SKU: HL.44005956
UPC: 884088044268. 9x12 inches. International (more than one language).
The nine easy, fun-to-play fragments in this book can be played in the first position with occasional fourth finger use. These lovely pieces enable the beginner musician to perform comfortably at an early stage in their development - and performing experience is vital for any musician! Die einfachen, melodischen Stucke in Easy Melodic Fragments sind fur Violaschuler mit geringen technischen Fertigkeiten geeignet. Sie sind in der ersten Lage zu spielen mit gelegentlicher Verwendung des vierten Fingers. Mit diesen Stucken will der Komponist Colin Cowles die Spieler zum Vorspielen motivieren - ein wichtiger Aspekt des Musizierens in jedem Lernstadium! Auf der beiliegenden CD werden die Stucke abwechselnd von Violine und Viola vorgespielt, dann folgt die Begleitung zum Mitspielen. Die Klavierbegleitungen sind ebenfalls im Buch notiert.Nove brani da concerto divertenti da eseguire in prima posizione (utilizzo del quarto dito). L'accompagnamento del piano (su CD e versione cartacea inclusi) rivaleggiano di interesse e di immaginazione. Affiancando questa pubblicazione ai vostri libri di studi, alternerete l'apprendimento della tecnica con l'altrettanto importante momento pedagogico: ascoltare e suonare assieme agli altri. Esibitevi da soli utilizzando le basi registrate da una vera live band, oppure insieme ad un amico pianista che vi accompagnera nelle prime esecuzioni in pubblico.
SKU: BT.AMP-346-400
ISBN 9789043138642. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Philip Sparke’s Starter Solos is the first volume of a progressive series of books that takes the young wind player from beginner to accomplished musician. Specifically tailored for each instrument, this collection of 20 solos starts with pieces based on only a handful of notes and carefully introduces new musical elements, such as articulation, dynamics and key signatures, in a structured progression to speed the learning process. The books provide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method.Starter Solos comes with a play-along CD. The advantages of playing either with piano or CD accompaniment are that the beginning player can nowexperience the important aspects of ensemble playing from their earliest lessons, thus developing the essential skills of listening while they play and maintaining strict tempo, which is not always a factor when playing alone. Philip Sparke’s Starter Solos is het eerste deel van een serie boeken met muziek voor jonge blazers. Deze bundel van twintig solo’s begint met stukken die op een handvol noten zijn gebaseerd. Nieuwe muzikale elementen (articulatie, dynamiek,enz.) worden op een doordachte, gestructureerde manier toegevoegd. Dit studiemateriaal vult elke leermethode aan en is steeds toegesneden op het betreffende instrument.Uitgave met cd: De voordelen van het spelen met begeleiding - hetzij op de piano,hetzij op de cd - zijn dat de beginnende speler de belangrijke aspecten van het ensemblespel kan ervaren vanaf de eerste lessen en essentiële vaardigheden kan aanleren: het luisteren tijdens het spelen en het handhaven van een strak tempo. Bij hetalleen spelen komen deze factoren minder aan de orde.Das frühe Lernstadium ist, neben einem guten Lehrer im Unterricht, für jedes Instrument zweifellos das Wichtigste. Von großer Bedeutung ist aber auch motivierendes Lehrmaterial.Für diese zwei Solobücher beriet sich Philip Sparke mit vielen Lehrern, wie man am besten neue Noten einführt und zugleich einen Rahmen schafft, in den sich neue musikalische Elemente in sinnvoller Reihenfolge einfügen lassen. Unterstützt von diesenSoli und Etüden in drei verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsstufen können Instrumentalschüler schnell zu richtigen Musikern heranreifen. Jedes Buch ist genau auf die Bedürfnisse und Anforderungen des einzelnen Instrumentes zugeschnitten. STARTER SOLOS und SKILFUL SOLOS können dank der im Buch und auf der CD enthaltenen Begleitungen auch gut alleine oder mit einem Pianisten einstudiert und aufgeführt werden. Der Vorteil dabei ist, dass Anfänger so nicht nur die wichtigsten Aspekte desEnsemblespiels erfahren sondern auch von Anfang an die Fähigkeit entwickeln, zu hören während sie spielen und das Tempo zu halten.
Inhalt: Follow me •Best Foot Forward •Folk Song •My Homeland •Missing You •Russian Winter •On a Carousel •Rush Hou •A Dynamic Start •Short but Sweet •Ballad •London Bridge •Summer Breezes •Modal Melody •Toon Tune •In a Balloon •Yankee Doodle •SadSong •Count Me In •Ragtime March
SKU: LM.28151
ISBN 9790230981514.
With Gab - Care-Free - Two stomp for you - Robert's tune - Around it - Goodbye Kate - One note for you - In the Emilie's eyes - For a blue note - As she like it - I prefer the blue - Ballad for Jodie - I'll be in the show - Leave me here - My friend Gabriell.
SKU: FG.55011-906-2
ISBN 9790550119062.
Harri Wessman's Summer Variations for viola and piano (1998) exploites the rich and romantic sound of the viola and enjoys the many shades of summer days. It is dedicated to violist Yuri Gandelsman, who premiered the suite with Risto Lauriala 15th June 1998.Duration: c. 11'Movements:1. Summer theme2. What is this?3. Pizzicato4. Con sordino5. Stile concitato ostinato6. Tango7. FinaleHarri Wessman (b. 1949) is interested in all aspects of music that may be expressive, without in any way ignoring the possibilities of melody. He himself describes his harmonic method as a kind of contrapuntally treated jazz harmony. Wessman is particularly preoccupied with the ability of music to express emotions, an interest which has led him to study the so-called doctrine of the affections and the musical rhetoric of the baroque era. His Eine kleine Figurenlehre for wind quartet and piano is a playful application of a set of baroque musical figures.His output is dominated by chamber and vocal music as well as a number of concertos for various instruments such as the Concerto for Trumpet and Orchestra and the Serenade for Piano and String Orchestra. During recent years pedagogic music has become a more and more central area in his output with an emphasis on creating repertoire for budding musicians, from beginners to young professionals. He has even tailored some solo and chamber works for young musicians that he personally knows: e.g. Five Trombone Pieces for Minna Kajander (1992), Five Horn Pieces for Jenni Kuronen (1993), Five Piano Etudes for Tiina Karakorpi, Five Trumpet Pieces for Alevtina Parland and Five Double Bass Pieces for Amanda Thieme. Other chamber and solo pieces include Pan and the Nymph Pitys (1979) for flute and guitar, Three Caprices for Konstantin Weitz (1994) for solo violin and Capriccio for wind ensemble (1989).
SKU: LM.C06672
ISBN 9790230366724.
Maria, l'oie - Perrine, la lapine (mesures binaires et ternaires) - Emmanuelle, la sauterelle (quartes et quintes) - Dess-Laura, la chatte angora (chromatismes) - Benoit, le koala (sauts de cordes).
SKU: HL.49045889
9.0x12.0x0.33 inches.
As far back as I can remember, I have always been fascinated with fairy tales: with their archetypal characters and set phrases like'Once upon a time...'and'...they all lived happily ever after'. Fairy tales were however also a source of unrest for me as a seismograph of mankinds underlying primal fears and desires. So as a performer and composer I have always felt that Robert Schumann's Marchenerzahlungen [Fairy Tales] (scored for the same instrumentation as my own composition) was a disjointed, complex contemporary work - despite the innocence and naivety of its initial appearance. I therefore do not intend my own Es war einmal (Once upon a time...)to be a mere sentimental, nostalgic flight into the distant past, but as a naive and fantastical alternative concept to our genuine world with all its upheavals. Jorg Widmann.
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