SKU: CA.2709505
ISBN 9790007186883. Language: Latin.
Shining rays stream from the 'Messe de sainte Cecile'. At first people were dazzled, then bewitched, then overcome. This is how the composer Camille Saint-Saens described his impression of what was probably Charles Gounod's best-known setting of the mass. The work written in 1855 in honor of the patron saint of church music, soon became well-known beyond the borders of France and acquired a degree of popularity like almost no other sacred composition. In the Messe de sainte Cecile, Gounod combines sublime simplicity with operatic-dramatic elements and a colorful, effective orchestration. Critical edition in proven Carus quality. Score available separately - see item CA.2709500.
SKU: CA.2709500
ISBN 9790007186418. Language: Latin.
Shining rays stream from the 'Messe de sainte Cecile'. At first people were dazzled, then bewitched, then overcome. This is how the composer Camille Saint-Saens described his impression of what was probably Charles Gounod's best-known setting of the mass. The work written in 1855 in honor of the patron saint of church music, soon became well-known beyond the borders of France and acquired a degree of popularity like almost no other sacred composition. In the Messe de sainte Cecile, Gounod combines sublime simplicity with operatic-dramatic elements and a colorful, effective orchestration. Critical edition in proven Carus quality.
SKU: CA.2709509
ISBN 9790007200220. Language: Latin.
Shining rays stream from the 'Messe de sainte Cecile'. At first people were dazzled, then bewitched, then overcome. This is how the composer Camille Saint-Saens described his impression of what was probably Charles Gounod's best-known setting of the mass. The work written in 1855 in honor of the patron saint of church music, soon became well-known beyond the borders of France and acquired a degree of popularity like almost no other sacred composition. In the Messe de sainte Cecile, Gounod combines sublime simplicity with operatic-dramatic elements and a colorful, effective orchestration. Critical edition in proven Carus quality. Score and parts available separately - see item CA.2709500.
SKU: CA.2709519
ISBN 9790007200282. Language: Latin.
SKU: AP.36-M362291
ISBN 9798892705783. UPC: 676737997571. English.
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), while most well-known for his chamber and orchestral works, also composed much for the organ, having himself been appointed organist at both Saint Merri (1853-1857) and Madeleine (1857-1877), the latter post he held for 20 years. He is one of the 19th century's most important composers and performers for the organ, counted together with other greats such as Gigout, Guilmant, and Widor. Saint-Saëns wrote MARCHE RELIGIEUSE, Op. 107, for organ in 1897. Reprint edition.
These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months.
SKU: AP.36-M312091
ISBN 9798892701907. UPC: 659359604232. English.
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), while most well-known for his chamber and orchestral works, also composed much for the organ, having himself been appointed organist at both Saint Merri (1853-1857) and Madeleine (1857-1877), the latter post he held for 20 years. He is one of the 19th century's most important composers and performers for the organ, counted together with other greats such as Gigout, Guilmant, and Widor. Saint-Saëns wrote the beautiful ÉLÉVATION, OU COMMUNION in E Major for organ or harmonium in 1859.
SKU: AP.36-M334891
ISBN 9798892702157. UPC: 659359663536. English.
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), while most well-known for his chamber and orchestral works, also composed much for the organ, having himself been appointed organist at both Saint Merri (1853-1857) and Madeleine (1857-1877), the latter post he held for 20 years. He is one of the 19th century's most important composers and performers for the organ, counted together with other greats such as Gigout, Guilmant, and Widor. Saint-Saëns wrote BÉNÉDICTION NUPTIALE in F Major for organ in 1859.
SKU: AP.36-W723091
ISBN 9798892705776. UPC: 676737997298. English.
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), while most well-known for his chamber and orchestral works, also composed much for the organ, having himself been appointed organist at both Saint Merri (1853-1857) and Madeleine (1857-1877), the latter post he held for 20 years. He is one of the 19th century's most important composers and performers for the organ, counted together with other greats such as Gigout, Guilmant, and Widor. Saint-Saëns wrote this FANTAISIE No. 2, Op. 101 in D-flat Major for organ in 1895. Reprint edition.
SKU: AP.36-M241991
ISBN 9798892703802. UPC: 659359546006. English.
Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921), while most well-known for his chamber and orchestral works, also composed much for the organ, having himself been appointed organist at both Saint Merri (1853-1857) and Madeleine (1857-1877), the latter post he held for 20 years. He is one of the 19th century's most important composers and performers for the organ, counted together with other greats such as Gigout, Guilmant, and Widor. Saint-Saëns wrote the FANTAISIE No. 3 in C, Op. 157 for organ in 1919.
SKU: M7.DOHR-20476
ISBN 9790202044766.
Der Danse Bacchanale aus dem zweiten Bild des dritten Aktes der biblischen Oper Samson und Dalila zählt zu den bekanntesten und populärsten Kompositionen von Camille Saint-Saëns. Den bacchantischen Tanz hat Saint-Saëns in typisch orientalischem Kolorit gehalten: die lyrisch-freie Einleitungsmelodie der Oboe bedient sich mit ihren Halbton- und übermäßigen Sekundschritten morgenländischer Skalen. Die orientalischen Melodien ertönen überwiegend einstimmig, doch in unterschiedlichen Klangfarben und mit charakteristischen Rhythmen unterlegt. Saint-Saëns hatte die orientalische Musik auf zahlreichen Reisen in der arabischen Welt kennen und schätzen gelernt. Die Orgelbearbeitung erschließt dieses fulminante Tanzstück für die Königin der Instrumente und zielt damit auf eine attraktive Bereicherung des konzertanten Repertoires. Der versierte Organist wird die Gelegenheit nutzen, die Klangfarben seiner Orgel zur differenzierten Entfaltung zu bringen. Die Registrierungshinweise orientieren sich an der Disposition einer typischen Orgel von Cavaillé-Coll, wie sie auch dem Maître der Kirche St. Madeleine in Paris zur Verfügung stand. (Otto Depenheuer).
SKU: M7.DOHR-20475
ISBN 9790202044759.
Camille Saint-Saëns verdankt seinen ausgeprägten Personalstil vor allem der frühen und intensiven Beschäftigung mit dem Werk Johann Sebastian Bachs. Ausdruck und Zeugnis dieser Bachverehrung bildet sein Weihnachtsoratorium (Oratoire de Noël), mit dem er das Bach'sche Vorbild aufgreift, das Genre in die französische Romantik überführt, und dessen erster Satz expressis verbis im Stil Bachs gehalten ist. Saint-Saëns' Instrumentalkompositionen wurden bereits zu seinen Lebzeiten in ungewöhnlicher Anzahl von renommierten Organisten für die Orgel bearbeitet. Auch das Weihnachtsoratorium bot dankbaren Anlass, einzelne seiner Sätze für die Orgel zu bearbeiten. So erschienen bereits um 1880 bei Durand (Paris) zwei Sätze (Nr. 7 und 10) in Orgelbearbeitungen, erstellt einerseits von Eugène Gigout (1844-1925), Titularorganist von St. Augustin (Paris), andererseits von Joseph Permann (1842-1920), Organist von Saint-Michel des Lions (Limoges). Während Permann das Trio für drei Gesangstimmen in ein Prière überführte, nahm sich Gigout die Freiheit des Bearbeiters, den Finalsatz zu einer größeren Improvisation über den Schlusschor zu erweitern. Diesen beiden Sätzen hat sich der Herausgeber erlaubt, ergänzend die Bearbeitung des einleitenden Prélude im Stile J.S. Bachs voranzustellen. (Otto Depenheuer).
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