two Pianos for two friends who were piano teachers at Wellington College. When in 1995 I was asked to write a work for wind band, I returned to this Sonata and have re-arranged and in the new version renamed it Fantasy Triptych. There are three movements: 1. Le Tombeau d'Arthur Benjamin Ravel wrote 'Le Tombeau de Couperin,' Arthur Benjamin wrote 'Le Tombeau de Ravel' and so the temptation to write 'Le Tombeau d'Arthur Benjamin' was overwhelming. At the end of the movement there is an oblique reference to Benjamin's own 'Jamaican Rumba' which accompanies a quote from an old Spanish folk song 'Loro, enciende el hervidor de agua.' 2. Mr. Bolt goes for a ride in his motor car, and Monsieur Ravel turns in his grave. The movement is dedicated to an old friend, Geoffrey Bolt, who adores the music of Ravel. but at the time of writing was learning to drive. He always described his vehicle as a motor car. To describe him as an impatient motorist would be a gross understatement. The refined suavity of Ravel's music was in complete contrast to these early manifestations of road rage, hence the central angry outburst. 3. The War March of the Ostriches The music of Charles Ives was fascinating me at the time of writing this movement and some of the influence has rubbed off in this rondo-like march. At the end there is a quote from the very beginning of the first movement. The title was inspired by the amusing antics of a group of ostriches during a visit to Bristol Zoo. $60.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Songs of the 1960s Easy Piano Hal Leonard
Easy Piano Piano/Keyboard SKU: HL.282478 The New Decade Series. Co...(+)
Easy Piano Piano/Keyboard SKU: HL.282478 The New Decade Series. Composed by Various. Easy Piano Songbook. Motown, Pop. Softcover. 400 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.282478). ISBN 9781540034359. UPC: 888680789220. 9.0x12.0x0.979 inches. Music was changing and evolving during the 1960s, and these 100 songs show the musical diversity of the decade. This collection is arranged for easy piano with lyrics. Songs include: Aquarius • Blowin' in the Wind • Breaking up Is Hard to Do • Do Wah Diddy Diddy • Downtown • For Once in My Life • Gentle on My Mind • God Only Knows • Good Vibrations • Happy Together • A Hard Day's Night • I Saw Her Standing There • I'm a Believer • King of the Road • Leaving on a Jet Plane • The Letter • The Loco-Motion • Louie, Louie • Mr. Tambourine Man • Monday, Monday • Oh, Pretty Woman • Proud Mary • (Sittin' On) the Dock of the Bay • The Sound of Silence • Spanish Flea • Spinning Wheel • The Twist • Up, up and Away • Wichita Lineman • Wild Thing • and more. $29.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Collection for Violin and Piano, Vol. 1 Violin and Piano [Sheet music] - Intermediate/advanced Durand
Selection of Original Pieces and Transcriptions. Composed by Maurice Rave...(+)
Selection of Original Pieces and Transcriptions. Composed by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). Editions Durand. Softcover. 88 pages. Editions Durand #DR16099. Published by Editions Durand (HL.50565741).
$22.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Ma mère l'oye Orchestra [Score and Parts] Eulenburg
(Cinq pièces enfantines). By Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). For Orchestra (Study ...(+)
(Cinq pièces enfantines). By Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). For Orchestra (Study Score). Study Score. Softcover. 52 pages. Eulenburg Edition #ETP8072. Published by Eulenburg Edition
$31.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Bolero Concert band [Score] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 5 SKU: BT.AMP-321-140 Composed by Maurice R...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 5 SKU: BT.AMP-321-140 Composed by Maurice Ravel. Arranged by Philip Sparke. Elite Series. Classical. Score Only. Composed 2011. 48 pages. Anglo Music Press #AMP 321-140. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-321-140). 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Bolero was originally written as a ballet for a famous ballerina and achieved great success on the stage. Nowadays the ballet itself is only rarely performed and even though Ravel thought the orchestra would seldom play it, it has become one of the best-loved pieces for the concert stage. This arrangement by Philip Sparke keeps very close to the original score in this melodically and rhythmically unique work.
Ravel schreef Bolero oorspronkelijk als ballet voor een beroemde danseres. Als zodanig was het ook bijzonder succesvol. Tegenwoordig wordt het als ballet nog zelden opgevoerd. Hoewel Ravel dacht dat het als orkestwerk nietin de smaak zou vallen, is het toch één van de geliefdste titels voor op het concertpodium geworden. De bewerking van Philip Sparke blijft dicht bij de originele partituur van dit melodisch en ritmisch bijzondere werk.
Bolero wurde ursprünglich als Ballett für eine berühmte Tänzerin geschrieben und feierte sensationelle Erfolge auf der Tanzbühne. Heute wird das Ballett nur noch selten aufgeführt und obwohl Ravel dachte, dass Orchester das Werk nur selten spielen würden, ist es zu einem der beliebtesten Titel für die Konzertbühne geworden.Philip Sparkes Bearbeitung hält sich nah an der Original-Partitur dieses melodisch und rhythmisch einzigartigen Werkes.
Le dernier ballet de Ravel, Boléro, fut écrit et créé en 1928. Aujourd’hui, le ballet est rarement représenté, et, bien que Ravel ait craint que les orchestres refusent d’interpréter son oeuvre, celle-ci est devenue l’une des plus populaires dans les salles de concert. Le Boléro est peut-être unique en son genre, dans le sens où l’orchestration géniale de Ravel est encore plus importante que les éléments mélodiques, rythmiques et harmoniques de l’oeuvre ; c’est pourquoi Philip Sparke n’a pas vu l’utilité d’en produire une version simplifiée ou réduite“ mais a essayé de respecter au mieux la partition de Ravel. Laissez-vous séduire !
Il Bolero composto da Maurice Ravel nel 1929 è per eccellenza la musica per balletto divenuta celebre anche come pezzo concertistico. E’ sicuramente il bolero più noto mai composto, nonché l’opera più popolare di Ravel, commissionatagli da Ida Rubinstein, una ballerina russa. Philip Sparke ha rispettato la geniale orchestrazione di Ravel creando uno straordinario arrangiamento per banda. $58.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Cinq Melodies Populaires Grecques (Five Greek Folk Melodies) Piano, Voice Alfred Publishing
Voice and Piano SKU: AP.36-M181291 Composed by Maurice Ravel. Performance...(+)
Voice and Piano SKU: AP.36-M181291 Composed by Maurice Ravel. Performance Music Ensemble; Solo Voice with Piano. Ludwig Masters. Score and Part(s). Alfred Music #36-M181291. Published by Alfred Music (AP.36-M181291). UPC: 660355185809. English. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) wrote the first of his CINQ MÉLODIES POPULAIRES GRECQUES (Five Greek Folk Melodies) in 1904 at the urgent request of Pierre Aubry, who wished to illustrate a lecture he was giving on Greek folksong. Initially given five folksongs from which to choose, Ravel supplied a piano accompaniment for them in only thirty-six hours. Having impressed those who supplied the original five, three more were produced, which Ravel also quickly set to piano accompaniment, in a style imitative of the Mediterranean lands, but remaining distinctly French in its execution. The five melodies in this collection were selected from those eight. Ravel had started orchestrating all five as well, completing two, leaving Manuel Rosenthal to complete the remaining three. Songs in the collection: I. Le Réveil de la Mariée (Wake Up, My Dear), II. Là -bas, vers l'église (Out There, Where the Church Tower), III. Quel galant m'est comparable (Which Gallant Can Compare With Me?), IV. Chanson des cueilleuses de lentisques (Song of the Lentisk Gatherers), and V. Tout gai! (Be Gay!). The Ravel/Rosenthal orchestrations have been edited by Clinton Nieweg in an edition available from E.F. Kalmus. These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months. $5.99 - See more - Buy online | | |
| American Favorite Ballads Melody line, Lyrics and Chords [Sheet music] Oak Archives
American Favorite Ballads - Tunes and Songs As Sung by Pete Seeger by Pete Seege...(+)
American Favorite Ballads - Tunes and Songs As Sung by Pete Seeger by Pete Seeger (1919-). Arranged by Ethel Raim and Irwin Silber. For Melody/Lyrics/Chords. Music Sales America. Softcover. 96 pages. Oak Archives #OAK10003. Published by Oak Archives
(1)$22.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Finding a Way Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate Alfred Publishing
Composed by Chris M. Bernotas. Concert Band. Concert Band; Part(s); Score. Alfre...(+)
Composed by Chris M. Bernotas. Concert Band. Concert Band; Part(s); Score. Alfred Concert Band. Grade 3.5. 262 pages. Published by Alfred Music
$78.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Velvet Morning String Orchestra [Score and Parts] - Easy Carl Fischer
Orchestra String Orchestra - Grade 2-2.5 SKU: CF.YAS33 Composed by Sean O...(+)
Orchestra String Orchestra - Grade 2-2.5 SKU: CF.YAS33 Composed by Sean O'Loughlin. SWS - FS. Carl Fischer Young String Orchestra Series. Classical. Score and Parts. With Standard notation. 8+16+16+4+10+10+10+3 pages. Carl Fischer Music #YAS33. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.YAS33). ISBN 9780825858468. UPC: 798408058463. 8.5 X 11 inches. Key: G major. A walk through the park or a morning stroll through the forest is what this piece best calls to mind. With its pastoral setting and lush melodies, Velvet Morning will truly showcase your group's mastery of legato playing. Velvet Morning is a warm and colorful work for string orchestra. Please play con sordino if available. The music is a reflection of my love for the orchestral music of Barber, Ravel, Debussy and Satie. It should have the same sense of passion and intensity that those masters employ in their music.The opening tempo is marked rubato, and should speed up then slow down based on the phrases. The main melody appears at m. 11 in the first violins and should have a flowing quality. The harmony does utilize some slight dissonances from time to time which should be emphasized. The violas and cellos take over the melody at m.19 with a counter line in the violins. The melody returns to the violin at m. 27 with a pianistic cello line punctuated by pizzicato in the bass. Some transitional material follows that builds up to a full presentation at m. 47. Let the ensemble open up here with an intense, full sound. This winds down to a return of the introduction at m. 60. The ending should be tender and deliberate all the way to the last plush chord. About Carl Fischer Young String Orchestra Series This series of Grade 2/Grade 2.5 pieces is designed for second and third year ensembles. The pieces in this series are characterized by: --Occasionally extending to third position --Keys carefully considered for appropriate difficulty --Addition of separate 2nd violin and viola parts --Viola T.C. part included --Increase in independence of parts over beginning levels $55.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Velvet Morning String Orchestra [Score] - Easy Carl Fischer
Orchestra String Orchestra - Grade 2-2.5 SKU: CF.YAS33F Full Score...(+)
Orchestra String Orchestra - Grade 2-2.5 SKU: CF.YAS33F Full Score. Composed by Sean O'Loughlin. Carl Fischer Young String Orchestra Series. Full score. With Standard notation. 8 pages. Carl Fischer Music #YAS33F. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.YAS33F). ISBN 9780825858475. UPC: 798408058470. 8.5 X 11 inches. Key: G major. A walk through the park or a morning stroll through the forest is what this piece best calls to mind. With its pastoral setting and lush melodies, Velvet Morning will truly showcase your group's mastery of legato playing. Velvet Morning is a warm and colorful work for string orchestra. Please play con sordino if available. The music is a reflection of my love for the orchestral music of Barber, Ravel, Debussy and Satie. It should have the same sense of passion and intensity that those masters employ in their music.The opening tempo is marked rubato, and should speed up then slow down based on the phrases. The main melody appears at m. 11 in the first violins and should have a flowing quality. The harmony does utilize some slight dissonances from time to time which should be emphasized. The violas and cellos take over the melody at m.19 with a counter line in the violins. The melody returns to the violin at m. 27 with a pianistic cello line punctuated by pizzicato in the bass. Some transitional material follows that builds up to a full presentation at m. 47. Let the ensemble open up here with an intense, full sound. This winds down to a return of the introduction at m. 60. The ending should be tender and deliberate all the way to the last plush chord. About Carl Fischer Young String Orchestra Series This series of Grade 2/Grade 2.5 pieces is designed for second and third year ensembles. The pieces in this series are characterized by: --Occasionally extending to third position --Keys carefully considered for appropriate difficulty --Addition of separate 2nd violin and viola parts --Viola T.C. part included --Increase in independence of parts over beginning levels $8.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Ma Mère L'Oye (Mother Goose) Saxophone Quartet: 4 saxophones Advance Music
4 Saxophones SATBar SKU: AP.1-ADV7431 5 pièces enfantines (for SATB...(+)
4 Saxophones SATBar SKU: AP.1-ADV7431 5 pièces enfantines (for SATB Saxophone Quartet). Composed by Maurice Ravel. Arranged by Christoph Enzel. Masterworks; Quartet; Solo Small Ensembles; Woodwind - Saxophone Quartet. Advance Music. Impressionistic; Masterwork Arrangement. Score and Part(s). Advance Music #01-ADV7431. Published by Advance Music (AP.1-ADV7431). UPC: 805095074314. English. Originally conceived as a piano duet in 1908 and later arranged for orchestra in 1911, this popular set was inspired by the 17th-century fairy tales penned by Charles Perrault and Marie Catherine Aulnoy. Some of the compositions are preceded by excerpts from the corresponding fairy tales. $30.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Belle Époque Flute and Piano [Sheet music + CD] - Advanced Mitropa Music
Flute and Piano - advanced SKU: BT.1771-11-400-M French Romantic Piece...(+)
Flute and Piano - advanced SKU: BT.1771-11-400-M French Romantic Pieces for Flute and Piano. Composed by Various. Arranged by Franco Cesarini. Book with CD. Composed 2011. 48 pages. Mitropa Music #1771-11-400 M. Published by Mitropa Music (BT.1771-11-400-M). ISBN 9789043134583. 9x12 inches. International. This collection contains works from the so-called “Belle Époqueâ€, the time period right around the turn of the 20th century which have been arranged for flute and piano by Franco Cesarini. It includes pieces by Dukas and Massenet, two early works by Ravel that are on the cusp of the impressionistic period and compositions by Bizet and Saint-Saëns which represent the late-romantic period. The book comes with a CD which contains a demo of each piece, followed by the piano accompaniment which you can play along with.
Er is geen ander tijdperk waarin emoties zo sterk naar voren kwamen als de 19e-eeuwse romantische periode. In die tijd vervolmaakte de instrumentenbouwer Theobald Böhm de dwarsfluit, die de vorm kreeg waar we nu aan gewend zijn. Defluit was bij de componisten uit de romantiek een bijzonder geliefd instrument. Dit album bevat werken die grotendeels zijn ontstaan tijdens de zogeheten belle époque -de periode van rond de eeuwwisseling (van 1900). In het boekvind je stukken van Dukas en Massenet, evenals twee vroege werken van Ravel, in impressionistische stijl gecomponeerd, terwijl de composities van Bizet en Saint-Saëns de laat-romantische periode vertegenwoordigen.Op de meegeleverdecd staat van elk stuk een demoversie, gevolgd door een play-alongversie met alleen de pianobegeleiding.
Diese Ausgabe, die einige romantische Sätze aus der so genannten Belle Epoque“ in Bearbeitungen für Flöte und Klavier vorstellt, will allen fortgeschrittenen Flötisten die Möglichkeit geben, mehr Musik der Romantik aus der Perspektive eines Solisten kennenzulernen. Neben Dukas und Massenet ist auch Ravel sowie spätromantische Musik von Bizet und Saint-Saëns enthalten. Auf der beiliegenden CD ist sowohl eine vollständige Aufnahme jedes Stückes als auch die Begleitung, zu der die Solostimme gespielt werden kann, zu hören.
Ce recueil rassemble des oeuvres datant essentiellement de la Belle Époque (1900-1920), divinement arrangées par Franco Cesarini pour Fl te Traversière et Piano. Sur le CD inclus, vous trouverez deux versions par pièce : une version intégrale et une version où ne subsiste que l‘accompagnement (version papier jointe au recueil).
Questo volume che contiene opere scirtte in gran parte durante la cosiddetta “Belle Époqueâ€, include brani di Dukas e Massenet e due tra le prime opere di Ravel collocabili alla fine del periodo dell'impressionismo. Le due composizioni di Bizet e Saint-Saens appartengono invece al periodo del tardo romanticismo. Il CD incluso propone l'incisione completa di ogni brano, seguita da una traccia con il solo accompagnamento del piano. $31.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| 6 Metamorphosen op. 121 Organ Doblinger
Composed by Jeno Takacs (1902-). For organ. Op. 121. 32 pages. Published by Dobl...(+)
Composed by Jeno Takacs (1902-). For organ. Op. 121. 32 pages. Published by Doblinger Music Publishers
$36.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Neil Diamond: The Greatest Hits 1966-1992
Piano, Vocal and Guitar [Sheet music] - Intermediate Hal Leonard
Performed by Neil Diamond. For voice, piano and guitar chords. Format: piano/voc...(+)
Performed by Neil Diamond. For voice, piano and guitar chords. Format: piano/vocal/chords songbook. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Pop rock. 202 pages. 9x12 inches. Published by Hal Leonard.
(7)$29.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| The Real Book - Volume 1
Eb Instruments [Fake Book] - Intermediate Hal Leonard
Eb Instruments - Difficulty: easy-medium to medium Sixth Edition. Composed by Va...(+)
Eb Instruments - Difficulty: easy-medium to medium
Sixth Edition. Composed by Various. Hal Leonard Instrumental Fake Books. Jazz. Fakebook (spiral bound). With melody, standard notation and chord names. 428 pages. Published by Hal Leonar
(5)$49.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| The 1960s Lyrics only [Sheet music] Hal Leonard
Paperback Lyrics. By Various. Paperback Lyrics. Softcover. Size 4.25x6.75 inches...(+)
Paperback Lyrics. By Various. Paperback Lyrics. Softcover. Size 4.25x6.75 inches. 256 pages. Published by Hal Leonard.
(1)$7.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
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