SKU: BT.GOB-000217-140
On Wings of Liberty shows us that Rob Goorhuis, one of Holland's greatest contemporary composers of music for wind instruments, is a natural when it comes to writing concert marches. His first work of this type is suitable for just about every event. On Wings of Liberty, van de toonaangevende blaasmuziekcomponist Rob Goorhuis, is een statige en lyrische concertmars die geschikt is voor vele gelegen heden. Op het programma voor uw bevrijdingsconcert misstaat deze fraaie mars zeker niet! Rob Goorhuis ist einer der besten zeitgenössischen Komponisten für Blasorchester der Niederlande und seine Werke sind weit über die Landesgrenzen seiner Heimat hinaus bekannt. Mit On Wings of Liberty, seinem ersten Konzertmarsch, der sich für jeden Anlass eignet, beweist er, dass er auch ein Naturtalent in diesem Genre ist. On Wings of Liberty démontre bien que Rob Goorhuis, actuellement l’un des plus grands compositeurs néerlandais pour instruments vent, est également prédestiné écrire des marches de concert. Sa première oeuvre de ce style convient non seulement une interprétation en concert, mais lors de toute autre manifestation festive. On Wings of Liberty dimostra il talento naturale di Rob Goorhuis, uno dei più interessanti compositori olandesi degli ultimi anni, dotato di grande ispirazione in tutte le sue opere. Una marcia da concerto che si presta a essere eseguita in ogni occasione.
SKU: SU.50028320
Parts available on rental. Piano version available.Copyright 1979. Published by: Seesaw Music.
SKU: CA.3101811
ISBN 9790007204846. Text language: German/English.
The cantata dates from Bach's time in Weimar. The instrumental scoring of four violas and basso continuo - in the Leipzig performances enhanced by two recorders doubling viola I and II at the octave - is unique in Bach's cantata oeuvre. It lends a dark, luxurious sound to the four movements which is gently illuminated by the recorders. The work - with its instrumental sinfonia, a short secco recitative and an extended accompagnato recitative (both of which contain arioso inserts), a short soprano aria and a simple closing chorale - makes no great demands on the performing forces. Admirers of text interpretation by means of instrumental figuration will be richly rewarded. Score and part available separately - see item CA.3101800.
SKU: BT.DHP-0991616-015
The Four Seasons is een muzikale weergave van de seizoenen. Het ontluikende nieuwe leven staat centraal in Springtime. Het temperamentvolle Summer Joy heeft een Zuid-Amerikaans tintje en neemt de luisteraar meenaar witte stranden en een blauwe zee. Autumn Colors heeft iets melancholisch: al mijmerend blikt de componist terug op de vakantie. Winter Fascination weerspiegelt talloze dansende sneeuwvlokken, uitgelaten sneeuwpreten een ritje met de slee.Eine sehr anschauliche musikalische Darstellung von Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Winter in einem fünfstimmig variablen Satz von Johan Nijs. Die vier Teile sind im Schwierigkeitsgrad zwei gehalten, also ideal für Anfängeroder Jugendorchester. Après un long sommeil hivernal, le printemps annonce la renaissance de la nature. Parfumée des essences de la flore, la saison du renouveau développe sa lente et douce progression vers l’épanouissement estival avant de sombrer dans la douce mélancolie automnale. Avec The Four Seasons, Johan Nijs nous livre un tableau bucolique de la nature au fil des saisons.
SKU: TM.03302SET
Includes both the original key of d and alternate key of c.
SKU: NR.104854
Izbrannye sochineniia ; 8.
SKU: CA.212000
ISBN 9790007094393.
Today an increasing number church choirs are lamenting the lack of male voices. The present Chorbuch a tre (choir book a tre), anticipated by many, addresses this situation. It contains 160 three-part settings for two female voices and one male voice (some with accompaniment). The collection, designed for ecumenical use, offers a broad selection of choral settings for the church year, times of the day, praise and thanks, the Ordinary, etc. It includes works from from the 17th century to the present, and presents a range of various styles (including gospel and sacred pop). About 50 settings were written for this choir book by renowned composers and church musicians. Choirmasters can now enjoy having a current, comprehensive collection of three-part choral settings with a variety of ideas for singing and making music in worship services.
SKU: CA.3101819
ISBN 9790007204891. Text language: German/English.
The cantata dates from Bach's time in Weimar. The instrumental scoring of four violas and basso continuo - in the Leipzig performances enhanced by two recorders doubling viola I and II at the octave - is unique in Bach's cantata oeuvre. It lends a dark, luxurious sound to the four movements which is gently illuminated by the recorders. The work - with its instrumental sinfonia, a short secco recitative and an extended accompagnato recitative (both of which contain arioso inserts), a short soprano aria and a simple closing chorale - makes no great demands on the performing forces. Admirers of text interpretation by means of instrumental figuration will be richly rewarded. Score and parts available separately - see item CA.3101800.
SKU: NR.104742
Fur Orchester, opus 80, 1948 Partitur (2B%0nde), Izbrannye sochineniia ; 7.
SKU: TM.01243SET
Ed. by Altmann; Solo (no pf). Continuo in set. Solo I=flute, Solo II=cello (Wq 170), Cembalo = Cembalo solo, Part = Extra Continuo.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125181-020
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Christmas is the time to get together with friends and family celebrating the feast of peace amongst people all over the world. It is also a time to enjoy seasonal singing and music making again. Here’s an original joyful piece, ideally suited for either the opening or closing of your Christmas Concert! Christmas Prelude is een bewerking over het kerstlied O Come, All Ye Faithful (Komt allen tezamen), ook wel bekend als Adeste Fidelis en vormt de basis van dit feestelijke openingswerk voor uw kerstconcert. De marsachtige inleiding staat voor het samenkomen voor de dienst. Daarna volgen in verschillende instrumentaties drie strofes van het bekende kerstlied. Na een reeks versieringen van het thema die het begin van de kersttijd inluiden volgt een spectaculair slot.Christmas Prelude ist eine Bearbeitung des Weihnachtsliedes Herbei , o ihr Gläubigen. Auf eine ruhige, marschähnliche Einleitung, welche die Versammlung zum Gottesdienst darstellt, folgen drei Strophen des bekannten Weihnachtsliedes, einmal von einem Quartett, dann über die Instrumentengruppen verteilt gespielt. Festliche Verzierungen und ein Zwischenspiel, das den Beginn des Weihnachtsfestes symbolisiert, führen das Werk zu einem spektakulären Schluss. Es darf auch mitgesungen werden!Noël est le temps de l’année où l’on se rencontre en famille pour célébrer la fête de la paix entre les gens du monde entier. C’est aussi le moment parfait pour chanter des chansons saisonnières et de faire de la musique ensemble. Voici un morceau original et joyeux qui est parfait pour le début ou la fin de votre concert de Noël ! Christmas Prelude è un arrangiamento dell’inno Adeste Fideles. L’apertura tranquilla e simile a una marcia che rappresenta la congregazione religiosa, è seguita da tre strofe del celebre canto natalizio, una volta eseguito da un quartetto, in seguito dall’intero organico. Ornamentazioni festose che simboleggiano l’inizio della festivit , conducono il brano a uno spettacolare _x001E_finale.
SKU: BT.DHP-1125265-140
Jackson 5 Medley features the catchiest hits from one of the most successful family pop groups of all time, arranged for concert band by Takashi Hoshide. Includes the songs I’ll Be There, I Want You Back, ABC and Never Can Say Goodbye. Met zijn zonen Jackie, Tito en Jermaine richtte vader Joe Jackson al in 1964 de popgroep Jacksons op. Toen ook Marlon en de bijzonder getalenteerde Michael er in 1966 bij kwamen, boekten The Jackson 5 hun grootste successen.De Japanse arrangeur Takashi Hoshide koos voor zijn Jackson 5 Medley de evergreens I’ll Be There, I Want You Back, ABC en Never Can Say Goodbye.Die Familien-Band The Jacksons wurde bereits 1964 vom Vater Joe Jackson gegründet, doch erst als zu den Brüdern Jackie, Tito und Jermaine auch Marlon und das Ausnahmetalent Michael im Jahr 1966 dazu stießen, feierte die Gruppe unter dem Namen The Jackson 5 ihre größten Erfolge. Der japanische Arrangeur Takashi Hoshide wählte für sein Jackson 5 Medley die eingängigen Songs I’ll Be There, I Want You Back, ABC und Never Can Say Goodbye.Fondé en 1964 l’initiative de leur père Joe Jackson, le groupe The Jackson Brothers ne comptait alors que 3 frères de la famille : Jackie, Tito et Jermaine. Plus tard, se rajouteront les cadets Marlon et Michael et le groupe optera pour son nom définitif The Jackson Five. L’arrangeur japonais Takashi Hoshide a choisi quatre grands succès du groupe soul : I’ll Be There, I Want You Back, ABC et Never Can Say Goodbye. Fondata nel 1964 da Joe Jackson, il gruppo The Jackson Brothers comprendeva solo 3 fratelli: Jackie, Tito e Jermaine. Solo più tardi si sarebbero aggiunti Marlon e Michael, e con loro il nome definitivo sarebbe diventato The Jackson Five. Takashi Hoshide ha scelto di arrangiare per banda quattro grandi successi dei fratelli Jackson: I’ll Be There, I Want You Back, ABC e Never Can Say Goodbye.
1.Intro t - 2.Offertoire - 3.Elévation - 4.Communion - 5.Fresque.
SKU: MB.30091
ISBN 9781513466378. 8.75 x 11.75 inches.
Appalachian fiddle music, based on the musical traditions of the people who settled in the mountainous regions of the southeastern United States, is widely-known and played throughout North America and parts of Europe because of its complex rhythms, its catchy melodies, and its often-ancient-sounding stylistic qualities. The authors explore the lives and music of 43 of the classic Appalachian fiddlers who were active during the first half of the 20th century. Some of them were recorded commercially in the 1920s, such as Gid Tanner, Fiddlin? John Carson, and Charlie Bowman. Some were recorded by folklorists from the Library of Congress, such as William Stepp, Emmett Lundy, and Marion Reece. Others were recorded informally by family members and visitors, such as John Salyer, Emma Lee Dickerson, and Manco Sneed. All of them played throughout most of their lives and influenced the growth and stylistic elements of fiddle music in their regions. Each fiddler has been given a chapter with a biography, several tune transcriptions, and tune histories. To show the richness of the music, the authors make a special effort to show the musical elements in detail, but also acknowledge that nothing can take the place of listening. Many of the classic recordings used in this book can be found on the web, allowing you to hear and read the music together.