SKU: M7.GRG-106299100
ISBN 9783872523877. German.
Mit 'Guitar Manual' wurde eine von Wieland Harms neu u?berarbeitete Auflage des Kultbuches 'Guitar Handy' veröffentlicht. Dieses Werk soll vielen Gitarristen zum treuen Begleiter und Ratgeber werden. Inklusive Jam-Tracks zum Streamen. Guitar Manual enthält ein Akkord- und Skalenlexikon, welches den Gitarristen zur musikalischen Unabhängigkeit und damit zur größtmöglichen Flexibilität auf der Gitarre fu?hrt. Zusätzlich finden sich hier alle Power Chords, Slash Chords, Bordunakkorde, Quartenharmonik, Alternate Tunings, Arpeggios und Skalen. Alle 42 Jam-Tracks fu?r das Skalen-Training, die vom Autor selbst eingespielt wurden, stehen u?ber einen QR-Code zum Download bereit.
SKU: BT.PS1607
ISBN 9788899849009. Italian.
Il manuale del piccolo pianista è un nuovo metodo per lo studio del pianoforte rivolto a tutti i bambini, compresi quelli in et prescolare. Considerando la natura giocosa, esplorativa, inventiva dei bambini, il libro si propone come naturale sussidio per svilupparne adeguatamente tutte le potenzialit creative ed espressive. Le varie attivit e i brani proposti sono stati ideati per stimolare il bambino a giocare con i suoni, a toccare e a esplorare il pianoforte in diversi modi e a esprimere con i suoni la realt , le sensazioni, le emozioni e tutto il suo immaginario. Prospettando da subito l’esplorazione di tutta la tastiera e proponendo effetti sonori ricavati da particolaricombinazioni di tasti (sia bianchi, sia neri), abbinate a titoli e illustrazioni che le descrivono, si creano le migliori condizioni per un approccio creativo, fantasioso e divertente con la musica, naturalmente senza trascurare la corretta impostazione fisica e metodologica che lo studio delle strumento richiede. Nonostante il ricco panorama di proposte didattiche indirizzate al pianoforte, Il manuale del piccolo pianista trova un suo spazio proprio per la sua originalit , gradualit , gradevolezza del percorso offerto, uniformandosi perfettamente con le esigenze del mondo infantile.
SKU: HL.49016185
ISBN 9790001145411. UPC: 884088202507. 9.0x12.0x0.141 inches.
As a counterpart to theOrgan Symphony No. 1 Pater Noster (ED 9937), the Organ Symphony No. 2 offers softer and more mysterious (Marian) sound worlds, sketching stages of Mary's life: an adoring Salve Regina grows from the mystic source, followed by Berceuse pour Marie as a lullaby of the Christmas events. The third movement Mater Dolorosa falls back on the well-known Gregorian sequence Stabat Mater, taking Mary's pain at the cross as its central theme. The finale treats the Ave Maris Stella in a crescendo from pp to ff in a positive and solemn manner, in memory of Mary's assumption. It is advisable to use an organ with at least three manuals.
SKU: AP.12-0571507719
ISBN 9780571507719. English.
The Faber Early Organ Series is among the most comprehensive anthologies of early organ music ever published. In 18 volumes it spans two centuries and six geographical regions, presenting a broad and balanced view of the main forms, styles and composers. Within each geographical region the pieces, most of which are for manuals only, are arranged by date of composition or publication. The presentation is both scholarly and practical; all of the music has been newly edited from the earliest surviving sources according to a systematic editorial method that preserves as many features of the original notation as possible while making it fully accessible to modern players. In every volume, an informative Introduction sets the music in historical context. There are also helpful sections on Ornamentation and Registration, and a Critical Commentary giving detailed information on the sources.
SKU: MN.10-220
UPC: 688670102202.
This manuals-only collection was commissioned and premiered by St. Cecilia Cathedral in Omaha. Some pieces treat well-known chant melodies in a recognizable way, while others rely more on the use of modes and short references. Creative registrations will enhance the composer's superb counterpoint.
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