SKU: BT.OKP118-234
Following the huge success of their instrumental method Look, Listen & Learn, Michiel Oldenkamp and Jaap Kastelein have focussed their attention on school bands and devised a completely new method that can be used in both instrumental lessons and class bands or wind ensembles.
Learning Music Together is the new method for young wind players and percussionists, aged eight and above.
Learning Music Together has been developed in close collaboration with professionals from the class band world, music schools, and academies in the Netherlands and Germany.
Learning Music Together combines instrumental lessons with a course for class band. The trombone lessons offer trombone -specific items such as new notes and technical exercises while at the same time supporting the learning of the class band, with a focus on rhythm, melodic structure and playing music together. The method consists of two volumes. Volume One introduces the first instrumental notes in unison and then develops part-playing with duets. Volume Two builds on the skills taught in the first volume and introduces pieces in three parts.In addition, supplementary material is available on the extensive website, e.g. demo- and accompaniment tracks for all pieces, additional pieces of music (well-known songs) and video tutorials. Learning Music Together is logically structured and illustrated in a child-friendly way - a perfect combination for young musicians!
The method consists of two volumes. Volume One introduces the first instrumental notes in unison and then develops part-playing with duets. Volume Two builds on the skills taught in the first volume and introduces pieces in three parts.In addition, supplementary material is available on the extensive website, e.g. demo- and accompaniment tracks for all pieces, additional pieces of music (well-known songs) and video tutorials. Learning Music Together is logically structured and illustrated in a child-friendly way - a perfect combination for young musicians!
SKU: BT.OKP118-213
SKU: BT.OKP118-214
SKU: CY.CC2651
This wonderful unaccompanied work by Johann Sebastian Bach was, in all likelihood, written for the transverse flute, though that is by no means certain. In fact, there is an earlier version of the Allemande for a keyboard or stringed instrument.The Partita, originally in the key of A minor has been transposed down into D minor, putting it into a perfect range. The work is in four movements:Allemande, Corrente, Sarabande and Bourree Anglaise and is appropriate for advanced performers.Distributed by Cherry Classics Music for Balquhidder Music.
Mit seinem umfassenden und vielseitigen Repertoire gewährt Ihnen dieses Lehrbuch Zugang zu den erlesensten Werken der Klassik an der Posaune. Damit sollten gleich drei Ziele erreicht werden: dass Sie Ihren musikalischen Horizont erweitern, dass Sie Ihre Spieltechnik verbessern, aber auch schlicht und einfach Spa� beim Spielen bekannter Arien auf Ihrer Posaune haben. Alle gro�en Komponisten sind in diesem Lehrbuch vertreten mit einem oder sogar mehreren Werken. Geboten werden Ihnen Konzerte, Symphonien, Sonaten, Lieder, Arien und Ouvertüren, Renaissance-Tänze, Orchesterstücke, Walzer, Ballette, aber auch Instrumentalstücke, wie etwa Präludien, Nokturnen, Etüden, Märsche,Gymnopädien u.v.m. Und damit die Freude am �ben derjenigen auch wirklich Freude bleibt, wird jede Partitur von 2 Audio-Aufnahmen begleitet, die Sie auf der dem Lehrbuch beiliegenden MP3-CD vorfinden. In der ersten Aufnahme wird der Posaunen-Part zu der dazugehörigen musikalischen Begleitung gespielt. In der zweiten Aufnahme hingegen wird Ihnen lediglich ein Playalong (die musikalische Begleitung) geboten, damit Sie die Möglichkeit haben, die Partitur an Ihrer Posaune selbst zu übernehmen. Insgesamt handelt es sich um 174 Aufnahmen, mehr als 6 h Musikunterricht, die Ihnen hiermit zur Verfügung stehen(!).
SKU: BT.DHP-1013026-400
ISBN 9789043114264. German.
Hören, lesen and spielen ist die individuelle Bläserschule für dreizehn verschiedene Instrumente, die im Einzel- oder Gruppenunterricht eingesetzt werden kann. Die bewährte Methode ist nach den gegenwärtigen Regeln und Ansprüchen der Musikerziehung zusammengestellt. Sie enthält viele Spiele, Puzzles, Hörübungen, Lieder und Originalkompositionen. Mit der Begleit-CD macht das �ben natürlich doppelt Spa�! Im dritten Band steht das Spielen zahlreicher Stücke an erster Stelle. Theodor Tonleiter erklärt neue Tonleitern, Intervalle und die Bestimmung von Tonarten. Zum Schluss können die Schüler schon selbst zu einem Akkordschema improvisieren. Rhythmische Kenntnissewerden erweitert; die Erweiterung des Tonumfangs geht wiederum mit instrumentenspezifischen �bungen einher. Zusätzlich gibt es Wissenswertes über den Instrumentenbau.
ISBN 9781585604654. UPC: 649571102340.
Promises Wedding Classics published by Santorella Publications is the finest collection of wedding classics in print for wind instruments. This majestic assortment of classics for brass and reed instruments is sure to bring joy to any ceremony. Santorella's Promises Wedding Classics for Trombone is arranged by Jonathon Robbins and edited by Tony Santorella. This beautiful blend of Classics is not only ideal for weddings, but a fantastic assortment of important works written by some of the greatest composers of all time. Although the majority of these titles were originally written for keyboard, we are sensitive towards the range restrictions of all brass and reed players yet true to the original melodies. This exceptional assortment of 12 key wedding titles is sure to set the mood to rejoice in holy matrimony. This best-selling Santorella Publication is written in accommodating keys for trumpet, clarinet, flute, alto sax, violin, and trombone and includes a piano accompaniment CD. Includes: Canon in D, Pachelbel - Two Minuets, Bach - Moonlight Sonata, Beethoven - Trumpet Voluntary, Purcell - Ode to Joy, Beethoven - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, Bach - Bridal Chorus, Wagner - Wedding March, Mendelssohn - Grand March, Verdi - Simple Gifts, Brackett - Ave Maria, Bach - Ave Maria, Schubert.
This volume offers etudes and exercises that are recommended for pupils during their first 4 6 years of instrumental study - the pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, with a gradual increase in the range of notes, positions and rhythmic elements used. In addition to etudes originally written for other instruments, the collection includes many (particularly baroque) musical extracts suitable for use as studies, to lend colour to the palette. This volume has been compiled for beginners - the pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, with a gradual increase in the range of notes, positions and rhythmic elements used. In addition to etudes originally written for other instruments, the collection includes many (particularly baroque) musical extracts suitable for use as studies, to lend colour to the palette. 347 Etüden für Posaune ist ein für Anfänger zusammengestellter Band, dessen Stücke in ihrem Schwierigkeitsgrad entsprechend angeordnet sind, wobei der Tonumfang und die Skala der Lagen und der rhythmischen Elemente schrittweise wächst. Neben den ursprünglich für andere Instrumente komponierten Etüden wurden zur Belebung der musikalischen Palette auch viele als Etüden verwendbare (vor allem barocke) musikalische Auszüge in die Sammlung aufgenommen.
SKU: HL.841408
ISBN 9780634000720. UPC: 073999824988. 9.0x12.0x0.122 inches. Book/Online Audio.
12 Disney favorites with online audio that let you play along with a full symphony orchestra! Titles include: Be Our Guest • Can You Feel the Love Tonight • Colors of the Wind • Friend like Me • Let's Get Together • Under the Sea • You've Got a Friend in Me • Zero to Hero • and more. The accompanying audio is accessed through Hal Leonard's popular MyLibrary system using the provided code. The audio can be streamed or downloaded and includes PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right.
ISBN 9781585603251. UPC: 649571100384.
Spiritual enlightenment is at the heart of this sacred collection from Santorella Publications. Inspirational Hymns for Trombone arranged by Tony Santorella and Jonathon Robbins features thirty-three well known hymns written specifically for brass and reed instruments and includes a piano accompaniment CD. Each piece is edited and arranged in a comfortable key and range for wind players of any level. A great addition to any church music library, this assortment of sacred titles is sure to bring the congregation to its feet with songs of praise. Written in accommodating keys for Bb, Eb, C treble and C bass clef instruments, now everyone can sing His praise and worship in song. Includes: Nearer My God To Thee - Fairest Lord Jesus - Where He Leads Me - O God, Our Help in Ages Past - Rock of Ages - There is a Happy Land - Holy, Holy, Holy - Lead Kindly Light - Faith of Our Fathers - The Little Brown Church in the Vale - A Mighty Fortress is Our God - Hark! The Vesper Hymn is Stealing - Abide With Me - Now The Day is Over - Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow - The Lord is My Shepherd - Blest The Tie That Binds - Eternal Father, Strong to Save (The Navy Hymn) - Bringing in The Sheaves - Jesus Loves Me - Evening Prayer - Jesus, Lover of My Soul - Prayer of Thanksgiving - Softly Now The Light of Day - When I Survey The Wond'rous Cross - I Need Thee Every Hour - He Leadeth Me - Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me - Let The Lower Lights Be Burning - Stand Up For Jesus - God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again - Amazing Grace.
SKU: HL.48181927
UPC: 888680848798. 9x12 inches.
”Pièce Concertante, Op.27 for Trombone and Piano is a piece by Carlos Salzédo written for the Paris Conservatoire contest. Great to demonstrate all the skills acquired by the player, this piece is difficult (7) and requires an advanced level to be played perfectly. Quite slow during the first section, the second part of the piece features some faster sections that are more syncopated. It requires a good mastering of breathing due to long phrases and liaisons Carlos Salzédo (1885-1961) was one of the greatest French harpists and a pianists, composers and conductors. He wrote numerous pieces for Harp, some theory books and methods and some pieces for other instruments such as Piano, Cello, Trombone, Flute or Voice.&ldquo.
SKU: FL.FX073969
A small study in a classical form - Pascal PROUST ; A piece to be played from 4 years of practice. ; Instruments: 1 Solo Trombone; Difficuly Level: Grade 3.
SKU: FL.FX073978
A small study for concert or exam in a classical form - Pascal PROUST ; A piece to be played from 5 years of practice. ; Instruments: 1 Solo Trombone; Difficuly Level: Grade 3.
SKU: M7.AHW-2011
It is so easy to dismiss a rhythm book as something for beginners, not worth a serious musician's time and energy. We can already read, what more do we need? I felt this way as well, then I was VERY glad that I did not put this book down after the first few pages. Once you get past the first 10 pages of basics you are left with a book of such creative jazz and rock etudes that you wouldn't even consider it to have been written with the intention of improving your reading. This is a fully fledged contemporary jazz rock etude book that gets you reading complex grooves that will keep you coming back for more.
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